What the actual fuck is her problem?
What the actual fuck is her problem?
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Daaaaaaaaamn girl, even i can't lift that. Look at her form.
Looks like Yea Forums's going to have to rethink their gender norms
Why are you guys so obsessed with Larson lol? Like yeah, it's funny she's bitter and not that attractive, but it's been months now.
Insufferable hag
that's a bumper plate, can't be more than 75 pounds max
Are you strong enough to barely do 5 pull ups, while helping yourself with legs and doing first one with jumping inertia?
Women really are weak. And this is her form after intensive 9 months training.
She seems like an insufferable cunt.
>4 hour gym session
Do normalfags really do this?
Why are /pol/ SJWs allowed to post screenshots of gossip here?
>/pol/ SJWs
we prefer to be called snowflakes
>daily 4 hour workouts
>puts on no mass
nice diet and recovery retard
Hollywood may look like its filled with entitled cunts like her but this type of grandstanding will get old real quick for a lot of the elite. She needs to pull it back a bit.
Is it true she's using Based Notorious RBG's workout routine?
it's just something to shitpost about while waiting for her movie to come out
I don’t believe she really said that
Yeah it's hilarious.
If Yea Forums thinks it is bad now, wait till the film hits theaters. We might have to rename this forum: SEXY BRIE CENTRAL
That guy's name? Albert Einstein
Annoying as fuck lol
you can start any minute now
Does Brie Larson seem like a normal person to you?
>"There's this sense of setting this thing up," Larson says. "I know it's exciting and fun to be like, 'Will it sink or will it float?' 'What's going to happen?' 'Can women exist in the world?' 'We're not sure yet!'
>I guess you’re going to have to rethink your gender norms
This is fake r-right?
The pain from her rotting and deformed feet has warped her fragile little mind.
wtf is wrong with her feet
I hope she contracts a fungoid-zombie virus from her disgusting feet and dies in pain spluttering blood, viscous yellow liquid and mold spores.
The pain has driven her insane
Why does it trigger you projecting discord trannies so hard is the better question.
>slamming hands
the fuck, that's physical violence.
I'm not seeing Captain Marvel purely because Brie Larson has disgusting feet.
“Men” who participate in gossip are the lowest form of life there is. You are a pussy.
>Someone gives her a compliment
>Reinterprets it in the worst way possible
Why is she so unlikeable, it's like Jennifer Lawrence all over again
jesus every time, peak disgust
Wise decision
Imagine being in some boardroom and this bitch starts slamming the table and demanding she get her way. Even if I had a completely neutral opinion of her beforehand I'd go out of my way to fuck her over after that.
Eventually that toenail is going to die, turn black and fall off. I had it happen to me one time from trauma when I dropped a block of concrete onto my toe, eventually the toenail just says "fuck this" and it dies off and there's a little soft toenail under it, like a soft shelled crab that just finished molting.
come on man I'm trying to eat breakfast
This, I only work out for 30 mins at a time. I put on 15 lbs of lean mass this way in 18 months, only working out a few times a week, natty. Diet and sleep is way more important.
If she’s so strong, I just want her to post ONE (1) video of her squatting heavy ass to grass. She won’t because she’s weak as fuck and is a fucking liar. There are women in my gym who actually have decent muscle mass, and they are all outlifted by skinny guys and are hilariously weak compared to the men with similarly sized muscles. She has no muscle mass and no trainer would have you lift for 4 hours a day, that’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. A beginner like Brie simply wouldn’t have the stamina to work out for longer than an hour at most, and if she kept going she’d spend most of her time sitting around resting and end up overdoing it and getting worn down and fatigued.
>i'm a shill
The actual state of american "women"
powerful and brave
isnt she pushing the truck downhill?
If the movie under-performs or even flops, she'll blame the white male patriarchy for not supporting her.
Disney should be doing damage control and telling her to stop that shit so they don't have a repeat of SW8 collapsing after its first week.
Fucking kek
So controversial, and yet so brave
>who doubted her strength
>"wow, I can't even lift that"
That's literally the opposite of doubting her strength, what the fuck
>deadlifting 225
75lbs less than my overhead press lmao
absolutely disgusting
This shit is so fake, if she actually did those exercises daily and ate correctly she would actually be pretty buff. I bet this was the only time she went to work out for essentially an advertising shoot to show that she "prepped for the role" and the rest was extremely light yoga shit.
