What movies realistically depict American high school?

What movies realistically depict American high school?

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>everyone is played by 20-something actors and everyone is attractive and sexually active
literally none of them.

is it true yanks never have school uniforms?

What's with the teleporting pencil/pad?

I had a school uniform but I went to Catholic school

Napoleon Dynamite

>BOY wonder
>Snoop dogg & wiz HIghschool
>WElcome to nhk

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this clip is actually composed of two different shots

Only if you go to a private school that mandates such things

what percentage of students went to catholics schools

>mfw americans send children to schools to learn about fake cloud genies

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many private schools have uniforms. public schools don't have uniforms, but they do have dress codes that tell girls not to be slutty and distracting to students (and, unspokenly, distracting to teachers) such as skirts must be past a certain length and shoulder straps must be a certain width with no overt cleavage, no visible thong underwear above the waist, etc.

why wouldn't all school have uniforms, everyone school here in NZ does

have an upboat gentlesir

less than 10% of americans attend private schools, with about 80% of private schools being skywizard related but not all of those catholic, so maybe somewhere between 2-6%

I still don't understand why they don't have uniforms its like they don't have school pride

they have sports teams and school mascots to show their "school pride"

Movies gave me an unrealistic expecting of high school.
Some things I thought high school would have when I went it...

>”clicks” (jocks, nerds, geeks, preps, goths, etc)
In reality, it’s the rich kids, the average kids and the anti-social kids

Bullies didn’t really exist. It was just people being assholes to each other all the time up until about junior year and then everyone is nice all the time.

>The cheerleaders would be exclusively dating the football team
Nope. 90% of the cheerleaders were ugly and undatable. Besides, it was the teachers who were fucking the football team (who were mostly black by the way)

>Parties every other weekend
Not even close. Nobody could afford alcohol or even buy it. There was maybe a party every six months and it was exclusive to the rich kids. We’d all know because they’d post it on Instagram and facebook.

I was shocked by how much high school is like real life.
>Teachers give you good grades just because they like you
>The rich kids would always win awards in everything and always get away with ALOT of shit
>Teachers would fail you and give unfair grades if they didn’t like you

I went to high school in Maryland so maybe my experience would be different from someone in Maine or Texas or whatever. Also my school was about 40% black, 30%white, 20% Mexican and 10% Asian.

Have to say though, the white kids were pretty redpilled in high school. They would always joke how the black kids would always walk so slow in the halls between classes. How loud they were. How they were the ones always acting up in class and fighting each other over nothing. How the Asian were super smart. How all the Mexicans didn’t speak English (they didn’t) and how they were only the ones on the soccer team. (They were).
Now though most of them post on facebook how “progressive” they are.
Proof that college turns you into a lefty.

>they have sports teams and school mascots to show their "school pride"
so no actually school pride, in NZ we physically fought other schools like if you see someone in a red blazer instead of a green one you go try to bash him

Something like pic related I assume

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what film is this

based Nigel

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did your parents not even care?

Nice blog, nerd

she looks like she fucks african american men

oh wait...

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>in NZ we physically fought other schools like if you see someone in a red blazer instead of a green one you go try to bash him
no, we don't have literal gang warfare amongst our high schools. what you described only happens with inner city black kids and it isn't school related.

Sounds autistic, like your weird obsession with school uniforms.

I wish that was me

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planet of the apes

Europe is full of those.

Lana is such a fucking trainwreck

>we physically fought other schools like if you see someone in a red blazer instead of a green one you go try to bash him
O we have people like that in America too.

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There's an irony in this, she said she prefers small/medium size penises. I think she's married to a white guy as well.

Yeah but my school only had like 2 black kids and as a result of the religion my teachers were redpilled

>Besides, it was the teachers who were fucking the football team (who were mostly black by the way)
Tell me more

high school musical 14

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Something like this

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>she said she prefers small/medium size penises

That's really fucking disturbing

>we don't have literal gang warfare amongst our high schools.
its not gang warfare its just having a bit of a tussle and punch up with the blokes, good fun with you and your mates especially after a rugby game and the ref acted like a poof

I know, TLDR, high school is nothing like the movies.

Nope. I don’t speak to my parents anymore because how awful they treated me growing up. My dad makes over 200k a year and only spends it on boomer bullshit. Mom doesn’t work and stays home all day literally doing nothing and letting their house fall apart. Had to pay for college myself and now I’m 20k in debt and not even working a job in a related field to it.

