What are some kino that feature english cuisine?

what are some kino that feature english cuisine?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>fried eggs not scrambles
>black pudding rather than white
>not enough bean action
>mediocre-looking hash browns
>no mug of builder's tea

Lord of The Rings
Wind In The Willows
Withnail and I
Christmas Carol
that's all i have for now. going to waitrose. byeeeeeeee


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This looks like a breakfast that'll get you through winter. Looks delicious.

t. amerifag

this is now a kino brekki thread

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where is the bread sandwich?

British Kitchen Nightmares were amazing.

Imagine the shits.

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How the fuck would you get anything done the rest of the day after eating that pile of shit?

That looks like the michelin 3 star catering from Fyre festival

cheese and onion sandiwch is bangin m8.
i'd prefer some nice brown bread though

>his national dish is served in a rolled up newspaper

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Britbongs don't need to get things done, that's for the goyim to do.

funny you say that, but the main group of people who regularly eat this are physical labourers like builders.

I bet that's delicious.

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>the entire meal is not swimming in gravy

those eggs are so small but otherwise looks like a great breakfast. how does blood pudding taste? or anything from the pudding group? never had it. I imagine it's similar to sausage?

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Where's the other half of it?

i don't know why you would try to explain this to someone who lacks basic understanding of nutrition and calories. 100% he's a limp-wristed faggot.

this is all you need to set you up for the whole day of hard graft

not that anyone actually eats portion sizes like this. its just a gimmick

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"On The Buses" In every scene the characters are either smoking unfiltered cigarettes or eating. I recommend you watch the original TV show before watching those expanded universe movies, though.

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Is there any place in Burgerland to get an English breakfast like this? I've always wanted to try it

mate just buy the stuff from the supermarket

Completed it mate

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im sure you can buy the following ingredients from a supermarket:

baked beans
blood pudding

they are hardly exotic and hard to acquire ingredients

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cheeky reference

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I would substantially (if not completely) empty a bottle of Hendo's over that and feel no shame.

Nattou is disgusting. I don't understand how Japanese like it.

Make your own its really not hard

jesus christ, no wonder brits are so fucking fat.


delicious pepe


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>builders tea
its just called tea you foreign bastard

>blood sausage

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look at me, mate. got me baggy beatle's clothes on n everyfing. nice messed up hair mate too you can tell i dont give a single bloody hell mate. check out me pinky ring. Cheeky huh mate? look at me rolled up sleeves and young people jeans. ignore me ugly anglo face and underdeveloped jaw line tho mate no worries haha catch the foot game last night mate? see me unbottoned shirt? bloody brilliant mate *picks teeth*

they arent usually half as big but they’re great. Set you up for the day

>eats veins muscle fat skin organs
>eww blood

yeah it's just sweeter sausage
pretty good though

That looks like hospital food yuk

American here, never had blood sausage before
what does it taste like?

Thouse rouast poutatoues lououk deliciouus.

That guy killed himself irl

nothing like blood

but it tastes like its own thing

It seduced her with his missing lower torso wink. He was like, "Yeah, you want some of this don't you. Come on (wink) try me." Then it started flexing his muscles, almost pushing himself off the plate. How could you not be seduced by such a frog.

I prefer to say that he: "caught the number 11 to the cemetery gates".

British blood sausage tastes like salty rancid grease.
French and Portuguese are waaaaaay better, Belgian is okay less chunky than the French way.
Boudin with mashed potatoes and cooked apples is a must.

Not that guy, but as a fellow burger I can tell you purchasing some decent black pudding would take some effort. Also our bacon is different. As an Anglophile, I've always wanted to try it too.

All old British sitcom dies died in a fucked up way. The teacher from "Mind Your Language" had his head caved in by a rent boy.

Canned beans are disgusting

british blood sausage is the best imo

but some places have really cheap ones so its hit or miss, but thats because of money grabbing cafes


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>Also our bacon is different
you mean you don't have streaky or middle bacon

Depends on how fresh it is, the recipe, and how it's cooked. Bad blood sausage tastes like burned blood.

Good blood sausage is fucking delicious.

That looks like a good breakfast on a special once a year occasion but I'd hate eating it every morning.

t. yank

German blood sausage is the best.

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What do mutts eat for breakfast?

>eat breakfast similar to this for a month
>begin having uncontrollable diarrhea
>blood in my feces
>fast forward two months
>diagnosed with crohn's disease
>have to wear a diaper whenever I leave the house because the urge to shit myself comes and goes in the span of only 30 seconds

It was fun while it lasted.

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there's white pudding literally there on the plate, johnny foreigner.

>What do mutts eat for breakfast?
prob something coated in sugar

it's called black pudding ya simp

germans probably use horse blood

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orange juice, pancakes, sugared waffles, fried eggs, bacon, black coffee.

