I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head...

I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

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Based and midget stomperpilled


I repot 2 police

Why don't you try that with Terry Crewes? You're a pussy.


You mean the guy that cries to women online about another guy touching his dick? He didn't do shit then, what makes you think he could handle op, a ruthless, cold blooded little person stomper?

OP is a certified badass. (YOU)

reported to her majesty's local authorities. expect a knock. good day

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midgets arent real people. they exist only to entertain us

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What if he is packing heat, OP?

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english "people" are never properly armed

What I would give to kidnap Warwick Davis and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. just terrible degradation and shameful acts. it would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. if I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. a really big dog like a mastiff. he would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. a big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place to key inside with him but put it in a high place. not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. it would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other midgets to the death. just so many things I would do.

I remember this pasta was about Verne Troyer

Reminds me of the midget from South Park
"Words are like bullets"

that fight scene was awesome

that's a real guy from a series of infomercials iirc. my internet research is turning up nothing tho. maybe it was a dream i had

explain better pls

>Tfw met Warwick Davis several weeks ago

He's actually really nice in person

God I'd love the user that originally wrote that to do a follow up.

I'd love to kick Terry Crewes in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that big faggot rolling through the ground.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

I'd put a leash on him, take him for dog walks, and it only ever ends when he ends up shitting and has to bury it.

HBO lifes too short is kino

>implying Terry Crewes wouldn't instead end up raping you and making you bleed black cock

i think he's based on these guys but i thought they were motivational speakers not scam artists

that's gonna haunt me man

My high school had a midget guy who was a trainer and every morning my senior year I'd always see him walking towards me down the hall and just looking at him made me feel physically ill.

how do they scam people? is it with some leprechaun magic

Take Warwick's body by the ankles and beat Terry Crews to death with it.


this tbqh senpai

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Why don't you try that with Aidan Gillen? You're a small guy.

I'd love to kick Aidan Gillen in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my bane capped toe under his chin, send that small guy rolling through the ground.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic flight plan.

that fucking hand
he must have had hellish arthritis, cant blame him for offing himself

He'll kill you with his Leprechaun magic. The last words you will hear before dying will be "I WANT ME GOLD"


Wasn't he one of the victims of the midget serial killer that makes them drink themselves to death so that it looks like a suicide?

midgets better look out and be careful

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You could continue it yourself.

>I hate short people. I want to kill all of them