>watching science documentary
>they keep mentioning evolution like it's a proven fact
>don't even acknowledge any of the opposing theories
Why do they do this?
>watching science documentary
>they keep mentioning evolution like it's a proven fact
>don't even acknowledge any of the opposing theories
Why do they do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it is an acknowledged fact, and there are no legitimate opposing theories
I have never even heard of a person who actually thinks that dinosaur bones were buried to trick people into believing evolution. Creationists think that dinosaurs lived at the same time as people, and most of the fossils we find were buried during Noah's flood.
Literally idiots.
>can't even explain how eyes evolved
>can't even explain how eyes evolved
>source: your ass
They can though
>Sensory cells used to observe light vs dark grew on fish to catch food
>Evolved into seeing blurry images
>Evolved into seeing sharper images
>Here we are
>blind fish randomly mutate to see light for no reason
>random mutation randomly randomizes into the most intricately complex organ of the body
Whatever you say, dude.
>The genome of all species has slowly evolved over millions and millions of years because that is what science has observed.
It isn't though.
>it's real because the 'experts' told me so
>for no reason
>vision has no function
>Randomly mutate
How can you believe in evolution if its only a theory (a guess)?
why do christians always claim the eyes are the most complex part of the body? kek.
>the debate is over
why do people say this in the name of science
Evolution exists, but not in the way you think. We actually evolved backwards, starting from the most complex beings down to more specialized forms. The first inhabitants of the universe were gods
>God is real because the Bible told me so
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck protestants
the reformation was a mistake
>It's fake because my pastor told me so
It wasn't random, it was in response to its environment. Necessity is the mother of invention.
I'm curious, what is the alternate theory to evolution that you keep mentioning?
>science tells us evolution is true
>but also that blacks are just as evolved as other races
why are american christfags so fucking dumb?
Just because you are too dumb to go look at the research doesn't mean the research doesn't exist.
Nowhere did I say the debate is over. If there is ever a legitimate opposing theory, the debate will begin again. Creationism isn't a legitimate opposing theory.
You need to believe in evolution to justify your racism bud
Check out the documentary Behind The Curve on Netflix. It's all about Flat Earthers, but one guy is a hardcore Christian that believes fossils are fake.
A lot of Creationists believe dinosaurs didn't exist simply because they're not in the Bible. And even then, that doesn't make sense because Behemoth is mentioned in the Bible and that could totally be a dinosaur.
fish that live without light in have evolved to have no eyes
>turns into a hole for no reason
>lens just appears put of nowhere
you're dealing with roundies. Dinosaurs are Dragons from Atlantis if you look into it
science actually tells us the exact opposite about race.
its society that pretends that all people are exactly the same.
Why can’t American Protestant christfags into cell replication, mutation and changes that happen over millions of years?
How do people who don't believe in evolution explain bacteria adapting to resist antibiotics?
I hate Americans.
ITT: larping as a christian
>watches science documentary
>wonders why it only talks about science
>It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus.
Imagine being BTFO by your own image.
Because it's impossible.
so it says in the pic that the appeal to authority shouldn't be used to dismiss the claims of experts and scientists, but what if the authority I'm appealing to are experts and scientists?
Is appeal to authority ok then?
god did it
It's not that science tells us all people are the same. It just tells us that humans are similar enough that race doesn't distinguish mental capability uniformly. And, that genetic diversity is a good thing, as opposed to homogenous breeding communities which eventually develop birth defects if inter-bred too much
bacteria are jews
isnt that what you're doing with muh bible
Rearranged genetic information. No new information. They change into different kinds of bacteria, and in a million years they'll still be bacteria.
God's punishment for man's over-reliance on his own works.
I wasn't talking about mental capability
Because their brains are simpler than their eyes.
god works in mysterious ways desu
Protestants are legitimatly worse than flat earthers
>How can you believe in evolution if its only a theory (a guess)?
Wrong, a theory is constructed around scientific experimentation and observation.
We have decades of biomolecular and genetic experimentation where the result reinforce the evolution theory
I once (unironically) wanted one of those shirts
>tfw you remember your edgy atheist phase
>It wasn't random, it was in response to its environment. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Inaccurate mutation is random due to deficencies in DNA replication that weren't repaired. Environnement does the selection process.
