Without resorting to scapegoats such as Jews, feminism, left-wing politics...

Without resorting to scapegoats such as Jews, feminism, left-wing politics, describe why Disney is as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be.

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Impossible without saying jews

>without mentioning 4 tell me what 2+2 equals



>having to justify your dislike for mega-corporations

>without using the reason why it's bad tell me why it's bad

Money-grabbing remakes of everything possible

Bad writing.

Lazy, formulaic scripts and shameless exploitation of social divisions and pseudo-activism to market their movies. The way they convinced 30 million black americans that giving Disney $11 each was the new civil rights movement was kind of disturbing.

they're the main force behind fucking the people on copyright

what's wrong with women, user?

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It's taken beloved franchises and corrupted them. It's muddied the waters of what were respected things, even if there were already some issues with a series.

Mainly, I dislike/distrust them because of their buying up of all the media companies and getting their hands on just about any piece of popular IP possible. They're a huge corporation based in money making overall, which isn't surprising or new, but it's pretty unappealing to watch them swallow up every other part of the industry and becoming a black hole of pumped out, souless, boring, and sometimes outright bad media.

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They don't like him. Post more

>Ancestors had to storm beaches with M1 Garands and get sprayed by firehoses to fight nazis and racism

>Today, Disney tells you you're just as heroic as they are for waddling your fat ass down to the theater and spending $13 on a really shitty movie

Pat yourselves on the back Disney fans, you're so brave and heroic


It's all of those things you listed but if you don't want that answer it's that they're incredibly lazy and uninspired

>kahjit has wares if you have coin

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This is a surprisingly smart comment on Yea Forums, I agree and I would also point out the nostalgia factor Disney is banking on.

Not only did they buy Star Wars and sold its nostalgia for ages before releasing the first film, hey've got over 20 live action films planned redoing their most classic movies. Nobody cares about Disney live action movies, but it's quick buck with the '90s animation renaissance being the payload.

Disney is an aggressively obtrusive company that has bought up enormous companies that haven't been bought, sold, or moved around for decades, on a scale that hasn't been seen for even longer.

Less than 1/5th of what Disney is shitting out is original. they bought Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm only so they could re-sell comics and movies that were already made. Disney shits out almost 60 movies a year and a maximum of 5 of those movies are ever original content.

Disney represents something that has been plaguing cinema for a while now and has been greatly dampening the amount of actual good content, it's the repackaged and resold franchises that cant' ever be done justice unless you yourself have the same kind of talent and can further expand on what is already there.

Disney has been dead since after the animation renaissance, this is just the money rolling from place to place and forcing these companies to shit out a product they often don't even want to make until the money was smacked on the table.

Soulless corporatism, anti-art, anti-creativity, anti-film.


I would be disgusted at belonging to a culture that was tricked into placing so much importance in a movie produced by an exploitive company.

>The way they convinced 30 million black americans that giving Disney $11 each was the new civil rights movement was kind of disturbing.
They're trying it again with Captain Marvel

The ultimate commodification and manipulation of women and children through trite, thoughtless emotional appeals into a life of brand-name-servitude that actively serves to destroy and diminish the proliferation of real artistry in the sphere of popular entertainment


Too many cooks. They're simply too giant to create art anymore.

Disney is anti-white.

We are over saturated in entertainment which is why companies are so reliant on nostalgia from a period when people where not.

There are lots of better concepts than Star Wars but it's wormed it's way deep into the western psyche. Disney didn't pay 4 billion for a good idea, they spent 4 billion for the wallets and minds of Star Wars fans.

> please don't mention the largest points of contention and make a coherent argument


Disney is bad because it's a corporation that exercises a uniform vision and approach across multiple properties. In practice, what this is is a flattening of the unique quirks and characteristics that embody the practice of film creation and therefore the movie experience. They remove mistakes, triumphs and flourishes and replace them with a similar safe approach. Great heights can't be achieved without risk, and as a large corporation, their willingness to take risk is incredibly low. Therefore placing a large number of IPs in their hands guarantees stagnation. They retroactively define mistakes as risks as well, further shielding themselves from growth. This creates a sterilized film experience. As a result, the films can't explore interesting ideas in any meaningful sense and therefore are barely works of art. Having an IP fall under control of The Mouse is a tragedy.

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2+2 = 2^2
Now what incel ?

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Jew feminist liberals are forcing their politics into every movie they make.


The Disney channel is disgusting as well. Why do people let their kids watch that shit?


They are anti-white because it appeals to anti-white people and you can get away with being anti-white.

A lot of the campaigning for the new Star Wars films was openly hostile towards the original white male fans. From the companies perspective these people are already in the bag, so they need to pander harder to other demographics and part of that was shitting on the only demographic they could get away with attacking "these evil white males don't want you watching this film".

They dilute stories/culture from across the globe to sell to the masses.

>without addressing the studio's terribly misguided leadership or any of their most egregious practices, such as injecting identity politics into established IPs which - aside from making zero financial sense - demonstrably results in audience alienation and damage to the brand, describe why Disney is as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be

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They killed childhood for children beyond their pre-packaged, over priced goods.

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>tfw no qt gf
Why is this happening???? Why???

>The way they convinced 30 million black americans that giving Disney $11 each was the new civil rights movement was kind of disturbing.
it's only beginning

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The concept of a scapegoat was literally created by jews. They still are responsible.

Monopolist power is a bad thing. Moreover so it is media we are talking.

Brainlets need to fuck off
Go back to stormfront

Wow, there's a lot of bullshit answers in this thread, people can't even explain why Disney is bad yet you faggots will act like they're the most evil thing on the planet.

The problem with Disney is that they are extremely influential in instilling their brand of morality on their audiences, and most often their morality is black and white. The villain is the villain because he is evil, the hero is completely good in every way. This has (probably unintentionally) produced a culture of social justice egoists who think they're like the heroes of their childhood fighting against people who they see as wholly evil just because they made a joke, for example. I don't have a lot of time but you can extrapolate a lot from here to see how Disney's influence on modern culture has been detrimental and you should never date a girl who thinks she's a princess.

Yes Disney is bad, not the millions of morons who pay them

2+2=6 if it's two couples procreating, not accounting for the possibility of twins.

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But also theres this signature to everything they do, almost like EA generic stench, any drop of talent is met with corporatism way of doing things you KNOW they sit down with a bunch of focus group and try to pander to everyone at the same time when it fucking rarely ever works, the end result is a bland experience that taste resembles a cluster of something elses you seen somewhere.

*ahem* henry ford is not an idiot

This can't be real, blacks aren't that dumb ... right?

Without resorting to milk, describe why cheese is dairy.



This girl is 40 years old??

But I mean obviously this.