>Trying to be nice to a feminist
This is where he went wrong. Anything he said would have been wrong, because he's male, which is wrong.
user it's going to flop
>those pull-ups
I bet that troll shopped this.
Based /fit/ poster.
Normies have no idea. I was laughing so fucking hard when Daisy proudly boasted that she deadlifted 80kg.
Did you not notice all the other pics too? Not to mention a simple Google search shows other people grossed out by her disgusting foot care.
kek this is a joke, right? none of this is real
>4 hour sessions
>225lbs deadlift
>5ft 7
Women are a meme.
Post body
No, she really said that to him, but three hours later, at home, recounting the story to a friend, and he wasn't actually there.
>those half-assed pushups
I started deadlifting at 175kg
It didn't say 4 hours of weights, this is a woman's 4 hour gym routine, that's 1 hour of light cardio, twenty minutes of weights/calisthenics, two and a half hours stood around near or sat on the machines gossiping and ten minutes of stretching anytime a particularly cute guy is nearby/looking her way.
>tfw no alien snek gf
I absolutely hate this woman and this movie.
It's true. What world does she live in where she thinks deadlifting 225 is hard? Why must we live in the age of relentless social propaganda?
>tfw completely untrained manlet
>270 pounds
>size of a fucking barge, absolute unit, etc.
>started working out last month
>can deadlift 360 pounds already
Women are a fucking meme.
How does a person let their feet get to this state? Does she not employ basic hygiene? Just imagine the smell.
At this point there's nothing you can say to Brie Larson that she won't turn into a social crusade issue
>That's a nice car.
>I hope that makes you reconsider the plight of the Australian aborigines and that you've learned your lesson!
>What time is it?
>Time to end the systematic oppression of transgender rabbits in the jungles of Burma!
>I gotta pick up my dad from the bus station.
>There's too many white sons picking up their white fathers from the bus stations.
>dropping concrete on your toe
Holy fuck
Truth. Feminists will always find something to be offended about.
I understand that she's a normie and deadlifting 225 is pretty good for her, I have no problem with that
But why does it always have to be this retarded personal trainer shit?
>hurr durr 4 hours each day
This can’t be real.
Is this shooped? I haven't been keeping up with Jazz since his pussy popped.
>Truth. Feminists will always find something to be offended about.
>the absolute state of you incel's self awareness
It’s not
I rest my case.
that part after jazz talks about his fuck up vag needs to be made into a gif
So far, she's coming off as a bad combination of angry and fragile. Probably suffers from an inferiority complex. Will not react with any grace if the movie does poorly or is less than beloved.
I respect her dedication but she is overreacting. Guy just wanted to compliment her.
The interview is real, of course her description of the events is probably fanfic
Lol "gender norm". Men are physically stronger than women and always have been. You're not gonna alter human biology with third wave feminism you stupid bitch.
Chances of him being sarcarstic?
>Whaaat? Brie Larson can lift THAT?
It comes of as her trying too hard to be offended by everything. It's fucking embarrassing.
In the 900th "complain about Brie Larson" thread this month
post this on /fit/
He was obviously trying to encourage her
Like how you'd say to a kid "Wow, you ran that fast? I don't think I could run that fast, way to go sport"
Now most well-adjusted people will see through someone saying this to them but they'll recognize that it's a nice gesture so they'll just smile wryly and play into it somehow, maybe make a joke, maybe give a compliment back, whatever
But not Brie, oh no
>hip-thrusting 400 pounds
What the fuck kind retarded meme exercises are they doing in there? SQUAT, BENCH, DEADLIFT. Those are the ones you should be making before you do anything as fucking retarded as "hip thrusts".
Also lmao only 100 kg deadlift, children can do that
I see this all the time, you’re completely right
Jesus christ what a cunt. "He asked for my number I'M UNDER ATTACK"
Dambn i wish i was you then i would be strong is the siren song if /fit/ actually helpful
The trainer could have easily said "Wow, I can't even lift that!' to a guy, since it was just him encouraging her. It has literally zero bearing on her being a woman.