Evolution becomes less and less likely with every new discovery, and the ONLY reason that people still believe it is that the alternative is that God is real.
The debate is no longer evolution vs no evolution but rather macroevolution vs microevolution.
>(a guess)
Way to fuck it up
I wanted some of their other shirts. can't remember who it was who made them
>teach the controversy
christfags shrieking that their religion should be taught in science classes isn't a controversy
American need an actual education in the first place
That's still creationist bullshit
kek. what new discoveries are disproving evolution? bananas?
There are no opposing theories.
Creationism is for retard babies btw.
Evolution is true, things clearly evolve over time. How evolution happens is the theory. One could argue that "God simply set the forces of nature, and left it alone."
I believe that the leviathan was an oceanic dinosaur.
If humans evolved from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys?
No atheist can answer that.
Exactly. And instead of debating that point, they attack strawmen. They pretend that creationists all think dinosaur bones were planted by the devil so they don't have to deal with their actual arguments.
Because it is a proven fact and there are no viable competing theories
Neither of those are real things. They're terms invented by Christcucks who couldn't explain so they made up some more bullshit to avoid the question
How do Christcucks explain dogs then? Do they think Chihuahua's were roaming wild once before we domesticated them?
How about all of our food? Since basically everything we eat has been selectively bred into things completely unrecognisable to what they were originally.
>God of the gaps
don't bother. if he's not a troll he's too stupid to understand this.
But humans didn’t evolve from monkeys
Ya'll are being trolled. Everyone knows evolution is real. The only people that pretend it isn't are the trolls doing it for the lulz.
>macroevolution vs microevolution.
these are the same thing.
because aliens bro
Actually, to be fair, that's a chicken and egg question.
Does mutation occur naturally, causing further adaptations, or is it a response?
Did a fish develop lungs because it had to or because it could? Did giraffes grow their necks to reach their food supply, or has the food supply risen higher to escape the giraffes?
Remember when there was that fish that scientists thought went extinct millions of years ago, and then they found a bunch of them and they're exactly the same as the fossils?
>doesn't even know what natural selection is
Once again proving creationists are uneducated mongoloids.
Another classic strawman that no one actually says.
Humans evolved from chimps, not monkeys. You're a retard.
Sharks have been around since before trees nigger. How does that prove anything?
Christcucks think somehow all the DNA already existed to make all these subspecies therefore "macro" evolution isn't real. It's like saying I can drive to the end of the block but driving to another state is a fantasy. Yes, they actually use scientific concepts to disprove science whenever it's convenient for them.
I mean you're allowed to believe whatever stupid shit you want but that doesn't make it so. All stories in the bible are made up bullshit. There was no adam and eve. And there was no leviathan. Sorry.
84% of the US is just trollin
That's not how it works. Over many many many generations, there are tons of random mutations. Eventually a mutation allows an organ to be sensitive to light in some way. thi spreads to a few fish and eventually these fish have a slight advantage and spread more than the other fish. Then those fish have many random mutations and the fish with better light sensitive organs live slightly more often and that extrapolates over incredibly long periods of time in countless tiny steps like that.
They don't seem to evolve too much, do they?
No human and monkey evolved from a common ancestor.
The "human evolved from monkeys meme" is just crap tell by media who can't vulgarise science for shit.
>It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus.
>imagine being such a monumental retard you can't even be bothered to check your own image and end up being BTFO'd by your own post
Sad really
>>they keep mentioning evolution like it's a proven fact
it's not a proven fact. however it's the theory that suits better our findings and understandings of said findings. in order to dispute it you have to come up with a theory that suits those findings better.
of course people are forgetting that our Abrahamic God is nothing more than Uchiha Madara succeeding with Infinite Tsukuyomi so dino bones buried to trick us is also entirely possible. damn you princes kaguya.
This was a valid statement pre-2015, now a lot of there people are unironic
That doesn't disprove evolution. Those fish haven't needed to evolve to adapt. Same with Sharks. They are pretty much the same as they were back then. I don't think evolution works the way you think it does. Educate yourself and do some research.
>I have never even heard of a person who actually thinks that dinosaur bones were buried to trick people into believing evolution.
With all sincerety, this is because you haven't met enough creationists.
