If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, tell me so (tell me so) edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Find a more useless Captain
>images (15)
Up your filename game user
sorry but my heart's already taken by someone else
Star Trek V was Kirk/Spock/McCoy kino, how do people not like it?
Im in my wagecuck office computer mate, just improvising. I hope the lack of file name doest tarnish the effort of shitposting from work.
I have to watch it again, it was a long time ago when i saw it.
Anyway, i love IV, kirk saying that spock is a LSD hippie is funny as fuck
>Im in my wagecuck office computer
I have to buy food man... dont laugh at me.
I get the impression you work in one of those scammy Indian call centers
No, but in my hood there is a scammy mexican callcenter.
Why is Noonian Soong such a weird asshole but Data is so sweet? Lore’s a psychopath and B-4 was a Romulan collaborator.
>ENT is too early for robot characters
It hurts
Can you prove that Travis wasn't a robot?
>its an Archer adn Trip drop into a new planet to say howdy to some friendly aliens episode
It's monster of the week but pretty comfy
Now that the US unironically will have a Starfleet equivalent, do you think it'll be more like Trek (more science/exploration) or Spess Muhreens
Because I'm hoping for the latter
Kill Em All 2364
I am trash man
410,757,864,530 DEAD BORGS
You mean the former, right? Because the latter is a given.
Neither. It's going to be the satellites 'n missiles squad. We monitoran 'n sheit
>ywn get to live in a luxury gay space communist society
last night I found out the soviets built these hella rad hydrofoil passenger ferries and now they're just laying around rusting
but you can restore and convert them into luxury yachts and basically it's living star trek irl
wtf phone
Where are they and how much to convert them for space travel?
it won't truly be living in star trek until i can have an alien lizard bf
so far I've found four in Greece and I'm waiting to hear back from them about prices
fuck your gay lizards
Name one area Kirk is better than Picard as a captain and leader
fuck your gay trip
VF when you find out let us know, I want in. Maybe BF can come too, who knows. Is that MKULTRA guy around? He probably knows about antigravity n shit.
fuck you user
we can all sail away from our problems and watch trek together
just gotta keep on sailing
Why did Ira hate him so much?
Faggots hate confident people with big dick energy.
just got an estimate for $400,000
I can probably get him down to 300-350 but there's also the cost of transportation and renovation so the butcher's bill will likely end up at around $1 milly
anyone know anything about GoFundMe?
>random woman attacked me on the street today
any Trek episodes about that?
Hollow Pursuits
Was she a cutie?
it was a very angry looking middle aged woman. So I mean, if you're into that...
The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after VF finds me a trek gf.
I might be.
but was she cute
Get on my level.
another swing another miss
>the host
>sub rosa
which one was worse
>all the tripfags live on a boat together
>it sinks and they all die
I'm putting a hundred dollars on the table right now.
I hate you never come back
thanks user
anyone who pledges more than fifty bones is invited to the christening party
The Host
Sub Rosa is comedy kinó
i can't be the only person who thinks this '''remaster''' actually looks worse than the original
too many unnecessary aesthetic changes
Travis was a plank of mahogany with a face painted on.
is it appropriate to even call travis a character?
Sorry, you're the only person here who thinks that models==soul and CGI==soulless. The rest of us have embraced the future.......... kid.
wasn't voyager entirely cgi?
Travis got little focus or even lines, but he definitely had character.
>There are six shots in the opening title sequence, three of them had the CG ship that we built; the other three have the practical model. The three that had the CG ship were the one where it goes by the sun, the one where it goes through the smoky, particle stuff, and the last one, where it jumps to warp.
Hi Valley Forge.
I want one of those to make a houseboat. I live on the Gulf of Mexico. I have many friends and family that live in waterfront homes. It would be awesome to have a hydrofoil to go visit them. /end blogpost/
True, I had completely forgotten about that guy, and I just saw III a while ago.
It's a meme
Friendly reminder that /trek/ is for /sci/ dropouts.
keep it frenly
How can you ever compete?
Is section 31 like the CIA?
What the fuck was his problem?
keep it STD free
Technically, STD is canon.
Wtf is that autism? That online integer sequence thing is fucking mind numbing. Why does it exist?
Ever met a computer science student? Or even a math student?
They are numberophil.
Practically it's degenerate and so are you.
computers like data
Your labels won't stop me from speaking my mind.
He may not have that much to do but he's keeping this shitshow anchored.
Reminder that "Prime" is not canon and you have all been rused.
