Why didn't any of you tell me you weren't joking when you said anime is good?

Why didn't any of you tell me you weren't joking when you said anime is good?
So far I have watched;
>Ghost in the Shell
>Cowboy Bebop
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

I liked them all, especially Akira and C.B
What do you nerds recommend next?

Attached: cowboy-bebop-live-action-tv-series-000.jpg (960x576, 495K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ping pong the animation is one of the best television series of the last decade, and i say that as someone who doesn't really watch anime

Since you're watching old boomer shit watch Trigun next

Bocu no Pico.

That's it, user. You've watched all the good anime now. Sorry there's no more.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Samurai Champloo is basically CB but worse in every way, but with samurai. Same director.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

welcome to the nhk is the best anime

90% of anime is ass. 10% is fucking awesome.

Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex.
But never watch second movie.

Request threads belong on

this, finally found a link in acceptable quality and marathoned the 100 episodes. It's even better than all the ones op mentioned

if you want to take the plunge go to Yea Forums
they will mock you for your power level though if you talk about those animes in particular

Attached: ninja.jpg (1944x1200, 395K)

Damn. I wish they will remake it someday, like Full Metal Alchemist.

It's also the best anime so all other animes will feel like cheap trash afterwards.
I liked it better.

It's not that bad

Big fact:
Only two of those are good
and evangelion is the worst show ever made

Yea Forums doesn't actually watch anime.

ninja scroll, jin-roh, redline

Spotted the f/a/g

It has its own charm. Watching Watanabe filler episodes in general is pure bliss.

Shame about Nujabes, too.


Houseki no kuni and Made in Abyss in terms of more recent stuff.


Attached: source.gif (500x372, 797K)

sounds like you would enjoy Ninja Scroll a lot, and Wicked City.
all that old violent 80's and 90's stuff before anime went to SHIIIIIIIIIIIT anime is still good, it's just not the same

Attached: giphy.gif (400x267, 1.88M)

Mind Game is the best animated film of the past 15 years.

Attached: MV5BNzFlMDI1ZjctMzgzYy00YmVkLTlmMTMtNDZmZmVmMzk3MzNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1OTEwNjE@._V1_.jpg (1000x1310, 160K)

Literally a masterpiece that's had influence on everything after it. Stay mad plebian.

sadly, nearly everything else is harem moeshit

Nicky Larson.

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 11K)

>ting ting
Fuck democracy and fuck black people

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

>But never watch second movie.

you dont get gits

Dear god someone make this into a webm please

Ping Pong - The animation

I think he's talking about the second SAC movie not Oshii's

All together now!


Shoujo Ramune

Oh, you like to watch at shitty 3d themed around china culture with opening music from a first movie for 10 MINUTES?
It is just shit, 2DEEP4U shit. 1st movie and stand alone complex series actually deep and good unlike GiS 2 Innocence movie.

Attached: gits2-7.jpg (960x514, 110K)

There is only one flawless masterpiece in japanese animation and it's pic related.

Attached: [HACK-JOB]_Rurouni_Kenshin_-_Tsuioku-Hen_-_Act_4_[1080p][x264_DTS][2D7CFCE9].mkv_snapshot_17.30_[201 (1440x1080, 274K)

Honestly Yea Forums is the best place to discuss anime, music and videogames because their dedicated boards are full of pretentious fuckfaces

you dont get deep

Seirei no moribito: low-fantasy, godlike art and pretty much perfect in every sense IMO.
Shigurui: dark and twisted
Hellsing, old-school classic


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Fuck off redditor

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You sir know your shit.

Literally best animated movie (or OVA) ever made, its fucking insane this movie doesnt get more love but thats because people think it follows the same tone as the original anime.

It's been over a decade and I still wanna fuck Faye

Good old Faye

Attached: N1eEZla.gif (500x270, 978K)

Both movies are 2deep4u shit while tv series are solid espionage thrillers.


I'm a girl you can't speak to me like that >:(

Everything by hosoda.

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Actual 10/10 samurai drama. It's incredible.

This is the best list I've found.

