/ffg/ - Found Footage General

Featured film: 909 Experiment

Previously: What is found footage? Found footage consists of feature length movies, shorts, or webseries designed to have the look and feel of actual (non-fictional) filmed events that were lost and subsequently discovered and made available to the viewer. That is why it is the most creative subgenre ever to exist, with over 700 movies and counting!


FF IMDB: foundfootagecritic.com/found-footage-films-database/

Conversation starters for newbies:
>What is your favorite found footage film?
>What found footage film are you looking forward to?
>What is your idea for the perfect found footage film?


a) Download Sources from best (1) to worst (5)

1) Private Torrents (PTP, CG, and THC are the best for FF and THC is easy to join)
2) Private Usenet accounts (Get these from private torrents and private piracy forums)
3) Public Usenet (use Binsearch, get a free usenet account, slow but it works)
4) Public Torrents (use BTDB, torrentz2, zooqle, rarbg)
5) Public and private DDL (warez-bb, filehosts)

b) Streaming sites have quite a few. Type in google "[name of movie] 123movies"

c) Amazon Prime has a lot of them if you already have an account.

d) Ask /ffg/ for the ones you can't find using above methods. Remember to archive the rare ones for your fellow FF fans!

e) Here's a still-evolving pastebin of FF movies you can watch on Youtube. These are NOT recommendations!

Attached: 909exp.jpg (500x750, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I've seen this movie in my youtube recs

yeah it's in the pastebin

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more like nein o nein experiment

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Attached: Hey.webm (720x576, 3M)


who is this qt

Judith from Exhibit A, found footage film from the UK.

Attached: Exhibit A.png (853x480, 348K)

the intro song to this flick is always amusing


i watched noroi yesterday and actually get scared. any other asian found footage kinos?

Attached: cheers2.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

>Did found footage before it was cool

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it's a classic

The director has two other movies often considered his best, Occult and Cult.

Attached: 1547680731297.webm (720x576, 2.42M)


>white people

>when your bbq is dragging so you spice it up with the help of your old friend cocaine

>not “come have a dance with Andy.webm”

Attached: 3EE13390-CA02-4DBE-A531-1E346EB16128.jpg (600x600, 26K)

>not "REEEEEEEEEE.jpg"

Attached: noroi.webm (720x384, 2.93M)


kek I’m on the move

MoHa - One-Way Ticket to Candyland

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pues el esta tomando entonces tu imagen tiene mas sentido pero todavia eres bobo


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que quiso decir con esto?

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no se me tengo que ir y no es por ti contigo esta mi corazon

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good movie

ich spreche keine Französisch

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esto el es fin el hermano

I'm so lost

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film it

I meant all the espanol

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wut in the butt butt

who dat boy?

that's willie

did anyone else notice the other /ffg/ in the catalog earlier today?

who he is?

i liked 909 but im not gonna rewatch it tonight.
ill catch up on an OP that i missed.

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page 9(09)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-18 (95) 909 Experiment - YouTube.png (575x431, 491K)

I'm not home

willie with the little willy

from what movie?

im just doing other shit again.
like trying to figure out how to give the goatman legs so i can put him into things without it having to be this awkward positioning.

Attached: goat man.png (450x332, 54K)

what are the best found footage movies on Shudder and Netflix?

Is Chronicle (2012) the best of these?

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he can just chill with his upper body can't he?

Reddit Footage General.

Featured film: You Need to Go Back!

wow i remember none of that movie besides the eye in the barrel.
i didnt even remember this chick until i looked in my folder.

Attached: re-cut_00140.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

just try them all

I didn't watch cronkle for ages, dunno why, but I finally got around to it a few weeks back and it's actually fucking good.


its one thing when its just feet or some of the legs, cuz i can put something in front of them, but thats too high up to really do anything except throw him in a corner and hope it doesnt look too dumb.
even usui is hard to place because he's cut off at the torso. shiraishi is too but since he's filming he can hide behind things.

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how could you forger the little girls with the spooky music?

based and checked; I liked it a lot but I gotta admit find the ending a bit rushed and underwhelming

my memory sucks.
plus i only capped parts of it so i dont have a way to jog my memory either.

