Nobody talking about the Orville and the greatest episode of modern sci fi ever?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at 10.02.39 pm.png (1444x808, 2.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:,genres

turns out the robots were based and redpilled all along

>greatest episode of modern sci fi ever
that's saying a bit too much though, it was decent, they could have put more effort into the rest of the season and not just do sitcom episodes and then this

The cg budget was entirely all used in just this episode. It was like jumping from kids show cgi to serious scifi movie cgi. The orville itself looked amazing. I hope they keep it up to this standard now that they have the detailed models. I was impressed

One episode does not make up for a season of utter misfires.

This show sucks.

>keeping the remains your genocide victims just very slightly underground for presumably hundreds or thousands of years

but why

reminded me of the star wars prequels desu

Did anyone else hear the musical homeage to Alien and Independence Day?

record keeping? they could have found out a different way, but seeing literal mountains of skulls makes for better tv

because no one ever got past their planetary security before


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STD please leave

i guess if you truly believed it was a logical choice and you did nothing wrong and intended no other species to visit your planet it would just be to keep them out of the way rather than hide them but who knows, they did seem a bit guilty about it.

the guilt could be because they knew the humans wouldn't respond well i guess

Maybe it was a hell of an episode but the Orville still has no waifu anymore.

i hope this doesn't get solved in 2 episodes though the power of love, but i fear it will be

if they do the power of love thing, i hope the robots at least split into a "good" Isaac faction and a "based and redpilled" faction that keeps wanting to expand

>This show sucks.
I just read a shallowly uninformed criticism of the "religion" show season ender, and I would judge this show and its writers to be intellectual frat boys trying to outline and judge situations that take a lifetime to understand, but they want to do it between beer weekends.

Seriously, they show a real want of intellectual depth. To the point of error. Ultimately, we will get nothing out of watching this show, any more than watching "Lost"

I like Kelly.

Until it is called "star trek" I will never talk about it or even watch it

what? lol is this a bot post or what?

she is relaxed and ok, but the ex-wife subplot is retarded and nobody cares

Le up le boated le xD

Clearly from Aliens and Independence Day

the Kaylons are monitoring the chans and try to fit in

the only problem with kelly is she always seems to be making bitch faces. but I can see how that would actually make her appealing if it's your type and she's a good character that isn't obnoxiously mary sue or anything for sure

good luck enjoying std then


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Nothing beats the smell of copyright infringement in the morning.

>Video unavailable
>This video contains content from Fox, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.

keked when they were still salty about that

thumbnail shows how great it looked but cant watch cause unavailable in my region (australia)

>nobody is watching your tv series
>block youtube clips about it to prevent people from finding out about it
bravo Fox

this show is shit and uninspired tripe

fine fuck you fox.

that music

The musical cues to Aliens and Independence Day aside, that episode was amazing.

I cant think of a single good way to write yourself out of this one.
I fear part 2 will be massively disappointing.
But with good CGI

are those little buildings supposed to be today's sky scrapers


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i fear it will be solved through cheap "power of love" as mentioned here but i still hope to be pleasantly surprise if they take a different route

t. kaylon

Well if they didn't get renewed for a third season they could just end the entire series with the Kaylons conquring all the worlds and killing everyone.

whats great about it? the cgi?

was thinking the whole time that driving a spaceship around buildings didn't seem like a great idea, but i guess Gordon had to show off

it's a decent evil robots plot, i guess that's all we can ask from current year scifi

that would honestly be fucking amazing and hilarious

I kept thinking about how good it was that they hadn't conveniently discovered a method of time travel in an earlier episode that would get them out of this. this episode came out nowhere. I'm really enjoying this but i was expecting just another comfy TNG episode and got this impressive thing instead.

It's pretty hard to envision a next episode that doesnt let us down but here's hoping i guess. I usually raise my impression of the orville before each episode by viewing STD first.

>It was all a simulation
>It was all a test
>Isacc switches sides
>It was all a elaborate plan by the Union, having hacked Isaac to report what they wanted and send back a Trojan
>Teamup with the Krill

I think just the jump up in quality and unexpectedness of it for me at least.

>teamup with the Krill
hadnt thought of that, would actually be pretty cool.
Krill design is very nice, sorta reminds me of another based sci-fi race

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>team up with krill to defeat AI
>4 episode story arc
>season 3 cliffhanger
I would like that served with a bacon-chili-cheese burger plz.

>talking about the Orville
Too much gay bullshit, that's why

Krill look like the Jem'hadar

instead of an episode about Bortus being gay we got an actual scifi plot, which was nice

It's amazing, we all had some idea that the Kaylons could have done it.
But the tone of the series kinds made it unlikely.
And then they fucking do it, bravo.

