>tfw you failed the seduce James in to throwing hundreds of millions at your adaption but some other cyborg bitch did
Tfw you failed the seduce James in to throwing hundreds of millions at your adaption but some other cyborg bitch did
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That's what you get for going to work dressed like a cheap hooker.
You're so cold and human
hands off mr batou you frigid bitch
It's something humans do.
Well I mean Masamune makes a living off of porn so...
It's something humans do
isn't their ghost just a copy of their original brain?
No, her human brain is 100% legit. She stays so golden solo.
But in the ending of Gits 1 her head explodes and her data is uploaded to the network and in Gits 2 she shows that she can just make copies of herself and download it to robots without a ghost
You mean the manga? Her head doesn't explode. Anyways, once she gets mixed with the Puppet Master she isn't really Motoko anymore, but an new "post-human" entity. She's incredible math.
No, rewatch it
At the end of GitS 1, the Puppetmaster's head explodes
Batou shields her head from the shots with his arm
And when she's in a doll body, she's got an IV to feed her brain.
Her brain is intact
Why does she have such amazing blowjob lips in SAC?
In the manga her head explode but it's being remote-controlled by her, and contains a fake brain.
Her brain is also safe in the manga.
Oh yeah.
Why did they shoot her anyway aren't the sections on the same side
back to your containment board :)
No, her brain is shown. The possibility of her brain being fake is just empty speculation and is originally just a joke. But the comedic tone didn't translate well into the movie.
I thought the second movie raised some interesting questions. One of them being is your personality and character defined by the mould you are in. Does your face mould you or is your face a reflection of your personality?
For some reason, everybody is "normal", even relatively realistic for anime except her, that got a sexdoll body and street whore wardrobe.
Ghost (in the shell) blowjob woo woo
Obviously fucking not.
Every time section 9 encounters another branch of public security, backstabbing and treachery occurs. They either serve their own interests or the interests of corrupt politicians, under the cover of law enforcement.
Think of each section as a samurai clan vying for status and power in the medieval era and everything makes a lot more sense.
Because the character designer awkwardly tried to combine her appearance in the manga (in which she occasionally wears lipstick) with millenial mature woman design conventions, which involved lengthening her face, which makes her mouth protrude weirdly.
Or jealousy, Section 9 saves the day every day.
That's a question everyone who ever had to dress up for a formal event had to confront.
You don't need Oshii to ask it
That too.
ridley scott ought to do a (terrible) adaptation of gits with rooney mara as motoko
Ah fuck off.
The only director I'd trust with adapting GitS is Verhoeven circa 1992.
or Andy Sidaris.
I forget what's the name of the bad guys?
Giggling guy?
Mirthful Man
Would satire really be the right style for Ghost in the Shell? All the philosophizing would probably be Ridley Scott if he had a second brain cell to rub together.
The I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes man.
Like a lithium flower that's a bout to bloom.
>Would satire really be the right style for Ghost in the Shell?
Verhoeven can do other things than satire, and name another skilled director who can seamlessly blend ultraviolent action, heady themes, scifi SFX direction, and goofy comedy.
Plus, GitS has that combo of anti-autoritarianism and "might makes right, the civvies don't know shit".
what a bunch of retarded lyrics
Sasuga user-kun, you are incredibly math
SAC has the best cyberpunk world of any anime series in my opinion, also comfy intro music.
Well yeah she's a lesbo that shit ain't gonna work
>that episode about the guy that spends 21 hours shitposting about chinese cyborg's inferiority
'ate the intro music.
'ate the lyrics.
'ate the singing.
simple as.
bi, actually
Rise >= Inner Universe > Lithium Flower > POWER GAP > That 2nd Gig ending theme that sounds like a Seal song
Nice taste.
More sci-fi cops than cyberpunk most of the time but it's good shit
>the dude who hacked into his victims making them look at their own body as he was cutting them to pieces. And then spread the movies to spread fear.
Guerilla warfare 101. SAC was a crazy show back in the day. I was alwas baked when I watched so there was plenty of replay value there lol.
