The eldest child of film director Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious...

>The eldest child of film director Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious, xXx) accused him of sexual assault in a public Facebook post published early on Feb. 21. “When I was very young, Rob used my body for his own sexual gratification,” wrote Valkyrie Weather, a transgender 32-year-old woman born Kyle Cohen. “My mother witnessed one of the assaults when I was between two and two and a half years old, and has since confirmed what she saw.”

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Cohen, eh?

>Valkyrie Weather, a transgender 32-year-old woman born Kyle Cohen


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>Valkyrie Weather
Are you fucking kidding me?

I know shitposting by derailing is the norm but this time the focus really should be on Cohen being a fucking monster that molested his 2 year old child.

> a woman witnessed it 30 years ago in addition to a currently mentally ill, then 2 year old

so you're saying that you think a tranny WASN'T molested?

So trans people have a history of abuse? Explains a lot.

i'm only saying if he did it, he did a good job of keeping it from any legitimate witnesses

>Trans people make shit up for attentionwhoring

No news here. Next piece of news we hear from Kyle is his suicide.

>Valkyrie Weather
what in the actual fuck
and we laught at black people names

>I remember a thing that happened when I was two years old!

Lmao@ that thing's life

Imagine being the cop that has to listen to this thing and pretend to care.

It's his job. I feel bad for the father: working hard, caring for his family and his son turns out a crazy.

trannies should be encouraged to rat out whoever molested them as kids instead of encouraged to act out their trauma. pedophiles are a major root of the problem; sexual deviancy spreads like a virus.

>be relative nobody
>have shitty third worlder wife and son
>son turns into a faggot despite your best efforts to raise him right
>wife leaves you for being a worthless nobody
>get remarried
>second wife builds you up
>become famous director
>earn tens of millions of dollars and accolades
>faggot son is now a grown tranny and can't get child support as an adult
>first wife left you before success so cant get alimony
>both REEEEEEE endlessly about shitty ol' dad that got away
>one day, a plan forms...

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if anything the kid turning out to be a tranny strengthens the case against him

>Valkyrie Weather, a transgender 32-year-old woman born Kyle Cohen.

So literally a guy with severe mental problems and thus, nothing he says can be believed.

>get raped as a baby by your dad
>which is evil and must be punished for what it did to you, namely:
>you grow up and develop a desire to get fucked up the ass by more men and to dress up as a girl and chop your dick off
>which is normal and healthy, how dare you suggest otherwise

This is some Jojo tier name

It helps that his tranny kid came right out and all but admitted he's doing this for a payday.

>“I have very little money. If he wants the $400 I have, he can take it. If he wants to ruin my career as someone who works in a vintage clothing store in Savannah, Georgia, he can try to do that — although my boss has been pretty great about all of this. My lack of resources has been pretty freeing.”
Because calling your dad a pedophile means he's out to get YOUR money and not viceversa, right?

>born Kyle Cohen.
>death naming
that's a big yikes

>support trasngender rights
>the tranny in his mentally deranged mind accuses you of baby sex
is there a "toll paid" for these types of situations where you support the mentally ill then they turn on you for even more attention once theirs runs out

I bet this retard thinks there is no connection between being molested by his sheenie stepdad and his becoming a tranny.

>degenerates are mentally ill because they are sexually molested!
>but this degenerate is lying about being molested

no one generalized
only you did in an attempt to form an argument

your make believe generalizations that apply to no one won't help you chop your dick off

We can only hope. This fuck up is currently a cashier at a second-hand clothing shop in Georgia. He wants a payout from his rich Dad, who has apparently JUSTed him for being a trannyfag.


Is that the dude from Weezer?

> MtF non-passable tranny
> Hollywood home
> chooses the name Valkyrie Weather
> is non-specific
> occurred when she was 2
> literally doesn't remember it
> Mommy told her

Yeah, okay. I do believe he took "her" to fuck hookers in Asia though.

It's not his real name he's a mental health case

>“I have very little money.
Every tranny I know or have ever heard of is always on the brink of bankruptcy and homelessness. Why is this?

>fuck your son
>he loves it so much he wants to become a woman for you

fucking jews man

who in their right mind would employ one?

>The Fast and the Furious, xXx
great the family is fucked now and no more xXx stupid trannys its all going to be rock shit fuck

Valkyrie Weather Report?

