Is it blue pilled or red pilled?
Is it blue pilled or red pilled?
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Bluepilled disguised as redpilled
The fact that many viewers agree on some points should've been an alarm ring for many, but I guess even such elementary plot device is too complicated for today zoomers
It was made and intended to blue pill but accidentally red pilled
>Germans depicted as good
Extremely bluepilled
Unintentional redpill
/his/ please
Sneed pilled
Blue pilled. Adolf loved animals. Especially dogs.
redbulled and spritepilled
the novel is redpilled, the movie isn't
Bluepilled but the truth always shines through for people who can think.
wants to be bluepilled but fails and is redpilled instead
pick one
both correct
They needed to make him look bad. Of course hitler loved his dog and animals. This is even well known. Did this intentionally because he was too charismatic.
FUCK kr*uts
dresden bombing BEST DAY OF MY LIFE
The subverted anglos will forever hate the amalekites, this is the true /his/pill, everything else is childs play
ah yes , anglos drowning in jewish semen again
Envious and hothead britbong spotted
Go suck your daily muslim cock
what were they trying to accomplish?
>here's some problems that regular germans see with society and immigration policies etc
>hm some of these seem reasonable
>oh but what's this? oh no it's HITLER, and he agrees with some of these issues and he ALSO wants to gas all the Jews!
>you don't want to gas all the Jews do you? no I didn't think so. I bet you feel really foolish agreeing with any of those people on anything to begin with, don't you
>thanks for watching our thought-provoking film and remember to vote refugees welcome or else you're saying hitler welcome! :O
der absolute zustand
trying to mimic the novel in which hitler rants just about everything
No matter the message any german film tries to bring,the country as a whole is already doomed, beyond comeback
What's the difference between novel and movie?
their mistake was that they made hitler too charismatic with barely any flaws except for that incredibly out of character dog thing, so you end up rooting for him
they even chose an actor that was more imposing and handsome than onkel addie actually was
if you show this to any normie without having hitler in the picture they would agree
It makes Hitler look like the best and most correct human ever and then has him shoot a dog for no reason so that the viewer remembers he's supposed to be a bad guy. Make of that what you will.
Aryan Purity for Germany, fair enough
Try that shit in Miami and I'd fuckin skullfuck you
it shit more on media and politicians, slander even
Different kraut here, I completely agree.
Only a strong leader who truly loves his country can save us at this point.
It's accidentally redpilled motherfucker and I know you're asking because you saw it affer Livepd last night!
We kind of need that in every country in Europe by now.
Just have another fascist revolution, form a gentlemen's agreement to not turn it into a new world war this time, then clean up each of our own yards.
Literally everyone laughs like crazy during the dog scene, because the slapstick is so funny with Hitler. Sometimes I have to pause because the person I'm watching with can't catch their breathe after the dog gets shot. He also caps it off by telling them to stop being a baby, since it's just a dog, and obviously a shitty one.
>It was made and intended to blue pill but accidentally red pilled
This. There is no way to objectively depict NatSoc ideals in media without impressing it on the audience.
You have to either make the NSDAP cartoonist bad guys, which compromises any serious appraisal of the movie. Or play it straight and release an unintentionally redpilled story. YOU CANNOT WIN.
The wisest move to stomp out the fash would be to never ever mention Nazi Germany again outside of history class. Just memory hole it. Unfortunately, the kikes will never approve because their precious shoah is lumped in with it. WW2 gets less and less relevant with every dead boomer but the heebs and rhetorically-challenged will never stop worshipping Hitler like some kind of dark god.
I’m Scandinavian...
authoritarian governments fucking suck, tho. every little piece of liberty you give up you won't ever get back, that's why I hate lefties in the first place
German here, the video is blocked here on copyright grounds.
What a coincidence, I wonder who could be behind this..
The novel is even more redpilled (accidentally or not...thats it).
We could use the setup ancient Greeks had, where they had a loose democracy at normal times, but when there was a time of crisis (like now) they could appoint a temporary tyrant and give him expanded power for the purpose of solving the crisis, then losing that power when the crisis was dealt with.
The obvious problem with that is picking a person who would willingly relinquish his position afterwards instead of just keeping it as long as possible. You need somebody with more sense of duty than ambition.
I think it was done on purpose. he took the satire guise as a shield to shit all over people and speak his mind for 400 pages
Liberty like what?
Transparent kike propaganda making Hitler seem like "jus' a guy".
Hitler was a dog lover, wasn't he?
not getting drafted in the military, being allowed to at least somewhat speak my mind, being allowed to pick my occupation, freedom to travel, not getting jailed and tortured by mistake or some petty reason, not getting poisoned because the government doesn't give a fuck where it dumps it's waste chemicals
Based /his/ poster
It sounds to me like your issues are with communism and not authoritarianism.
Also artistic expression. Nazis were big on censorship just like modern SJWs (even worse actually, since they could confiscate and burn things instead of just bitching about them in the press). It's really not all rainbows and sunshine living under a jackboot, even if they would get rid of the various shitskins. That's why hard authoritarian anything can only be a temporary state, that must give way to relaxed secular liberalism at first opportunity so that people can breathe easy and not fear for the secret police wiretapping them.