I actually grilled a creationist on all this stuff and their defense boiled down to "humans are fallible, therefore it's possible they misinterpreted all this data, therefore they had to, therefore creating the universe in a week is just as valid because anything is possible" in a manner of speaking. Don't bother debating them, they will use whatever slippery fallacy they can to make it appear as though they're right.
In first world countries sure, but if you go to Africa or the US or the Middle East and ask people and 9/10 will probably deny evolution.
Yeah this looks exactly the same as a modern shark, nigger.
>Modern coelacanths appear larger than those found as fossils
Not everything keeps evolving. Evolution is based on adaptation. If they don't need to adapt. Then they don't need to evolve.
Yes, but those mutations are likely a response to better ensure survival. In other words, the fish that first developed the eye did so because it needed that advantage to avoid being eaten by other predators. Once that mutation took hold, the descendants of that fish eventually lived on while others died out because they had that advantage. Then, as others mutate over generations to overcome their disadvantages and develop survival mechanisms, other flora and fauna develop concurrently to survive and the process continues eternal. It's all about mutating to survive.
>They don't seem to evolve too much, do they?
>implying that this means nothing else has ever evolved
stupid fucking christfag
>all living things evolve and change over time
>except when they don't lol
The issue that believing in microevolution sort of proves macroevolution.
But the very first part of your image says
>It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus.
Because retarded christfags believe the world is 6000 years old
The Bible is supported by scientific consensus?
Gravities a theory too numbnuts, but we never get anyobe yelling that gravity doesn’t exist
there is nothing more dishonest than a cornered christcuck
its never been a valid argument. there are always tons of people in the world who believe in retarded shit. do you all all the muslims in ISIS are just trolling? people actually believe this shit.
flat earth fags don't believe in gravity
>>all living things evolve and change over time
>>except when they don't lol
You find a good niche and suddenly find mutations to be detrimental instead of advantageous.
Evolution doesn't mean change for the sake of change.
Evolution is real but so is the historically-attested flood 11,600 years ago.
Remember back when only 30% of Murica were creationists?
I think that was 20 years ago. What the fuck happened?
conveniently ignored that reply huh?
If you're going down the road of 'the Devil put that evidence there to mislead us', then where do you stop?
What if the computer I'm typing on right now isn't real, but the Devil is fucking with my senses so my brain thinks there's a computer here?
What if the Bible itself was made by the Devil to trick people into worshipping a false God? How would you even know?
If you're gonna refute basic logic and objective facts then how can you ever trust anything?
And what exactly are you implying that suggests? That evolution theory posits all things are forced into similar states of evolution? That's not actually the idea at all. Also I'm willing to bet there are slight differences between the two anyway.
>too scared to acknowledge the picture of Orthacanthus that was one of the earliest sharks and prove that they have changed
Lmao pussy ass bitch nigger.
>thinks "evolved" means "better"
>thinks "better" means anything in this context
Evolution isn't a progression forward toward some codified end result, retardo. It's just a reflection of the bare minimum an organism needs to survive and reproduce under current conditions.
Lenses were a mutation that appeared between the 4th and 5th examples in 's pic. The individual creatures which possessed that mutation lived on average slightly longer than those that didn't, allowing them to reproduce more often, and pass on said beneficial mutation to their offspring.
Eventually those with the lenses were the only creatures surviving. The examples in that pic are just snapshots of eye development - there are thousands of smaller steps that fit in in between them. The design of the eye didn't change from one to the other instantly, it evolved via small changes over a great period of time. All living creatures are still evolving even now - there is no finished product like the byebyeble states: the humans of today are slightly different from those of 5000 years ago, and much more greatly different to those 500,000 years ago.
We'll be much different in the future too - those luddite-types that haven't uploaded their mindstates into machines at least. The rest of us will be enjoying endless fun in immortal virtual lives.
Crocs are literally prehistoric monsters, they haven't evolved into different species because they don't fucking need to you retard. Same with sharks btw
In many cases I would say both. (except for the fish part because most fish don't have lungs)
there currently are no opposing theories that's why evolution is still being used.
The rise of far leftism created the rise of reactionaries to said far leftism, thus giving voices to retards like unironic Creationists who somehow think “evolution” and “atheism” is some left conspiracy.