>season 3 cliffhanger
should we tell him?


based and accurate pilled

seething faggot trannie aliens btfo

imagine you are watching How I Met You Mother and instead you get a competent B-movie ripoff of Terminator in space, it's a nice surprise

dont scare the lads please.
Season 3 has neither been confirmed nor cancelled.
However Fox did already get it approved for tax incentives, and Fox are a bunch of greedy k*kes so they'll probably bite.

season 3 is confirmed by seths pandering to leftist stuff in family guy uncharacteristically all of a sudden

seth is a great man though, he's just doing what he has to do to keep bringing us the orville

I like Jenny! I hope she didn't get killed by a robat

w-what does the clip show

>born too late to explore the earth
>born too early to explore the universe
>born just in time to witness the revival of campy sci-fi shows

thank g*d we get more orville i want to see gay aliens soooo bad me and all the other normal humans loooove homosexual gay aliens

>take the least leftist show
>the least pozzed show
>the least political show of all in this genre
>attack it by saying its sjw, in order to promote your std show

kek. you guys have no idea

>born too late to explore the earth
Wrong. Most of the earth has been unexplored. don't believe googlemap lies.

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as a shill working for cbs you might be unaware but your repeating numerals are significant.

you might want to try a new angle with the criticism of this show. we don't hate normal non political inclusion of gays, we just hate far left progressive ideology like in STD or Doctor Who

But she can't act?

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What is this? An ass for ants?

Should have named it 404 ass not found

>crew sends an SOS to Alara
>she intercepts the Orville and challenges Isaac to an arm wrestle
>breaks his arm
>Kaylons return home in disgrace after getting BTFO by a qt biological being

i would like to see it for scenes like that pic. but i don't want to watch live action futurama star trek

I wouldn't be surprised as it fits in the tone of this show but it wouldnt really fit with the tone of this first part episode

Do you think Seth posts here? I wonder if Shatner likes the Orville?

What episode of Doctor Who is this?

Attached: download.jpg (301x167, 9K)

pretty much all of them, innit?
>doctor where are we?
>F U T U R E
>oh no the baddie of the day turns out to be evil robots

first few episodes are missleading. they cut down on the comedy a lot. the show resembles a modern star trek the next generation that's more light hearted but still surprises with episodes like this.

The best thing to do is also watch STD the same day and you will love the orville even more

Friendly reminder that this was the plan all along.

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Can Issac do this? why did he never do this? why are his eyes blue? is he more pure? why are some orange eyed among the reds? wtf my mind

he was pretending to be bluepilled but his planet was actually redpilled

>why are his eyes blue?
Perhaps the Kaylons did a focus test and the audience was more friendly towards a robot with blue/white lights.
>why are some orange eyed among the reds?
Different ranks or purpose I guess. The leader for example has a different set of shoulder pads.


this is cool

The face that launched a thousand ships.

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why did the ship itself look so much better? they redid the model? textures? whats up with that?

I reckon, either Clare's kids will find a way of out-smarting Isaac. Or one of the boys will be killed or seriously injured and that will change Isaac's mind.

I have more respect for Seth with each passing day

It's still in the negative figures but it's climbing up there

you'll reach zero one day Seth! I believe in you!

I think the model is the same but the dynamic lighting is so much more sophisticated than usual that it makes it look excellent

They have 2 models, one practical and one in 3D. According to the guy who made the 3D model it has more details than the practical one.

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>Does this look like the face of mercy?
Maybe the Kaylons are going to earth to potato-head the entire population?
fucking imagine

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this looks amazing honestly very unexpected

I can see this being the case unironically

was issac quietly assuming he was being bullied this entire time? It sure sounded like it and i am concerned

just the story of the geth and the quarians from mass effect redone in a shit way tho.

They destroy them all by uploading a copy of Bortus' space porn virus

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Season 1 was kino, there has been only a single good episode in Season 2

>they trap every Kaylon in their own personal Moclan fuckfest hell

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According to Seth his VFX team has done some great things for next week.

Attached: The Orville 02e08 (2).webm (900x506, 2.87M)

Truly the greatest counter-prank since cutting off Gordon's fucking leg

You're kidding me. This season has been even better than season 1 for me, though i can understand that Bortus has been shamed into oblivion and that could be annoying if he was your favorite.

Either way this episode was the best one so far.

the step up is like what i would have expected from an orville movie

Too much gay, too much robot. They should be going to more interesting worlds

still better than std though

Attached: The Orville 02e08 (3).webm (900x506, 2.92M)

You might be onto something user. Wasn't the Bortus porn addiction episode moved from season one to season two?

I would play that mod.
>Play Mass Effect 1
>There are no Quarians, only Geth.
>Geth curious about Human Spectre application, attaches envoy to Normandy to study humans.
>GethMan is friendly and goes along with the crew.
>Shepard discovers some geth are fighting with Saren.
>GethMan does not know about this.
>Post Virmire, GethMan gets disabled.
>Normandy takes GethMan to Rannoch.
>Shepard finds 10 billion dead Quarians.
>Geth activate GethMan
>GethMan tells Shepard that they wanted to infiltrate the counsel species to aid the Reapers to end organics.
>Shepard and the entire crew of Normandy is killed.
>The End.