Yeah, he had a german shepherd named Blondi and famously was very fond of it.
It sounds to me you have you have a gay conception of fascism
The practical differences between left-wing and right-wing authoritarianism are incredibly minor.
>That's why hard authoritarian anything can only be a temporary state, that must give way to relaxed secular liberalism
I wonder, is there a good example of this happening?
Left-wing authoritarianism builds walls to keep you in and right-wing authoritarianism builds walls to keep people out.
>I wonder, is there a good example of this happening?
Most of Europe after WW2 actually.
Nazi Censorship: Censoring of garbage that only serves to poison society
SJW Censorship: Censoring of anything that would or could lead to a healthy society
Shut the fuck up, you retarded cunt
I mean the leader setting up a stable system and voluntarily stepping down
Glass Pissrael.
>uhm, dear leader, could you maybe stop appointing corrupt officials?
>gets sent to a concentration camp
>this leads to a healthy society
really makes me think
dirle gang represent
Based and fascistpilled
It was intended to be bluepilled, but was actually purplepilled
bases af.
germany going extinct is the best thing ever.
rome is getting it's revenge.
gotta admit, if the Dirlewanger Brigade was meant as a joke then Himmler is actually hilarious
He should've also specifically mentioned that the Shepherd-Dachshund would've been worse at being a shepherd, worse at being a dachshund. Too small and ill proportioned to be a working dog, too big and energetic to be a cute lap dog. Not to mention that the brain would be somewhere in between the two as well. It would fail at being a Shepherd, and fail at being at Dachshund, just existing somewhere in between, filling no niche, not really having a specific purpose or use, just existing.
The book is redpilled, the movie not so much.
You're all a bunch of pillheads
get with the lingo, gramps
German here
it's flimsy shitty "wow look how propaganda works on people" completely ignoring WHY people agree (because there are obvious glaring fucking problems in today's german society that are taboo to even mention)
But whatever, we, as well as almost every western european nation, have been set on the path of demographic sabotage for a while now. Either we get hard right wing governments and mass repatriation of non-european immigrants or we will just devolve into the US
>humans and dogs are totally the same bro
>racemixing is okay
tough stance to take, bucko, better come up with some good arguments
>Becoming irrelevant to modern politics anytime soon
Otherwise I agree with you user, but that principle doesn't just apply to the (NS)DAP, any political party largely associated with the actions/ personality of just one man will suffer the same fate
Based. Hitler was just a pagan larping faggot
And that's what's happening to Germany.
It's happening to every western nation that has sacrificed it's people to the globalist "greasse the economy with the blood of citizens" god
Soulless. Pic related is soul.
The system should kind of correct itself. If everyone knows the appointed person is only temporary then shouldn't everyone know once that crisis is solved that they no longer hold power? Even if he doesn't want to give up the power, the whole of the country simply saying, "Thanks for getting us through that, now step down." kind of makes it impossible.
Vote AfD next European election, we need based goyim in the EU parliament, not these fake center-right cucks.
>tfw no kino flick about the story of hitler
possible trailer soundtracks include but not limited to:
we got "Rise of Evil" lmao
I would almost feel bad for him if he hadn't tried to stamp out my entire race to make room for wheat fields for the Germans
>some amerimutt unironically made that pic
there was alot of that kinda stuff in 30s germany you know
I'm saying that the spelling mistakes and complete lack of capitalization makes it obvious that some larping mutt compiled that pic
Wrong it´s EXTREMELY German aka. (((blue pilled))).
The directory is a hardcore leftist.
It just fails so spectacularly because the commie scum cannot meme and truth always shines through.
Think Verhooven´s Starship Troopers.
>when you can't find a torrent after all these years
Miami is just some Cuban shithole now.
So can any Germans fill me in on how people are feeling on the streets there? I know this is Yea Forums and everything needs a grain of salt but is it really so dystopian and leaderless?
I really need a torrent meine Freunde
Yeah you should be afraid of anyone who proposes improvement and reform
when is she coming back?
Fuck this traitor dyke cunt.
>There is no way to objectively depict NatSoc ideals in media without impressing it on the audience.
>every little piece of liberty you give up you won't ever get back
So tell me about all the post-9/11 "national security" laws that have been repealed in the following decade.
Its kind of heard for me to glean the bluepilled message if this movie. Is it really just that we should avoid supporting any rousing politician because that's a way to Hitler? Like really what message am I meant to carry into my politics here, we're not gonna know when the guy's Hitler, so are we supposed to be wary that everyonr who could inspire in such a way is Hitler? Its like the movie only really promotes paranoia and generalized fear of Hitler, not very insightgul for ones own politics
Have they? Genuinely curious
she has 5 children
Our timeline makes me sad
We chose the wrong path last century and there's no turning back now
Just end it
So you're saying that he's incorrect?
a dark comedy isn't applicable as a policital compass, shocking
The only thing she is good for.
Is it a dark comedy? That makes more sense
based fuhrer
It's a well disguised anime plot movie, why do you think I had to read subs the entire time?