>American schools indoctrinate children into their religious and political cults
So thats how they do it.

is that how americans think the word is spelled? jesus christ

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it's that fucking coalburner

>obsession with school uniforms.
the rest of the globe has uniforms

Nothing more to tell, really.
The football team was 99% black.
Several female teachers throughout my years in high school were caught fucking the black kids on the team. Surprisingly not a single male teacher was ever arrested for fucking a student.
Also most of the teachers caught were ugly and old white teachers.

It was a Q/A on her Snapchat the other day.
She is a serial liar so both the twitter and Snapchat posts are probably both lies any way. She was dating Mike Adriano for a while as well, who is white and American.


>My dad makes over 200k a year
then why didn't you live in a white suburb so you went to a white school

imagine knowing or even caring about any of this

It's weird I can tell this is a slavic school just by their dress style and how everything is so bland and grey like all slavic videos/pictures seem to depict.

LMAO no. You can wear what you want

Says the fag who spells “color” as “colour” and “grey” as “gray” and “armor” as “armour”.
Says the fag who calls “Fries” as “Chips” and “cookies” as “crisps”.
Says the fag who says “bloody” instead of “fuck” and “arse” instead of “ass”.

>LMAO no.

how do i unclick your picture

Literally told you in my post...
he only spent it all on himself on stupid boomer shit like the latest iPhone and 3D printers and a new car every year.

user you got mixed up somewhere in there

Better than private school being completely outlawed with some eurocuck shit. How is them forcing you into government indoctrination liberal? Don't forget to never question the shoah goy

why is she a coalburner?

>and “cookies” as “crisps
holy fuck americans are retarded

>he only spent it all on himself on stupid boomer shit like the latest iPhone and 3D printers and a new car every year.
So you are telling me he earned 200k a year but still lived in suburb filled with niggers

she sleeps with the blacks....that's the definition of a coalburner.

Meant to say as “biscuits”. Fuck off.

>meanwhile yanks call scones biscuits and put fucking gravy on them
what a ridiculous race of people

Yes. He still does. He hasn’t moved because he’s a lazy fuck who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.

nigga none of that shit applies to me since English isn't my first language to begin with but I'm still the one who needs to tell you how to spell your own language
it's clique you dumb burgershit

It looks like the old brick neighborhoods in anytown midwestern US to me, except for the boy who clearly looks like some kind of eastern euro.

? Private schools are legal in Europe

>Yes. He still does. He hasn’t moved because he’s a lazy fuck who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
how could he make 200k a year if he is this lazy

you can't unclick locked and stickied posts, sorry.

With a son like you I fail to see why he should care

the dude is obviously LARPing out of his anus.

He got a government job WHILE he was still in high school and has just been moving up since then. The funny part? He says the higher he moves up, the more money he gets and the less work he does.

>there's a game where you do nothing but kick a ball around with your foot, universally known as "football"
>americans call it "Sawkur"
>meanwhile americans play a game where you have an egg instead of a ball and feet are barely involved
>they call it "football"

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The ones where an autist shoots up the school

I’m not larping user.
Why would I lie about how shitty my life is and how my parents are assholes who don’t care?

>He got a government job
mate you have to be a bit more fucking specific

because you have severe autism.

You’ve clearly never met the American Boomer.

Spider-Man did a good job

Unironically this.

americans used to call it "associaton football" but shortened it to soccer which I'm assuming was then further bastardized in pronunciation since it's not so-sher

There isn't a single school in Sweden that dictates what you wear, you can pretty much wear whatever the fuck you want.

I guess the rest of the world is crumbling then

i would give her the F if you catch what i mean

Religious classes are still mandatory in some european countries.

No, they're clearly slavs

>. Nobody could afford alcohol
why, how expensive is it in america

When will a director be brave enough to show the horror of Penis Inspection Day

Lmao they actually chase the lad down, what the fuck did he do to get fem-domed that hard?

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Ya armageddon is nigh.

they stopped doing penis inspection day at my school years ago because of sjws.


t. ‘08 high school grad

>you have to work hard to get paid well
Top Kek

you must have a lot of hate in your life

are you sure what if they started hitting you haha

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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It makes sense, they need to teach them at a young age thats its okay for old men to touch their weewees.

why didnt he unzip the penis and cum all over them?

She's wants the F, so you give her the D

>naming a sport after the ball you kick around
Surely there's more to it then just the ball?

Their big chad boyfriends were standing behind them ready to REALLY kick his ass if he did anything

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My highschool had 1500 kids, 2 were black, 2 Indian, 1 Asian. I really feel bad for you kids but on the otherhand it kind of fucked up my expectations growing up around only beautiful white people. Now I get disgusted every time I go outside.

