Hahaha Disney BTFO

hahaha Disney BTFO

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haha disney is finished

it's just sexist nazi trolls lowering the rating

My bot accounts have been working overtime comrade. If Captain Marvel succeeds then Putin will not be pleased

Its pretty bad when even marvel lovers hate it or dont want to see it

they are doing that to get free adds

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I know it is going to make bank anyway, but this is unprecedented.

I mean we did have threads about lowering it so you’re not wrong.

Based Kekistani Brigading!
We did it Gamergate! We definitely matter!

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Thanks for another Brie thread, keep them coming. I want her buried in the subconscious of every Yea Forums poster so that when the actual movie drops, everyone will go see it for FOMO.

Also, I always found it odd how RT can open up Audience Reviews to a public who haven't even seen the film yet? That just tells me 20,000+ people need to get a fucking life!

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Back to your discord

>Yea Forums posters openly brigade to lower the score
>Yea Forums posters then point to that same score as evidence that the movie's going to fail

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No, they still have 5-6 beloved franchises to buy and ruin


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Hi redd*t

is that the user rating or the average bodyfat percentage of the boomer brigade?

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We didn’t even blame it on reddit, how far we’ve fallen

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Too low

>Mainstream media with way higher reach than Yea Forums publicly asking people to help keep the score up
>It starts going down even faster
>b-but it was Yea Forums's brigading

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>Photo cropped above feet


Disney is doing it, for the headlines