What are the best THR roundtables?

What are the best THR roundtables?

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The one where Ridley rambles about blue pens.

*blocks your conversation*

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The one where Mike Leigh is sitting next to Angelina fucking Jolie and has to listen to her talk about directing.

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Lol, yes, this one is hilarious.

The one where that old guy bullies Jesse Eisenberg and all the chads just laugh

Give me the bullet points.

Mike Leigh has literally never made a good film

they have yet to top this roundtable
franco looks at jesse all the fucking time, it's fucking scary
jesse acting autistic
franco looking for validation
duvall being an old fuck that can't understand half the time what's going on
gosling uniroinically wearing the drive jacket

Mike Leigh is a coward Ken Loach

mel gibson is unironically the best one because e has SOMETHING INTERESTING TO SAY. that and all the niggers and jews around him, clearly intimidate by his presence.

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The one where Haneke mogged half of Hollywood in a roundtable by calling The Schindler's List a forced emotion piece of shit


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this so much

>this faggot has never seen Topsy Turvy

The one where Haneke has to listen to Jim Halpert making fart jokes with Apatow. Shit that was fucking embarrassing

>never seen Naked
you're fucking retarded, Naked is top ten 90s kino

Ridley is pretty based IRL

go back to ireland asshole. (i unironically love both and disagree with you). peterloo does suck tho

The actors roundtables are always pretty good. I've never seen the actresses one, they must be unbearable

>franco looks at jesse all the fucking time, it's fucking scary

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looks like none of them have any personal space in that one

Imagine one with Brando, Nicholson, Pacino, O'Toole and Michael Caine

>o'toole is hammered
>they all start picking on pacino's height
>nicholson is on acid
>brando is eating fast food he has in his pockets

Wuts he doing with his hands?

They'd be telling chad stories for one hour. That'd be fucking amazing

He's not even that bad. Every video he's in has sperging NPCs in the comments.