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Hunter x Hunter

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Mob psycho 100 and goblin slayer are really good

Am I the only one who didn't think cowboy bebop was good at all? I can't be the only one wholly underwhelmed by it

It's still great though

>goblin slayer
kill yourself newfag

This is one of the few post 2010 anime I have enjoyed. Great story and soundtrack


Attached: ping_pong_giant.jpg (1280x1442, 288K)

>tv series are solid espionage thrillers.
Nah, first SAC tv series pretty deep in its messages.

And GiS 2 Innocence just shit and pretty simple (dude like, what if we not so unique and robots actually alive too woooah)

The picture is so blurry

Yeah, but Yea Forums typically consumes seasonal garbage and then complains about it being shit. I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.

Mobile Suit Gundam series if you've got the patience to sit through even the mediocre shit.

Though, it honestly depends on your preferences and preferred genres.

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lol dat image quality

If you enjoy gambling at all Kaiji is a good show. It makes poker way more enjoyable to play.

Attached: kaiji_you_are_retarded.gif (600x338, 3.03M)

ping pong the animation is /ourshow/

Attached: ping pong.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

I imagine I'm the only one that also likes pic related?

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It's still good stuff. Space Adventure Cobra over Bebop any day though.

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SAC had the same problem Cowboy Bebop had
The plot of an episode would be ambitious and draw you in but right when it got interesting they had to wrap it up because of the 22 minute episode length

Great Teacher Onizuka
Lucky Star

All kino

Why is this still up?
archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/110371486/#110371486 was deleted even though it was a request thread you Yea Forums drone

You cannot traverse the ocean on such thin wings.

Pure, unfiltered, 100% Colombian kino

Was always partial to Macross but some of it is admittedly nostalgia

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devilman crybaby was pretty great

are they going to make another series of that?

>summer wars instead of wolf children
>paprika and paranoi agent instead of tokyo godfathers
fuck whoever made that

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>I'm an ignorant faggot who was writing off a whole artistic medium up to this point because people told me it was "gay"
No. You don't deserve it.

>ask recs from Yea Forums
>a bunch of fucking entry level Yea Forumsedditors chime in instead

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I think it was ideal and all episodes ended perfectly. They have their own story but also follow global story too.

this is ugly as fuck

Yeah, either Yea Forums or Yea Forums. Off-topic threads on either of these boards are generally the best threads on this website.

It's okay. The aesthetic is better than most of the writing.

Toyko godfathers is on there, bottom row fourth over.

Attached: anime_recomendations.jpg (2600x3860, 2.81M)

No enough source material for another season, wait 5 years first.

should be lain or perfect blue desu

based and pingpongpilled

Judging by your list I estimate your weight to be around 300 lbs

Lucky for me the 50 other people in this thread disagree ay

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Pleb filtered.

Maybe in 2040, when Togashi actually manages to finish the series. Otherwise the 2011 version have a good enough conclusion for Gon's story.

>Yea Forumsedditors openly admitting they crosspost and spam off topic threads
Now we know it's really the ja it or and his Yea Forums gang behind everything wrong with this board

Watched this yesterday. The entire sequence inside the whale (>50% of the movie) is such a waste of time, but the rest is good.

Death Note is to this day still one of the best anime ever made

Sorry but your seasonal moeblob garbage doesn't come close, you pathetic faggot

Go watch this right now you cunt

Attached: PrincessMononoke_960x1440.jpg (284x410, 35K)

Didn't say any of those things but keep crying bitch boy

I still have no real idea what Macross is really about but Do You Remember Love? is probably the most beautiful anime movie I've seen.
It's worth getting one of those 20+ GB Blu-ray rips just to stare at.

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If you want to become convinced there's no hope left for humanity Texhnolyze is a great watch.
This is a hard watch though, first 4-5 episodes have no to minimal dialogue.

Attached: TEXHNOLYZE.full.203842.jpg (1024x768, 175K)

>Death Note is to this day still one of the best anime ever made

The only way you could think this is if you've seen 5 anime, or only watch entry level stuff.