I actually agree. Some of the nebulae are rendered too sharp, which makes them look more fake compared to the original effects.
It's a very poorly constructed movie. There's no real focus or structure. The persistent attempts at self-aware humor are cringeworthy, Shatner's directing choices are jarring and unfitting, the effects are fucking terrible, and the whole thing just has this awful cynical attitude that defuses all emotion and tension. It feels like it only exists for the sake of existing, like they're just making another Star Trek movie because they have to, without any idea of where to take the franchise after the preceding film trilogy.
You cannot stop me. I am MKULTRA, GATE trained.
>when you label yourself as a progressive and woke show that helps empower women and minorities but your three main writers are white men in their mid 40s who are really bad at their jobs
What's the spookiest Star Trek ever?
that one episode of star trek online with the hologram on drozana
Which one, /trek/?
takes one to know one faggot
Hi, Bashirfaggot. You're my favorite.
I love her!
I'm here everyday. AMA
oi blabla, you here m8?
>milk tank
>cutting board
Such a hard choice
Get a life
You may be surprised.
That's not a question.
Worth a read or nah?
That was my question, answer it!
Easily this...
Why was Malcom X assassinated by the FBI?
Read the shatnerverse.
Because he was a tripfag.
/trek/ needs tripfags like a sword needs a whetstone.
I am sorry Geordi, it still does not count.
Why is this thread every day?
We like Star Trek
You just post memes and fight about name users.
Why are spooks always volatile cunts in Star Trek?
He was assassinated by the Nation of Islam, a criminal cult which he severed ties from shortly before he was killed.
/trek/ needs memes like a sword needs a sheath
Top threads on Yea Forums right now:
>Brie Larsen Incel Seething (x5)
>This is Jazz freak show
>Ed Helms / Repulsive Actors
>Disney Wars spoilers (who cares?)
>Feet general
Yea Forums needs /trek/ more than /trek/ needs Yea Forums
I use /trek/ to talk to people and just hang out.
If I was a janny, I'd cull this shitshow
Hi /trek/fren
Anons, i want to tell you that i love you all, even tripfags and std fans.
>doesn’t like thread
>keeps posting in it
I like you
me on the left, right and in the middle
Hi, I hope you have plenty of candy as you watch trek!
I hope to have friends like you, irl someday.
Thanks trekbro
fuck you, user.
Only a virgin would claim elaborate holographic masturbation is the same as sex with a biological female like Tasha Yar. I call my penis "Turkana IV" because it does the job of an entire rape gang.
>tfw stopped coming to /trek/ after i effectively turned it to shit
>come back for a peep of whats going on
>more lame unfunny posts and namefags than ever
Funny. I call my penis "Armus".
>dubsminionposter can't get dubs
>ghostposter effortlessly gets trips
true, we are the good guys
>they peep
you can use both you know
Why not both?
You are nice.
Cancel reed alert.
the amount of butthurt mallfags has definitely decreased in the last several weeks
Imagine being this much of a retarded autist
pika pi?
>more lame unfunny posts
>just an emoticon
/trek/ is so bad now
So it was you?
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
care to elaborate
no I was doin it too
no one else is talking so why do you care what we do
He said he turned /trek/ to shit.
based 4channer
why did you samefag your own post, very strange even for 4channel
i had a hand in it, a big hairy man sized hand
but /trek/ wouldnt be the shitfest it is today if it wasnt for you lame ass loser nerds
so it was all of us, we all did it thanks to me :^)
Do you mean to imply that you're a role model?
Jokes on you because I’m still having fun
Maybe, i dont know, it have good days and bad days, like everything. The most important thing anyway is that Reply to this post with "we still dont know the age of consent in the federation of planets, breh" or Riker will stab your mother in her sleep tonight
dont try to lead me and put words in my mouth
im more of an influencer, not a role model for you nerds
im not here to tell you right from wrong
or to tell you what to post or who you can or cannot reply to
im here to wreak havoc and have a little laugh
like a pig in shit
So how many stand alone TNG threads will going down the drain with barely any posts today?
Well, in my opinon you have two parts in /trek/
The retarded discussion of technical bullshit killing real conversation about episodes.
The creative funposting.
Ill never leave this place while we still have creative funposting.
Lead you where? You chose that image -- what is Picards line for that frame you posted?
oh right my bad you are good
Also a lot of Simpsons fans have found refuge here from Sneedposting
Jimmy back
Go away you retarded faggot.