Sounds like she has really shit comprehension skills.
Imagine the kind of soiboy man she's going to end up with and hate for the rest of her life kek
>What world does she live in where she thinks deadlifting 225 is hard?
Woman's world.
>There's too many white sons picking up their white fathers from the bus stations.
I don't know why i laughed at this but i did
what kind of person would react that way to a compliment?
Is there a more insufferable person in hollywood?
a terrible one
based brie ruining the careers of countless impressionable women before they even began
>wow i can't even lift that!
>It comes of as her trying too hard to be offended by everything. It's fucking embarrassing.
I don't think she has to try, I think it comes naturally to her.
haha imagine punching her in her face after she gave you an attitude like that and completely knocking her down to the ground where she’d cry like a baby haha
>Disney should be doing damage control and telling her to stop that shit
What makes you think Hollywood is a meritocracy where the smart and talented get ahead and call the shots?
Larson is doing exactly what Disney wants her to do, THEY are the ones promoting this SJW bullshit and she's just a contract employee doing her job.
You can understand her thought process if you're hyper self aware. "I don't think i could lift that" is offensive if you're some cringe feminist who views everything through a lens of patriarchy because it assumes that there's a male standard that she's meeting / overcoming "oh a woman lifting as much as a man is impressive? you must be sexist". Turning a guys compliment and spitting it back in his face is a bitch move however and the reality is that a woman exceeding a mans strength at any point is an achievement in the real world, unless you're some moronic social constructivist.
so not only can she not get her feet fixed, she also has a ugly mole on her neck
doing it wrong. rocking with shoulders and lifting with legs
doing it right. shoulders stable, feet dont leave the floor
but 1/10 for getting a spotter.
But it doesn't fucking work tho. Doctor Who ratings tanked so hard they had to cancel the special. Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean's 8 underperformed compared to the older male movies, not even adjusting for inflation. They clearly realize that they're alienating their target audience at this point.
Didn't she end up backpedaling on the "less white males" comment? Disney definitely gave her a call.
>learning to punch
Some gas pumping Pedro should rough this cunt up and burst her bubble
Are you a faggot? You sound like a faggot
Im not super into feet, but some of them can be feminine and beautiful. These are an abomination.
Quite based indeed, and, if I may say so, very redpilled
This is the only Marvel women who I would let crush my dick.
Jesus fucking christ
It’s an eternal struggle between (((them))) over whether they should be subverting the goyim or extracting shekels. Both if possible of course but the subverted seem to be edging out the others
I agree, feet aren't the best feature but mutant clogs like this woman has are repulsive
what conferences is she violently disrupting?
> But it doesn't fucking work tho.
That depends on what you want to achieve and clearly, Hollywood wants to promote SJW bullshit regardless of the costs to their investors or we wouldn’t be bombarded with it everywhere we turn. It’s not like some literal who actress is leading Disney (a multi-bazillion dollar media corporation) around by the nose.
Brie Larson is an actress and while I don’t doubt she believes in the ridiculous shit she’s saying, she’s playing a role on the orders of Disney Inc. and everything she posts is vetted by Disney's marketing and legal depts.
Why does Yea Forums continue to insist that Hollywood is run by intelligent and wise people when we've seen over and over again that isn't the case? They’re straight-up shilling an agenda with the movies and tv shows simply a means to an end.
Imagine not wanting Elizabeth Olsen to drain your balls. Also Brie is fucking busted.
The one in that Jay Z video Ava Duverney directed. It's like the purest cringe of all time. Look up "Family Feud Jay Z" on youtube.
I said crush my dick
I would still hold hands like a degenerate with Olsen.
I can deadlift 200 lbs in the worst shape of my life..
Form was bad on literally every exercise.
>Going full T-Rex mode
oh this is beautiful
>guy compliments her
>takes it as an insult and gets all pissy
fucking neurotic bitch
>pushing walsh's jeep up a hill
Pictured here
sound more like she was learning to be an annoying cunt
feminism is a portmanteau of female autism
women only care about their ass, but not enough to squat and deadlift heavy, just enough to do medium to light weights for every ass/legs meme exercise that exists.
there's a reason testosterone replacement therapy is considered doping you know...