>Mass Effect 2
> Illusive Man clones Shepard.

Krillgirl episode was good and last episode was good

looks like Naboo

Do you mean Coruscant?

I don't watch science fiction unless it acknowledges the work of Harlan Ellison and that he is the originator of all ideas within the work

commit suicide

You don't have the right to make that request of a true fan of science fiction, because a true fan of science fiction listens only to the author, and the author of all works of science fiction is Harlan Ellison. Only he can author a suicide, or demand it.

the worst part is i have met retards that actually think like this

>Harlan Jay Ellison (May 27, 1934 – June 28, 2018)
So Arthur C. Clarke was writing Sci-Fi whilst Ellison was still learning to walk, I got it.

He has no problem with Clarke's works continuing to be published. Just like if you take money from Coca-Cola, you show their products in your movie, you put a little note at the end "Thanks Coca-Cola for giving us all this free stuff". Same way, just add that to the beginning of everything Clarke ever wrote, "Thanks Harlan Ellison for all these ideas". That's all he would have asked of Clarke if Clarke had just asked for permission to use the ideas first. was using Triumph the Insult Comic Dog decades before they existed, back with Bob Smigel was using it. Reality doesn't matter, only willingness to litigate.

>sci fi
No. This is more space fantasy than sci-fi; same thing with STD and Star Trek in general. It always revolves around inventing some fantasy drive/teleporter/matter creater thing that has nothing to do with plausible scientific concepts.

The Expanse is a much better modern sci-fi show, and maybe the only one.

that's not what fantasy scifi means, star wars is fantasy scifi, not anything you mentioned

>37 posters
>119 posts

>It always revolves around inventing some fantasy drive/teleporter/matter creater thing that has nothing to do with plausible scientific
>The Expanse is a much better modern sci-fi show
- The Epstein drive is violating all rules of currently known physics
- Alien wormhole hub
- Alien substance transforms all kind of ordinary matter, living and dead, into materials with properties out of scale.

Maybe The Expanse is a bit harder Sci-Fi than the rest, but not even close to scientific concepts.

its like this is your first sci-fi thread

you genuinely have no idea what you are talking about or what those definitions mean

10/10 episode issac / primary is a great villain who actually has a great back story and just when you thought he's arc was over it gets even better
I swear to fuck if this show gets canned.
Someone forgot how badly tng and ds9 sucked until they hit their stride in late S2 early s3

pretty standard for any trek thread man go look at them, its even worse when there are shills in the std threads sometimes

>Why isn't everyone just dropping a single shitpost and then going off to find another thread to shit in, like me?

that picture the kid drew will save the day I BET YOU ANYTHING

Star Wars is just fantasy. It's a high fantasy space adventure. No sci-fi at all.

It doesn't "violate" as it doesn't even lay out how the drive operates. The acceleration it achieves is by no means physically impossible, just that we don't have technology capable of doing that yet. But ya, I'd agree that it still requires a bit of fantasy elements to get the ball rolling into a more watchable entertaining show.

The alien stuff isn't against sci-fi necessarily. If an alien species were to arrive in our solar system today, it could possess technology beyond our comprehension. There isn't anything wrong with portraying an advanced alien species in a sci-fi show. Better to do it that way to promote the fantastical elements (ftl travel/wormhole things) then to make humans come up with ridiculous inventions that are only grounded in modern pseudo-science. I have more faith in an advance alien species than I do in our fake science concepts being anywhere close to reality.

that makes no sense, aliens are not magical, if they got some technology they would get it the same way we do

Nice arguement you have there. Please go on and explain how "science fiction" applies to something just because it's in space? Because that's literally how people use the term when referring to these types of shows. They completely disregard the fantasy elements, which are always far more numerous, and just pay attention to "omg space, so sci-fi" :0

fantasy elements means magic, unexplained technology is not magic so it's not fantasy, it's just fiction, like the "fi" part of "scifi" indicates

There is no way for you to prove that. It could very well be that our current understanding, at very basic level, is wrong. Aliens could develop advanced tech by following very different understandings of reality.

>star wars isn't sci-fi xd
Just so you know, everyone in the world hates cunts like yourself.

you could say the same about the chinese

>unexplained technology is not magic
It's also not's how is defining it as magic or not even relevant? If we can't prove it's a possible technology with what we currently know, then it might as well be magic.

>it's just fiction, like the "fi" part of "scifi" indicates
That's not how the genre works brainlet. You don't separate the fiction from the science. They go hand in hand.