21 jump Street remake was crazy accurate according to most people

Not a movie but freaks and geeks is widely considered by far the most accurate, right?

i would give her the F with my D right in her A then her C and cum on her B

No you don't

t. hit a cunt who gave me nothing but shit

Not a movie but American Vandal had a really accurate portrayal of high school


silly mutt


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I graduated in 2001, so no idea anymore.

In Ireland, virtually every school, both primary and secondary, is catholic but nobody actually buys into it. None of my friends are even remotely religious. Religion classes consist mostly of philosophy and morality. As you can imagine, nobody really takes them seriously

Here in Australia all public schools have uniforms. You can tell public school kids from private school kids because private school kids get fancy jackets and things while public kids get shitty sweaters.

what's this
looks a cute

like burkas?

a hoodrat by any other name faggot

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>fancy jackets
mate its a Blazer

>a hoodrat by any other name faggot
mate I went to a private school and we still get into fights with other schools

Without Christianity western culture would not exists nor would morals

What was the line like once she finished?

Platoon. My high school had so damn many Vietnamese kids

I'm glad I went to a middle school and high school (years 6-12) that had uniforms because then people only had to make fun of my poor people's shoes, height and general awkwardness.

I feel this movie nailed it

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no, there really isn't. sports are named after their ball

>tennis ball
>golf ball

The twink was so cute

what's with the night time studio lighting?

Is this CIA training?

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Eighth Grade

Public high schools just have a dress codes.

Gus Van Saint's Elephant.


or the girl who is clearly at least 20 years old

>Bullies didn’t really exist

This is definitely a thing that varies from place to place. Where I went to school in Montana in the late 2000s they sure as fuck did.

I don't give a fuck that she's 20, the problem is that she isn't hot.

Lucky kid.

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And you're obsessed with them.


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why would you have pride in some place you're forced to go? that's like being proud of the country you were born in. you have no say

bro that doesn't matter bro its just school just chill lmao

now may you all please rise for the pledge of allegiance

>bro that doesn't matter bro its just school just chill lmao
>now may you all please rise for the pledge of allegiance
Also not mandatory.

wtf that girl who goes for a thai plum clinch to throw a knee at the end of the video
why are girls so mean?!?!

>why are girls so mean?!?!
Because for a split second you can see a much older boy behind them ready to kick the kids ass if he dares defend himself.

>everyone is played by 20-something actors
I like to pretend every "high school" movie is set in a world where performance expectations suddenly increased to a sane level and dropping out has been criminalized. Thus everyone in the movies has been held back five or six times, so no one actually cares about school work and they spend all their time doing everything but studying.

this one right here

t. high school teacher

Why would you want that? It is boring as fuck.

Stalker (1979)

>virtually every school

community schools aren't, although you're better off going to a catholic school, much less "riff raff"

Unironically pic related.
Worth watching for harrelson alone

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this movie was pretty good. I just watched it because it had kidman and crowe and it turns out it's decent.

Why does she look at him like that?

Because that's a stupid rule that doesn't make any sense.

Ok insulting biscuits and gravy, now that's crossing the line. Coming from the land of congealed blood and toast sandwiches that's funny

kid just got arrested in texas for refusing to stand for the pledge

Your school was weird man, mine definitely had cliques for jocks, nerds, goths. The cheerleaders were also pretty hot (ish - they were almost all asian so no tits/ass).

We also had house parties pretty regularly and they were pretty fucking close to what is depicted in some movies. Someone's parents going out of town, we'd move all the furniture in the entire house into the garage, cover all the floors with cardboard, get someone with dj equipment in there to set up speakers and turntables, then get someone to get their older brother to buy a couple kegs/make jungle juice.
Then have a loud party until the cops arrive and everyone would run off hopping over fences to get away.

This was a school with literally only 1 black kid though and he was adopted by a white family. Everyone was rich though, the neighborhood is essentially 1-2 million dollar homes only.

I can tell they are slavs just by looking at the kids. no audio. Something about being a slav myself lets me recognize fellow slavs with 100% accuracy

Blonde on the left hnnnng

why did he run?

Why are the grown ass men harassing a kid?

a lot of public schools that have large number of non-whites will have dress codes in an attempt to keep some order over them

Napolean Dynamite.

