

Attached: hh54.jpg (826x251, 16K)

praise be

Too esoteric a meme for the Yea Forums of today.

why are the kike mods allowing anime threads

I remember this meme vaguely, dont remember what it was though

>Tfw I don't get it
What is it? Can I get a quick rundown? I only renember it vaguely

It's been around.

Attached: OOO.jpg (200x200, 6K)


I wish that I could turn back time
To the good ol' days

Attached: 1413913486614.webm (320x240, 685K)

Mornin Oval
Where's iMolly?
Where's MrMomsen?
Where's CUNT?
Where's Paulsen?

>newfag OP can't blankpost

The true god of Yea Forums


regularly even...

Hey look it’s an oldfag! Don’t see many of them anymore out in the wild.

what happened to davy and summer?

>boomer ovals

Top kek.

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Man I just think about Kepler.

Last time I regularly browsed Yea Forums the oval was a thing still. I'm pleasantly surpised at the moment that there normal 30 superhero threads don't seem to be around.

Where is Mr Eko? CLINT? That weird faggot that bought the sweaty shirt of JGL?

good morning Oval

>tfw you realize it was that aussie actually convicted pedo behind these threads and the only reason he stopped was because he couldn't figure out to blank post in the op

Attached: 1381921795431.png (512x384, 113K)

the only thing i remember was that it was somehow related to pedos?

>16 KB JPG

i miss I

Who is this sperg?

I wish this were bait so bad

Morning oval

It's all so cringe

i miss abatap

>back in the days before captcha
good times

i started posting an evil (reversed) oval image at the same time, but it never caught on