Jussie Smollett [Mightey Ducks 2 - PEDOGATE]

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>pizzagate is fak-

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homosexuals do supposedly get it from sexual abuse

Daily Reminder: Muh lurminotty spiral is false flag nonsense released by the government to distract everyone from the fact that the real pizzagate is just that all the rich people rape kids.

explain sir

the assertion is that they draw the symbol on the guys hat so that all the production staff, and later people at home watching, know that they can pay to rape this boy?
is that what this post implies?

>google pizzagate
>only debunking links show up
makes you think

they used to operate in the si open as only other pedo's would understand the gay secret symbol shit

This. And it's just pure coincidence about the director.

>googling shit in 2019 and expecting useful results
yandex that shit

how many victims did /pol/ find from several years of dedicated investigation of pizzagate

get what? the gay?

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Breaking News
Smollett 'allegedly' was caught on the set of a movie w/a kid in his trailer
He was fired but is still in one scene
The movie 'HELLSTORM'

source me up

>it's a mental illness episode

yes, pedos are mentally ill

Better question is why would they use any of these symbols if the FBI knows what they are?

and should be gassed en masse

So who is doing this falseflagging and how are supposed to be affected by this?

Because they know they'll get away with it.

Attached: Jussie Smollett The Mighty Ducks 1992 film.webm (1920x1080, 1.29M)

I don't know probably hoping some Youtuber picks it up and runs it as fact so they can discredit people

If they knew that why would they bother with a secret symbol to begin with? The FBI's the one that put out the report. What's the end game for anyone involved in this dumb shit?

why is /pol/ so retarded
any adult would know it's "declassified"

>why bother hiding something normal people would be outraged over

This. It's all around us, every film since the first made is pushing something. What's the Jews problem?


So they hide the symbols, the FBI supposedly releases this report about how those symbols mean they fuck kids, they keep using them anyway because they'll never be caught, even though now it's supposedly public knowledge and the FBI knows. A cursory search shows these symbols pop up on some AOL and Dailymail site shit, obviously mainstream news sites. If the FBI isn't going to arrest them/doesn't care why would they even release that report to begin with? If they are going to arrest them, I go back to my original question of why would they keep using them?

What? Who's getting blackmailed?

They can't be stopped.

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Brock Pierce was in this movie as well. Pierce is a major accused pedophile featured in "An Open Secret" and the countless accusations against Bryan Singer. Pierce was also a member of the Clinton Foundation and heavily tied into politics.





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The FBI cant prosecute on a symbol. There has to be evidence. The symbols were to help them identify each other but I doubt they are used as much anymore. Also some criminals like to rub their crimes in the faces of normal people. Realistically speaking this was before the internet so it makes sense people wouldnt be as clandestine.

>google american inventors
>only niggers show up
Yeah man google is super unbiased! Neck yourself zoomed.

In this context it's more like an inside joke. They put it in movies to amuse themselves.

The whole lot

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Yep. This goes too deep. All elites are in it together.

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> Also some criminals like to rub their crimes in the faces of normal people.
Yeah, and those people tend to get caught. This symbol shit is just dumb. I'm sure there are pedo rings. I don't think they're using shit that can ID them, just straight up. If they ever did, the guys who did got caught, else the FBI wouldn't have any such report and information, and anyone using that would either realize using those symbols is flagging yourself or they would get swept in a sting and caught pretty soon after.

I never bought into this new wave of weird conspiracy shit anyway. Reminds me of Satanic Panic back in the day. All this dumb shit about people leaving little breadcrumbs that even amateur sleuths can pick up on just because they get a thrill from it isn't how these people operate. They hide what they do and they change up their little codes and signs to stay hidden.

And shit like and just looks like more political smears than anything else. All this spooky bullshit about these elite pedo rings, when kids are like 90% more likely to be molested by a family member or someone they know in their daily lives.

These guys are /x/-tier conspiratards, there's nothing you can do to reason with them.

You’re one naive idiot

These symbols were used in past firing ore internet.

Who knows what they do today

>>I don't think
That's your problem there. The FBI report proves this stuff is happening but you would rather live in denial. People like you are the reason these faggots get away with these heinous acts. Keep running interference for pedos.

Did you even read his post?
He didn't deny that there are pedo rings, merely that you insane faggots are using your insanity to make it bigger than it actually is.

>These symbols were used in past firing ore internet.
You fuckin what m8?

Pizzagate retards use the same breadcrumb logic shit with that Podesta conspiracy garbage. Zero victims produced so far right?

The FBI report doesn't prove where it's happening, or how. It's vague information and mostly useless. What region is that shit from? Is it internationally used? And honestly it's conspiritards that keep these pedophiles safe because they peddle muddy info and disinfo as long as it feeds into their narrative. How many pedo symbols was Jimmy Saville throwing around, or the Catholic Church for that matter with all the shit they covered up? You all dedicate your thought processes to some either insanely outdated info or what is clearly politically motivated horseshit and act like you've got some kind of high ground. The fuck has shit like Pizzagate even accomplished?

Ashton Kutcher's done more to protect kids than any Yea Forums faggot's even dreamed of in their most schizoid of episodes. There's real world organizations that combat child exploitation and sexual slavery. Consider donating to them or volunteering instead of being a do-nothing dickhead online.

Big if true

Found the cunnyposters

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>I don't think they're using shit that can ID them
They're on youtube looking at videos of little girls, time stamping and sharing them. They're also all over amazon's website doing reviews of child porn books which slip through the law, by claiming to be "artistic" full frontal nude photos of little boys and girls in sexual poses and situations. A number of these books were published by convicted child molesters from NAMBLA, such as the books, "Boys will be Boys," and "The Boy".

Pic related is a review of a review for the book, "Boys will be Boys".

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What is that building? It doesn't look exactly like the painting on the right. I assume the painting is from Comet Pizza.

>#53 under family connections

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The spiral triangle bullshit became a meme because of a memo the FBI released claiming that pedophiles use super sekrit symbols to lock children in basements. It's almost certainly complete and total fucking bullshit, but since the overwhelming majority of conspiracy theorists are rightwing, it makes it easy to distract from the fact that the real pedos are the wealthy, whom the rightwing worships. That's how Epstein, Pinker, Trump and all the rest got away with it for so long. The only reason Epstein is being reexamined was because a little too much came to light because just a few too many high profile people were all using the same fucking airplane to fly to childrape island.

Somebody somewhere (on leddit?) mentioned that some cops were implicated in child abuse and purposefully lost the evidence.


How in the fuck can you lose ALL evidence ????

t. mad pedo outed

>Ashton Kutcher's

This is how I know you’re either a paid shill or a dead brain moron.

Ashton Kutcher's organisation is know in the dark web for being part of the pedo network along with Clinton foundation. They pretend to be good Samaritans.

mad divider outed

Pizzagate is real
The holocaust is fake
There are only two genders

>Ashton Kutcher's done more to protect kids
If you say so

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Men overwhelmingly commit most felonies (even within races, like the white race).

America wouldn't have a gun crime problem if it wasn't for blacks

German efficiency.

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It would still have rape and murder though. And the right wing white males are responsible for most domestic terrorism, so it would still have school shootings and the like. Funny how that works.

Those children deserved to die, especially the non-whites

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I think that was his point lad