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gurren lagann was great even if it became a meme and one punch man never reached meme status despite your shitty attempts to millhouse him

mind game

Attached: mind_game_369_1680.jpg (1680x1050, 562K)

Haibane is better

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This and Bloodlust are my favorite movies.

Attached: Millennium Actress [BD 1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.21.08_[2018.11.22_02.14.41].jpg (1916x1036, 222K)

watch the big 3 , they are hard to get into , but chances are one of them will end up as your favorite piece of entertaiment ever.

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Lucky none of them know the good animes.

Serial experiments lain

Watch Satoshi kon's movies if you haven't, some of the best movies in general, regardless of being animated.

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I love the old anime aesthetic with the more muted colors contrasted with neon or other bright light and an overall dirtier look to it.

>it's a "some loser who posts ecchi on Yea Forums all day feels superior because he doesn't like any show older than a year" episode
Tired of this rerun
Don't you have some epic kaguya sama ed dance gifs to post somewhere?

>or Yea Forums.
You're a fucking crossposter

>Death Note is to this day still one of the best anime ever made
What is it like to be an absolute pleb? Pleb.

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Naruto has more filler episodes than real one.
Bleach also killed by fillers and has nor real conclusion.
One piece still going on, so only worthwhile watch from them.

In all honesty it is better to just read their manga.

>Wha imagee bluur?

Attached: brainlet_group.png (1066x600, 276K)

nothing tops it

Attached: Legend_of_the_Galactic_Heroes.png (500x688, 487K)

Samurai Champloo
Avatar: The Last Airbender

You might actually be a retard, I'm going to stop replying now. If you want to get the last word in to feel good you can go ahead, I promise I'll let you have it.

>Watch these 700 episodes about people yelling attack names and wacky powers
>I swear it's good!

Attached: Doubt.png (492x280, 85K)

I don't get Yea Forums
why every time you try to discuss something good they dish you with the "entry level" meme and the shitpost endures
they they recommend you absolute trash and claim that they you're pleb for not watching the flavor of the month

absolute kino

That show is good retard, you just have shit taste

Post your top 5 so I can laugh

it's all the same boring shit

Black Lagoon is another high water mark for anime, just don't watch the OVA.

Plenty of gold in the 80s / 90s OAV limited series (but horrendous dubbing).
- Gunsmith Cats
- Riding Bean
- Bubblegum Crisis

surely, you meant to say better in every way

Fucking knew it. You're just another generic "ME LIKE CURRENT MOE ANIME" faggot with no opinions other than old = bad

Kill yourself

Same with Yea Forums, some interest boards are just toxic sadly

Yea Forums is a good place to talk about vidya that hasn’t been released in the last two years, unless it actually sucked. Max Payne threads are always comfy as fuck, ignoring the one contrarian retard that goes “2 was better than 3 3 was a 3/10 at best”.

That's how it use to be here as well until Yea Forumsedditors like the janitor, you and op made it reddit friendly

Mononoke (not the Princess one)
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Showa Rakugo something something

>only battle shonen exists

based club dorothée bro

Thinking kaguya is moe. You clearly don't know what you are talking about just kill yourself bud

Bet you're a blast at parties.

Not him, but I'd love to have a laugh at yours if death note is #1

I loved it when I was 20 and was underwhelmed when I re-watched it at 30. Samurai Champloo held up better


Griffith did nothing wrong

Afro Samurai
Berserk (1996)
Blue Submarine No. 6
Cromartie High School
Devilman: Crybaby
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Gurren Lagann
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
Kaiji: Against All Rules
Mobile Police Patlabor 2: The Movie
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
Macross Plus
Made in Abyss
Memories: Magnetic Rose
Millenium Actress
Mob Psycho 100
Ninja Scroll
Paranoia Agent
Perfect Blue
Parasyte -the maxim-
Ping Pong the Animation
Princess Mononoke
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise
Samurai Champloo
Serial Experiments Lain
Space Dandy
The Tatami Galaxy
Welcome to the NHK

I feel confident saying that somebody getting into anime would enjoy all of these.

