"The Last Jedi may have sucked but at least it was better than all of the prequels xD"

>"The Last Jedi may have sucked but at least it was better than all of the prequels xD"

Attached: Star_Wars_The_Last_Jedi.jpg (220x326, 129K)

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This is a minority opinion.

please pack up your bait and play somewhere else

The worst. One jerk off user in one these threads actually thinks it's better than AOTC. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahaha

That's a shitty excuse and you know it. It's like the STD faggots trying to justify the """quality"" of that show by saying that "at least it's better than Voy and Ent!"

The latter two shows sucking doesn't make STD good, or vice versa. Likewise with SW.

said no one ever.

It makes me madder than the prequels

>The Last Jedi may have sucked but at least it was better than all of the prequels
oh no, it really isn't.
as bad as the prequels are they still are star wars movies
tlj is a fanfic designed to shit on everything star wars

Of all nu-Wars, it's surpassed in shittiness only by Rogue One, because it's remarkably bad in a kind of funny way whereas RO was just dull and forgettable

Nu-Wars hierarchy (fact:) Solo>TFA>TLJ>RO

Not really, no

RLMdrones on suicide watch.

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Solo is just as forgettable as Rogue One in addition to looking like absolute dogshit. Even by your own metrics, Solo should be the worst NuWars movie.

The Force Awakens was hyped by Disney and JJ Abrams as the next great new Star Wars film, and instead all we got was an intellectually lazy remake of A New Hope. The only purpose to The Last Jedi was so that Disney can demonstrate that all Star Wars material prior to the moment they bought the Star Wars franchise is irrelevant and hollow to them.

For as much of a shit show as the prequels are, at least they had substance and remained thematically true to the lore. With nu-Wars, we have movie-making in a corporate boardroom complete with dull and cheesy character additions for the sake of merchandising (Porg, BB8, Maz Kanata) and also dull and cheesy quips. It is so obvious that the Disney Star Wars creative development team made a list of things that have had success in the box office over the last five years and made sure to include elements of those things. Then they passed it along to corporate where the C-level execs made sure to include messages related to their own far-left political ideology, checking all the boxes to ensure they include all things the far-left deems socially and politically relevant so as to attempt to indoctrinate a new generation of young people.

nu-Wars fails on so many levels, but rather than make an honest assessment of their failures, the Disney execs are instead attacking and insulting the portion of the audience who disliked the nu-Wars films. Let's be honest about one thing - nu-Wars is an awfully bland set of films in comparison to the multitude of franchise films in the genre right now.

TFA and TLJ were definitely more competently made than the prequels - better pacing, better acting, better moment to moment dialogue.

The problem is that they have nothing to say and do nothing new or interesting. Even TLJ's lauded "new direction" was just a shitposty pseudo-deconstruction of Empire Strikes Back rather than an actually new trajectory.

The prequels are unique ideas executed poorly, and the sequels are boring ideas with decent execution. They're just the inverse of each other.

always sucked. always was normie trash. you were always a fake nerd (about the most pathetic thing to be a poser at) for liking it.

>TFA and TLJ were definitely more competently made than the prequels - better pacing, better acting, better moment to moment dialogue.
They're only made in the sense of acting, better moment to moment dialog and creative blocking and that sort of thing. There's also evidence of a bigger budget and 20 years of advancement in special effects tech.

I would not say the pacing is better after accounting for the bad dialog/blocking/couch scenes. TFA pacing feels good when you watch it the first time, but that's because it's just really fucking fast to try and trick you into not noticing how dumb the story is. Prequel pacing is actually not bad for the most part, if you grant the bad acting and dialog.

It's true that prequels have some really glaring, front-and-center flaws that inhibit enjoyment, but it's not fair at all to say they are incompetently made. There's no prequel fight scene as laughably terrible as the Throne Room fight from TLJ. The action scenes are all shot with clarity and finesse, even when there's a lack of emotion. The shooting of the prequels does an excellent job of presenting all the baroque visual detail present. And so on.

There was no creativity involved in the sequels. Cause JJ is inoculated against creativity. Everything is just a thinly veiled mash-up of ANH and ESB. And it will continue to be.
For all the meme-bullshitery about how lazy Lucas is, he is actually a micromanaging nitpicker that pushes his employees to be better until he's satisfied with the final product.
Prequel concept artist draw their shit and draw until Lucas was satisfied.

Sequel, they just google "temple ruins", paste a promo picture of Ewan McGregor and then slap a doodle of Mark Hamill's head on it.

And it's the same artist, btw.

Attached: lucasfilm job requirements.jpg (976x1690, 1.63M)

>Cause JJ is inoculated against creativity.
It's not even that. It's the fact that JJ doesn't understand Star Wars at all, the guy said in the TFA behind the scenes that Star Wars is supposed to feel like real life etc. hence why he used real-life locations and used buildings and structures from humanity's history to make his shitty film.
>For all the meme-bullshitery about how lazy Lucas is
I hate this meme that people have tried to push. Lucas worked his ass off just to get ANH onto the big screen and even when making the prequels he would always visit all the warehouses that had people working on the sets and props every single day. The guy was always there behind the scenes and was always there when filming, unlike films nowadays when they usually have stand in directors taking over for a good portion of the film.

>better pacing
>better acting
>better moment to moment dialogue
Pick one.

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>better pacing, better acting, better moment to moment dialogue.
This is a definition of reddit opinion.

Is it that bad? Ive seen them all except the last 3. I saw TFA it was ok. Is it even worth watching ironically like the sequels which are fun to watch desu.

>I saw TFA it was ok.
Than it is bad. I saw TFA and it ws abusmal bad so TLJ was better than that.
TLJ breaks every assumptions that were made in TFA.

I think the fact they didn't have a story half way through the production is hilarious. There's this Rick Carter guy they all keep mentioning, who is a production designer, who doesn't seem to be designing shit, except wandering LucasFilm hallways asking metaphysical questions
>Who is the Force?
He name-dop this guy alot and it always him asking questions like he wants to induce some dr. House breakthrough in Abrams and Johnson. He's Kennedy's friend as wel, to complete the picture of this shitshow.
This guy worked on Lincoln with Spielberg. I fucking doubt he went around
>What is Lincoln?
Production design involves sets and shit, not being some kind of muse to the director.

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>Rian developed his movie duringt long romantic walks with some faggot.

Maybe there was a sunset and it meant something.

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Rey should be a nudist

Disney makes shit films
>I'm shocked

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>at least they had substance and remained thematically true to the lore.

space jesus vader
stormtroopers are clones of a boba fett clone

The thing is, the prequels are bad movies, but they are enjoyable to watch. A bit like the orville, in that weird limbo between the Room and actual sci fi. TLJ is just too serious to be fun, and too dumb to be serious. Its like they wanted to make a subversive star wars movie but then had to make literally every single detail retarded.

>TLJ breaks every assumptions that were made in TFA.
Gee I wonder if Rey's gonna be a mary sue again

>putting the prequels on the same level as the Room

Explains why only some people are force sensetive
>space jesus vader
I don’t particularly like this as well but it’s nothing lore breaking
>stormtroopers are clones of a boba fett clone
They aren’t

So who here wants to make bets on whether episode 9 will gross less money then TLJ and/or won’t break the 1 billion mark?

This. I prefer to the prequels to TFA and TLJ by a huge margin. Both were laughably horrible.
Rogue One was really good though

They will blame sexist misogynist incels again, granted

Fuck off, Rogue One was kino and the greatest film in the franchise.

Kill yourself

Literally prove me wrong.

it's fucking boring as shit. Even the best parts are undercut with laziness, like the shittiest music in any Star Wars movie: