What went wrong?
What went wrong?
shit actor
shit story
shit CGI
it looked too green. It was an ok film, it just looked fucking awful.
It's CGI. Both GL and ghost rider are doomed. It was the casino Royale director for Christ's sake
People talked shit about it but the MCU does everything it did now and everyone loves it.
Tony's CGI suit is exactly the same as the green lantern suit
The MCU got many things right desu
Sinestro was great but they crammed about three movies worth of material into one story and rushed through everything.
It wasn't a female lead
Nice digits, it was bad but I wouldn't mind another watch t b h. Some good moments, very few, not the lame shit he uses the ring for
DC fag boy tears
Go support Cap Marvel in a thread
Dunno. It's not any better or worse than other capeshit movies.
It was made by DC.
It is kino compared to black panther anyway
They turned Hal Jordan into RDJ's Tony Stark.
the mistake was relying too heavily on CGI and having the entire actor's face show
Parralax is a terrible villain and Geoff Johns is a fucking retard whose 60s nostalgia retcons have ruined DC.
your joking
Fuck no. BP is an African American wet dream. I just hope you're not white and therefore cucked yourself
FEAR Parallax is terrible
I like Hal Parallax
Even the scenes with no cgi just looked dull
Why are comics artists unable to draw feet?
the devil
Thanks user, would have shot myself if not checked
I enjoyed it.
let me guess you never watched BP cause your racist
It was an entertaining movie. The CGI suit could have been cast away for the sequel, and the potential there was huge. DC just doesn't invest into building. They chuck everything at the drop of a hat. They kept a too old retard alcoholic on as batman for three movies. They tossed Wrenolds because of some CGI bullshit. Deadpool is fucking retarded. He would have had the lead in DC right now if they had kept him a lantern.
No I've seen it and it's terrible. I'll be nice and say there was one good fight? I dunno? And it's called terrible because c'mon. It's hyped to be magnificent
Or, stay with me stinky, he didn't watch it BECAUSE it was racist. It is also retarded. It was also very poorly done.
i can overlook the cgi and the actor but no the story.
it lack oomp alita also lacks oomp and thats why its floping.
>What went wrong?
I think casting Ellen Page to play the main villain was a mistake
You don't know what you're talking about with Alita, but fuck the story, I can't overlook the cgi
lmao I like you. that's why I'm going to i kill you last.
Geoff Johns.