You're saying it as if Japanese cyberpunk wasn't 75% cop drama.
The idea that traditional cyberpunk can't have cop protagonists is fucking mind-boggling for anyone who's even vaguely familiar with the genre.
>sci-fi cops
>implying that's not how the future is going to be
Actually a ripoff of the plot of the movie Strange Days which you should have watched
James Cameron hates lesbians, this is a fact
Name a comfier scene in any anime film/series
Why did he marry one then?
CyberBird is great as well
Not possible
That really isn't a comfy scene. It feels pretty threatening. Everything is huge and dirty and vertiginous.
So I'm gonna go ahead and name that one scene in Angel Cop where the communist chick gets her head blown apart. That was comfier.
I just did.
>not being able to enjoy feeling small and anonymous in a huge ass city
You don't know what comfy is
>It feels pretty threatening. Everything is huge and dirty and vertiginous.
Have you never been to a city before?
I found the 2nd gig actually topped it with Kuze.
Him and the major laying next to each other in the hospital as kids was a bit of a stretch, but it's also one of my favorite episodes.
No you don't know what comfy is. Comfy is feeling at home. Here the city is presented as a weird jungle temple thing with even a dragon looming over you and faceless bodies ominously staring back from windows. It's alien and otherworldly.
If you feel comfortable in this situation I can only guess that you enjoy waterboarding yourself.
Of course I have and it was uncomfortable every time.
>It's alien and otherworldly
To you perhaps, but there it's presented as something common and just how the world is, if you can't get immersed in the universe that you are presented and empathize with the characters then you might legit have autism.
Would she have fucked the shota if he had consented.
Do you think he kicks himself over it? Would you?
Based Agoraphobic poster
I'm agoraphobic but there is something about being in a big city where nobody knows you and nobody cares about you that is oddly comforting.
ITT: rednecks.
>brainlets don't understand when a hot woman is simply teasing
This. FUCK city slickers.
>but there it's presented as something common and just how the world is
Then how come Oshii is using the type of composition that you would use when your protagonist is exploring the ruins of an alien civilization?
>if you can't get immersed in the universe that you are presented and empathize with the characters then you might legit have autism.
If you interpret the scene that leads up to the protagonist falling into the abyss, and confronts her with elements that erode her sense of reality and sanity (identical people, fantastical/grotesque imagery (dragon, black mannequins) weird coincidences (dog staring back at her)) as a comforting scene, you are projecting your own experience onto the film and ignoring what it's showing you.
Except in this scene PEOPLE STARE BACK AT HER
the point of this scene is to convey the idea that she feels like she's being watched by the Puppetmaster.
It's supposed to make you feel paranoid or special.
You're getting the wrong impression, or Oshii failed to convey it in a clear enough way. But he tried.
I mean in the movie yeah sure I get that, but as a separate scene without any context it's just comfy.
>butcher the characters with shitty origin missing the point of the Major
>Completly throw away the GitS theme and replace them with shit burger-level pseudo intellectual trash.
No shit it didn't work
Wet AIDS infected concrete doesn't seem that comfy to me but w/e you do you.
To be fair, the characters have been butchered several times already. Can you blame them for thinking people would cut them some slack?
Why can't writers have a little bit of originality for once
That's just NYC for you.
Alita is gonna flop harded than GitS(because of the bigger budget)
How does it neglect the GiTS theme?
If anything it expands upon it.
>Wet AIDS infected concrete
I mean if you live in africa or the uk but nippon?
Death note gotta be the biggest waste of IP licensing in the west. They could have created a whole new story set in America just using the death note premise only instead of this half assed alternative adaption
All about evil corporations, nothing about goverment.
Nothing about AI and how it can be alive.
It is pretty simple in story and dumb at times.
But you had your big budget hollywood adaptation just recently, don't tell me you forgot this masterpiece already?
The Deathflix script shows that they never had a chance, they literally don't understand what made the series popular and are incapable of a faithful adaption, let alone a creative retelling in a different setting.
yeah where the fuck was colonel Tonoda?
what's more powerful than dicking a lesbian into submission? It demostrates your power stance against her.