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my two left feet

Cause the kid is a faggot for being beaten up by 12 year old girls

Story is that the kid getting bullied was hitting on the Chad, the girls got jealous even though the Chad isn't even gay. Chad is sitting there just laughing at their reaction. He only kicks him away cause he was getting dangerously close to putting his ass near the Chad's dick, pic related.

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Superbad, but only the beginning
21 Jump Street, in spirit (how what was once lame is now cool)

Not a movie but American Vandal is by the far the best depiction of modern high school, the only one I've seen to actually nail it.

Elephant is as realistic as you're going to get, obviously minus the shooting scene.
It's a drab and boring place for most kids.

isn't gray the american spelling?
I use both whenever, but it feels like grey is an older spelling

It serves the twofold purpose of making all children "equal" in that you won't have tyrone shanking that chink kid for his jordans after school at the back gate, and allows for schoolkids to be identified by their uniform for easy identification in the event of afterschool mischief.

>Putting periods outside of quoted words at the end of a sentence.

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How can a porn star be so based?

If you're talking about Dublin, I'm sure there are a lot more secular schools but in Wexford, you're looking at maybe one secular secondary school and virtually no secular primary schools.

it's literally to prevent kids from wearing their gang colors to school

Yeah, lots of white kids in gangs causing trouble.

No. It's to help stop bullying based on class divide, and make students feel more equal. Ghetto schools rarely have uniforms.

should really read the post I was replying to first before saying things that make you look stupid

Yup. Minus the Pedro actually winning the election of course.

I see thought it was the norm all over

Yeeeeeeeah... Uniforms don't seem so bad when you put it that way

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the period is part of your sentence, not the one you're quoting, why the fuck would it go inside the quotation marks?

hasn't reached that part of the curriculum at school

wtf the guys are even wearing the CIA uniform

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Was anyone else dissapointed when they went into high school and it turns out 95% of the human population turns into fat, 6-inches-shorter-than-you goblins?

>Without Christianity western culture would not exists nor would morals

This but unironically
Went to a shit school. Bitches are hot.

I had so much sex back in high school. I feel like most movies really down play that. Especially during football season. After games it was pretty common to sleep with 2 or 3 girls that weekend.

Catholic school in countries like the USA, UK or France mostly exist because people don't want their childrens to be brutalised by poor/colored childrens

I went to an all boys prep school. it was pretty based and was in no way like any high school experience I've ever seen depicted in media.
>classes were all hard and a lot of work
>many teachers had eccentric personalities
>as a result the class bonded together really quickly
>after freshman year every day was shootin the shit with your best bros
>no cliques or drama, everybody was friends
>most of the stupid kids (black kids) transferred out cause it was too hard
>the one gay kid transferred out because nobody wanted to be friends with a fag
>elite student section at football/basektball games
>started a BUILD THAT WALL chant at a spic senior year in a basketball game
it was like a frat but without the faggot shit.
no i didn't go to covington catholic

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I only started working out my senior year so not me :(((( Got better in college though

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Superbad is basically my high school years. Im 29 now so that's long ago.

In highschool i learned i could've slept with my english teacher. she had a nice ass but i didn't know how to approach it without my parents finding out

okay, he deserved everything he got then. based slavs.

I bet this movie flopped because people thought it was a sequel to a movie called "Hamlet", and unlike with the third pounder I really can't blame them here.

So their older boyfriends were behind them ready to beat the kid up if he didn't let the girls bully him

Let me guess, you were born in California, but went to public or private school on Guam? You forgot to mention the hotel parties the students would throw in high school or the drink outs they would have, both the jocks/popular kids and the nerds would drink alcohol. The public schools do require the students to wear uniforms. Those cheerleaders, they also were part of dance teams, I think in the U.S. mainland, cheerleaders also require gymnastics. And the gangs, usually each ethnicity had its own gangs, the Filipinos (a group of people that I don't regard as Asian) had a couple of their gangs and the Pacific Islanders also had their own gangs. I think even one of the schools in the South of Guam also had students who held MMA style fights, which I think were illegal and the students got in trouble for it.

Hamburger Hill?

I'm like that but with fags

this shit

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I forgot to mention that I am describing high school from the early 2000s. Hip-hop, emo/goth, Anime, Magic: The Gathering (I never played Magic: The Gathering, but many students did, some of them were even jocks), etc. were really big. Don't know how any of these relates to Yea Forums, but I think the hotel parties came from MTV's Laguna Beach and Newport Harbor series, about high school students from Orange County, students on Guam just copied what students on MTV's shows did, I guess.


THE gayest thing in existence that involves no penises being seen


09 grad

I forgot, the cheerleaders were also really smart.

what the fuck movie is this?