>then it might as well be magic
no it may not, magic has a very different understanding of the universe

Maybe? Not sure what you're getting at.

i'm not separating anything, it's science fiction because it depicts a world with fictional science, just because it's fiction doesn't mean it's fantasy

He's mostly right, though. Sci-Fi as a genre is meant to speculate about the future of humanity, and, principally, the potential impacts of as-of-yet non-existent technology. People oftentimes mistakenly interpret Sci-Fi to be anything set in space, or the future. You could have a romance story about two gay lovers learning to accept each other’s personality, but if you set it 50 years in the future, people will call it Sci-Fi. Star Wars is one of the biggest culprits. Star Wars is about a good wizard defeating a bad wizard and his axis of evil, it certainly isn’t Sci-Fi, but it’s set in space, so idiots with little understanding of the genre with slap a Sci-Fi sticker on it. Anyway, he isn’t right in saying that The Expanse is the only Sci-Fi show around, but The Expanse is still certainly more Sci-Fi than Orville. The Expanse simply pays more attention to the details.

An alien species might have had over a billion years to invent new technology. Think of how much we've changed in the last 10,000 years, and we pretty much only just invented the scientific method yesterday. They might have reached a type of technological singularity that nullifies our understanding of the universe. They could rewrite the laws of physics at will, for all we know.

Stop pretending to be a fan of a genre you've never delved into or understood, and then people will stop telling you to fuck off. For now, you can fuck off back to the comic book store, or wherever it is you came from.

>magic has a very different understanding of the universe
>magic understands
It's a made up concept, so I find that very hard to believe.

180 degree rule broken from 8 seconds to 10 seconds. the 10 seconds shot is horrible any way, should have been removed and the scene would be better.

Than literally every fantasy is science fiction by that definition. If you're going to combine all definitions, then it makes them meaningless.

all fiction is made up

p.s. the last shot is also terrible. should be from the other side, with skyline in the background.

>the most popular sci-fi series in the world isn't sci-fi guys! xd guys?! anyone?
Here's another (you) I can tell you're craving attention. Bless.

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you are retarded, if you knew anything about the genre you would know that the difference is called "hard" scifi and "soft" scifi

not whatever fantasy scifi bullshit you just invented, which may still arguably apply to star wars but not to anything else mentioned in this thread

i'm not combining anything, magic is not science

Just going to add this:

Good science fiction uses a bit of plausible fantasy elements (call it "magic") to allow for an entertaining depiction of reality. It still should be grounded in hard science though. So the more a story utilizes "magic" to explain everything, the more it is not science fiction, and the more it becomes some kind of fantasy.

For example, the amount of "magic" Star Trek uses, especially STD, makes it more of a space fantasy then it does sci-fi. Orville is basically the same in this respect.

botha re still sci-fi, it is as you say speculation on non-existent tech and any decent sci-fi its implications on people, also aliens and those implications, various discoveries like idk a story where we find out our sun is sentient, that could be written as either fantasy or sci-fi depending on how you approached it, either way both orville, star trek and the expanse are sci-fi, if you want to argue to what specific degree i'm just not up for that level of autism right now

>you would know that the difference is called "hard" scifi and "soft" scifi
There's no hard set definitions buddy. "Soft" sci-fi can easily be replaced with another definition, like "space fantasy". It only exists to make something that isn't "hard" sci-fi, feel more "grown up" for all the people who watch it but don't want to admit that their "sciency" show isn't actually real sci-fi. Mostly just grown men who think watching science based entertainment makes them more intelligent, so if they can group a large amount of fantasy into the genre as "soft", then it makes them feel more intellectually superior.

that's a stretch... honestly, discoveries latest episode was better.

yes, and films could just be called "animated photos", but if you were to call them like that you would sound like an alien that has no idea wtf is going on

the ass of a flat earther

180 degree rule is for film students not real work

not sure how scifi can be seen as a serious, it was always a genre for manchildren derided by actual writers except for maybe Stanisław Lem

lighting in space is usually lit by one source

Genocide Kaylon's are sticking around, episode after next is about making peace with the Krill.

I know the different between hard Sci-Fi and soft Sci-Fi. The different is that soft Sci-Fi is more easily mistaken for other genres, which to me is evidence that it's simply a diluted version of hard Sci-Fi. Soft Sci-Fi isn't necessarily less enjoyable, but it is objectively a less pure version of the genre. Saying that true Sci-Fi is hard Sci-Fi is simply aiming for perfection, and, in my opinion, it isn’t wrong to aim for perfection.

Well that's exactly what I mean. Just because a story is set in space doesn't make it Sci-Fi, but a story can also be Sci-Fi without space being involved at all. It's all about how your handle it.

Accusing other people of being attention whores when you're the one who came into a Sci-Fi thread and started getting mad at people for talking about Sci-Fi is pretty fucking far fetched. Go back to your capeshit containment thread, you obnoxious meme spouting retard. This will be my last reply to you, and I'll know it's you, because you're blatantly the stupidest person in this thread.