As always, being reactionary is just as bad as being a faggot progressive.
Literally no one says all things must evolve, they only do when there is a need for it
Mel Gibson’s cult believes this. They think the ancient Israelites were the ones who buried them
they have evolved though, they used to be fucking massive and now they have shrunk down due to less oxygen rich environments.
Check out Answers in Genesis. They teach the truth without any atheist propaganda.
>those mutations are likely a response
What evidence is there for this? There are negative and positive mutations in species all the time. The advantageous genes just have a better chance of moving on.
Unironically Republicans fucking over education because they need dumbass christfags to win elections.
That's not to say Dems are any better before I get called a commie. Flooding your country with shitskins to secure votes is just as despicable.
random mutation is only one facet. If the random mutation has no benefit or advantage over the rest of the population it doesn't carry on through generations. Nature/sex has to select for those mutations.
Replied to the wrong post, sorry
>this kills the Christ LARPer
It's believed that the first life to venture out on land was a fish, of some sort, that developed lungs
mutation occur in our cell every day, we have like 1/10000 chance DNA replication error when our cells divide.
Fortunatly for us those error are generally corrected thanks to our mechanism of DNA repairation because mutation is also the same mechanism that give us cancer.
Some mutagenic element indeed increase the rate of mutation (radiation, chemical, etc) but that doesn't mean it will induce the right mutation that will give an evolutionary advantage.
One good example is antibiotic resistance : bacteria have an 1/1000 rate of DNA replication error and divide extremely fast (consider also the fact that billion of bacteria are contained in a single drop of water). One shitty mutation is quickly erased while one mutation giving the bacteria a survival advantage will spread quickly (like a better protein working in its defense mechanism against antibiotic)
>my ancestor :)
based nazis
What is wrong with Americans?
Can't they at least consider that a book written a couple of thousands of years ago isn't all that accurate when it comes to science and actually explaining the physical world? Is it that crazy to think about the bible as a giant collection of metaphors which you shouldn't take literally?
All opposing theories are not worthy of consideration. Evolution is a basic cause and effect relationship that children can understand.
Correct. Dinosaurs practices homosexuality because they were deceived by Lucifer. Just like the Chinese and Indians
Tiktaalik, it was about halfway between a fish and an amphibian
Why does every boomer cartoon look the same?
how can it replicate if it's a new being? can you even think buddy? Evolution has still never been proven EVER
Exactly. That doesn't mean that the mutations were not random, however.
Pull that banana out of your ass and accept that Christ died for your sins. You don't have to be afraid. Know that you are SAVED if you just accept Christ's sacrifice.
Boomers are anti-art
Obviously a fallen angel
>two life forms breed
>every now and again there is a mutation in the cells due to the randomizing of the genetic code
>if this mutation is useful to survival, the mutated creature breeds and passes on this mutation
>rinse, repeat for millions of years until you get a new species
Why is this so hard for you to understand? I understood this in Grade 11 biology.
Actually its just a matter of scientific rigor. We see random mutations do occur, we know this for a fact. We also can see obviously that nature/sex selects. There is simply no reason to believe that the mutations are responses.
Right, I understand that, but there are plenty of evolutionary biological theories that believe that mutations which take hold are those that are informed, in some way, by environmental strain and needs. Cellular mutation responds to a survival need, which creates an advantage in an individual, which then gets bred into a genealogical minority that overtake the majority and become the new standard.
Son, you just got cucked by your own damn image. It's time to pack it up. Jesus would be disappointed in your idiocy.
>inb4 he claims he was "only trolling"
If a mutation has no effect on fitness it could very well carry on through the next generations. (genetic drift)
Yes, that would be the idea. But the truth is, we DO know that random mutations occur. And obviously nature/sex can and does select for those over time. That perfectly explains everything. If you want a scientific idea to be taken seriously, reasonably so, you need to provide something more than to come up with an idea that works theoretically on some level because honestly thats just a matter of creativity. The truth is we have no actual reason to believe that mutations occur as a survival response, and in fact a surival response mechanism would suggest tons of other things, biologically speaking, that we have no evidence of.
These sort of mechanisms would first have developed by random mutation though.
So evolution is a lie?