
Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/GERMAN PLANS FOR INVASION OF ENGLAND, 1940_0001.pdf

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norf thread?

Attached: norfrunner.png (610x607, 283K)

>guy tries to trip him

He cannot be stopped

based Tango

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>The Pakistani David Mitchell



simple as

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Yea Forums need to venerate this guy instead of indulging DT and co

why are anglos so fucking vile?

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stay mad

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Imagine being Abdul in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Tango, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your loose, flabby body and horrific tattoos.

I'm too lazy to type the rest.



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why are english '''''''people''''''' so drunk and violent





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Look at these fucking pooftas

these are the true descendants of vikings.

look at these fucking faces... put them in a redcoat uniform and you will have the eternal anglo, who rapes and loots his way across the globe

the weak should fear the strong

Wait, when did Ngubu sign for South?

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Norf is even better than Mutt and the best part is the British enjoy it instead of cry about it.
t. Irish.

Ps hurry up and hard Brexit you cunts. Brits out.

How did the British go from empire to being the laughing stock and cautionary example to rest of the world?


Germany and France decided to be friends and the rest of the world got guns. There is nothing going for the British now.

Suez Crisis. So yeah, what said.

Politicians got us in two world wars and wiped out a generation of some of the bravest.


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and the yanks wanted the empire gone

holy shit my sides

>"Here come those pesky Anglos who are holding us back! Repel them! Repel them! If we don't they'll start building more hospitals and universities!"

Just one of the reasons I don't understand cuck logic. But then again, I'm not a cuck. It would be like expecting me to know the programming of an NPC.

You built us lots of lovely red brick military barracks. All over the country. Cheers.

What the fuck is wrong with my ancestors? Git your shit together mate.

Your ancestors are likely convicts, the homeless and beggars if your ancestry is British. Unless you are a fabulously wealthy land owning WASP of course.

Based and Celtpilled

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Cmon Milliband is a yid, get it right mate

Mogged by USA and USSR industrial capacity.

Oi wots wiv ll thiz racialism against the norveners lately ya fookin pooftas

Your ancestors were all killed in mindless wars for bankers, all that remains are degenerates



lad kino thread?

Great white orcs

Lol read a history book and check census data Pedro schlomo stein


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Why do I envy them

You are lower than slime?


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ca oh ingland scoh sam fakin gaows


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Don't they have a dress code at horse racing venues?

Because although they are degenerate low lifes kept placated with bread and circus' they are genuinely happy and content with their lives.

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>woman asking for a lady train
>a miscarriage she got
pretty good banter tbqh

Can't fucking wait until the Chinese annex us desu

That's the real Worldc Up btw




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Horse racing is really weird at the same event on one side you'll have the Queen and various rich people and the other a bunch of shirtless pikies and their disgusting whore wives getting into drunken brawls.

Attached: shazza.png (344x334, 107K)

Literally me in the middle.

Based pikeys fuck the bourgeois queen

>the woman immediately calls him a virgin

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Horse racing, like alcoholism, is only for the working and upper classes. It skips the middle.

HUGE class divide

>why are anglos so fucking vile?
have you forgotten your own poor

For men that might be true

Haha, classic tango

aussies really are anglo decended

just hear that buzzkill bitch in the background. void of any sense of humour or fun

lighten the fuck up

there's a video of this same guy with his emu in the smoking area of a pub. Anyone have it?

Memes aside, these people didn't build the empire. Their ancestors were most likely poverty-stricken labourers who lived in squalor and died young.

The empire was built by the upper classes. The only time these people would have any serious involvement would be when they were conscripted.

who is this fat fuck and why does he keep getting posted everywhere on Yea Forums?

She is just angry it was some woman getting action and not her

t. has no idea what an Anglo-Saxon is


Based Wodders.

Absolutely british

>The empire was built by the upper classes. The
not really almost all of it was merchants who then hired mercenaries both british and local then shit got out of control and the government took over


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>the EU is the reason I'm not a winner

Are these who Tolkien based the hobbits on?


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You can't have a more celtic name that Fassbender really


I was talking mainly about administration and the military.

Is that why 70% of them say they're lonely and cant form meaningful relationships?

Not really, these are urban types. The hobbits were based on the rural working class.

so not build it but just run it instead


shut the fuck up you mutt

The military played a significant role in building and maintaining the empire.

>how DARE you objectify and treat me like a sex object
>number one insult is always "YOU CAN'T GET PUSSY, VIRGIN"
lmao, that roast knows deep down where her only value lies

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Yeah, I'm thinkin' he's back

was thinking the same thing

I love the EU.

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>if thei got anay poosieh

Well look at Rhodesia, Zambia that was all the British South Africa Company and companies also built Kenya and Nigeria as well as Hudson Bay Company in Canada not to mention the New Zealand Company so most of it except for a few islands on the way was private

and who do you think was the average soldier? Not the upper classes

You idiot. It’s always been Ngubu’s dream to play for perennial championship midtablers Souf FC since he was a little boy on the streets of Cameroon

Fassbander is literally a blood relative of Michael Collins, Hammer of the Anglos. Doesn't get more Keltic than that.

That was made by Putin himself.

Comeback Arc like Lebron did

Michael Collins was the leader of the IRA when they fought the british you twerp

I like these thread

>his name is wallace, he's an arsehole
this fucking guy

The ones are the right are mostly British irish......

Attached: celts-anglos.png (790x492, 507K)

Do you think Hammer of the Anglos means he fought FOR the Anglos?
Look up Hammer of the Scots sometime.

lol why are anglos so seething and dishonest. We Irish would never try sell out our own countrymen because they were a bit ugly.
Have some self pride you lying weasel

Sean Bean

That's an Irish name.

