Recommend some feel-good movies than can temporarily chase the loneliness away friends

Recommend some feel-good movies than can temporarily chase the loneliness away friends

Attached: sad grug.png (485x443, 25K)

Yea Forums is here for you, my fren


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Green Book

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kys homo

Blade Runner 2049

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Movies are made by the Jews to distract you from the horrors they are taking part in throughout society. Don't let them sedate you. Stay down in the dumps like you are now and don't shy away from it. You'll be better in the long run.

Any roadtrip movie?

I hope that's ironic because it's fucking hilarious

Attached: David Mitchell laughing.jpg (682x600, 144K)

I'm talking about the image not your pic for a movie

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>muh jooooooooos
>*spams /polddit/ infographics*


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This. This is the definition of a feel good movie.

t. Smelly jew

Teenage Spermaholics 3

>tfw after watching this movie a few weeks ago I've tried to act exactly like Viggo
>already put on close to 10 pounds
>eat entire pizzas in one go instead of by the slice

>eat entire pizzas in one go instead of by the slice
how? explain

Take the entire large pizza and fold it, then stuff it down your throat instead of slicing it up and going piece by piece

that has to be the most american thing I've ever heard

This movie didn't make me feel gud at all, it was eery and bizarre and triggered me due to my own dysfunctional family upbringing

>motion blur
>still faces
>memeshala taking up the entire back seat
Yeah, nah.

Hot. Post tummy pic.



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