He is, his premise is flawed because the act of creating two shepherd dachshunds and having them breed doesn't eliminate every pure german shepherd and dachshund from existence. Furthermore, if every german shepherd and dachsund breeder suddenly gives up their career in order to foster a future of shepherd dachshunds, maybe they deserve to die out. It's even sillier because german shepherds are a newer breed of dog, they're man made, they're not "pure," and dogs aren't "pure."
It would be 1/4th German Shepherd then, you retard. Learn quick mafs
It does if you create incentive for only cross breeding, punish pure breeding, and sic the cross breeds on the pure breeds once they have overwhelming numbers.
Oh come on, the argument is that people should be breeding to breed, not to randomly produce non-breeds
do you think there are packs of wild pure breed dachsunds out there roaming their ancestral hunting grounds from prehistoric times? modern dog breeds all come from selective breeding and cross breeding to design a dog that looks a certain way and has a certain temperament. this retarded analogy in the webm is like saying we shouldn't crossbreed toadline pitbulls because we don't want to lose the purity of crimeboss
dogs are bred for a product
>if a race disappears maybe they deserve it
Why bother writing all the rest of that post when you say its always the race's fault?
Both dogs and humans are bred to serve a purpose, and neither are commodities. Dog breeding was not invented to create cool collectible animals, it was to prodice hunters and gatherers and workers. Humans are the same way
you're completely right, all dog breeds are hunters / gatherers / workers and none of them are bred because they look cool
just check out these smashed and slammed hunter-gatherers
You fell for soviet propaganda. Actually it has always been russian war doctrine to retreat and burn their own villages in order to starve the enemy (worked with Napoleon). They even burned down Moscow!
Ever wonder why the white russians fought together with germany? The reds were evil.
Blue but the red shines through
This. Some truth gets to the viewer without being "challanged" by PC shit
based af
Based and Cincinnatus pilled.
>tough stance to take
Maybe in the echo chamber of /pol/ and /poltv/. Most people don't give a shit if your DNA hits some arbitrary percentage of this or that race. Racial "purity" is a meaningless identity marker championed by pseudo-scientists who want to believe their skin color makes them better than other people.
>every organism is subject to natural selection except for humans bro
My condolences.
But it's true. We've evolved past natural selection through medical science.
No I mean that breeding is an empirical fact and the reason animal husbandry was invented was to breed animals for a specific purpose. It works, it's a fact. Novelty breeds don't contradict that.
You're right though human eugenics might not be necessary but I am glad my children won't have a race problem
>be animal
>have weak heart
>die without ever passing your genes on as you are disadvantaged at hunting and running long distances
>be human
>have weak heart
>get medicine from a doctor , you're now able to live a normally long life and perhaps even successfully breed
Is there a webm of this movie if Hitler killing the dog? I could use a good laugh.
Here's your required reading, brainlet.
Ever wonder where that "may-may" word comes from?
I don't know which larping wannabe Aryan made this pic but there are several spelling errors in that German text.
You know shit fuck about biology.
based & redpilled
>be responsible, well adjusted adult
>use contraceptives because you don't like kids
>never reproduce
>be Tyrone
>have like 7 kids
>inherit the earth
your argument wasn't that animal husbandry "works," it was that "both dogs and humans are bred to serve a purpose, and neither are commodities."
the majority of modern day dog breeding is done as a commodity and has nothing to do with hunter/gatherers. dogs are commodities, and breeds exist because people want to buy them, and it's great that you can conveniently ignore breeds like pugs or toadline pitbulls because it doesn't fit your narrative. .
the webm your defending is stupid because the premise is if A+B=C, and C+C=C, then A & B disappear. stop being a sape and become a thal.
Sure, fine. My point is that breed and pedigree are real and not just as novelty pets
>"Would you follow my every command?"
>"Turn the camera off pls"
>"If you really were him, I would."
>willingly relinquish his position
The roof scene really threw me through a loop I can't believe they did that
>neither are commodities
>the majority of modern day dog breeding is done as a commodity
>dogs are commodities
I'm sorry. Let's pause for one second. Did that poster say dogs can't be a commodity? Did anyone say that? Why would anyone say that dogs can't be a sold or traded? The word commodity doesn't appear in this thread until you mention it, and you drive this random subject not once but four times. I don't see how this has anything to do with the conversation at hand. Apparently you take the simple argument
>animal husbandry was invented to breed animals for a specific purpose
and somehow it triggers this reaction from you
>well sometimes animals are breed without a purpose (meaning: not for being optimal at a certain task) therefore dogs are commodities therefore whatever you're saying about animal husbandry is wrong (?)
I'm glad you intervened to remember us that dogs can be a commodities and that dogs can be bred for something other than being optimal at a task. Your opinion is important and has been heard.
Sounds utopian desu.
is that were the aunt may panties web joke came from?
>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies and half of Germany's debt was forgiven even though they started the war
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America and Britain risk war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies and airmen even personally buy and drop candy for the children
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Britain also helped them a ton after having been drawn into both world wars by Germany but now 90% of Germans want to hurt Britain in the Brexit negotiations
Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean, and self-righteous people?