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I need to update that

which is that ff film where a dog carries a camera around a forest that's being invaded by aliens? (I think the dog dies in the end)

I've already seen them all


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I think it's one of the segments in V/H/S/2

please do

that would be my guess too

Slumber Party Alien Abduction from V/H/S 2.
it's on tubi



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909 Experiment makes me miss the 90s


>welcome to /ffg/
>now get out

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epic, i like it



Other Side of the Wind


it’s funny how now I will literally never watch this movie, even though it looks interesting.

how come?

idk lol

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this is what I like

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fuck year

the woman on the lefts face at the end

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me on the left

The Hunted is boring.

me on the top left

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wheres the camera pointing

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how far in are you?

Only good found footage movie imo.

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wew lad

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anyone see Found Footage 3D?

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I'm watching Found Footage 3D in 480p.

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this movie is great so far.
its got a Scream-esque meta horror angle that im a sucker for.

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just when I thought that this movie couldn't get any more BASED

im going to bed, ill be more fun tomorrow hopefully

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that was worthy of me changing the filename/save path and taking a cap.
im really hoping this movie doesn't completely falls apart at the end, which they've actually already discussed in the movie.

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seems like it's meta

I have not. How is it?

I got to like the 45min mark and nothing had happened so far. I like the main actor though. I'm going to finish it now.

h8 claire

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based tom "it wasn't me" riley

gonna watch 909 experiment in a little while


Just watched Leaving DC and was pleasantly surprised. Creepy.


h8 claire

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Glad you liked it, user

we told ya it was good


why the butt?


fuck that intro song, just awful


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The Hunted could have been so good. What a disappointing movie.

> For $300, all they have to do is record everything.
was $300 a lot in 1998? that's shit these days

yeah, I could buy like a 200 bazookas with that much

you could buy thousands with that much bro
do the math


I like that deep conversation about ghosts that they had

It wasn't pocket change. Kinda sad how devalued the American dollars is now.

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it's an excuse to keep the camera rolling and that's not bad for an old school FF

the movie is pretty decent so far

I'm watching that puppet snuff film, it's so weird.


Yep, the puppet gets shot then dissected.

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What movie?

my guess is Troll Hunter, but I'm not positive

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It's Trollhunter.

The puppet had sex with a porn actress, what the hell?

makes sense. I'm always right

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Holy shit

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>that censoring


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they censor bathroom products and other stuff too

If anyone's bored and has an hour to kill, I recommend Snuffet. It's a weird and ridiculous film.


I got it the other day, maybe I'll watch it after I finish FF3D.
this album cover makes me think of puppets.

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What's FF3D?

Found Footage 3D (2016)
its surprisingly good so far.
when im being a cranky faggot, its usually a strategic self-mindfuck operation to get me to enjoy things that im expecting not to.

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Oh I haven't seen that. All I know about us that it has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. One of the only few found footage films to have that.

>One of the only few found footage films to have that.
what other FFs have 100%?

Creep 2 and another one which I can't remember right now.

damn, now im gonna start to h8 it...
not really, its actually hitting all the right notes for me
i read the imdb page last night and it won 15 awards from festivals.
im surprised ive never heard anyone talk about it here (besides the one time that i initially heard about it from)

2 but not 1???
i fucking h8 everyone reeeeeee

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>Creep 2

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Could be that people don't want to watch a film with that kind of title. I haven't seen it because it's on my backlog and I have many other films to watch.

a lot of people feel that 2 is an improvement on the character

where are the qts?

who are you looking for?

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no one in particular, just some qt posting. I love qts.

this is missing some

Attached: 909 qt.jpg (216x360, 27K)

thats why i was hesitant to try it when it was first mentioned.
im gonna finish it now. its got the same self-aware "rules of horror movies" meta angle as Scream and i like that (not always, but its working for this one)

that is definitely a good thing and i liked 2 a lot, but just the fact that i didnt know anything about Aarons character besides being a "creep" really made me love the original.
character exploration is secondary to initial character discovery to me (if thats even a real concept)


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fair enough, ive been slacking on my duties lately.
we've got some newer ones too.
slashers, re-cut, ff3d has two (but one is definitely better), mockingbird, etc.

yeah i still need to add a bunch like alice from mungo and the balloon lady from poughkeepsie tapes.