>'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.'
There's something even more crazy going on here. Either the guy is in the worst shape of his life, a skellington with aids or a 300lb blob, or more believable, he lied.
Larson takes his comment as pandering to her, he's impressed with her ability to lift that because women are naturally weaker than men (and they are), but she doesn't believe in biology so she chastises him for knowing grade 5 science and turns it into a social crusade. BUT beneath the surface level he's lying just to make her feel good, and it STILL offends her.
Based Little bastard
what the fuck
this pic makes me uncomfortable
>beneath the surface level he's lying just to make her feel good, and it STILL offends her.
Maybe that's why she was offended?
So...after all this time...after all these threads...Brie Larson is the one that brings Yea Forums to their knees...so this this is the power...of Captain Marvel...wow
Can't believe she's acting woke after doing that movie. Indians on twitter were SEETHING when that trailer came out
She's right, you know
God I hate that bitch.
It's a shame she won't ever get into MMA & get her ass beat like Ronda did, remember when Ronda said she could beat Mike Tyson?
What if she gets raped or beaten up by someone now? Can she claim being weak and act like a victim after all this bragging?
These feats of strength are either pure fabrication or were performed with an exceptional amount of assistance.
So the whining about toxic masculinity is just sour grapes about not having the guts to act assertively when they see men acting assertively, got it.
>Guy compliments her
>She gets triggered
What the fuck?
I don't believe she did any hip thrusts. I'm a guy and do them and have gotten better results.
>gender norms
Is dis niggress srs?
good /fit/ shit
No I don't. But I'm sure you beat off your tiny dick to it, incel
Wtf not even my disgusting Sasquatch feet are that bad what’s wrong with hers?
Don't forget all the hours she spent being triggered by the male gaze
Those poor women
Shut up Brie. You're an ugly retard.
>"I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.''
She’s a fucking easy narcissist. Her Stan Lee tribute tweet really bugged me.
Oh yeah I saw that shit and wondered who she thinks she is, she seems uppity as fuck for some B list actor who just got a lucky break.
I can see her career ending either because this movie bombs or she acts like an insufferable cunt in front of the wrong people.
I'm not really familiar with these types of people irl (narcissists). What happens to them eventually? Do people abandon them or something else?
>Reeeeeeee stop ragging on my waifu Brie!
White knighting for her won’t make her fuck you user
>Gets a vagina
>Immediately becomes coal burning thot
Even white men were made for the BBC
In real life they find weak people that buy in to their shit and play mind games with them till the day they die. This one's in Hollywood though and basically the same thing
>What the actual fuck is her problem?
Women at a certain age go from being a walking sex object to a hyper-political shebanshee
When I was in Boot Camp, the DIs would march up and down the line to catch people kipping. Any legs that went to far forward and they'd grab them and yank you off the bar. Your ass landing in the dirt and starting over from zero was how you learned to not kick and do it right.
Then everyone clapped
It's because most men stop trying to fuck them as they get closer to 30. They can't deal with that, and turn into angry hags.
>mfw it's real
'Crypt Walker Feet'
Explain how this is gossip.
what the fuck are those lunges? her form is fucking terrible and any trainer would immediately correct that.
Imagine this being your son.
you fucking incels why can't you leave her alonr just because she identifies as trans muscular. trur strength comes from the inside anyway #strengthsignalling #transmuscular
The saddest thing about this already very sad&pathetic story, is that she probably made it all up.
>TSA agent who see 25000 people a day, probably half of them smiling, stopped to ask one's phone number
It's not like she's a 12/10 aphrodite-like goddess no one could ever resist asking her number.
>her replies to everyone shitting on her in the comments
I think the most unbelievable thing in this entire story is that she was smiling at a man.
What an annoying fucking cunt.
Does someone have the LA Noire Doubt picture ? I need it right now., please
>ok I'll wear lingerie in the photoshoot
what the fuck is her problem
The infection has spread from her toes to her brain.
But can she open a pickle jar? That's is the question.
>tfw you live in Yea Forums's head rent free, but they're still gonna see your movie anyway (and pretend they didn't)
Based Brie
>That big toe.
>>What time is it?