This guy gets it.

Enough said.

>I know the different between hard Sci-Fi and soft Sci-Fi. The different is that soft Sci-Fi is more easily mistaken for other genres, which to me is evidence that it's simply a diluted version of hard Sci-Fi. Soft Sci-Fi isn't necessarily less enjoyable, but it is objectively a less pure version of the genre. Saying that true Sci-Fi is hard Sci-Fi is simply aiming for perfection, and, in my opinion, it isn’t wrong to aim for perfection.
sounds like pandering to autistic details of purity instead of trying to be good at actual storytelling

Now you're just being difficult because you can't argue my point.

Sci-fi started out as a way to bring up discussion about topics the majority of people weren't even aware existed.

>says star wars isn't sci-fi then calls others dumb

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>Well that's exactly what I mean. Just because a story is set in space doesn't make it Sci-Fi, but a story can also be Sci-Fi without space being involved at all. It's all about how your handle it.
are you sure? tell me about one film in space that isn't considered scifi

i guess apollo 13 but that's a history film

And what use is delineating between real sci-fi and soft/not real sci-fi? Seems kind of autistic too, no?

dude, the camera teleports back and forth all over the place and it's really disorienting. I have no problem with the camera starting on one side of the ship and successive cuts to rotate around and show the ship (or its landing location) from all sides, if that was the intent. but they did it wrong. the rule is a rule because you better have a good reason to break it. there was zero reason to break it here and they would have created a better scene if they obeyed the rule.

yes, it is, sounds like meaningless metal genre fights about what's true metal or not

>Nobody talking about the Orville and the greatest episode of modern sci fi ever?
No, sorry. I like The Orville but I can't take it THAT seriously.

So what was the device and the maintenance the other robots did to Issac before he spoke to the Captain?

never watched any star trek
will i enjoy the orville?

Every film set in in space is considered Sci-Fi, but that's because Sci-Fi is the most overused genre label of all time. I just looked at the top 100 Sci-Fi products on IMDB, and number two is The Walking Dead, the TV show. Number three is The Punisher. People who don't understand Sci-Fi are in charge of deciding what is and isn't Sci-Fi, and that's why films that are maybe 5% Sci-Fi at most (like Star Wars) are considered Sci-Fi epics.

idk, don't care

i'm not that guy but theres meme academia opinions that place star wars as "science fantasy" and not "science fiction"

its trash but the guy is probably just repeating what his shitty professor read to him

what list are you looking at? wtf? try top 100 sci-fi films, or shows or anything, really what the fuck are you reading?

and yet it looked great and worked perfectly

no, the flight scenes looked great. the landing looks amateur.

so say you

muh raytracing?

It's a mass propulsion system, Bozo. Get on their TL before you tackle +2billion year TL

I don't think anyone is going to claim that the landing scene looks like a proper movie. you're extremely dishonest if that's what you're trying to argue.

You have Cyberspace to explore. It's not the same as back in 1997 but still, we live in exciting times.

This is how I hope next episode ends:
>robots come to earth
>"Sir, the earth is 90% water we cant survive here"
>They return to their ships and leave
It was a while since Orville had any comedy in it desu

Hey, it's not like I agree with that shit, but that's what IMDB says. This list is what the general populace will find if they search "IMDB sci-fi",genres

This is why I don't care what the general populace considers Sci-Fi. The general populace apparently considers this to be their top 100 Sci-Fi films/TV shows. Okay, yes, they've got some real Sci-Fi like The Expanse and Black Mirror, but they've also got fucking Aquaman on there. Who honestly cares what's "considered" Sci-Fi, when this shit is apparently considered Sci-Fi.

I've been exploring cyberspace since the 90s and all it has done for me is make me more cynical and slightly autistic

The most pure sci-fi I ever read was Inherit The Stars and it was boring as fuck (but I still got the sequel)

>Just so you know, everyone in the world hates cunts like yourself.
Not him.
That's because everyone in the world is an ignorant cunt that rejects reality.

i hung out in many a cyber-space in the 90's if you know what i mean ;)

It freezes all the Kaylons in place. The crew have a way to wake them up but only want to use it on Isaac of course. They can't tell him apart from the rest however with the eye glow off and all hope is lost... until they spot one wearing Mr. Potato Head gear.

this show is trash

>The missile tubes under the nose have scorch marks around them.


calm down cbs we'll still watch your std shit as well

nice touch, and nice find!

The fact the Orville doesn't kill off redshirts to show stakes like actual Trek made the scene where the security officers were dropping like flies really hit hard.

I fucking love this show.

>comfy thread killed by autistic arguments over genre

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I say that Issac converts and kills off the entire Kaylon race.

The only real way to deal with them is either a computer virus or EMPs.

