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More like comfy patrol

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Bump on everyone missing capekino

Can i watch this with my dad?

Yeah, you both will laugh your asses off too. Strangely funny

>tfw best TV show I've seen in years is fucking phone app capeshit
Why the fuck is this so good?

Attached: tenor (1).gif (360x270, 1.74M)

What did you mean by this? Phone app? And I don't want to get ahead of myself but it might be the funniest capeshit tv I've seen

Any faggotry or nudity?

a tiny bit of faggotry
no nudity

The show is like Titans, it's some DC Universe exclusive, basically same garbage as Netflix. I don't really know what that is because they still haven't fucking made it available outside of US, so I don't feel guilty about pirating it.

>No nudity
We saw Brendan's bum and tits of sluts he's been fucking. I think both of them?

I was gonna say earlier. You do see tits and Larry (bandages) is gay. But it doesn't go on about it either

Like Titans it will probably be available outside the US on Netflix when the season finishes

Were they saying "fuck" every 10 minutes in Titans too? I know they got to say it once

>nigger and woman
Sorry but that's a hard pass from me

Yeah there were definitely tits

So did they get cyborg for his friendship with beastboy? If not they honestly need to stop with the cyborg.

They did? Well, I am not giving Netflix my money and I am definitely not waiting for half a year for the sake of this binge-watching meme. I'll support DC Universe content only if they'll provide me with opportunity to support them directly.

Did you seriously miss the fucking trailer where fucking Robin said "fuck Batman"?

Both Dick and Jason were pretty foul-mouthed.

Robotman must be bitter as fuck about cyborg being him but better

JIDF please leave

Jane is cute

I haven't seen the second episode yet. How did it compare to the pilot?

I didn't think it was as great as first one, but it's not a noticeable downgrade either. It's still fun.

It's even better

Pretty comfy. Still 58 minutes so that's good, might have needed more action but it's all good. I couldn't help think it's way better than Legion

Good to hear. I guess I'll go watch it now