to the left and down a little faggot.
I don't understand
Is it 62% cocoa?
>video games
Its to show the world that it doesnt bother them but it also shows that they dont give a fuck about being mediocre.
Hey Bioware remember this?
You absolute mongrel retards.
>Twitterscreens and Vidyashit
The onions way of showing you "don't care" about criticism is to be hyper passive-aggressive instead of ignoring.
Will EA finally take Bioware outside after this?
i don't get it
>its another Yea Forumseddit desperately seeks the attention of Yea Forums episode
mass effect where you get choice over what happens over the course of the game and series, the final choice of mass effect 3 was the exact same cut scene, only with different colour filters
Liberals being liberals
looks like ass pain to me.
Imagine watching the Lotro trilogy and finally waiting for Return of the King come out. The movie is insane and living up to your expectations right up the point where they are at Mount Doom.
Then all of a sudden they break out into a song and dance number, Frodo pulls out a machine gun and heads to Sauron and strats firing it at The Eye. Rohan and Gondor join together in a mass gay orgy outside The Black Gate. Then the movie abruptly ends.
That was what Mass Effect 3 was like.9
I don't know what Bioware or Anthem are
Yea Forums is the random board of 4channel.
weeb shit, comic shit, game shit.
Just create a thread on Yea Forums and say "what if this was a movie?/1/!" and you're set.
It’s 62% cocoa you stupid fucking Trumptards
It's a cocoa percentage for the chocolate bar but since the game is shit the metascore is in the 60s
EA used to have a pedestal and toilet bowl setup where the latest hit game would be put on the pedestal and the latest bomb in the toilet
Fuck off Yea Forums.