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if only the movie were filmed with higher definition.
even the copy on THC is the same.
i guess it adds to the verisimilitude though.

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I like this one, a mousy qt.


she was in Waiting too, which was pretty funny (but a dumb comedy and not FF)

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holy shit the guy who plays the director in FF3D just BTFO'd me and everyone else here.
man, my butt is suddenly really sore...

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well guys, whats the second good one?

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The one from Spain.

yeah I saw waiting, used to be a waiter

I got the cool ranch doritos for tonight lol
I had to do it to em
I'm all set for the movies

nice, i realized that even doritos are too hard for my teeth these days. im like an old man.
whats on the docket for tonight?

La Cueva??

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did you refer to black people as "canadians" so you could say racist shit with impunity?

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the jokesters
909 experiment
51 degrees north

La Gueva, I'm talking about REC.

>a lean night!

I'm trying to figure out what to watch tonight.
I'm thinking Project October or Documenting the Grey Man. I've got a couple of things to take care of first though.

I know lol
I was gonna go with Archivo 253 but I don't have any pics from it.

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we used to call them darkies and negros with mexican cooks

kek I never waited tables, but my friends who did said that waiters call them "Canadians" so they can say shit like "stupid Canadian didn't tip me" and only a select few know what you mean.

lel that's good, we used to come up with all sorts of shit like calling ugly girls pigeons and qts doves.

das rite

I was actually thinking of watching documenting the grey man tonight too
I know it's like an hour long so that's nice
the reviews on imdb seem low but I'm gonna try it anyway

Guys checkout Banshee Chapter. Technically its not FF but it feels like FF and it has one FF scene that BLOWS YOUR MIND. I give it MINDBLOWN out of 10


It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I like the way it looks

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Why do you fags need a general? Seriously, stop clogging up the board with this shit.


i watched the first 5 minutes and it seemed fine, probably not the next blare witch.
i just said that one because i knew i had started it and had to stop. same with project october.
ive got no shortage of options and its still freeleech week.
i just counted, 47 unseen.

the first scene was kino. the premise was legitimately creepy and then it proceeded to immediately shoot itself in the foot by dropping the FF angle.

Attached: dtgm00001.jpg (680x364, 74K)

>he says when the oscars are tonight and Yea Forums is actually being clogged up with that
fuck off retard

damn that's a lot if unseen movies
I have like 20 at the most

i forgot about this chick's facial expressions in the first two minutes of documenting

i do too, its got that 90s lofi aesthetic that make me >ywn go back-post.
but i feel like you wouldnt even be able to see what she looks like in a tiny square on a chart.

dont even bother. it's one thread in a catalog full of tranny discord spam. at least we're watching and discussing movies, instead of celeb gossip.
glad to know what i wont be watching tonight though. fingers crossed for black panther lel

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I swear I thought it was like 20 too. I hadn't actually counted, ever i think?
that includes a couple that I just need to finish and shit that I probably won't even watch like The Elf which was the free TOtM on THC in December and isn't even FF.
although that number doesn't include the NINE untranslated Shiriashi movies, so it's really 56 also reee I want the subs

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nice rack

since you've already had a couple of bites, it cant hurt to test pic related out.

for sure. im hoping she takes off her shirt at some point.

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oh yeah I always forget about the extra shiraishi ones
I don't even have them but there's no point without the subs anyway

im a hoarder. its sad but true, digitally at least.
pic not related, just had to crop it.

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she kind of has an ayy head


she do.

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>ywn go back to comfy august 1998
see i told you it was gonna happen

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It's The project of Blair Witch good? see many controversy about it

my favourite bird is the lass from Grave Encounters for whatever reason

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i like sasha too, especially because GE was one of the first FF movies i ever saw, maybe 6 or 7 years ago, and still one of my favorites too.

