>You still haven't seen my movie...
Other urls found in this thread:
I've seen it 3 times. But it hurts because I fall in love with her more and more each time.
i don't plan on seeing it bitch
Because you're ugly.
maybe if your eye to face ratio was better i might go see it
And I never will You abomination
I was planning on seeing it today but I got sick ;_____;
Keep spamming your shitty movie, user, let's just fuck this board up.
Don't fucking bully her!
Saw it and brought along four other people. Promise that second part is comin’ okay?
Ghost in the Shell would have been a guaranteed hit if Scarlett look like this bug eyed freak.
Wow, I was thinking of going to watch it but do you think I would enjoy it if I wasn't a pedophile? Probably not.
how to get qt cyborg gf??
It would have been good if the people who adapted it actually understood what made the source material good.
Seems to be a common theme with so many of these soft reboots and adaptions these days.
never will you bug eyed bitch
type your name in next time so you get filtered
but i love you user
Go see her movie. Take your friends and family. But the blu-ray when it comes out. Then we'll get sequels, and it will build interest in cybernetics. Then it will inspire people to innovate when it comes to androids, robots, etc. With any luck, we'll have affordable robo-gfs in stores in 10 years.
You don't need to pretend to reply to yourself to bump your thread.
Just say bump.
We need more threads shilling this shit movie if we're going to really flush the quality of this board down the toilet.
>robo-gfs in stores in 10 years.
Anyone in STEM knows robowaifus will take at least another 100 years
fuck off pedo
yes yes
CGI main character with regualr humans was a stupid choice.
>Take gf to see Alita
>she doesn't like it so go see it again alone
>can't get enough Battle Cutie
>secretly see it several times
>gf getting suspicious, asking questions
>finds ticket stubs
>its her or me
>threatens to break up with me
>wut do?
Our future is cyborg user. Be on the right side of history.
She's figured out that you're a pedo all thanks to your shitty movie that you won't stop shilling. Good job.
That sure did happen shill. Fuck women amirite, waifus are epic and better right my fellow 4channelers?
/film/ when?
Im not a waifu fag you pathetic beta
Just cut off her arms and legs and turn her into Alita. I mean cardboard should do the trick
Why is there so many mouseshills in this thread? Double pay on weekends?
I wasn't either until I saw it
also, your mom is not really a gf
Not even a screener . How could anyone watch a shitty gettoh cam of this over-the-top spectacle. smdh.
>Needs $500m to break even
>Only made $155.7m so far
Prehaps there's a reason Robert Rodriguez usually works with cheap budgets
give me a download link and i marathon your alita
I've watched it 3 times, the last time in 3d. Please don't cry u3u.
I saw it. It was a bit shit. Also your boy toy was the fucking worst, should have gone to Daddy Waltz for all your needs
Promise you'll buy a ticket after you watch it to show Alita your support o3o
I'll see it again this weekend.
I do not recommend buying empty and not filling them. People reported how creepily empty theaters were when watching Solo: A Star Wars Story, and that's the sort of effect you'll get if you buy tickets you don't see.
GoFundMe to send underpriviliged girls to see Alita when?
They do it for free:
Marvel trolls that hate anything not Marvel
Manga snobs enraged at their holy books being adapted into movies for general audiences
Racist trolls that hate Latinos
Film snobs that hate anything not in the Criterion Collection
And, of course, trolls that hate anything that makes others happy,,, because they are utterly miserable themselves.
Nope. And I never will you ugly repulsive disgusting freak
What about regular anons who are tired of seeing their board turned to shit with rampant shilling for some shitty pleb tier brainlet flavour of the week pedo fantasy.
I'll stream it bby
Fuck off beaner looking bitch
I've seen it twice
still waiting for the 4k torrent
>pedo fantasy
Where ?
>so many people in this thread with the never be healed by Arita
The mouse is afraid
I can’t go on the weekend. There’s too many people. I’ll go Monday morning.
reported for violating US law
>dude literally all criticsm is posted specifically to make me mad >:(
So it’s literal autism.
>too many people
All my local theaters are practically empty.
Saw it in Dolby 3D, you were beautiful Alita.
Got no strings to hold her down
To make her fret
To make her frown
They've got strings
But you can see
hiya wasn't cringe. calling the martial art panzer kuntz or whatever faggot shit was cringe.
i thought hiya was cute, i wasnt making fun of it
La luz extinguido...
Historical Martian Martial Arts - HMMA
what did you call me?
>t. used up roastie
To what group do I belong if I am going to see the movie because I have great respect for the amazing actor Christoph Waltz?
No, it only needs 450 to break even per Fox. The film has only been out for two weeks now, so calling it a "flop" is nothing short of premature.
>Fox insiders claiming $350–400 million but outside financial publications claiming it to be around $450–550 million
pretty sure Fox said 350 to break even
Go back to your fucking general
it's been archived. we're waiting for new one
Fuck it, I'm going tomorrow
The SS
HTTYD just came out, and it's cold and there's snow everywhere. Not much else to do this weekend unless you're a snow boarder.
>some dipshits not even affiliated with Fox or how much they spent on the movie know more then Fox
Look out people, we got an Einstein here.
