ITT: Redpilled film quotes

>I'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven

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>I'd rather rule in prison than pay taxes

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Are you confusing this guy for Wesley Snipes?

That's Paradise Lost paraphrased.

>The mind is its own place, and in itself
>Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
>What matter where, if I be still the same,
>And what I should be, all but less than he
>Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
>We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built
>Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
>Here we may reign secure; and, in my choice,
>To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
>Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

Was he even black in the manga?


Why they always make this character center villain or something, he was basically insignificant in manga and wasn't allowed to be near Zalem at all. Besides law existed, you can return to it if your were on the Planet.
Because, SPOILERS, people in Zalem literally got their brain replaced with CPU chips (this is the irony of this story, cyborg in garbage city changed everything besides their brain, but people in Zalem had human bodies without brain, so who was more human).

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I actually thought he was Wesley Snipes until the third act.

Nobody gives a shit about the source material.

>I actually thought he was Wesley Snipes until the third act.

As did I despite me watching True Detective season 3 every week, in which he stars. Great actor.

Do they really say that? Holy shit this movie is garbage.

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It fits pretty well in the setting, and it's basically the only exposition his character gets.

It didn't fit well though since the dump wasn't even that bad of a place to live in the movie

>I'd say the Holocaust is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It just makes sense to me. You have a whole race of leeches that you have to get rid of. So, what do you do? You starve them, you burn them, you get rid of them. It's like weeding out roots for the better people.

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That's just the upbeat tone of the movie. It was made pretty clear that life in iron city is a brutal free for all.

Based sub60 IQ fag

In the manga it was like India but in the movie it was a perfectly nice place to live


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That's really just a Christianisation of "Rather first in a little village in Gaul than second in Rome" not original writing.

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>Why they always make this character center villain or something, he was basically insignificant in manga
But he was insignificant in the grandest schemes in the movie. Just served his role between hugo/alita and was killed off when he was done being a puppet.

>like india
not even india is as bad as the scrapyard

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>was a perfectly nice place to live
People like you are the reason why movies have to be dumbed down to marvel tier.

I'm sure a pajeet could show you a uglier looking place outside the city.

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does india have dousing orphans with flamethrowers as a popular pastime?

Yes. He actually looks quite a bit like how Vector is portrayed in the manga. Though did did make Jashugan (top Motorball player) white when he was black in the manga.

Thats not Wesley snipes, stupid

That's so retarded it's unbelievable. Would you rather suffer for eternity to satisfy your petty lust for power instead of just living in paradise?

jashugan was indian or something, blacks don't have straight hair and greek noses

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he's obviously just tanned

don't forget to take your daily injection of pure onions

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No fucking shit. I would have zero problem with this dude playing Blade, not even a reboot, just a fucking continuation.