"star trek" poster please save us
star sneed
sneed trek
Welcome to Miami where the autist stays and we post them memes like every day
I'm a huge role model and a shining beacon for the future of humanity.
Completely unrelated btw do they make Star Trek daikimakura?
imma just go ahead and close this tab now
>you will never learn a language entirely based on memes
Ew. Nevermind.
How would you translate those scenes into Yea Forums?
Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.
as a gay person this horrifies me
fucking hell
Romantic prowess
Seriously i don't get why you fags think star trek is a communist society.
Never in my life have i seen so many people misconstrue a simple non materialistic post scarcity system for one of Marxism.
Eventually one has to think that this is just a dumb meme gone out of control.
Excessive resources stops the need for things like hunger and poverty, but that does not mean they switch over to a publicized means of production.
Degenerates and dumb asses see Star Trek's post scarcity economy and cream themselves like its their dream commie utopia.
Now read the first word of every sentence and learn basic economics.
The Star Wars ones are weirder in my opinion. The photorealism makes me uncomfortable.
i know. if only there were a commonly understood way to communicate - using complex narrative-characters - how bad this feels, man.
Are you also going to watch the Chinese Cartoon about my dad?
Boomer and Apu in the parking lot
Hands got sips
>seriously never eventually excessive degenerates
what was i meant to read here?
also i know the federation isn't a marxist society. after all, they couldn't really have any heirarchy in starfleet if it were.
I only watch the purest of Japanese animation to enhance my virginity but thanks
You are getting close to the answer now.
I made a mistake, that much is true, instead of "word" i should have used letter.
you bastard
I would ague that you still could considering military class isn't the same thing as social class as long as all soldiers of all classes are getting equal benefits and wages.
funny you say that right as the episode of ds9 i'm watching has a bit about giving admirals better quarters
>In a shopping mall.
Star trek is and allways be, capitalistic. Roddenberry was no commie.
What's wrong? Not obese enuff for you?
Yeah none of that shit. All ranks eat and sleep together. Can't respect a leader who isn't on the front lines with his men. Also the entire military industrial complex would have to go and The Federation is more NASA than Lockheed.
This. Starfleet and The Federation are not dirty fucking commies. They are capitalism, perfected.
>gets triggered by even the slightest passing mention of ds9
>All ranks eat and sleep together
This would unironically rot an army from the inside out. Commanding officers have to be larger than life in order to inspire their men and keep discipline. While it is healthy for them to play by the same rules and face danger alongside their soldiers, it's unhealthy for them to just be an average joe living in the bunks with everyone else. Leave it to a woman to not understand how to run an army.
you have to admit, though, it's an absurd premise for a "star trek" show, and questionably implemented on top of that
Threadly reminder that sex with an Ocampa is always rape, because they don't live long enough to give legal consent.
Based Simpsonsfag
Jess, go home or I'm telling mom.
It's funny because the CEOs of four of the five biggest defense contractors are women.
>implying they'll ever catch Neelix alive
That's funny because Joan of Arc didn't have anything to do with military matters and there are no female leaders of note in any military history
>star trek is a communist society
Simple. Terms like "communism" and "capitalism" only refer to economues based on scarcity. They do not apply in a post-scarcity society. We don't even know what that would look like since we've never actually experienced it. Until free energy and replicators become reality it's fruitless to attempt to put labels on that kind of society/economy. It would probably be something completely different with little bearing on our present economic systems.
Did they have an Orange Julius on DS9? How about Auntie Anne's or Sbarro?
I’m at least the other one but he’s the only thing keeping me here anymore other than habbit
There is no market at all and all means of production is done by replicators but you still need specialized jobs.
I get you brother, but it's such a hard thing to put into words. Like there is no market so you can't have communism or capitalism and due to replication no labour is being exploited.
It's almost as if running a business isn't the same as fighting a war. Even if it was the actual number is 2 out of 5 so good job being retarded on two counts.
desu post-scarcity is pretty much what communism means to me now despite the fact it is completely wrong, hence why i personally refer to star trek as communist
I understand
who replicates the replicators?
not sure, but Cisco demanded a Foot Locker, i guess. And Keera bought her jumpsuits at Hot Topic, because she's edgy
>no female leaders of note in any military history
The MO branch was in the business of creating rumors that our foreign adversaries would believe. In other words, black propaganda. Betty worked for the Far East division, while the other MO branch serviced Europe. “They taught us how to utilize material tailored for specific targets in the Far East. We had to learn to disseminate the material, a mix of truth and fantasy; we were taught how to get rumors started, for example.” It was at this point that Betty learned basic tradecraft, the same time-honored skills taught to intelligence officers today, skills that served her well in a post-war career at the CIA.