>I hope they keep it up to this standard
Not with those ratings.

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They are a hermaphroditic species so they aren't really gay or male they just share physical characteristics with homo-sapien males.


fuck this and all pozzed propaganda

That’s a dude

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Is it the lowest rated show on FOX?

its the highest rated gay shit in its timeslot, will and grace is below it

Sorry, goy. Gib shekels.

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my bet is the kaylons got hacked and they need to biological life forms to save them

wait but didn't they say the eyes are just for show, wouldn't no one have eyes, or if they gave themselves eyes to make the crew feel comfortable , they would give them blue eyes.

How can that many people watch Mom?

Rule not broken. Shot which you think crosses the axis of action is actually ON the axis of action, moving the axis along with it. It's also more or less a POV shot.

Doubtful, but that doesn't really matter. What you have is a sci-fi show that's probably rather expensive to produce getting low ratings, i.e. unprofitable for the network.

Fox will can it unless Seth has something in his contract that guarantees a minimum number of episodes or he's pumping his own money into it to offset potential revenue losses.

They don't call CBS "America's Most Watched Network" for nothing. Lots of old people outside of the key 18-34 demo watching that crap.

>It's a Isaac's farewell cake makes Talla gassy episode

Attached: tfw Talla hogs all the corner pieces.png (992x558, 595K)

According to this (Dec 31), that honor belongs to Rel, which pulled a 0.6. Another article a week later showed The Gifted pulled a 0.5.

Forgot image

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watch out, Yea Forums! the Kaylon are coming

Attached: kaylon.jpg (490x301, 20K)

Calling it now. They're gonna pull a fucking NOMAD.

reminded me of cheesoid

It will be a love conquers all because Isaac can't give up that pusy.

Did people not watch season one? Isaac is introduced as a robot nazi.

I think Isaac is gonna flip and make a virus that wipes out the Kaylon.

>Isaac was sending his robots false information the entire time so they end up attacking earth with something they assume is deadly to humans but has no negative effect (probably something comical like a cream pie or whatever)

I'm surprised Kaylons have robot parts inside when I thought Isaac was pure energy but used the metal robot suit to make interact with humans

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>go to kaylon
>shortage of chairs

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Somehow orville gets loose, timeskip 5 years, punishedseth.jpeg

>pretending to thank god
>with that post number
You can't hide your lies from us satan

yes, but whimsical nazi, not nazi nazi

they aren't Vorlons, just terminators with a nicer face

I thought they mentioned that too but I don't feel like digging back far enough to find it. I guess they can write off anything they need to as more Kaylon lies.

>utter misfires

Elaborate. I think this season has been great

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.

No reason why the orville shouldn't be enjoyable for people unfamiliar with star trek.

I wonder who will replace Isaac, assuming they don't go full retard and keep him on the cast.

Most people that actually watch tv are people who don't understand the internet. So actual boomers, and mothers who simply don't have the time to do anything beyond turning on the tv, and flipping to a channel.
Because of the fact that my view doesn't count as a view, I try to make a point of following them on social media, and throwing them a like every time they post something.

>she's putting on weight
Just helping to prove that she is command material.

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>"what the fuck more relationship faggotry bullshit fuck this show with a big straw"
>mfw the ending

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>We killed the builders

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>Kaylons reach earth
>all they do is kidnap the entire female population

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not watching two-parts episodes unless both episodes are out.

I recall this as well, but he could just have meant his consciousness, or the Kaylon equivalent of a soul.

Notice how Isaac keeps pausing whenever his human friends do something.
He didn't just drop the drawing in the corridor, he stared at it first. He stared at the Doc before joining his brothers.
It's gonna be a lazy power of love turncoat thing.

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>episode ends with the Kaylons carving a copy of the drawing into the moon large enough for all of Earth to see

only old black females

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Then get out of this thread. You don't want spoilers.

may be a three- or a four-part episode as things are going

>Ooo, Yaphit, you gon make me squirt

Sorry you can't binge-watch it on Jewflix, zoomer.

From experience, some tranny probably.

The way Nielson ratings work is pretty retarded too. I watch shows on my computer via contour, and whether I watch it live or later I still see the exact same ads and everything else that the folks sitting on a couch with their TV do. But my viewership doesn't count in the ratings. The only thing that counts is watching live broadcasts on television, which not only disregards half of the retards that pay for cable but also the vast majority of science fiction fans who will be watching it via alternative means anyway and most likely still seeing the same commercials. Nielson is a terrible means of gauging a show's performance and has been the unwarranted death of countless popular scifi shows, because the suits in charge don't think it's popular or simply aren't aware of how to monetize the popularity because they're stuck in 20th century pre-internet broadcasting mindsets.

my friend recommended this to me and he is the biggest redditor normie you can imagine
he also doesn't know shit about sci-fi
i'll pass

Is that Sisko's freighter captain girlfriend?