The OA, a Netflix series. Made by the director who did The East and start Brit Marling, also from The East.

You got the CA part right.
Late 90's Saratoga area.

why are they dancing?

based and redpilled

Danger 5

>freaks and geeks
It was hella accurate and I watched it in high school. People need to apologize to Paul Feig.

Did Yea Forums like their school uniforms?

I never watched the OA, but I read or saw the headlines of some articles about the series. I think Brit Marling's character was some kind of time traveler like one of her other character from another, earlier film. Another article said something about the dangers of not listening to women. I think maybe her character is trying to war people. I forget. I am not going to look for all those articles about the OA, need to go to sleep.

Wrong. Superbad.

This one tbqhwyf

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This but unironically

I nearly threw up

Let's be honest, if a girl half that cute talked to you you would sperg out.

her bf is black

stop saying mean and untrue things about brynny pls

which one is that?

Toy Story 4

Napoleon Dynamite

t. Midwesterner


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>muh Lameto
>muh Boomerstotle

Great film - Hailey Steinfield is great in everything i've seen her in

Says the fag who calls "semen" as "dinner"

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Do I want to watch this movie?

My best friend told me about this movie yesterday and I laughed at her for picking out some awful Eighth Grade wannabe from Netflix... Then I saw the RT score and felt embarrassed.

>tfw you missed out on teenage sexual experimentation FOREVER

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Why wouldn't he just fucking shoot them?

Cause the writer is a hack.

The character interactions in Project X are very accurate to high school. The situation is unrealistic but its still good.

O definitely American Vandal season 1.

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I need to write movies...
>int. School Cafeteria
>White blonde kid stands up
>About to start dance move, others join him
>school shooter: "Naw m8"
>Opens fire on blonde kid, brutal gunshot wounds
>we zoom in on an ever growing pool of blood as gunshots and screaming continue
>Fade to black

Lmao, someone would actually dj at your house parties? That sounds so fucking stupid

forgot the
>dabs while shooting the rifle
before the fadeout

Some schools had half assed schol uniforms of polo shirts you buy yourself and jeans. So it looked like an even jankier version of that improv everywhere raid where people pretend to be Best Buys employees.

I don't know of any schools in burgerland that teaches kids about fake cloud genies

Kids are less likely to become degenerates when they attend christian private schools.
The ones that do become degerates are swiftly kicked out.
Would much rather send my kids to a private catholic school where they learn about an imaginary all powerful being than sending them to private school where they get indoctrinated by leftist ideas.

That's the rule, you gotta let them charge their attack

lol Thanks to monastic scribes their work was preserved

>Mike Adriano
You can hear him talk in most of his stuff with some retarded accent, this isn't possible.

recommend anything else?

>being this retarded

I can tell its slavic country because he is not nigger and girls not goblinas

>thinking RT means anything
Now I feel embarrassed, for (you).

Zoomer detected.
Before like, 2000ish nobody really had mp3s because they weren't a thing. So if you wanted a party with music going you either had some fags mix tape going, someone swapping cd's, or you paid a DJ (or someone who thought they were a DJ).
It used to be a legit profession, not like now where it's some faggot pressing play on a laptop while smoking meth.

Cant make this up

Drama kids deserve to be killed

has this meme really reached to the point of having cameos on movies


Legit a good 50% of the people in my Catholic school weren't religious in the slightest.
Catholic school is fun as fuck tbqh
All we did was smoke weed and play video games for 4 years

would've pulled the trigger tbqh


Because there are child labor laws of it comes to acting many theatrical teen movies have to be starring 20 somethings because they are the closest to teenagers.

I’m a college freshman & it blew my mind just thinking about how old the cast of Riverdale are supposed to be 15 to 16-year-olds. Most teens I know are tiny and awkward, tall and lanky, fat, or manlets

I didn't know Americans had school

seriously, what fucking movie is this? Or actress name even so I can find it? Reverse image search doesn't give me shit.

British TV shows and movies are way better at this.

>The Matrix
Am I missing any?

Bumblebee was really good

One of the most popular 'Skins' is pretty absurd.

Though I suppose fresh meat, inbetweeners are all quite realistic.

>of it comes to acting
I'm sorry, did you mean "when it comes to acting" you stupid fucking idiotic phoneposter?

>Top lad

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you know you're allowed to say "nigger" here right?