“The group was mostly made up of newspaper men, radio people, artists, cartoonists, and some writers,” said Betty. “Mainly it was the media. That was what the OSS wanted for a quick production start.” Betty’s team included several artists from China, as well as captured Japanese soldiers who were artists in civilian life and willingly offered their talents to the Allied cause.
Hiring a group of artists and writers to create black propaganda campaigns came with several challenges. “They didn't react to authority very well,” according to Betty. “I remember the artists and writers lounging around in the office, and when an officer entered the room they would just say, ‘Hi fellow’ or just ‘Hi.’ They wouldn't say ‘Colonel,’ ‘Sir’ or anything like that. And they never learned to salute. Their uniforms were awfully sloppy too.”
"Collectivist" might be the closest term but again that term is coined with an economy based on scarcity. Certain things are rare and have value based on their rarity/difficulty to produce. Money is merely a medium of exchange and as a concept becomes meaningless when things can be produced out of thin air. I just feel that using current economic terms is something of a fool's errand because they can never be applied in the absence of an economy and are at best only gross approximations.
I did that.
No seriously, go read this plotico article. The military has been an all boys club for 99% of human existence, so if women won't be taken seriously as solider they can be taken seriously as arms dealers. Whatever weapon you use in the US Army was bought by a woman. Women are deciding what tools we use to spread America's message across the world, and at the end of the day where would you big strong men be without all your toys?
>Simple. Terms like "communism" and "capitalism" only refer to economues based on scarcity. They do not apply in a post-scarcity society.
That's not true. In a communist society, there is no private ownership. In a capitalist society, there is private ownership. The Federation clearly has private ownership and there is also commerce.
Correct. In our current society Communism fails because people are never satisfied to the point that altruism overrides selfishness, particularly when what they are provided by the state is merely sufficient.
Wow you posted a woman who never commanded or saw battle of any sort. RIP history.
Marx believed in personal vs private property which are two different things.
except there is only real commerce with the other communities in the alpha/beta quadrant. there is no real need for trade inside the federation thanks to post-scarcity
Here, read this: This post is based as fuck. Commies eternally btfo.
Also, only kazon niggers support the idea of a commie star trek. Fuck kazons.
>private ownership
How so? It's never clearly determined whether one can own property or how one acquires property in the absence of economy. There is commerce in other societies but what passes for "commerce" in Federation society is something akin to barter. Joseph Sisko runs a restaurant because he likes cooking and feeding people. He does not have to buy supplies, so there is no need to charge money from customers. Naybe some people give him a gift or service in thanks but there's no real transaction taking place. Now, clearly, non-Federation cultures behave like ours presently and use a medium of exchange like latinum or the darsek.
she fought in the war of the mind
I personally think that Starship Troopers showed us the ideal integrated military. Men and women living and serving side by side. Too bad authoritarian tyranny is required to bring it about in that depiction.
I love these to pieces
>Communism is an ideology of economic equality through the elimination of private property
This the defining feature of communism.
>but what passes for "commerce" in Federation society is something akin to barter
Are you retarded? Yes, that's commerce. Trading things for things is capitalism. That's what private ownership entails. I have things. You have things. We exchange things for things because we own them.
You can't have an economy if there is no market. There is no market in the Federation because there is nothing to buy and all labour value is obsolete because you don't have to pay machines. There is nothing that needs to he exchanged.
Yeah private property, not personal property. You can still have like a car and stuff, just maybe not like land that other people pay you the rights to live and work on.
>Trading things for things is capitalism
No, capitalism is an economic system based upon the acquisition and accumulation of CAPITAL. Capital is distinct from resources and is analogous to wealth and/or profit. Again, you are trying to apply current economic terms to a hypothetical future society that does not have an economy or commerce as we know it.
>There is no market in the Federation because there is nothing to buy
Land, labor and time are limited in the Federation. Additionally replicators do not create something from nothing. They require energy and matter, which must be laboriously attained by people.
>all labour value is obsolete because you don't have to pay machines
You still have to pay for someone's time.
>There is nothing that needs to he exchanged
Land, labor and time are things that must be exchanged. Also, both TOS and DS9 established the usage of credits.
