Watch her movie. Now

Watch her movie. Now.

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oh I will do when the yify rip is out.

Why on Earth would I put myself through something like that?

gollum looking bitch

Based Disney trying to meme her into being Gollum which will then scare the audience. Not happening

I went with my girlfriend and she loved it. Yes, that's right, a girlfriend.

sitting next to a female at the theater does not qualify as a "girlfriend"

Proud of you, everyone deserves to have a special someone.

I'll watch it when it's available on Netflix or some shit. I haven't left the house in four years and this movie isn't going to be the thing that makes me do it.

Or what?

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holy shit. gally -> gallum -> gollum

You would have had to get groceries

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No you fucking shill.

What does your gf look like?

Ok sorry i go.

I'm going to see it tonight. What did I think about it?


Feel good

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