This article and the thing's thoughts are priceless. Nothing will come out of this. Other than a handful of completely deranged idiots nobody would give it the time of day

>trannies are mentally damaged child molestation victims

makes sense

>a transgender 32-year-old woman

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Yeah that really is a vicrim complex isnt it

rape, isn't rape nowadays. Maybe the tranny implies that daddy looked for too long at he peepee?

>Valkyrie Weather, a transgender
yes I believe it

Mo' 'mones, mo' money

Same reason as a lot of homeless people, brain damage.

So is this a case of
>Fuck you dad! I want a new car or I'll #metoo you!!!!!

It must be because of their mental faculties. I had 3 tranny friends, 2 of them were perma-neets, the other had schitzophrenia but ironically was able to hold a good job last time I heard anything from them
I'm sad because I was friends with them before they became trannies, then we all drifted away because they got brainwashed and their new "friends" made them defoo anyone who wasn't like them
It happened with every single one
I have a legitimate case to hate the people that promote this tranny shit because it has personally affected me

Multiple reasons they cannot work.

>No one really wants to hire this disfigured monster sitting in front of them
>they are a severe liability, probably waiting for the first comment to be "bashing" so they can sue
>Cannot discipline or fire them because that is hating X demographic as well

too many problems

I bet that third one is a real problem for companies. If you do anything but tell them they did a perfect job you will have the twitter torch-wielding mob on your front step ready to fuck that store up. Or doxxing the manager so people can go to their house and trash everything.

All trans and bisexual people have experienced a childhood trauma or been abused.

Why do trannies all choose names that sound like they come from capeshit comics?

Gundam has very realistic sounding names.

>Jew rapes a 2 year old boy, who then becomes a mentally ill trans woman
Has /pol/ ever been wrong?

Because they get mentally stuck at the age they got abused at. What kind of nicknames/usernames did you use when you were a kid?

I don't think "hey fag" is a nickname

I got called gay for like two years before realizing in 3rd grade what it meant.

probably not by him

>tranny kid
>owns a home in Southeast Asia for the "surfing"
>Hollywood director

Yeah he did it.

My mom taught me this when I was little, and I thought she was just being a bigot.
The red pill is a bitter one.

based and truthpilled

- mental illness
- difficult to get along and work with
- hideous, no one in their right mind will hire them
- will freak out any customers, either in person or with their gay ass fake voices
- if they do manage to get a job they spend it all on wigs, makeup and giant dildos

have you guys noticed how all the trannies and gays were beat or raped during childhood?

Nobody beat or raped David Reimer did they?

Weeell, apparently he and his sibling were made to enact uh, sexual positions and... basically Jews are insane perverts.

>In her Facebook post, Weather also claimed Cohen took her to see sex workers in establishments in Thailand and the Czech Republic beginning when she was 13 years old. Speaking to THR, Weather reflects, “I demonstrated from a very early age that I was probably trans and queer, and that was not the child that my dad wanted. He wanted his son to be a straight, hyper-sexual, womanizing bastard like himself. I have my own theory that he thinks that he broke me when he molested me and he was somehow trying to undo that damage by hetero-sexualizing me from a very young age.”

Can I be Rob Cohen's son? I want trips to the Czech Republic.

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you can always pick out the tranny even if you cant see them. Most of them online use anime pics and have ridiculous names

>see this one unique case?
>haha you are wrong!

It's not even a good "unique case."
David didn't choose any of that shit, they foisted it on him when he was baby. As soon as he found out about it, he had them to change him back.
I've also heard (but cannot verify) that they made him do:

mommy told her because she knew he was disturbed enough to pull it off. Isn't that outside the statue of limitations?

If I was him I'd cut them both off forever and get restraining orders.

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Worse, dub Jojo

The joke is that David Reimer's case was the one that popularized gender nonsense and it was nothing but a pedo's lies.

geee i wonder what happens when your personality is formed around sex when you're a child.

Imagine being as much of a faggot as that guy, I wish my rich dad took me whore wrangling in CZ.

There are two types of trannies. Those that actually try to be feminine and go all out. Those that make a token attempt. The ones that are 100% feminine surprisingly get work. Those that can't get work, work as prostitutes, strippers etc. instead. This "girl" could get closer to passing by:

> Losing weight
> getting breast implants
> getting facial surgery
> doing voice-training
> increasing hormone dose
> executing well on makeup & fashion

The He-She won't though. Too lazy to even become a faggot tranny fuckdoll for cocks. It's sad.