Say something nice about HER
Craptain Marvel
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She looks like a boxer dog
Nice tits and unlike Disney, I will watch it without having thoughts of trashing it
It is Disney who is promotting that to get free adds in youtube, fuck them
She was in Kong: Skull Island, which was a good movie, despite her presence. Even if it wasn't a good movie, I would have liked the movie anyway just for it's post credits scene, which teased a new movie, regarding which, I would like to remind you all, there are
>only 98 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
She has a nice jawline.
Yep, I'm thinking this is based
Great feet.
She would be the butt of all the jokes if she had one.
I thought she was really hot in Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
I think she's hot and I guarantee 75% of Yea Forums goes and sees this film with all the amount of shitposting going on.
she looks like she fucks black things
Jude Law looks hot.
Funny how people think it's all trolls who hate women yet Wonder Woman never had that issue as it never had a want to see score below 97% before release.
She is hot. I just can't stand her.
Stop thinking exclusively with your dick.
Her movie is poised to have a 95%+ positive critic rating which is hard to do. It must be because of her great acting.
>fake tits
How low can Yea Forums and /pol/ get the audience % to land at before the movie hits theaters?
It's gonna be around 90% and like 7.5/10 so pretty standard marvel.
she has a nice ass
when they aren't obnoxiously large, sure
She´s not a nigger.
Her most noteworthy thing in the comics is being raped by her own son, and I hope it’s in the movie. What a radical feminist character.
I hope incels don't review bomb it before seeing it
Mostly because if it fails I would rather the world see it as legitimate rather than shrug any legitimate criticism off like they did with TLJ
Captain Carvel lmao
>Kong movie, without the blonde showing her tits
It's not a good movie
This movie is going to be 90s kino. Carol is going to become more heroic instead of a stuck up prick over the course of the film, just like Thor and Tony Stark did. The supporting cast looks good, particularly Jude Law, and I'm happy to see Clark Gregg reprise the Agent Coulson role one last time. Also, the concept of a war against shapeshifters is more interesting than the usual fight-evil-opposite trope that DC AND Marvel keep doing, and I'm excited to see any teasers for a possible Doomverse/F4 storyline.
Plus it will break 1 billion easy
Hot like this shit?
>Skull island
I think Brie "kill whitey" Larson is cute
What went so wrong?
Look at these dudes
Thanks for the image fellow IM WITH HER poster
It's nice that she's doing her part to sink Marvel capeshit with her SJW bullshit
could be more fun with a big forehead and a manjaw
I cant, she's just so unlikable. Thats the only reason Im not watching it. She's put me right off it. Smug, ugly, miserable and foot fungus.
New Marvel in comics
New Marvel in Movies
She's got a head like a lego man, no ass and them feet,,.,
no problem
The most important detail is Cuckquaman on suicide watch, go wild
She deserved a better actress.
Sure. Go ahead and believe it. It looks bland and redundant as fuck. Imagine CM as a man, and it'll be easy to see. Pushing a social platofrm is literally all it has going for it.
So captain Marvel shot him right between the eyes...
Literally the first picture of her I’ve ever seen with a smile.
This is how communist regimes work in real life and not stupid things like comic book movies. "Political dissidents are - for some reason - decrying the glorious justice brought on the rebel sympathizers brought on by Glorious Leader Brie today. If you have any information to identify them with please share it with your local commisar."
It's just a fucking Green Lantern remake, but with girl-power! How can anyone be interested in it? I don't get the appeal.
How come she didn't get an acting coach to teach her how to smile?
because Green Lantern movie sucked ass. This one will be infinitely better
Based zillafrogposter
No it won't. Get past the social narrative and judge the movie with total neutrality in and of itself. What's new? What stands out? What makes it some masterpiece?
Kindly do explain.
who said it had to be new to be better? who said it had to be a masterpiece? Stop being a fucking retard. GL movie was just that bad.
>Jude Law
>Sam Jackson
>Clark Gregg
>better CGI
>better worldbuilding
>shapeshifter invasion instead of big evil space cloud
come on
So you cannot critically give an intrinsic reason, and just arbitrarily declare it as better?
You'd make a shitty movie critic.
>Get past the social narrative and judge the movie
You obviously can't get past the Brie's narrative and are just raging.
Why do internet trolls fear and hate “Captain Marvel” ?
Decide for yourself. Choose one or several:
Carol Denvers is a good girl.
Carol follows her conscience.
Carol believes in God.
Carol is beautiful.
Carol is very intelligent.
Carol has a sense of humor.
Carol has a great personality.
Carol easily attracts boys in USAF.
Carol avoids the common problems of youth, drinking, drugs, bad friends and so on.
Carol succeeds in her endeavors.
Carol is courageous even to the point of death.
Carol has empathy for others.
Carol puts herself in danger for others.
Carol saves the world.
Carol makes the world a better place.
Carol never harms anyone.
Carol uses thousands of times as much energy as all Avengers has used since battle for New York.
Carol has more power than all the world’s armies combined.
Carol could be a world dictator but leaves everybody alone.
Which of these do the internet trolls fear and hate the most?
Fun fact: a female pilot was promoted to lead the F16 flight demonstration team as a publicity stunt to oreosre for this movie and she was relieved of her command after two week.
*to prepare
>April 5
such a fucking retarded release date
She triggers the shit out of pathetic /pol/fags so that means she is alright in my book.
>inb4 discord tranny
Chadzam likes challenge
why would you give money to people that hate you and trash you because of the color of your skin?
We fucking did it bros!
We saved Western civilization and the declining white population!
Based and isildurpilled
>implying white people don't need to be taken down a notch
I'm a proud white Aryan but the very fact that so many people are outraged about the diversity and inclusivity movement shows that most white people are superior assholes that need to have their egos checked so the next generation can be more accepting
>inb4 discord tranny
>I'm a proud white Aryan
Im not the one brainwashed by kikes because i'm not the one crying over an actress, you faggots are...when will the redpilled /pol/fags get that media manipulation goes both ways
honestly i just want this movie to do well since the shit posting material would be amazing.
>diversity and inclusivity movement
buzzwords like that is what turn people off. Fuck white people
Just like with Wonder Woman right?
>so next gen can be more accepting
But i dont need to accept anything. I dont want to live in a multicultural society. No one asked me or my people to vote if we want it or i should've voted a big NO.
She has deceptive nice tiddies attached to that blocky awkward body of hers.
>Say something nice about Captain old roastie
She should be in a nursing home not running around punching aliens.
If this dumb bitch will manage to ruin 10 years of MCU she will be the most hated character in history.
She's a Noble Warrior
Hero, Noble Warrior Hero
this is because kris anka drew it, he's gay as fuck and can't draw a hot woman to save his life
She is above average. Not hot. You see hotter girls everyday passing by
Yea Forums never goes to movies user. Everyone here pirates camrips just to get the references
Disney/Marvel approves this shit
So, no excuses
I'm with her!
>kris anka
This guy is responsable for this two abominations