Attached: sasha GE1.jpg (300x300, 9K)

yeah this movie makes me feel nostalgia just looking at the way they dress

going really fast today.
wouldnt be surprised if we get bumped off at some point in the next couple hours.

yes is good

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nah im up

i miss the pre-internet days sometimes.
at least some aspects of it.

yeah I used to go to the movies with big groups of people and used to rent movies and games at blockbuster

sweet, i should be around too, but i keep finding us on page 7 or 8 after less than 10 minutes

so how was documenting the grey man?
did you finish it yet?

hell yeah, I used to do the same all the time.

I took those pics when I watched the first five minutes a couple of weeks ago.
I haven't started it yet. I probably won't be able to start any movie for another hour or two.

its moving fast and itll probably stay like this until late becuz of the oscars

oh ok
I might start that one later instead of 51 degrees north
I wanna finish 909 experiment in this thread though

I'd say "how can people watch that shit?" but I have a feeling they would ask me the same thing.

at the end of the day thats still a form of celebrity worship and not really comparable

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for me it was easy video

why is your screenshot so shit?

the camera has blood smeared on it

I like it, gives it a cool look.

>it's just the pipes

this movie is better than i remember

i remember enjoying it. it starts off good and then it gets weird but in a good way.

>you and chad

it's definitely better on a rewatch since it has a couple of details throughout it and the interactions between the 2 characters are great, very natural

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that part was creepy

they were both decent actors, jack nicholson in the shining impersonation and all

909 experiment is pukino and smokino

he should hook up with stacy from shooting the warwicks

double trouble, very nice

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lol that boomer chad

so far i got like 4 pics of tits mcgee, one of boomer chad and 50 of this dude.
im gonna watch it though, this guy had some gold that i couldnt pass up.

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>between you and me, that ghost chasing is for them white people
>says it to white people
>doesnt get called a racist

cucks, the whole lot of em.

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seems like he has some good reaction images
I'm gonna watch that after I'm done with 909 then call it a night
these trees have me zooted

this looks so familiar to me.

is this the show where the family is being recorded and ron jeremy randomly shows up?

i think i only remember it because i beat my dick to the daughter when i was randomly switching through channels one night.

jk i wouldnt say anything either.
i like not being a social pariah.

he said sheeeit and hell naw, and ive been looking for those for my imaginary reaction image bingo, so im happy with that.
its not too exciting so far otherwise.

Attached: dtgm_00074.jpg (680x364, 70K)

yeah, Shooting the Warwicks by the guy who did LOOK.
pretty good movie.
it solved the age old question of "how can we make a porno into a real movie?"

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that last shot of 909 is a little spooky
that was pretty good for an old school FF
better than the youtube movies people come up with nowadays

this post aged quite nicely

agreed, it was a lot better than plenty of the FF ive seen on youtube.

Attached: dtgm_00091.jpg (680x364, 41K)

documenting the grey mean looks a little 90s lol
the diner part at least
is it supposed to be meta or something

its like grave encounters.
theyre filming a fake ghost doc

>its like grave encounters
of course it is

this movie kinda sucks lol

true, it's the gold standard of that style

yeah I told you
there wasn't one positive review on imdb
even though there are movies like crowsnest with a lot of negative reviews, that one at least has a few positive ones

thank god it's only an hour long and they already showed the tits so i dont need to cap anything else.
unless the grey man has nice tits too.

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just saw them
pretty nice
she's pretty petite

im also keeping an eye on the oscars sticky cuz black panther finna boutta win best picture

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didn't it win already

WEW sorry for wasting your time.
i mean it wasn't the worst but it wasn't very good either

not best picture yet
idk what else is happening, im just glancing at the sticky periodically

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I'm almost done with it
I'm just playing it in the background while I organize a few things around the house
I've seen worse

now you can warn people not to watch it at least

true, if even i didnt like it, then you know its bad.

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do i need to see the first one before i watch paranoia tapes 2?

Sleepy m8s

gnight, don't let the black panther bite

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night bro
it lost btw

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i havent seen any of those but i would start with the first one

yeah documenting the grey man sucked
would not recommend

makes sense to me

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im working on something new now

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damn how fast are we going

faster than usual

holy fucking based
thanks for the help while I'm in """the studio"""

I posted that in the sticky lol

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Threads are going in 30mins.

I like to call it the lab

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no signs

I like to call it I'm going to bed early goodnight

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