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no anime list is complete without gabriel dropout

my wife satania is so cute

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I'm sure Yea Forums loves this show

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I loathe Yea Forums like I get that it's just one big meme to see who has the shittiest taste in music but it gets old fast

Take out the old ones using glacial pacing to pretend it's deep and it's a decent list.


Attached: dunning kruger.png (408x287, 26K)

stopped reading right there

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This is the best list in the thread.

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if you skip the fillers naruto is an 8.5/10
haven't seen bleach.
one piece has consistenly horrible animation, just read the manga.

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Fuck off virgin ass s()y lords.

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Holy fuck anime drones here are literally newfags. No wonder this is being babysat

Yeah it used to be my home board and I know its a meme so say 'hurr Yea Forums board [X] used to be better' but since about 2013 it's just become a joke and it's probably the least on topic board there is now


Attached: k-on_yui_smug.png (400x400, 115K)

>Yea Forums
See These are redditors and Yea Forumsedditors

remove psycho pass and jin-roh and I'll sign off on it

Top 4 television Kino:
Shinsekai Yori
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu

Top 3 television flicks:
Code Geass
Little Witch Academia

Top 3 kino Kino:
Millennium Actress
Sword of the Stranger
Jin-Roh (prequel to Drive)

What this user said. Based on what you've enjoyed so far you'd love Trigun.

I recommend Gunbuster

Attached: gunbuster01.gif (650x308, 143K)

Of the shoes listed only hits is actually good

Sorry I insulted you're waifu

it's the only thing they got going in their life. they dedicated their life watching cartoons and then they get so bitter that other people watch it, they go full gatekeep mode.

that's like saying having 1million dollars is better than having 900k dollers.

I didn't say DN is my #1, just among the top. I don't have autism so I don't rank every show I love.

Death Note
Welcome to the NHK
Fullmetal Panic
Code Geass
Usagi Drop
Non Non Biyori

>using glacial pacing to pretend it's deep
Such as? I don't remember putting Texhnolyze on the list.

Attached: Perfect Blue.webm (1280x688, 2.87M)

>one piece has consistenly horrible animation
I think he is good for first 200 episodes.

Bleach was so horrible mismanaged, they did filler arc breaks during big fights so killed all hype about them. And ratings plummeted so low they canceled it, so anime doesn't have last arc or any ending. Manga finished long time ago.

Hosoda is a literal god. Best current director.

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you're mom

objectively wrong


Attached: back_to_reddit.jpg (717x880, 186K)

You summed up all special interest boards. Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums etc.
They're all awful garbage boards.

>one piece has consistenly horrible animation



You can get good threads going every now and then but 95% of the time Yea Forums is for seasonal garbage.

and you can't even use those threads either because every thread about currently airing anime is just full of people that spam spoilers because they went looking for pages from manga RAWs, looking for LN spoilers or whatever! Goddammit Yea Forums! But that's what you get when every show is an adaption.

oh, and anyone that likes shit that celebrates and pokes fun at extreme metal and metalculture should watch Detroit Metal City, it's hilarious.

Attached: detroit-metal-city-featured.jpg (672x372, 81K)

Reddit reddit reddit plebbit flebbit reddit redito you are reddddiittt if u dont even know it you're still reddddit you're redddiiitttt thas RITE THAT RITE you are a redditor and you belong on.................... REEDDDIITTT

First season of Psycho Pass is great though. It's probably one of the best sci-fi shows without mechs or space.

>when it got interesting

There was at least a lot of continuity between the episodes, and the build up and context for the action is so fucking good that when you get to a scene like
you can't help but getting really into it. The music, the animation, the characters, and the reason that they are fighting makes it such a rewarding fight. The second season of SAC is my favorite season of anime ever.

Lain and Paranoia Agent for example


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>Fullmetal Panic
>Code Geass
>Non Non Biyori

Attached: ss13_laughing_clowns.jpg (500x500, 51K)

damn the left really can't meme

>but worse in every way
Cowboy bebop was dull and I never finished it, samurai champloo was Watanabes best show

>pol boogieman
Discord tranny go

Outlaw Star is one of those boomer animes that was overshadowed by having a similar premise to CB

>samurai champloo was Watanabes best show
You mean that thing with vomit inducing hip hop?