Capitalism is inherent fact of the physical universe. The Federation is a government with social programs, but that doesn't make it communist. Ultimately, it is still capitalist.
what should I watch after DS9? Already watched TOS and TNG
Shit like this is only possible in fiction. No matter how much you wish for it, unless genetic engineering will find widespread acceptance, men and women will not be able to serve equaly in the military simply due to biological differences.
Capital isn't just money. Capital is any resource owned by an individual or organization. Additionally, the definition of capitalism is
>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
In a communist society, you cannot own things. You may use a car, but you don't own it. The state controls all resources.
you better give a sauce for that image
He's not in control of his own missions. Terrible captain.
He lets Saru take control against his own instincts and the only thing saving the day is a glowing red angelus ex machina.
>They require energy and matter, which must be laboriously attained by people.
No, they do not. They require energy alone because they convert energy into matter. Novel energy sources like matter-antimatter reaction mitigated by dilithium provide unfathomable amounts of energy, enough to bend and warp space-time, think about that. Current estimates on the energy required to do that are in excess of the total energy in the UNIVERSE. Yet Starfleet does it routinely. They are capable of generating so much energy that no one needs to work in any meaningful way to provide it to consumers to replicate food or goods.
he also almost bombarded the kelpien villages with photon torpedoes i.e. literally worse than nuclear bombs
>Capital isn't just money.
Please stop being dense. I did not say capital was money. Capital is distinct from resources and is also distinct from a medium of exchange (i.e. money).
>No, they do not. They require energy alone because they convert energy into matter.
Incorrect. Replicators require energy to power the process and then also require matter to resequence into things.
>A replicator or molecular synthesizer was a device that used matter-energy conversion technology to dematerialize quantities of matter and then rematerialize that matter in another form
Who's that?
There is no market so there is no economy. No communism. No capitalism. No socialism. You have to trust me on this because I am too sober to get into commodities and use vs exchange value.
The state owns the means of production not personal property, which again is very different from private property. The state does not own my car that is still for my personal use. The state WOULD own Lyft or Uber and all public transportation services.
>Capital: wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization
luckily all you probably need to refuel the replicator is to scoop up some fucking dirt and shove it in
Capital can be money, but is not exclusively money. It can be gold, it can be achievement, or victimhood.
Read the book. It works far, far better. In fact, in most cases in the book, women went navy, men went infantry.
Or shit
Based Heinleinposter. What are your thoughts on Farnham's Freehold?
>There is no market
There is.
>The state owns the means of production not personal property, which again is very different from private property. The state does not own my car that is still for my personal use.
That's socialism. This is communism
>a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
i feel so sorry for the fan sites that have to pretend like this shit is actual star trek and not literal 25% off fan fic (inb4 Midnights Edge REEE). I lurk them sometimes and cringe at all the elaborate cope from defeated and occupied nerds
Then dirt would be a valuable commodity due to its limited nature and importance in creating things. By the way, people sell dirt in the real world.
Regrettably haven't read it.
Yes, it can be many things.
>ITT internet communists, who don't even understand the system of government they are arguing in favor of, get BTFO
how about you go stick your head in a replicator and dematerialise
They'd use stray kittens then.
You should. Very controversial view on race in the future.
Has anyone noticed when Saru walks he waves his arms behind him it's very strange, he is a well-played character. I would like to see more of cyborg head woman, I don't know anythng about her
hi vf
We're discussing economics, government is another hornets' nest entirely.
Dirt comes out of your bumbum
i noticed it, the actor must really enjoy playing him despite the absolute hell the prosthetics and shoes must be
In order to shit, you have to supply matter into your body or shit out your insides. That's a resource. There is a finite amount of matter in the universe.
Are you suggesting that in the 24th century they'd convert poo into food?
Would it be any poo, or could I specifically request a certain crewman's poo for my food?
I would subsist on a pure diet of Natasha Yar. That would be so fucking amazing.
They could just re-use the same matter indefinitely. Start with some, eat it, shit it out, eat it again
This. Communism and Marxism are two different things. Communism is the government ran application of a Marxist economy. Also I'm pretty sure Lenin let you own a car, but the car companies themselves were owned by the state. But it was still your personal property. You just couldn't really exchange it for capital or accumulate capital by selling it because again there is no market or the entire market would be the state.
>there are no female leaders of note in any military history
That would require an expenditure of energy to both expel and reclaim the matter, not to mention actually powering the replication process.
>go to replicator
>order water
>replicator demands piss tribute
>have to blast it with piss while it sprays my face with water
I miss drinking fountains
Reminder that your franchise is dead, and legally must be 25% different from what you loved.