>>Time to end the systematic oppression of transgender rabbits in the jungles of Burma!
Considering she did a video interview where a doorbell rings and she says "It's the patriarchy", that's entirely believable
I'll take 'Things That Never Happened' for 200, Alex.
>tfw can't even do a single pull up
Because the rapid shift in priorities only makes sense when you realize it's just dumbass Hollywood focus group marketing writ large, not a fucking cultural conspiracy. They're afraid of ending up on the wrong side of a percieved new civil rights movement.
>Yea Forums
>going to the movies
You can go to five from zero very fast. I started by jumping up and down on one of those door-frame hanging bars (They require zero set up, you can just hang them directly on the door with no nails or anything, there's no risk of you falling or damage to your doorframe) then extending the amount of time I would hang on my jumps, then rising slightly until I could do one pull up, then once you can do one you'll be doing more really soon.
If you're obese then you're fucked though.
>weigh 135lbs
>benching 155lbs
>ask big black guy for a spot
>he spots me and goes wow why you lifting so heavy big guy, even I don't lift that heavy
he was bullshitting but it made me feel good :3
"Haha, wow you're pretty strong, I don't think even I could lift that!"
"Do you think you're the epitome of health? Do you hate women? Fuck you."
Holy shit liberal marvelcucks this is your role model. Get a fucking grip on reality, take a step back from PC, and try to be a normal person for once.
This. The suits are acared shitless. Theyre not a cabal of shadowy arched fingers trying to impress liberalism on you, they're in the middle of a consumer revolt and a rape audit and thousands of people are directly telling them they will lose their company and wint be welcome in the country anymore unless they cowtow to extremist ideals
Reminds me of so many eight year olds
/fit/ here. Pic related
>4 hour daily gym routine
>the intensity of the training reduced her to tears
>Dead lifting 225
Fuck sake, women are such a meme.
reminder that THIS woman is in her 20s
Ummm...like......not everyone is normal.....gawrsh....
>capeshit training
>ANYTHING other than hypertrophy and heavy squatz
I'm not into feet, but that is completely fucking nasty.
Good job, fellow 135lb bro.
Muscle heads are usually really nice people and very supportive of other's gains
that pic killed my yellow fever, thank you
Someone post some actual strength training for capeshit
Women have such warped views of masculinity and male hierarchy. It's legitimately cringey.
They look like the 45lb plates. 135 total.
>guy can't deadlift 102kg
how embarrassing
not sure why she'd draw strength from mocking a pathetic genetic defect though. may as well be kicking toddlers at that point
if you're an actor then do roids and do a split
if you're a normal person do SS with upper body isolation movements thrown in like curls, DB bench press when you're not barbell bench pressing and do chin ups/pull ups every day then move on to whatever the fuck you want
>when you pray to nurgle
And everyone clapped and the lady game ten dollars
why are women such dumb, talentless, weak, insecure, retarded, lying, disloyal, evil whores
> This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, ‘Wow, I can’t even lift that!’ I said, ‘Yeah, I guess you’re going to have to rethink your gender norms.’
And then everybody clapped.
Why do so many of the women whining about "toxic masculinity" embrace all the negative "toxic" masculine behaviours they whine about?
I've literally never seen a guy doing anything like that (at least not unironically, mocking the idea that someone rational would do this). Nobody'd take you seriously if you did, you're basically announcing to the room that you don't have anybody in it's respect and need to engage in violent displays to get them to even listen to you.
Listening to this chick's interviews and stuff, she seems to legitimately have an IQ of 80.
No, those are 10lb rubber bumper plates.
>she holds her breath during every concentric phase
kek enjoy your annueyrsm
that's 3 x 5 btw and I also OHP 110lbs 1 x 5
What happened to Doctor Who I haven't seen it in years
They should've gotten Emily Blunt for this movie.
What a smug bitch with a hugely inflated ego. Someone needs to explain to her that sucking big harv for an oscar doesn't equate to being legit talented. God i hope this movie bombs. I dont want to see captain smug all over my tv for the next decade.
They made the doctor a woman bull dyke for tumblr reasons and no one watched it, the end.
She genuinely seems like a very insecure and unpleasant person.