That seems more like something Malloy would do on a dare.

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It's even worse than that. It's not even all television viewers. You have to have a Nielson box, or something like that.
I actually got a letter a couple years ago with an offer to become a Nielson viewer, but I don't even own a tv. They did include two crisp $1 bills in the letter though.

Yes. There are a ton of Trek alumni throughout the show. She's the a mainstay of the main cast.

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Not exactly true. There are Live+3 and Live+7 numbers to try and account for DVR usage.

Nielsen does need to figure out how to better account for streaming, but if you're watching via Fox (or any network) streaming, then they already know how they're performing and likely scrapes much more info off you than Nielsen ever could.

Oh no she can't. Dear god she can't. Almost as bad as Alara's actress, but at least Alara is cute with the makeup on and hot with it off.

You don't need to measure 100% percent of an audience to get an accurate estimate of how many people watch. It's called extrapolation.

He most underrated waifu
>tfw she takes her jacket off to climb that tree

You sound like a redditor normie who doesn't know shit about sci-fi.

I guess they couldn't find a way to reliably re-purpose bones. I'd be a great time to be a bone-chome maker I guess.

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treating star wars like an actual science fiction piece and not lotro in space is what made the prequels so overwrought, boring, and wretched

Opinion discarded.

If you want some more good FX shots, check out the second episode with the planet getting ripped up and the sun shots.


Uh oh, we've short-circuited /reylo/.

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im glad to see in the future women will still wear semi-transparent black shirts.

go back to film 101 user.

I think the landing arms kind of ruin it. They move a little fast for how massive they're supposed to be.

Correct, issue is different demographics view media in different ways. Sports, for example, will always do great because the optimal way of watching sports is on a couch in a loungeroom watching the tv with friends, even by yourself watching on a monitor sucks in comparison. Watching on delay is also an issue as most of the appeal of sports is watching live and then turning around and discussing it or reacting to it. The same is not true of most other tv shows. A lot of people use streaming services to watch shows and if that fails they'll watch it online some other way, even if it's right there on the tv. Most younger audiences especially aren't watching tv, so shows appealing to middle age and older do better despite their relevance in popular culture being fuck all. Nothing compensates for this in a way that makes sense.

which episode?

No. The most kino sci fi episode was start treck when Riker had to be the prosecuter against Data to prove he was the property of the federation and not an individual with rights. That was fucking kino.

Hey guys I'm calling this now, feel free to screenshot; The Kaylon will absolutely wreck earth's defenses. More redshirts will die as the crew makes a desperate bid to secure the ship back but ultimately will fail. Issac will have an internal conflict over this, and will suddenly see the drawing Ty made him, coming to understand the value of mementos to remind organic life forms of the things they hold dear and coming to understand the he also places value in his relationships aboard the ship. A flashback of the moment when Issac was "deactivated" and the the doctor and kids all stood around him hoping he would get better will play, causing Issac to postulate that organic life forms can value Kaylons as more than just mere tools but as actual individuals. Issac will present this data to Kaylon prime who will be unphased by it, however, Issac's data will create a split in the Kaylon as a whole (something that will be reinforced to the audience as "never having happened before"), and just before deciding to purge the Earth, Issac will stop Kaylon Prime attempting to use logic one last time, when this fails, Issac will be forced to battle in some way with Kaylon Prime, superseding him and taking his place as Kaylon Prime. He will then stand down the Kaylon fleet, order a return to home (stated in a clever computer algorithm twist), and share his data of organic relationships with the rest of Kaylon, who in turn will realize they will benefit more in the long run by allying with organics. It will be relieved that the Kaylon genocide of their creators was prompted by the species itself who wanted to use the Kaylon AI/machines to wage war on other systems and take over all known space. The Union Fleet will reflect on this as well, grieving the loss of the redshirts but ultimately seeing it as a price that had to be paid to expand relations with the Kaylon. Issac will return to the ship and all will return to normal for the next episode.

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bracing for "muh power of love!" to resolve the situation

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This is my fear.

Seth doesn't want to do Family Guy anymore, he got the Orville from FOX to keep FG running.

Sounds like the season 1 finale of STD.

>Uh, you don't get to bring organics.

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STD fags must be seething

There hasn't been a single bad episode this whole season. The krill one was mediocre but that's about it.


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Stopped watching when it became relationship of the week drama like every other show made for women.

What if its all an attempt for a joke?

i hope Earth doesn't have just meme-defenses, the Orville is supposed to be a third rate vessel, so expecting to see much superior tech there

probably don't have the budget for that kind of cgi though

This is all a massive practical joke to show the Union that they want to be friends. The Kaylons don't understand humor.

so they are still salty about the potato head thing and just want to get some revenge?

Not salty just trying to fit in like when bro got his leg cut off.

