which actor has the best genetics of all?
Which actor has the best genetics of all?
Brad Pitt
Hartnett for the Height and Glorious Hair
aaron eckhart is 6'
pitt is 5'11"
>those facial hair genes
Pitt is exponentially more charming and good looking.
>one inch
Pitt's a permanent A list superstar. Aaron Eckhart hasn't been in anything relevant since doing capeshit more than a decade ago and has a receding hairline
Armie Hammer. Guy does everything in his power not to be a chad and he can't help it.
eckhart is a pretty good actor though, I dunno why he isn't in a lot of A list films but he definitely has what it takes
Dolph Lundgren no doubt
>Armie Hammer Admits He Acts on His White Male Privilege: 'I Catch Myself Doing' It
This. Height,strength and large iq. Truly top tier genetics
He looks like the kind of guy who eats little pieces of shit.
He looks like the kind of guy who jerks off to cartoons.
He looks like the kind of guy who asks the waitress for exact change.
He looks like the kind of guy who needs help tying his shoes.
He looks like the kind of guy the gay community would reject if he came out.
He looks like a trannie.
This thread is about genetics. I never said anything about him not being a faggot.
T. Coping Manlet
he has a fetish for black women
Outright saying that you are privileged and using that privilege is fucking based
Even if it isn't real he still believes it is
Francisco Lachowski comes very close to perfection. There are virtually no flaws in his facial appearance.
He has perfect maxillofacial growth which becomes evident from the zygomatic arches that project wide and are round in shape in the tipping points. The nose is perfect: straight nasal septum indicates the face hasn't grown vertically more than it should at any point in developmental time so it doesn't appear hooked, it is also devoid of any obscure mal/formations, crookedness or deviation
He has near perfect dentofacial growth. While he has gotten some dental aid with orthodontics (evident from the appearance of his top central and lateral incisors+canines), his bite is perfect. You can tell this by looking at his lip posture, which is affected by the position of the mandible, and anyone will agree that it looks nice and balanced. The mandible is in an ideal position which means there's no malocclusion, and malocclusions have an enormous impact on the aesthetic appearance of the face. This is rare because with modern [western] diet and the rapid increase of allergies, it is extremely hard for most males to develop a nice looking jaw (not to mention that you need the appropriate testosterone levels and genetics to develop one). Lots of males that would normally develop a jaw similar to Lachowski's don't, because of mouth breathing or improper masticatory usage (the diet is too soft). It takes a perfect growing environment on top of good genes and hormone profile to develop a balanced facial structure like Lachowski's, and that's leaving out the individual features like the eye area, which in Lachowski's case is unique in itself. Now combine all this with the fact that he is over 6'2''. A good looking face with pretty features is hard to achieve when given a tall skeletal build. Most guys that you see with really pretty or handsome faces are 5'9'' to 5'11'', i.e. average height.
>50 years old
my gaydar is going off
>“How do straight white men,” he begins, “react to other straight white men who are no longer acting how they believe straight white men should act?” Every time he says those words – “straight white men” – he over-pronounces the “Ts”, enunciating the words as if they’re bitter on his tongue. “And that is, the exercising of your straight white male privilege – all of the things that straight white men not only take for granted, but also are expected to capitalise on.”
Don't forget Steve Reeves.
Kind of a curse though, he is always being attacked by lefties for whatever reason. Still a good trade off when you know you don't have to do anything in life, as long as people keep using baking soda
Morning Bill.
>>Find a Flaw.
Kinda makes up for his short stature
Get the FUCK out of here
He has hit the man wall very early.
I vote Tom Selleck for that all American look and longevity.
never understood the appeal from photographs, but looks great in motion.
Cavill mogs hammer. Armie has a feminine face
Brando made me realize that choosing food over roasties is never a bad choice, if this absolute chad of a man preferred to stuff himself rather than bother getting fit and banging 10/10s it's clearly the patrician choice.
They look like the retarded hardy boys.
They look like the live action ambiguously gay duo.
They look like vacuum cleaner salesmen.
They look like those guys that bang on your door looking for their missing Mexican friend.
They look like they they go on "guys only" weekends.
They look like they fuck each other in the butt, but "ironically".
>>Blocks your Path
How do I ask for that level of stubble at the barber? I currently have this
He was the epitome of masculinity in his heyday
>genetic superiority
>posts "men" under 6' with androgynous faces
just do it yourself, get a razor and use the #1 length. Or tell the barber you want #1, although going to the barber for that seems like a waste of money
use hair clippers
Well I'm going for a haircut anyways. So I thought I'd ask him to bring my beard down to a good stubble length while I'm there.
Yeah well I'd figure it's a #1 length. That's the shortest on my razor and it seems about that length, I cut my own hair so. To get stubble looking that good though really depends on your facial hair genes, it's obvious from that pic that eckhart is pretty well endowed in that area
Why do I obsess with the way I look?
Ben Affleck. Too bad about the drug abuse.
also hard work
>son i am disappoint
everyone does
>retard does not understand genetics
>After he had started lifting weights as a teenager, he noticed that his body was becoming disproportionate. His arms, shoulders and chest were developing nicely, but his calves and lower legs weren't coming along as he wanted. To motivate himself to work harder on his calves, he cut off all of his pants (trousers) at the knee. Walking around like that, people would look at (and maybe even laugh at) the big man with 'chicken' legs. It worked.
Even Ahnuld didn't skip leg day
Those suits, aaaaaaawful
He knew his genetics were way too good for this world so he killed himself in the dumbest way possible
>imagine looking like Clint and still being a manlet
user. look at his insertions
That jaw on Cavill tho
Harvey Dent. Can we trust him to manipulate the crime statistics?
>hey son want to go play catch?
He had pectus excavatum
Guess who had the shortest straw.
Idris Elba
Handsome guy but terrible actor
jake gyllenhaal. his hair/beard genetics are elite
t. balding beardlet
The chad blueprint