That's literal gommunism. If richfags want to wear gucci loafers and 1000% marked up hoodies that say "supreme" on them, that's fine by me. School needs to be preparing kids for real life, and real life isn't some safespace fantasy world where we're all equal.

publically funded schools ARE communism, and they teach communit ideals to the little shits, so they might as well start suffering under the communist rule they love so much.
Also it stops skanks from competing to out-whore each other with the sluttiest clothes.

Feels bad being a manlet, but what stunned me the most is how quickly so many girls turned ugly/ fat

>since English isn't my first language to begin with

You live in new Zealand. Your first language better be maori if not English

He's lying

Forcing kids to wear more professional clothes is preparing kids for success in "real life" as well though. Dressing well makes a huge difference in getting jobs, or even being taken seriously, no matter how much the vocal minority will try to convince you it doesn't. On top of that, you are still not treated equally where it matters: your performance.

I spent every lunch period in the bathroom stall

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>visit my page thank you for your love
man deals in cunny

Sneed me?

is it true Jerry is a jew?

rather have the uniform than live in Sweden kek.

>kid just got arrested in texas for refusing to stand for the pledge
No, he got arrested after the substitute teacher continually escalated the situation by insisting that he had to say it. That substitute teacher is no longer allowed to work in that school district.

Please don't spread misinformation.

the girls' boyfriends are milling around. if he fought back they would have shitstomped him

I worked at a ghetto school and they had a uniform. I quit after three months and went back to graduate school.

breakfast club


In high school i was the biggest teachers pet in universe for this one teacher
>history and after school teacher
>fat, balding, was literally mr krupp and looked like him as well
>he was an asshole to everybody but myself
>i sat next to him and I could do whatever the fuck i wanted almost whenever, we'd chat half the day
>before I left I gave his tard son half a ton of Legos
>he tried to get me to hook up with this one girl who was like a cliche nerd girl out of a 70s sitcom , we dident get very far, I moved soon after
It was the one fun part out of 4 years of misery and legit autism

Attached: capt-character-krupp.jpg (300x300, 32K)

They all look like those candy doll underaged "models" that Yea Forums keeps spamming is how I know.

White polo shirts and black pants/slacks, we didn't wear jeans to school except for the few days throughout the year when we were allowed to go to school in normal clothing instead of the uniforms.

I hated her best friend in this film. With her stupid fucking smirk

Somewhat autistic but also cute
Glad you're having fun with that user

Lol did you live in MoCo? I live in DC but work in Maryland. Having to live around so many brain dead minorities has pretty much turned me into a Nazi

Attached: image.jpg (1280x960, 372K)

protip: probability dictates that selecting "C" as every answer on a scantron test guarantees you'll get no lower than a 60

Honestly Summer Heights High did a better job depicting American high school in the 00s better than any domestic production.

Maybe you should shut the fuck up. Chances are, you are just some rich white dude bitching and whining about non-white peoples receiving an education. I remember going to high school and wasn't forced to learn or read Communist literature. It's probably because in the United States, and even in the territories, we are surrounded by American capitalism and the culture it produces.


Forbidden Zone clearly youtube.com/watch?v=x5OoEm2PG9U

>t. communist
Get your ass to another occupy protest retard

Mine was pretty similar, except the race thing and rich thing. Almost no non-whites, and everyone was really about equally wealthy. You had some exceptions, but they dropped out.

Generally everyone either hated each other or were ambivalent, up until graduation year where everyone put up an act of politeness and as if everyone's always been friends. Parties happened, but they were between groups of friends and rarely involved more than two people out of a single class in the same place. My class was probably furthest you could get from group/team mentality, and even now a literal decade after graduation I've had former classmates act like they don't know each other. And hell, they probably didn't.

Master and Commander

fan fiction


>bitching and whining about non-white peoples receiving an education.
No, I'm bitching about PAYING FOR IT.
And also their bullshit commie propaganda. Which you are a victim of.
>and even in the territories
Fucking faggot canadian talking about NOT being a communist?


literally the same at my high school, a jesuit joint in upstate new york

I graduated a little before Trump was ever a thing but literally everyone was redpilled as shit

Everyone that played cod would call each other niggers over the mic chat it was great

I doubt anyone of them would dare even say there are less than 3 genders, fuck times have changed in the last 5 years

quite pungent my dear

Varsity Blues

I think cliques must happen only in schools where everyone is all one race and well off. If there are niggers and spics you're more liable to create groups based on your race. My school was mostly beaners. We still had metal/goth, anime, faggy drama people etc, but we we're never above hanging each other.

21 Jump street

That show was more kino than it had any right to be.

What did she mean by this?