How the fr*ck does Paranoia Agent of have glacial pacing? It's episodic and every episode is wildly different.

Attached: Nichijou.webm (854x480, 2.34M)

dont you have some jews to blame for every single problem that has or ever will exist?

Not at all, I just think it's completely reasonable to expect others to learn about a hobby before being involved in discussion. Or at least they shouldn't expect to be coddled and spoon fed.

name of the girl?

I can't get over the retarded guns. I know japan is noguns but come the fuck on

NOOOO those anime you guys are watching are older than six months and more than 500 people worldwide have heard of them


Attached: angryaposter.jpg (403x392, 20K)

>It's episodic and every episode is wildly different.
Doesn't make the pacing any less slow in most of the episodes.

>Paranoia Agent
>bad pacing
How do you poorly pace short stories?

Attached: hina_high_level_idiot.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

You've listed almost ALL good anime. 90% of the rest is the utter garbage. Check some classics like Nausicaa and Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water. These two are closely connected to NGE

>post literally anything
>Ha-ha, it’s not obscure barely animated loli shit, gotcha faggot
There is a reason everyone hate you fucking weebt/a/rds

His list didn't have any loli in it though?

Try Noir.

Attached: noir.jpg (1024x768, 211K)

By having long bouts of silence and literally nothing happening in a bunch of the episodes.

Attached: bait_galo_sengaan.gif (480x360, 1.62M)

no he didnt. OP hasnt seen LOTGH, yu yu hakusho, fist of the north star or any gundam

>No Trigun Maximum anime

Its a crime because the story and characters are infinitely better in Maximum
>Fleshes out Insurance girls over years as they grow to be able to handle themselves in fights
>Wolfwood and Livio relationship
>Elendira the Crimsonnail existing
>Actually explains wtf plants are and punishes Vash for using too much power
>Knives is around way more and is am actual character

Its not fair

not the worst, but it is the most overrated anime ever

why are you so upset if somebody else other than you is spoonfeeding somebody? why does that bother you so much? that's literally what gatekeeping is.

>Why is no one explaining everything?
>Why aren't the characters narrating every single detail?
>What? There isn't a recap every episode that explains exactly how everything connects? I don't get it!

He said that Death note is good, implying other anime on the pic are rightfully called cancer

What? They're magic sci-fi guns, they don't have to make sense beyond that.

nice strawman and deflection
here's some gold

Makes the user-base retarded, and less self-sufficient. That's why reddit threads have 10 users asking "source" even though it's been linked already multiple times. They're literally to stupid to press ctrl+f

Finished rewatching Space Dandy yesterday not as good as Cowboy Bebop but still has some great episodes.

Attached: best girl.jpg (1891x1806, 376K)

I've never understood how anime manages to have so many great shows, but have them be completely ignored by the community.

Attached: girl_last_feel.jpg (1281x720, 320K)

but they make no sense to exist. Why would a cop need a gun that's almost guaranteed to cause collateral damage because of its power and leaves the user vulnerable after one shot? Why would they need a lazer gun when normal guns work just fine.

Imaging living your whole life without appreciating Evangelion, not even once.






Basically anything MADHOUSE animation studios make.

Attached: 1550905635257.png (394x329, 100K)

Season 2 episode 8 is fucking kino

>completely ignored
It's widely seen as one of the best shows of its year by people who actually watch anime.

If you like any of the big shonen like one piece, naruto, bleach etc. your opinion on anything is absolutely worthless
Those shows are the lowest of the low, even under fapbait ecchi harems

Another request thread like OP was deleted

Remember you can and should report the mod/janitor on right now to hiro for selectively doing his job


Yo what are some shows where kids/people get trapped in video games and have to win to get out?

Should definitely read the big 3 instead. One piece anime is shit compared to the manga

Just 'cause. Why wasn't Captain Kirk packing heat?

>ninja scroll
That's my nigga right there

Pic wasn't really related. This one is though.

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this isn't Yea Forums, you already have those spergy rules against that there

It was awful though.

That thread has a big brapper in the OP though

Attached: aqua_hot.jpg (875x1250, 90K)

Personally like the plant episode the best.