It was also mentioned several times that Kaylon technology is pretty much technogod tier so they probably won't do shit anyway.

>muh Measure of a Man
This is such a brainlet opinion.

Cant wait for issaic to xenocide his race

Exactly my thought

>((((we))) don't hate normal non political inclusion of gays
I'm sure you fox shills don't give a shit about us normal people do. Having unironic faggots in a scifi show is like having characters die to a cold or fungal infection. It makes no sense that with their level of technology mental illnesses like that would still exist. Absolute garbage show.

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Except they have billion of dead bodies in their sewers, so it is obviously not a practical joke and they really want to destroy humans.

>tfw you're tapping that "ass" irl

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they really committed to the joke

>It makes no sense that with their level of technology mental illnesses like that would still exist.
That might work against STD but the Moclans are an all-male species. In their world the guy who fell in love with pic related is the depraved faggot.

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Was that really his singing voice in the episode? It was good.

Bullshit, are you saying they faked the bodies? The scanners on Orville would detect that. Or they killed them all just for a future joke? That would still make them evil and against humans.

This is the reason Orshills are delusional. It was a nice episode, but it was like something out of Buck Rogers, not anywhere close to the Best of Both Worlds. Robot men (whose 'robot' costumes literally look like tinfoil) turn out to have killed their human masters and rise up to attack more humans. Haven't heard that one before.
It's fine. It's fun space opera hijinks. But it's also more than a little stale. Star Trek got stale when Voyager and Enterprise were happening. And Orville got the same man behind that staleness back to recreate it here.
Sure, but it is trying its damndest to do something different, even if that's driven away old fans. If they'd done what The Orville is doing, they'd be criticised for playing it ultra safe.

>about to check thing
>see this
give me one reason why I should watch this

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See what?

Star trek doesn't exist anymore, star gate is dead, farscape is gone, sci fi is pretty much a dead genre.
Orville is the best we got.

Why the fuck did that happen? What kind of niggers did this? Why did they cancel all the good shit? What the fuck is going on? Is it because of Game of Thrones?

just about everything
>Star trek doesn't exist anymore
? even heard there was going to be a new cartoon for the next generation
not familiar with the other two


Star Trek's legal rights are split between two companies who each have control of only some of it.
On top of that, the person running it has never watched star trek.
It's dead.

Yeah, there's like four fucking shows coming out for Star Trek. Two cartoons, more stuff with Picard, more spinoff shows. Too much fucking Star Trek.

Hey Midnight's Edge! I'm glad to see you're checking out Orville threads too, it's always wonderful seeing you shill!

> a binary choice is the most simple thing a computer can do
this nigga never heard or a nop?

also how fucking far down did that kid climb the ladder? only looked a few floors now hes subterranean? hmmmm.

Orville has paid shills on this board, but in reality its the worst sci fi show ever. Its literally a rip off of star trek with subtle jew moves to make it no blatant plagiarism.

Wrong. They had male and female forms, but wanted everyone gay, to the extent that women were forced to have sex changes or be killed. Its liberal brainwashing to the upmost extent.

>Make a show identical to Star Trek formula which got stale and low ratings as it hit the 00's
>Be surprised this show also gets low ratings

I mean, it's not like they couldn't have seen this coming. The fanbase is going to be the same size as the Trek fanbase that stuck with Voyager and Enterprise, at largest, since everyone else will leave when they realise the dick and fart jokes quickly run out.

Leaving this here.

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And it's still better than STD.

>ranking the walking dead #2 in any genre

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> the greatest episode of modern sci fi ever

> still gets clobbered by Mom.

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Hey rahim! Nice to see u again! Still making 0.12$ a post i see? Be sure to wipe the shit from your wiping hand enough so that you can post.

>beings evolved for foreign enviroments wouldn't evolve foreign apperances, they'd actually just be furries

>Single mom Christy has her hands full with two children, Violet and Roscoe, and maintaining newfound sobriety

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Not sure your definition of "foreign" holds any value.
What do you think the ayyz look like?

> Mom - S6 E16 Skippy and the Knowledge Hole

> Christy finds it challenging to quit smoking, while Bonnie helps Tammy prepare to take the GED test.

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On Thursday, this got triple Orville's ratings.

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It depends entirely on the enviroment they evolved for. Tell me what alien plants look like on average, and then I can begin to speculate as to the nature of the average alien species.

What the actual fuck? You Amerisharts are such fucking plebs I swear.

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This is now a Mom thread.

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> This week on Mom, Bonnie has to take care of Tammy after she gets dental work and Christy prepares for a presentation that may score her an internship.

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wow for a second there i thought lacey had her own series before i remembered what mom was.
absolutely go fuck yourself for getting me excited

Six seasons and a movie!

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Tonight -- on a very special Mom....

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Tonight -- an even more special episode of Mom. An episode so special, that other episode looks like crap in comparison.

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