Suggestions on good German films?

Suggestions on good German films?

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Inglorious Basterds

das brapper

Shit belly button would not fuck.


Kowalski, analysis

Das Boot, that one about the Cold War dude.

germans cant make good films

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technically correct

"Feuer, Eis und Dosenbier" is the epitome of kino.

Look at the city slicker pulling up with his fancy German films.


Is that a german girl?

Anklebone diameter 10% too thick, would not even allow her to buy me a drink

baader meinhof komplex
der untergang
deutschland 83
the lifes of others
unsere mutter unsere vater
das weiße band
stalingrad (1990)
Herr Lehmann
Die Brücke
Homo Faber
Gegen die Wand
Soul kitchen
Das Leben der Anderen
Die Blechtrommel
der himmel über berlin
triumph of the will


Like all white girls they are owned by big black cock, don't even think about it Cletus

she looks like she has a loving relationship with a black sub-saharan man

Never change anons.

Quoting the first scene
>Ist Der Geil.

Attached: Bang_boom_bang.png (280x280, 15K)

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It's time to go back to your tranny discord.

Sorry boys that girl's been riced harder than Kojima did to Stefanie Joosten

Hoped this would be about hairy or scat porn.

how does it feel fucking a women that beautiful?

"Sweet Little Sixteen" with cosma shiva hagen


Who the fuck cares if she has FinDom'd some asian microdick, source pls

I was ready to fap expecting her to enter in the men's restroom and see her dick, what a disappointment

For me it's Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus

Attached: Klaus-Mellenthin_Hausmeister-Krause_03.jpg (1638x2048, 492K)

der brapp-o-mat

Die Feuerzangenbowle
Er ist wieder da


What does an A+ belly button look like?

Like eating a too salty yogurt

Something like this.

Attached: button.jpg (1000x746, 67K)

>germans cant make good films
Das Boot

>no happy trail

Nicola Cavanis

Attached: bdnfrem.png (1872x1098, 1.93M)

it's unfair that girls like her exist

instgram culture is so fucking obnoxious, its insane

t. incel

It's unfair that girls unlike her exist

>reeee stop taking photos of yourselves

incel > tranny

watch M

love the female form
hate fags
simple as

Why are you mad because gorgeous women post hot pictures on Instagram for free? Get laid, Cletus

the thing that I could never understand is commenting on these girls photos

did i hit the nerve?

Der Todesking
it's a weird experimental film about depression, suicide and modern life

Attached: der-todesking-3-e1518737512331.jpg (630x442, 50K)

das experiment
das boot
run lola run

>for free

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Girls don't like big cocks

this makes no sense you brain damaged freak of nature. it's the trannies tha get mad at sexy biological women like in OP.