

Attached: m5ktnstvn2121.png (586x591, 501K)

Literally looks like he's dying.

a year and surgery that limits your ability to eat

He got more toys?

He looks better fat

damn he went from obese to obese.

This x2000

> used to look like a gigantic pile of shit
> now looks like a smaller - but still huge - pile of shit


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his face doesnt match his body at all

thisw desu he shouldve went full bloatmaxx

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Whatever gets you there. He still had to go through it. Just be glad someone is doing an effort.

You know what he might be cheating with the surgery and all but still good for him.

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Remember when he'd feverishly post about himself on /fit/ trying to convince people he'd be 200lb by the end of 2018 and that he was in better shape than anyone else on the board?

just correcting his deep inspirational message a little bit

i thought he died?

He isnt though. He got the surgery and hes still eating like a fucking pig which is why this long after having the surgery hes STILL a fat fuck.

You think this fucking idiot is even going swimming to try to burn calories?

Yeah I hope he doesn't lie to people about it.

Too busy trying to make them pity him talking about his divorce or his childhood abuse to get around to lying about his weight loss

>Only lost 150lb after getting surgery in 2017
>People actually think this is inspirational.

Literally anyone posted in the fatkino threads did better than boogie.

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That's like my entire body weight give 30 pounds or so

He lied about how much he weighed before he went on a 'clean eating January' challenge so that he could claim to have lost more weight than he had. He then promptly failed the challenge anyway because he started vlogging about his trips to all-you-can-eats and scoffing down 2,000-calorie doughnuts.


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>Got rich while being a disgusting lardass
>Even his gold digger wife who slept with his black "roomate" had enough and divorced him
>Most likely invented that whole abuse story for victim points and patreon shekels
Modern American lifestyle everybody