I know.
>Two x chromosomes for Slytherin! However...!
why all the trans hate on this board? we're people too
eat shit and die
How did the discord tranny meme start?
Mentally ill and misguided people
Redpill incoming.
People became aware of the insane discord trannies
They actually exist, it's not a meme. I mean it is, but it's true.
They literally organize, find places to raid, attempt to manipulate children and r9k autists into getting on hormone treatments, etc.
They're sick fucks, user.
Trannies actually raid boards here. A lot of the "ugh, racism much?" tier posts arent ironic
not a meme.
it all blew up when tumblr lost its porn and all the faggots and outcast imbeciles moved to /lgbt/ or Yea Forums
most of them are mental and dont get attention from males since they are not female so they try to get any kind of attention they can.
you're 'people' in the same way serial killers, rapists and anorexic schizoids are. You are technically a member of the same species as me but you are sick, broken and pitiful. It is natural to feel a welling of disgust upon thinking about your lives. I wouldn't kill you myself but I'd be happy if you were to quietly vanish from this world.
Just like average 4channers, then?
>they almost all type in all lowercase
Checks out but unironically
Can't believe I fell for it. I've been laughing my ass off at those types of posts. Legitimately thought it was just ironic shitposting.
you will never pass
That’s not really falling for it user, falling for it would constitute being actually convinced by any of it kek
>trannies on Yea Forums
that can't have lasted long, they'd get annihilated
It's somewhat ironic I guess, they just do it to derail threads
t. tranny trying to make us think they're cool and good people
They're all weebshits though.
How can someone force you to drink HRT pills ?
Is Hufflepuff the tranny house? They seem like the limp-wristed buttboys of the school.
>only anime faggots
A lot of it is.
Slytherin: sociopaths
Griffindor: fags, some SJWs
Hufflepuff: the worse kind of fags, trannies, traps
Ravenclaw: Autists
What the fuck its actually true... Even this one As long as they don't catch on, it could be used as a pretty good indicator
Future suicide victim? Dude looks nothing like a girl, I mean it's bad even for a trap.
It wont even let me into the website
These faggots genuinely need to be lined up against a wall and shot
they wouldn't take 'em in, Yea Forums is probably the least tranny friendly board (Yea Forums is the most)
Trannys sided with the left. It was different when y'all were accepting of the fact that you are freaks. Now that you are trying to force society to change to cater to your mental illness you're the enemy.
no youre not wake up and you be a human again
>he thinks you have to be a tranny to call out racism
The opposite retard, I'm saying they just want to trash the place
this very much so
A waste of good ammo, just let them sit in cages and freeze or starve to death as people line up to piss and spit on them
not human lol
Weebshits are the people with inane emotions and mental disorders. Don't try to make them look good, they're all degenerates that like shit art.
True, rope would also work and be cheaper. Not even being edgy, society would be better off
that's got nothing to do with what I said though, Yea Forums hates trannies.
Imagine being so deluded and full of hate that you actually believe transfolk cut it off. It's rearranged into the correct genitalia using the most advanced surgical methods available. Your inaccurate view of the surgery and the mindset of the transgendered individual in general are so remarkably colored by bigotry that it astounds me. Well hey, I can't totally chew you out, since I used to be a little bit like you before I met my girlfriend, who was actually my male best friend before. Being on the journey with her completely changed my world view about gender and sex as a whole. You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of tea, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a MTF pussy is just as satisfying to eat as a cis girl's. I've taken the steps to advance my line of thinking and my outlook, becoming better for it I may add - all I can say to you is: your move, douche.
way to out yourself faggot
The dilator chooses the tranny Mr Potter.
yeah I didn't make it past the first clause but I appreciate the effort you put into writing all that
Furries > Trannies
it's copypasta lad
Too true. Really used to be different in the earlier years.
Don't believe these schizoids user. How many trannies do you honestly believe there are?
People have souls.
At least half of it is.
You see, the problem with that, is that anyone who regularly uses this website wouldn't give a shit and definitely wouldn't bother wasting their time to call it out.
You clearly don't belong here if you think otherwise.
Nothing edgy about it. You see a kitten struggling with its life and screeching, you want to end it. Same case here.
Whatever, they're weebshits and just as bad. It's like furfags against vorefags or something like that.
>water in the ocean
just as well then lmao
Detroit has a lot of Blacks. Reddit has a lot of normalfags.
What I'm trying to say is that specific communities aren't a representative of the whole.
No you're not
Hurry up and become part of the 40%
>*puffs cigar*
A dick can't be "rearranged" into a vagina. You can only have a mutilated dick with a hole cut inside of you. It's still a dick, just a really fucked up one.
