Captain James Tiberius Kirk

Captain James Tiberius Kirk

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Kirk > Sisko >>>>>> the rest

Objectively the best captain btw.

he's the most entertaining to watch but Picard is the best captain

and I say this as somebody who think TOS > TNG


someone I knew said this to me today and I don't get it, Kirk is a great fucking captain

thanks bill

he's great, but there are some situations that picard would probably have handled better or with less loss of life (would you rather be a redshirt or a goldshirt? )
Not to fault cowboy diplomacy though, Kirk is pretty much the best at that.

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>random shitpost has better discussion then every /trek/ thread ever

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Where's Captain Kirk?

Couldn't the same be said but vice versa

Maybe it's better to say that picard is well rounded and a ultimatly a better ambassador for hummanity where kirk is the greatest maverick that ever was

SISKO > ARCHER > PICARD > KIRK > JANEWAY > My Star Trek Online Captain

I haven't watched TNG, but I would have ultimate faith in Captain Kirk.
The goal isn't just to get everyone safely from here to there: it's not just a passenger ship.
Accomplish the mission with minimal to no loss of life is the point. Captain Kirk does this very well.


>just finished DS9 last night
>watching ENT now, but it just doesn’t fill the void that DS9 filled
I feel so bad bros. I just want to see Garak again.

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>greatest *starship captain



Fuck off racist

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Pikers in Starfleet tonight gonna have a good time, gonna lose your mind. Vina Shake that.
number one best girl though. Why didn't they tell Vina she could get plastic surgery? Their must be like insurance for starships that get taken down by evil races?

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Considering how many times the Enterprise D exploded under Picard's command, I wouldn't rate him #1 in anything.