Attached: [MD] Space☆Dandy - 09 (1280x720 Blu-ray AC3).mkv_snapshot_20.59_[2017.03.10_21.00.53].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

It was pretty slow to get going I think but worth the wait


There, I said it.


Attached: girls_last_tour_smack.gif (400x225, 901K)

>Makes the user-base retarded
Where do you think we are?

Trying to get plebs to watch good shit is the only chance this board has.

I disagree:)

Maybe try FLCL OP, made by the same studio that created NGE. I'd consider it to be more non conventional compared to the generic seasonal show so give it a shot.

Dennou Coil

Fuck you faggot. Jin-Roh is great.

Hunter x Hunter
The Big O
Space Dandy
Psycho pass
Detroit Metal city
One punch man

I don't know what later One Piece is like, but if you don't mind watching story arcs that could easily be wrapped up in 3 or less episodes be stretched out over 30 then One Piece is the show for you.
Since I haven't seen it recommended yet: Baccano! is amazing.

It's great despite the pedobait.

>tfw picture related ended up being true
can the upcoming /film/ save us from these redditers?

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how can one man be so right

Fate/kaleid liner prisma Illya

Samurai Champloo
Galaxy Express 999

Space dandy was pretty great and underrated.

Might as well post my top 5 though I wouldn't recommend ARIA.
Rurouni Kenshin Tsuiokuhen/Seisouhen
Prison School
Ashita no Joe 2
Rose of Versailles

Attached: [GS] Prison School - 07 (BD 1080p 10bit FLAC) [D7D3B897].mkv_snapshot_22.30_[2018.01.10_15.51.56].jp (1920x1080, 289K)

This is the best space related show I've seen. Up there with 2001 space odyssey

Attached: planetes_earth.jpg (800x600, 261K)

I've only ever watched Death Note seriously, nothing else, probably will try and watch Akira, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion since these seem some of the best celebrated, anything else in this pantheon. I really really liked death note fwiw

What role could he play in a live action anime?

Attached: 445566.jpg (541x540, 24K)

all meme shit. akira has good animation tho.

>cowboy Bebop was dull

Attached: 1533394518011.gif (384x216, 256K)


it truly doesn't get any better than Berserk (90's anime)

t. someone who likes every anime you just posted

I haven't watched anime for longer than a decade, but in addition to all the classic boomer stuff you listed, I still remember pic related as being kino. Also, Darker Than Black, Ergo Proxy, Elfen Lied

Attached: 1319324_Japanese_ShowDetailHeaderDesktop_0dcd946d-3a58-e711-8175-020165574d09.jpg (1920x750, 90K)

Watch kaiji if you want something like death note.

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I forgot, Monster and Mushishi were great too

>I watched a 110 episode show but didn't pay attention once


If you get told to go back to r.eddit a lot maybe you should.

Mob Psycho 100 is so fucking great


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Confirmed for not understanding the subtext

I didn’t enjoy it either

Goblin Slayer.

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Blueballs: the anime. Its awesome


Kaigi dub when?

t democracilet


I see.

boards are a social construct


I see.

Is there any anime where exposition is shot out of a canon in the first 30 seconds?

> "Ah yes father, chief of police for 30 years, you are about to retire and look forward to spending quality time with your family and friends whom you love very much"

I get the language differences but it just takes me right out of it.




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I'm assuming you mean "isn't" and yes there is

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What the fuck is wrong with jojofags?

Goblin Slayer is pretty epic or watch Shield Hero.

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can ya name them?

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Plenty. Weak manga adaptations have endless amounts of exposition and reiteration through voice overs because some studios still don't know how to adapt something where 90% of dialogue is in the character's imagination.

And then when they do it properly people complain anyway.

Texhnolyze (last pic related)
Perfect blue
Haibane Renmei
Shinsekai yori (Does have infodumps)
Made in abyss

thanks senpai

You should absolutely not watch any of these shows if you do want to check them out read the manga.
If you want good shonen stuff I'd suggest starting with sports anime like slam dunk and ippo

To be fair its because people on those boards have discussed the classics to death its like if Yea Forums was constantly flooded with threads about star wars and breaking bad

Jojo is inexplicably comfy. Especially stardust crusaders. Comfy desert adventure kino.