Cute pasta
it's like how when a woman is raped she worries that every man is a rapist. or if a white person is mugged by a black person they believe that every black person is a mugger. these autists have hit on so many people in game and on discord, believing them to be female, only to find out that they are in fact a man or tranny. this leads them to believe that everyone online is a tranny. they don't want to get burnt again.
What's funny is that nobody would have a problem if those "people" would keep their sexual fetishes in the bedroom where they belong.
But no, they have to stick a dildo to their forehead and dress up like some weird satanists, parading through the streets and encouraging each other to be proud of whatever they get off to.
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people and how have they not been arrested yet?
he cute and based
Watch out for their "subtle" threads.
What a bunch of fucking retards.
I did NOT suck a dick, I ate my girlfriends pussy. Maybe if you weren't a fucking loser incel you'd realise the difference.
where do normies go
They are real though, they shill for disney movies in this board for instance, most infamously in those /reylo/ generals protected by shill mods
what the fuck happened in the last 5 years.
Unironically antichrist will reveal himself soon
You should know that discord admin team are a bunch of furry and cub fetishists, so nothing happening to anyone on discord doesn't surprise me in the least
any of them really, clever normies RC, dumb normies HP, backstabbing normies SLY, virtue signalling normies GD
I don't know man. I just don't know anymore. But it's good reason and motivation to get your own shit together, to shine even brighter among those misfits from outer space.
>mein special racism club
>anons used to shit on any retard who was openly advocating rules from different shitholes to apply here
>anons now think tumblr niggers, normalfags and other subhuman teashbactually belong on this board and site without assimilating
It’s pretty fucking disgusting.
Unironically antichrist is probably out there already. I'm not a religious man but I understand the ones who are screaming about the end being nigh
i want to go back to 2005 and stay there
Happened when 4ch assimilated reddit. Say what you wish but a good half of Yea Forums in particular must come from there. Oldfags must have migrated to somewhere else than 8ch I reckon
>t. literal election redditfugee
cringe, go slit your wrists you gay nigger
Literally not a single person who discovered Yea Forums pre-2008 had the slightest interest in ever even checking out cripplechan.
Being religious won't save you. Accept Christ and get His gift of eternal life, user. Good people don't go to heaven, the saved ones go
>"the more in-fighting we cause the better"
As if this site hasn't been in a constant state of infighting since its creation.
The people in these screenshots remind me of myself when I was a 13 year old "epic troll" that thought I was so clever and sneaky. So they're either stupid kids of mentally stunted, probably the latter.
Not at all fag. Thinking tumblr or fagbook belongs here is about retarded as thinking Gaia and SA retards were welcomed as well.
look mom, I said the word anonymously on the interwebs. I'm a big kid now.
I've never been able to find an answer as to why transsexuality has become so abundant in the past 10 years. It's a very new phenomenon and we have very little historical evidence of it existing outside of a few rare instances. Pretty sure this lack of evidence means it is 100% psychological otherwise we'd have a shit load of historical records of it like we do homosexuality.
>getting offended at words on an online Mongolian basket weaving communal
Go cry about it somewhere else gay nigger.
Jesus Christ
look xir! i called out racism anonymously on the interwebs. so this is what it felt like to stop hitler
2005 sucked you zoomer retard
This site was literally created by a goon you dumbass KYM larper.
>people use Discord to sow discord
>call out racism
>trying to get rid of the plebbit filter
for what purpose
>shitposts on Yea Forums
>nothing in the thread is remotely television or film related
What did OP mean by this?
>durr why are we seeing more documentation for a thing in an era where there's constant documentation and exposure
No it isn’t. They were just called transvestites before you were born
That’s a cute doggie
That's entirely false, I'm not sure why you believe it
Quite the contrary. The original user are all on 8ch. Here there's only subhuman goons from SA like yourself, redditors and racist newfags, and the racist newfags are unironically the only ones worth saving in this shithole of website. You probably unironically miss moot
You are literally retarded, you polcel zoomer.
4 U
The original user on my board are still there. None of them went to 8ch
Maybe you shouldn’t come a site if you see things you don’t like constantly posted there. If it offends you the burden on you is to fuck off and find somewhere else you be sad normalfag.
Imagine actually believing that by posting kike porn you'll force men to take hormone blockers or whatever
Pretty sure OP's pic is from a Harry Potter movie
Nice filename!
t. 2008 SA hipster loser
>my sacred echobox
>formerly calm
psychological warfare on a massive scale
theres your answer
doesnt this count as a domestic terrorist plot?
why has nobody reported this to the feds?
>mobile shitter
Shouldn’t you be snacking on a tide pod you underage cumstain.
But they all ugly and still look like a men, ugly men.
>I’m owed accommodation
You have to be 18+ and have lurked 2 years before posting here.
Based nigger turning fruits into vegetables
I think it was, maybe you heard about that weebshit kid who shot himself in the head over one of those blackmail things.