Why is Hollywood so racist against asians?

Why is Hollywood so racist against asians?

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I didn't know that many girls were into small penis and crying during sex

Why are asians so submissive? I dated a chinese girl for about a year and she practically fell over herself trying to do whatever I wanted.

More diversity=More blacks

Because they are used to the men in their lives abusing the shit out of them mentally, emotionally, and physically

>the truth is racist
slant pussy was made for the BWC

Imagine if white women acted like this towards black men
Oh wait, they already do

You mad, yellow boy?
r/asianmasculinity doesn't even get a you

The fat ones, maybe

Imagine having a nerdy and demure Asian gf who wore sweaters and dressed modestly to disguise her true milc trucc nature

Lies. Asians are a race of domesticated beta males lorded over by their cunt wives.

she grew up in a white household in an affluent neighborhood. She wasn't abused at all.

A lot of asian men treat their women like shit, white men are generally chivalrous and kind to them so they make great partners usually. It baffles white men that asian men could be so cruel to the cutest and most beautiful women on earth.

Jews fear Asians because they don't buy their bullshit.

Do Indian women feel the same way about whites?

too bad asians usually have terrible discolorated pusys

It's not Hollywood that's racist. It's feminists.

Attached: white feminist roastie attacks asian cutie part 2.webm (470x352, 2.68M)

Yes, actually. But they’ll still marry Indian dudes because of social/cultural reasons.

t. alt-right tard
Asian women act like that because they are raised that way
Western asians act just like white women, annoying angry feminist sluts

Asian men status = KEKED


This is what happens when you are childless at 40 and take 5 different drugs just to stop you from killing yourself

>all those beta men afraid of touching her because she'd ruin their lives
In any decent society she'd be knocked the fuck out

Fucking asians, what a plague!

>the cutest and most beautiful women on earth.

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>being this delusional

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They look normal you pooftah

all those asians. is that Toronto?

If by normal you mean 5/10 and lower then sure

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The fuck does this webm have to do with feminism?

Feminist white women are hypocrites who still seethe at asian women.

the white roastie fears the oriental flower

Don't think so, doesn't look like TTC trains. Been a while since I lived there tho

Wow, pure and loyal Japanese girls!


Attached: 15468745930282.webm (276x480, 2.87M)

ah never mind. NYC. didn't expect so many asians

>Knows she can't beat the man in a fight so attacks a female bystander

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God i wish that was my asshole

They are cute and beautiful. Why are you so mad roastie?

that's adorable

>Helplessly getting filmed why embarrassing self
Oof, my worst nightmare right here

t. Never visited asia but watched a lot of dramas

t. Actually knows what he's talking about.

>fake naivety and innocence
you know it's all fabricated to bait gullible (white) men into finding them attractive right?

as for Netflix having a AF-WM show, it's because the endgoal is race mixing in general, not just cucking white men


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Asians only have two levels of intelligence: Very Dumb and Very Smart, there is no in-between.

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahha japs BTFO

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post version with manlet pls

cant be this easy can it?

Attached: trip to asia.webm (400x225, 2.56M)

I visited japan, philippines, and HK numerous times. Jap women really are the most beautiful on the planet. That aint a meme.

literally bug people

I'm confused

Why is this making me erect?

Surprisingly not true. Feminist white women view asians the same as white men and actually get visibly pissed seeing wmaf together in public because they feel threatened by them. Shit is crazy hypocritical.

i mean there are gaijin-hunter types that wanna fuck attractive white dudes
it's on you to be attractive though

But the guy in the webm who made the news in Asia for fucking asian women wasn't even attractive?

Zoomed in and looked but could not even find a single good looking woman I’d bang there srs

Why are all these subway women so beautiful?

Based qt laughing at brainlets

biggest gold diggers on earth. it is if you have the money

Attached: 1548709194678.webm (480x854, 1.34M)

A guy does grab and break her umbrella. I bet he was shitting his pants when it broke. Like, oh no, I'm going to get arrested now.
New York.
the woman attacking her is a feminist.

Attached: white feminist roastie attacks asian cutie part 4.webm (470x352, 1.41M)

That dudes like 6'3.

Doesn't have to be attractive, just needs blue eyes

t. went clubbing a month straight in roppongi

This is just a joke retard. Are you implying this proves they're gold-diggers or something.
I will admit this particular asian looks like a praying mantis.

>roasitie taking selfies

>rich chad goes partying in a foreign country and gets laid
Woah, damn

>This is just a joke
no shit dumb fuck

All women are golddiggers

God I wish that were me but I know I'd get human trafficked my first night :(

Does green count? Asking for a friend.

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The west aint much better

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The dude is a doughy office temp

I just hooked up with an asian girl, after I asked if she liked any movies and she said she just watched this. , figured it was some generic rom-com. Feels a little weird to know she was influenced into sleeping with me by a movie.

stay away from the massage parlors.... and the kids

How do these asian countries put up with masses of white men taking literal sexfest holidays in their countries? Are there any rice nationalists who get pissed at this?

that show looks pure roastcore

Probably, I knew a girl that was in Tokyo with grey eyes and people would ask to take a picture with her whenever we were in hub because they didn't know grey eyes existed

Asian reddit is more hateful than /pol/ and they hate sexpats and white men with a passion

>get cockblocked by the national news

The "sexfests" are mostly lonely dudes going there for a week, spending money on cheap liquor and food, then leaving. Any good looking person can go to any other country and get laid. Countries love it, it's free money.

> Are there any rice nationalists who get pissed at this?

Yes, Taiwan and South Korea are famous for their incels. It's a common thing in places like Taipei for guys from certain forums to take pictures of white guys with asian girls to shame the girls. It's pretty common for foreigners to get attacked by gangs in Thailand for talking to girls outside of tourist areas as well.

I bet he isn't alt-right and you're just a faggot.

There have been many cases of white guys going to Singapore and Taiwan, recording themselves banging local girls then selling them online so it's most likely that this dude was doing the same.


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If your eyes are actually green and not greenbrown/hazel, it's the rarest color

They're everywhere