The entire second season is about a sociopathic government official trying to create a fake social movement so he can overthrow the government.
>She is a rebel teen who was arrested for opposing government, she also run from home that day
>Main "villain" actually her teen boyfriend
>Real main villain - CEO of corporation and he controls tank at the end personally.
It is so fucking dumb.
>power stance
like that?
Could never finish SAC because I’d always start fapping.
you might recognize that plot from every edgy action movie of the turn of the millenium
I can't. I've been looking for years now, nothing compares to it.
he's talking about this
Ok Bubba
isn't the whole point that she can ditch her clothes pretty quick?
>is season 2 better than season 1?
I wouldn't go that far
Ah, my mistake.
I agree the movie was total garbage, I have no idea how they thought combined two completely unrelated characters like the Puppetmaster and Kuze into one would work.
there's a bunch in Maison Ikkoku
Will it satisfy your "uniqlone city fuccboi who watched Drive once and caught existentialist posturing" boner? No, but it'll be comfier.
>Maison Ikkoku
Fuck off fujo shit
Can't imagine why she'd want to ditch her clothes quick...
thank you, I'm not well versed in Chinese cartoons. I'll take a look.
fujos watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes and other series that contain male on male drama.
it's a romcom if you're into that
Maison Ikkoku is the go to comfy show for a lot of fujos I know
why is she wearing a leash?
You don't want to know what a berserk major could do
it's a go-to comfy show for everyone except fags
If it's good, I'll probably like it. I'm no genre snob
but I do:
also look at these chompers
If we got a movie adaptation that was closer to the manga in terms of levity and tone instead of Oshii's 2deep4u movie that everyone jerks themselves off over, it probably would have done better
I would. Season one is great, don't get me wrong. The philosophical explorations of the Laughing Man, and the cover up for the CBS vaccine, and what the crime actually amounts to being, presents a really cool political drama, but the second season just ramps everything waaaaaay up. The crime that unfolds over the second season is so vast, but so intricately laid out, that the final six episodes are just A+ after A+. That isn't to mention that the individual characterization episodes like the Saito one or the history of the Major are really quite good as well. Finally, the conversation between Batou and Ghoda up on the roof top is one of the best debates in the entire show.
"I wonder where their ghosts are wandering right about now."
Mostly haigure, I'd expect
GitS was much more in line in with Dredd than the anime would make you believe.
Is Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence worth watching?
How does it compare to the first movie? Is it a direct sequel?
A lot of the scenes seem like they were made to sell HD TVs, its a cool movie but it'll beat you over the head with quotes and philosophy.
takes place a few years after
it's got things going for it, but the CG is already showing its age, the philosophy stuff is even more blunt and even less meaningful, and it's got even more spooooky stuff and scenes that meander for no reason.
Basically a caricature of the first one.
Also it has a lot less fappable stuff
>quotes and philosophy.
This, rewatching it. It gets a bit annoying.
that one's just dull
go to the Patlabor series for actual comfy.
cityscape porn =/= comfy
Oshii must have thought "ah shit nobody understood the mangled bible quote in the first movie, guess I gotta lay it on real thick for these gaijins"
It looks interesting.
There is a lot of "I quote something, therefore me smart" throughout the movie.
It's also more of a buddy cop movie with batou and Togusa.
The main plot comes from chapter 6 of the original manga, so you can check that out first if you want.
>And is season 2 better than season 1?
Season 2's plot has a more obvious overall serialised arc and reveals more about character.
Season one in comparison is more philosophical.
I prefer two, but it depends on your tastes. Neither season marries them as well as the movie does.
This is what Oshii replaced with a creepy doll to satisfy his creepy doll fetish.
Based oshii
t. mamoru
>No 3rd GIG
fags like you who ask for more downgraded versions of GitS are the reason why Netflix is currently producing a CGI GitS series
> Netflix is currently producing a CGI GitS series
I choose not to believe you, so you are a liar and better not say such things again.
redpill me on GiTS, is it worth watching? where to start with it?