American bacon is 40% fat, normal bacon is 15%

Y'all need to try Boudin Landais.
It's blood in jar

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Pig blood is the standard.

way too much fat and not enough oats

what is fish and chips

>he doesn't eat Clonakilty black pudding
Amerimutts need to be recolonized by the Anglos

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what's wrong with eating horses? Damn good meat

Delete this, peasant.

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sounds like shit

post the most british pic you have

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Could be Bavarian, they usually make 'em very fatty. Up North they're leaner.


can't do that since mid 90s, health and safety banned it

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not necessarily a bad thing but it is usually less firm and more inclined to crumble, and it'll stay fairly soft whereas it's nicer a little crispy.

Blood Pudding is incredible, it’s a bit like a loose sausage patty but it tastes incredible

Based muslims

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>those comments

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We invented this cuisine, we know what's good you fat American cunt.

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In the end it all comes down to personal preference. Good thing there are hundreds of variants.

>8% vegetarian
what fucking poofs there is already peas and beans

I eat portion sizes like that. Sometimes bigger depending on if I go to the local cafe.

I came here to post this pic. Love the mad musical bastard

can happily say I despise everyone in that room, and my hate would be entirely justified.

Nice teef

Even by our (English) standards this guy's teeth were a running joke. youtu.be/wlt7Pg03Oq0?t=653

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Just add some Russian hooligans throwing brits into the harbour in the background and it's perfect.

this is kino

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Brit who has worked in America for years. Their bacon isn't bacon. They eat it with their hands like fucking apes. Don't get me started on Donuts for breakfast.

>no cheese

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fuck off to Yea Forums amerishart


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brits don't eat white pudding with the breakfast right?

Why must everything be fried

so it tastes better you nonce

You just phone up your m8 to go to the job office for you

Black pudding is superior, beans should be kept to a minimum and tea should be strong and in a thin mug so as to keep the tea leaves concentrated.

LMAO british "cuisine", as if northen european could cook, at least you use a french word.

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>as if northen european could cook
>half the shit isn't even coked.

Just look at all of these hot meals.

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>tea should be strong and in a thin mug
>so as to keep the tea leaves concentrated

>we know what's good
Are brits this delusional?

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>cooking = heating things up
Thank you for proving your lack of culture

>Blowing all your calories as soon as you wake up

This is why you're fat.

>Moorish cooking
>chuck come olives on a plate

>insults non-brits
>doesn't know basic brit terminology

Builders tea is a strong brew tea with barely any milk.

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Because it's a fry up. Not a grill up. If it comes under 1800 calories, you've cooked it wrong.

can't do what, use paper to serve or just can't use newspapers

Newspapers. Fish and Chips was served wrapped in pages from the previous day's newspaper till there was concern the ink might run and the government banned it (late 90s).

Probably killing of millions more trees in the process. Was there ever any evidence of anyone actually dying?

>eating more than 2 meals a day

why not just make newspaper styled fake wrappers then?

If you use a big bucket of a mug, the tea is naturally weaker because the tea leaves are more dispersed.

Highly based. Countercultural icon, off his tits for a decade or more. Now meanders around London enjoying top scran and making headlines

With what substance will this fake news be printed on this paper?
If it's anything like here in Aus they use butcher's paper.

its a shame woodcock posting has not been a meme already

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All this food looks fucking disgusting.

If you guys want to segregate Yea Forums into seperate boards like /tvniggers/, /tvuglybrits/, /tvbasedwhites/, then you have my vote. Nobody likes you all here, just like irl.


don't they have those grease proof waxed paper things?

'ate sorf'n poofs
'ate healthy things
'ate maggie

love me pie and benefits, simple as

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you want the paper to absorb some of the grease or you get sweaty chips

Amerilard here: Is that fuckin' Baby Shambles? Shit he got fat.


You just say make me tea strong you fucking immigrant.

then I guess a cardboard cone with a newspaper print plus another layer of just paper to soak up the grease would be the best way to serve it if you want the newspaper style

you are born with crohns you defective retard
don't blame based brekkie

>he doesn't have so much gravy that everything is literally swimming in the stuff, with 3 further reservoirs in your 3 yorkshire puds

It's like they're not even northern

some places do that, its horrible

every where has non printed non bleached newspaper texture paper for wrapping

places that have fake news paper always say inane news like

'the daily fry'
'best fish and chips in the world'

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99% of brits over 30 will know exactly what you mean when you ask for your tea to be 'builder's'.

I know people who could eat all of this in one sitting. A fry-up if the perfect hangover food.

well, I guess some traditions are better remembered than upheld

>germans signature dish looks like a black cocl

Truly based country

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I'm surprised there's not some environmentalist campaign to repeal the newspaper ban.

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Serving fish and chips in a day old newspaper legitimately makes it taste better, it's spooky.

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Environmentalists don't actually care about the environment.

I wonder what kids growing up today think the saying "today's news, tomorrrow's chip paper" means?

is that an actual saying

If you're in the south you eat biscuits, gravy, and grits with coffee.
If you're in the north you eat pancakes or waffles with hash browns, eggs, and bacon with coffee.

Braunschweiger is best sausage.

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