Holy shit this, would have been based.
Pic related
> Captain Marvel is the embodiment of ideas Larson has been ruminating on since she was an awkward, home-schooled kid living with her divorced single mom
Yikes! Explains so much of her bitch attitude.
>mfw all that strength comes from her feet and study of fungal life
It's amazing how it seems like they almost TRIED to make her as unlikable as possible.
You'd think they could somehow attempt to make her more likable than this.
>benching without safety catches
enjoy your premature death when the bar slips JUST ONCE
>mfw onions boi co worker called me a sexist because i calmly said there is no way in hell ronda Rousey would beat prime mike tyson
They get so mad when you use logic and facts to counter their emotional feelings which they see as reality. He was raised by a single mom so i pittyed him more than anything.
I bet you wear lifting gloves too
>he doesn't lift in a power cage like a proper gymNEET
only thing user did wrong was not buy to put in his apartment so he never has to leave
she can't even beat mike tyson now
>when you hate "toxic masculinity" so much that you become a parody of it
>she was an awkward, home-schooled kid living with her divorced single mom
this can't be real, that's alike as instruction for how to raise a broken child. nobody actually does this, right?
> Larson and her fiance of two-and-a-half years, musician Alex Greenwald, recently called off their engagement, a subject she declines to discuss.
And all she does is bitch about men? How unusual.
Also, 29. Tick tock Brie. Tick tock.
she has gone on record about her daddy issues
it explains everything
>Women have such warped views of masculinity and male hierarchy. It's legitimately cringey.
This need to be iterated and reiterated. We need to stop letting women think they know they inner working of the male psyche. Their arrogance, aided by the beta males that reinforce it, has completely destroyed the idea of being a dominant western male.
Theyre always the first to be #woke or jump on whatever the latest trendy identity politcs, virtue signal fad is and pretend like its some deep personal ideology to them when in reality its THEM jumping on a bandwagon so you 'll like THEM and think about THEM when you hear or see said ideology fad. For example her declaring shes for the liberation of all black people on facebook. Nothing like the rich, privelaged, white actress telling everyone shes black too. These peoples ego is beyond comprehension.
> To unwind, Larson rents a private room at an L.A. karaoke bar and sings while wearing a sheet mask on her face.
(You) are free to leave anytime little lady. Try out a smile next time too, why don't you? Nobody likes a sad sally!
>why are we not allowed to point out the fact they are all like this without being demonized or insulted even though FACTUALY the majority of women are this way
Thats the million dollar question. Its like normies are being "trained" through media to react a certain way when hearing certain things.
Or jessica biehl. Again like with Nu busters i dont care if its a girl but how do you go get the least qualified girl for the job.
she literally clarifies later in the thread how her complaint is entirely about professionalism, she wouldn't care if the dude wasn't a tsa agent with the power to take her into the other room spread her ass wide open if he so wished
>she was an awkward, home-schooled kid living with her divorced single mom
Now it all makes sense. Shes been told to hate men since she was a goofy child. And she was homeschooled. Those kids ALWAYS turn out fucking weird and off.
This whole time i thought she was a smug bitch when shes just a goofy autistic moron.
If a girl told you that about herself on the first date, there wouldn't be a second date.
45 lb plates are not that thin and shiny
I had a co worker years ago that was a 9/10, sexy as he'll tig ole bitties babe. That I was talking to. But she always seemed a little off like I couldn't explain it. Also i noticed how she alwags sat alone and nobody talked to her. Came to find out it was her first job (she was 22) and shed been home schooled her whole life and never had any friends. I tried my best to get into those pants and befriend her but she had zero social skills and I dont think even knew what sex was. Like she was legit emotionally stunted.
When I just a little baby girl
My momma used to tell me these crazy things
She used to tell me my daddy was an evil man,
She used to tell me he hated me
But then I got a little bit older
And I realized, she was the crazy one
But there was nothin' I could do or say to try to change it
'Cause that's just the way she was
You people need to get your own lingo, snowflake doesn’t mean thin skinned it means individualistic and special. That doesn’t apply at all to /pol/ocks who want everyone to conform to traditional roles.
