What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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The best and most stylish crime movie of the 90's.

haha imagine if an adult male was actually this short... haha

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The twist is really stupid but at the time it was sort of groundbreaking so everyone loved it. It's worth a watch, it's pretty well made

Stupid? I GUESS, maybe in hindsight. Saw this during its original run. Left the theater blown away!

me on the left

there is literally nothing wrong with being short.

kevins spacey is 5'6"?
thats shorter than i woul of thought he was

the most overrated movie of all time

movie with 0 rewatchability

The dumbest movie I've ever seen. It's obvious who it is within 2 minutes.

what was overrated? in your opinion

The 10 minute single shot scene with Kevin Spacey groping random strangers on the street was really off putting.

Get out of here before somebody spoils it.

the movie as i said. the twist makes it look better than it is

Aside from men not respecting you, women not being attracted you, being laughed at, far less likely to be successful in life... being a short fuck as a man is awful. I'm an averageheightfag and even I am jelly of 6'4 gods.

It might be even worse than being hidesouly ugly if u look like a super mutant but are 6’4 people will be terrified of you and some women will still wanna sleep with you but imagine being 5’6 no one in the world respects you or women honk you’re. A baby

Pretty much. Adam Driver is a good example of this. He's not hideously ugly but he's not a gorgeous man yet also has a lot of sex appeal. Why? Because he's 6'3 and built af. Imagine him at 5'6. He wouldn't be on anywhere near as many women's radars.

>The twist is really stupid
This is true.
They show Keysers(sp?) face.
Seriously,if you did not see this movie,do not look at the spoiler.
It's still a good movie,but do not look at this spoiler.
It is not the crippled fella,it's his driver.

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There is no twist.
Who is Keyser soze.
They show his face.

i asked for his opinion , not yours

all those things are a result of low self steem.. why do you care what other people think?

TRu Adam is actually a cool guy though and has a personality and deep voice but the reason that too is that females know that they could obtain a bad like that

It's human nature, man. Men will always care what average-to-beautiful women will think of them

Because everyone besides monks care what other humans think of them to not be accepted and ridiculed by men and women for being short will destroy your confidence especially in school when teachers make fun of your height

Gimme the fockin keys you fockin' cocksucka, whut the fuhck?

A movie about bad men, but MEN, that enrages incels who can't grasp it.

Why does it make them mad?

Ever hear of el chapo? Or Joey Stalin? Manlets rule the world buddy.

>"don't ever let them see you coming.....gotta keep yourself small"

That’s a select few people most average people in successful spots are tall men tall men get respect from other men and admiration form women

Everyone loved this film in the 90's but I've just realised it's fucking stupid now

True kino