>110 episodes
Shit nigga i'm not watching all this

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You are though.

Fuck off rec thread. Ask reddit. Unironically if you're new with nothing to add and just shit taste reddit will love you. Now you have to read manga.

Where can I watch this

>anime uses classical music
>weebs lose their shit and call it kino
Jeez, you fucking plebs can find it outside cartoons for kids

That looks awful. Also I can't believe they kept the annoying as fuck Mirror World sound effect going the whole time

>no JoJo's
>no One Piece
>no Spice and Wolf
>no Wolf Children
Would've been a good list but you fucked it all up m8

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Anime OST's are by far more varied then movies. Sorry this is just a fact.


People will shit on me for saying Death Note because of the objectively shitty ending and some leaps in logics that every anime has but it was the show that got me into and its a wild, entertaining ride for the first 20 or so episodes. Monster is another good dark mystery anime but goes on for way too long. If you like tits and over the top action with a decent enough story, I also recommend Gurren Lagen.

It's perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Yea Forumseddit poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow /pol/ opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate." He'll beg for the mods to stop /pol/ ideals from actually being fulfilled.

And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork

I understand it's intentional but unironically wha imagee bluur?

>ergo proxy but no psycho pass

To bait people who want recommendations. It's the same jokes as posting a thumbnail image.

Looks kino

Don't try to blame all your failings on other boards.
"Kino" is a Yea Forums invention, you invented it because you hated talking about movies. Now you can just say "kino af" or "not kino" (or more likely "was it kino?" to avoid even the most basic level of input) and be done with it.

The thing with Ergo Proxy is that it looks nice and has good characters. It's nothing like Psycho Pass.

The boy and the beast is great.
Not the best animation but a great story
Grave of the fireflies is great and sad

1997 berserk put your grasses on

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>One piece

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Kino was only used to discuss the film distributor. Then came the discussion and merit behind movies vs films vs cinema(which you can look up is a real thing). This made Yea Forums teens insecure and they added kino, flick, etc. The same thing happened when things like fedoracore came up
they were made insecure and then added a bunch of other shit to save face

Too bad about the ending.

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There's only a few good anime. Read manga.

Any anime that takes 30 episodes to get decent and then falls to shit again after a couple of seasons isnt worth putting in a best of all time list...one piece is like the simpsons of anime but its peak isnt as good


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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

mirai keisatsu urashiman

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What, no Doragon Baru?

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This, and Outlaw Star.

This series including the movies is uploaded to YouTube from the Blu-ray release it’s a good playlist been on YouTube for years if anyone wants to watch it easily the best anime ever

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>Then came the discussion and merit behind movies vs films vs cinema(which you can look up is a real thing)
You mean the endless amounts of repetitive off-topic meme shitpost threads? You actually think that was a serious discussion on the merits of film and importance of terminology?

Now tell me how Sneedposting is a deconstruction Simpsons threads which holds a mirror up to the viewer.

i just started watching anime this year op.
trigun was good but i didn't get invested in it.
If you want some fun try FLCL
if you are also a huge pervert then kill la kill
madoka magica was interesting i suppose
ultimate survivor kaiji is speedwatch material. its 4 hours about a single game of rock paper scissors.
Yea Forums is a shithole for your purpose.

Don't mind me. Just posting the literally only good Gundam to exist.

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Both cyberpunk mysteries with a focus on psychology. Though I can see how they're distinct enough that you might not want to directly compare them. I just think the latter is consistently great while the former goes off the rails.

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sleepcore - yawn

why did you post a hamburger

I've seen the first ten eps and it felt like a romance novel put to anime

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>good things are popular

Who cud have seen dis cummin o lawd


Hilarious how you see these types in alita shill threads

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nhk and tatami are overrated

whats 2,3 and 7? I recognize the rest

shit, i just started nhk..
should I drop it then?

it's consistent in quality so watch it if you're enjoying it. it just felt too slice of life for me.