2 & 4 are cute though
I deadlifted 225 for reps the very first time I stepped into a gym as a 15 year old boy
it always amazes me how weak women are when it comes to pullups.
This cannot be real right?
desu they could be end of workout pullups, in which case, its fine
How old is that 'girl' here? Why are Americans so messed up freaks?
It's true. Then the whole gym starting cheering. I was there.
I don't even have to look I bet this is real
this is the answer to OP's question and explains why she is such a bitter spinster lately
Did he do that when she said no?
Male agents don't check female suspects.
> Rich and powerful Jews in control of a gigantic global mass media empire
> They’re just helpless bystanders going with the flow, goy… I mean, dude!
> Wouldn't the Sony email leaks be a proof that Hollywood is run by idiots?
I think Sony is a different story, they’re the only non-Jewish controlled movie/tv studio in Hollywood but the management is almost wholly made up of Hollywood Jews who are trying to fuck the company so that they sell out to their fellow Jews.
It’s the only logical explanation for the absolutely retarded decisions they keep making again and again.
Why was this removed?
Logic isn't allowed in /pol/threads.
>t. DYEL who visits gym once a week to do ab workouts
>hip thrust 400 pounds
And I can leg press over 1000 pounds. Doing big weight on meme exercises doesn't mean anything even if it isn't exaggerated. I'm skeptical in the first place because how can she have no ass if she's doing that?
>based on visuals alone it looks like ~350 pounds of bumper plates + bar
well I'll be damned, it doesn't look like they're lying
>225 deadlift
Are there really people who can't do this? When I finally got off my fat ass and started lifting for the first time I started with 220 deadlifts for 12 reps. And I was weak asf
why does she have such a massive chip on her shoulder? Was she bullied in high school?
he's like 18 or 19 now I believe. Was 14 or so when the "transition" started iirc so my guess is he's 16-18 in the video
World class strength athletes posting on Yea Forums? Seems legit
It's not bad for a woman. Not great. It's the whole "dudes were like 'I can't live that!'" that's bullshit. Unless the fucker is about 135 pounds, of course.
Method acting?
Carol is kinda psycho in the comics.
>What the actual fuck is her problem?
I dunno lol
>Hollywood may look like its filled with entitled cunts like her
Hollywood IS filled with entitled cunts JUST like her... And if anything, they want ALL actresses to be just like her
And that's the reason normies are starting to hate "Hollywood" and all their cunty Brie Larson and JLAW cuntbags
I'm here to kill the patriarchy.
The kike's dilemma
>Should I get the shekels now or should I subvert the goys so I can get more shekels later?
>What happens to them eventually?
>tfw the guy looks more well groomed while having a much better physique
she clearly has muscle balance issues why isnt he correcting her
how many men do this in a conference though?
You are literally working for ancient babylonian demons. Before nationalism and tradition even existed.
>four hour daily gym routine
*rethinks gender norms*
The new norm is that females stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant
>correcting a woman
are you literally going to sit there and mansplain weights to Brie Larson? She pushed an entire car you fucking incel mysoginist
None, becausemen understand that throwing a violent strop is how you lose peoples' respect, not gain it
Did they also run a train on that guys ass ?
>Jason Walsh
Ah yes, another overpaid bro science "trainer" cunt milking celebrities.
Dailys a jeep (LOL) to drive around pavement.
Pseudoscience in every part of his training.
Fucking fag would cry to mommy if he had to walk through a black neighborhood at night.
How can we recontextualise shoes as tools of the patriarchy
Not socks, I like a sockéd woman
>150lbs overhead
>world class
Let's be honest, Brie probably can win against 90% of Yea Forums fatties
they put this shit on tv? really?
Yeah, I guess you're gonna have to rethink your box office returns.
i apologise for my brainletism
is she TRYING to be the "angry white waman" incarnation?
Brie Larson looked disgusting -- rotten toes protruding -- on the red carpet. Very very disrespectful.
slim, hes a faggot
I can guarantee I could take 6 months off and just lay around eating cheetos and drinking beer, while brie "trains" and at the end of it I'd dominate her like a cat playing with a mouse.
anyone have that pic where some random girl has a teardrop on her face and someone comments "why are you cryin?" and she replies "thingkin of life" or something. would be great for an edit