/orville/ is where all the action is. Enjoy your discord trannies.
No, I think they'd have a specific crew division assigned to "poo duty". They would have brown uniforms rather than the traditional red/blue/gold. That's the reason there's no bathroom on the Enterprise-D: There's just a shit harvesting chamber staffed by people who poo for the crew.
>Also I'm pretty sure Lenin let you own a car
Wrong. If Lenin said "You're not allowed to drive that car" then you would either comply or go to the gulag.
Fusion ring in the saucer section. Or it runs off warp power. Plenty of juice there.
>/trek/ - piss and shit general
And? They got plenty of energy, that's the whole point
Don't drag The Orville's good name through the mud with your Fedora's Edge bullshit.
ok, but this is a Trek thread. Maybe you should make a different thread to discuss STD
It does bring new meaning to pissing and shitting on DS9. You're doing your civic duty that way.
Okay but that's no Marxism thats totalitarianism which I cannot stress enough how not okay I am with that.
Other way around. Communism is an economic system, not a system of government. I would argue Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism are attempt at putting communism into practice.
desu i just wish people would stop trying to argue semantics now
Even the process of fusion loses energy during its reaction.
It's not indefinite.
oi blabla you here m8?
ds9 sucks
Start a new argument then faggot.
In a marxist society, there is no private property. Everything is owned by the collective. If the collective decided that you needed to give up your car, then you would either comply or become an enemy of the state.
>Even the process of fusion loses energy during its reaction.
Well no shit (pun intended).
They'd have to put in periodically for more energy, but should be self-sufficient when it comes to matter.
No but energy is the main resource, not matter, as far as food goes.
Shall be back in /cric/ tomorrow mate. Gotta finish my time in the penalty box. Hold down the fort in he meantime.
how many times do people need to be told about the difference between private and personal property
What if /trek/ is a haunted house used by cyber spies to send each other secret messages? Half this thread doesn't make sense and reads like it's multiple people trading codes. I can't think of any other good reason why this general stays alive.
aight mate I shan't let you down
over and out
Received and understood. Color is BROWN. Texture is CHUNKY. Page 417.
One less than the amount of times you have to be told what communism is.
tars rekt
What's the worst episode of each show?
>Trip fags got us talking politics again
Yeah great Trek threads, you freaks.
Which characters would be good personalities in a /trek/ thread? I'd say Barclay but he'd always be anonymous
Your shit and piss contains significantly less matter than what you ingest because the majority of the food is broken down into nutrients for your body.
That makes sense and I agree.
the q and the grey was fucking awful
You don't just continuously gain weight though. You also spew out carbon in the form of CO2, urine carries a lot of metabolic waste products, and a lot of stool consists of dead cells and other detritus.
Nah man, provided your crew maintained their weight within certain tolerances (which would be set according to the poo supply the ship would carry upon leaving spacedock) this is a system that could definitely work.
If that were the case, we would all gradually get bigger and bigger as we gained more mass, which is true to a point, but, assuming a person maintains a constant weight then this must mean logically that the amount of mass coming out must be the same as the mass going in
Friendly reminder that Crell Mosset was just a hologram designed to help B'Elana. It was one of the weakest moments for the Doctor, who pulled a complete 180 from the start of the episode. Shame it was such a waste of a VOY episode, so few of them had Cardies
>the poo supply the ship would carry upon leaving spacedock
My god think of the smell.
Except most of the energy ingested is used to maintain your body and execute physical movements+processes. The amount of gases, liquids and shit expelled from your body are lesser leftovers.
>assuming a person maintains a constant weight then this must mean logically that the amount of mass coming out must be the same as the mass going in
No, that's not the logical conclusion. A body expends energy doing things. Everything from your basic life functions like your beat heart to physically moving your body or thinking all use energy derived from ingested matter.
>you don't just continuously gain weight though.
Don't care stopped reading.
Makes me sad to see his art degrade so much.
>provided your crew maintained their weight within certain tolerances
I guess Riker was only doing his part to make up the difference then. In fact bulking was part of his duty or doody...
So what the fuck is it?
mk nu thred
We're just talking mass here. If I expell less mass than I take in, then i would gain weight. If my weight was constant then I must be expelling the same mass as is going in, in some form or another
A red herring.
Spock from the future
Iron Man
a weeb
>We're just talking mass here
Go back to school
the race that built that sphere probe they found in the previous episode
Well this was a spirited thread lads, many thanks.