350 - 450 million which is still less then the "needs to make 6 gorrillion to break even goy" line that shills like pushing.
Camrip's not up yet.
The computer graphic effect is off-putting. Still I'd watch this movie before captain hit the wall for sure
Im never going to watch it. Im just going to shitpost the general
>but these nice people sai -
>sources are guestimates, projections, and assumptions on the writers
You're as naive as Alita but somehow far stupider.
"Fox insiders say the film needs to do $350 million at the global box office to break even"
Now unless you personally work at Fox and know how their budgeting and marketing work, you can shut the fuck up.
why would I want to see it? it's a movie about a robot - a thing pretending to be human, it doesn't have a human biological brain in that tin can, just mechanical
might as well look at a rock for two hours
Actually the film only needs $200m to make a profit
Trust me.
>p-please watch my movie so the investors can get some money back... otherwise I'll be sent to the incinerator
Wrong. She does have a human brain.
>it doesn't have a human biological brain in that tin can
except she literally does
no, she would need at least a human brain to be a cyborg
she is a thing without any awareness
we will save you
fuck you bitch
came back from the kinoplex 5 min ago
based movie
but she has a brain
>losing an argument then without comeback result to calling them out like a baby
Don't cry over trolls, little one. You are better than that!
>hurr the film needs to make six gorrillion goy to break even!
The absolute state of Disney shills.
I ain't no Disney shiel, user
Look on the bright side. At least your tears are working.
It's literally in the trailers dumbo.
tomorrow or monday. I haven't decided if i should go with my friend or by myself
Come alone.
maybe if you had real human feet i would
I did and I regret it
i can't wait to torrent it for free and put off watching it
You can't make me do it, faggot
Why would anyone want a "robo-gf" when real girls exist?
Nice quote! : )
I don't care, fuck you
This is someone's fetish
>whoever the fuck gave us the download like
It looked like shit and the eyes creeped me out.
A message from our Japanese friends
Based and Alitapilled.
It doesn't start for another half hour back off bitch
>there are people who think this looks good
Watching it right now. I expected it to be shit, but It's really good. Hope to see it next week in movie theater too.
I expected it to be shit.
Fugg, i'm having multiple seizures.
>ywn be healed by Alita
"It is not a thing of the body, but of the spirit...for she knows the lost art of waifuism!".
>introducing elaborate sequelbait into an overly expensive movie that you know for a sure will bomb instead of making a contained story
Boat man was not based
I don't remember the last time I saw a movie 3 times during it's release.
I really liked it. I hadn't even watched the trailer so I had no idea what it was about. It was a bit confusing, and character motivations were always a question for me, but I enjoyed it.
When was this in the movie?
Stop staring at me with them big ol' eyes
After she and Ido have dropped of Nyssiana(sp?). It's a trailer scene too: youtube.com
You can see it after you get better, sweetie :)
im not going outside
Burgers suck. If we don’t get past 100M I’m moving to Canada.
I'm seeing it again tomorrow, qt.
I think this movie was just a tech demo for the new Avatar movie. Training the animators basically. It's a throwaway animation project basically.
Okay okay. I've seen the rip.
Passable sci fi flick. Better than capeshit because no one quips every 5 seconds and no political load. It's basically an average sci fi from 90's with modern cgi out the ass.
Ironically Alita isn't cute at all, looks like permanently tired chink acrobat or something, I don't know what you've been trying to pull with shilling her as waifu.
Domestic box office is USA + Canda.
mfw going to the kinoplex tomorrow with a couple of frens to see uncanny valley kino
Can a cyborg fall in love with a human?
>/film/ when?
dear god please
Saw it yesterday, was pretty fun.
Oh but I didn't plan to.
go see it in IMAX 3d before captain fungus takes over the screens
money back? It's a smash hit in china,which is a way bigger market. Being a USA bomb hardly matters.
The oversized eyes remind me of dobby the house elf, people think this is cute?
I have no interest in this film. In fact the constant shill posts have taken me from no interest into actually wanting it to fail just so the marketers can eat shit.
It works in motion, since it's never frozen in place, and the eye opening scene helps sell it. By starting up with a closeup of her eyes, it feels less uncanny than if we'd seen her whole face at a distance first.
That's about as impressive as having a hit single in Lithuania, and about as profitable
I wouldn't call it "throwaway" as cameron is a fan of the manga and he cares about it
but yes it was definitely a test for avatar
Same. This movie definitely has fanatic appeal. I wonder how the repeat viewings are gonna play out in China and Japan?
>I've seen the rip.
>complains about visuals
>captain fungus
>in IMAX 3d
You tell me this shit was filmed in IMAX 3D ?
good pasta
how does she smell?
Baby shampoo and flowers
Is the line "Can a human love a cyborg?"
I wanna fuck her robot pucci
There is none. Best you can hope for is that she'll hold a Fleshlight between her legs.
>imaginos body
me too desu
What was that unbased and bluepilled tweet from her?
Tomoko, you can be so bad sometimes.
Has ANYBODY ELSE noticed this!?
Gonna watch it again (3rd time )today bb dont worry.
I was literally the only person in the theater. Everyone else was going to How to Train Your Dragon 5 or something
I'm seeing it for the second time tonight.