I feel like 2nd GiG had a pretty great ending but fuck me it's depressing
>Netflix is currently producing a CGI GitS series
I guess
Read the first manga, watch the first movie, watch SAC, and you're good
It objectively does though.
oh they are
it's called SAC 2049 and they're using fanart to promote it
First movie, 2nd movie if you want, then the anime series (plus its movie) and end there.
Never read the manga though but I hear it's great too.
You're cruel user lel
close but no
Robot girls are made for old fatguy dick
patlabor continues to be a pleb filter
The scene in Jin Roh where the song Blue Clouds plays
Movies are shit, tv series are pretty good.
that they are
Fuck you too
In terms of tone the Playstation game is actually the closest to the source material.
and suicide is made for cucks
watch the movie to get a small feel for what gits is about. Then watch SAC for gits-lite: consumer edition.
Then rewatch the Movie. five years down the line and then you'll actually appreciate it.
why did the boy turn her down? was he gay?
She reminds him of Kuze, and he can't be sure that she isn't actually Kuze himself.
Is it just me or is Jin Roh only good for the opening and the ending scenes?
I was kind of let down by how little of it actually involved those suits.
What the fuck was his problem?
it's part of a wider franchise, might make more sense in that context
by itself it's a variation on 1984 but with a lot less psychology and worldbuilding
I don't want a CGI GitS series, I want 3rd GIG
Movies: robots talking the philosophy of the soul and body
Series: ragtag squad of robot cops solving robocrime
what do you call those puffy side bangs she's got?
>Art must be 100% unique in its themes and never touch on relatable themes/feelings in a strange/unique way.
Fucking idiot.
Angled bob is probably the closest
Motoko is a blown out roastie compared to Alita, Jim has good taste
Shirow was interested in introducing concepts, not philosophical allegory. If the original movie never existed, Verhoeven would be the best choice--the manga isn't really all that philosophical; any time a character starts waxing poetic for more than a couple panels, Motoko or Batou wind up doing goofy shit that torpedoes the drama. Unfortunately, the original movie really set the tone for what future adaptations should aspire to; and so, the manga is entirely overshadowed by the anime adaptations, as well as Shirow's complete lack of clout as a mangaka, post-GITS.
Ridley Scott is a cinematographer; he can't do depth. I love Alien, and if you go over his commentary, you'll realize that he set it up as a fairly bog stander slasher flick, with an emphasis on visual fidelity. Same with Gladiator. Simple plot, great shots. Not a good pick.
After a cursory glance of Academy Award winners, I'd pick Sam Mendes. I've never seen American Beauty (and probably never will), but I'm familiar with its themes and I remember some of the trailer shots were particularly striking (the falling rose petal scene). He did a great job with Skyfall as well, particularly the final arc. He can compose a shot, he can manage a budget, he can inject some narrative depth or cinematic tension when needed.
Why is she so fucking hot, bros?
And i'm not talking just about her ass and titties.
floofy hair
All in all, the manga has more philosophical stuff (at the very least it provides more definitions and theses) but it's not the focus. The real drama is contained in the crime / politics, not in the navelgazing, so the comedy puts you back on track when things get too dark.
Besides we've seen what happens when Shirow starts taking the philosophical stuff really seriously. It gets really autistic and pretentious.
Speaking of which, while Oshii did try to take the philosophy stuff more seriously, he made it too open to interpretation for it to be substantial drama material.
GitS is always a balancing act and I don't think it can achieve everything completely, so I'll stick with Verhoeven cause he's good at balancing stuff.
>canal 22
Based gentleman and scholar
angel cop was unironically redpilled. every time I watch anime I feel like japan is inhabited by clueless good goyim but that anime great. they even named the jew
The scene in the store is pretty much the only one worth watching.
I always thought her hair style was so cool. I like how it tapers off to the back. I guess it's supposed to be reminiscent of some 80s hairstyle.
Isn't that what it is? It's made by the same guy.
it being redpilled is the least of its good aspects. What's more important is the brain rape
That's because the character was literally designed in the 80s.
it's a literal 80s hairstyle