>Have some self pride you lying weasel
there is literally a jew on the right pic

Don’t bully Sikhs


>That's an Irish name.
and most names are all hebrew anyway but people still have them without being jews

Why can he not wear the hat over his towel?



'ate racists
'ate discrimination
'ate prejudice

luv diversity
luv immigrants
luv tikka masala

the british love jews

you’re retarded

Why would Putin care you buy 90% of your gas from him

simple as

>you’re retarded
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, David, Solomon, Paul need I go on


Anglos on damage control...

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First names don't mean shit faggot. He's a good Yorkshire lad. His first name is also the anglicanised Shaun, Sean is just acting credits.


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>Eternal anglo reveals himself




All these webms and videos just make me want to visit the UK and the "norf" even more.

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the normans?

souf > norf

Attached: souf v norf.webm (288x360, 672K)


Welcome to souf

>too busy fighting with themselves over "muh norf" and other trivial shit instead of all the muzzies that are taking over with the help of their popo state gubermend
so these are the proles that Orwell was talking about

Fuck, forgot pic.

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>chapel st. melbourne every night after 11
god, brits are scum. go home

that is very interesting

Attached: norf fc.jpg (620x411, 103K)

just stay out of the larger cities
the countryside is where it's at

It's the underclass that is like this because of their subhuman inbred island genetics. The ruler class is the engine that drives Great Britain, these creatures exist to mine coal and act as cannon fodder except coal mining isn't profitable anymore and we're not at war with anyone so they just loiter around shitting up the streets and reproducing like rats with no natural predators.

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>identical to the average Frenchman
mate you do know where the normans were actually from right

Up until recently that was what was done.

But the Army welcomes "snowflakes" now because they've got a recruitment crisis because of how fucking weak everyone is now, so they're having to accomodate shit like this.

>people ITT imagining the brit upper classes aren't also degenerates in their own special way

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>deliberately misses "almost" because he knows he has no legit point so has to strawman
Rollo's men heavily intermarried with the local French nobility, it's why they Christianised so fast.

>Mein shaft

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>almost identical to the average frenchman
African muslim pickpocketers?

>cocks fists repeatedly


Anglos are vile. What are some essential Brits Out kinos?
>The Patriot
>Sons of Liberty
>The Wind That Shakes The Barley
What am I missing?

Attached: sons_of_liberty_s-147876999-large.jpg (605x455, 50K)

They look the orcs pic related would be hired to put down when getting too rowdy.

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Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo

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what a poofter

upper classes are all coke fiends


Shows a stunning lack of awareness to say Anglos are vile and then get a loveboner over American Revolutionary flicks considering it boils down to ethnic Anglos fighting other ethnic Anglos.

looks like something out of a physics homework problem


Do the burgers and other foreigners that pretend to know everything about Britain and its people in depth even know about the Bullingdon Club and its reputation?

Sorry for not towing the 'Brits of subhuman' partyline but I'm seeing a bunch of ordinary men (some with some good genes) here. If I compare these guys to US army, I'm not seeing a night and day difference where one are barely human and the other are gods among men.

Don't come crawling back now, you made your choice

Attached: GO_GERMANY_SCORE_SOME_FUCKING_GOALS.jpg (620x430, 46K)

Amazing people the brits, shame they'll all be eating each other by next month.

I knew Terry wasn't dead

Attached: punished_terry.jpg (480x360, 35K)

>sticking your dick in flyovers

Agent Smith was really good in that

>talking in public transport (let alone screaming)
Take them out back and shoot them

>Sikhs are bro tier!
Shut the fuck up they're smelly gross brown "people"
I swear there's a fucking Sikh internet defense force on Yea Forums 24/7

thats the point in it, its easier than some stuck up bird on the coast

>goes to High Court
>they can then just break into the house and take whatever they want

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Flyovers are barely even sentient. I wouldn't brag about fucking one. Bongs are so desperate they're literally fucking the bottom feeding trash of America lol

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mate anything with a cunt and pulse is worth pulling

>they can then just break into the house and take whatever they want
I thought this was a thing in most western countries though, with some exceptions in the rule book of entering a home

what the fuck is wrong with anglos

wot a fookin legend!
cam own mah son!

Cornwall > the rest



A vampire is about to bite his balls

why is it just balls? where's the dick?

look at his left arm

So you'd fuck a horse too? Fucking hell you guys are some degenerates. No wonder your entire island is full of Muslims now

>So you'd fuck a horse too?
Well we are going to over to see your lasses for a reason

is he slapping his asshole? the fuck

haha it's just a bit of banter haha
just your average Friday at the pub with the lads amirite haha

>that meme rifle

Proper mate haha ;)

Literally the same Orcs, the Army recruits mainly from the working/under class.

>they can then just break into the house and take whatever they want
well if you won't pay your debts a court auction is what's going to happen in most countries
even when they have that bollocks anglo-american system

while the officers are all toffs

Nothing wrong with the A2, we got the Krauts to fix it.

I bet you thought this was really clever
>your lasses
Flyovers aren't mine. They're low iq simpletons that farm corn and shoot each other for sport

kik the ball oi kik the ball oi
kik the ball in 2 the goal

so you only claim a bunch of darkies, wogs and poofs to be your countrymen

>I know literally nothing about America: the post
I can see why you have to pay thousands of bongbucks just to get your dick wet in some flyover reject pussy. Stay home and fuck some Pakis

>while the officers are all toffs
Isn't it like that everywhere? I'm from a third world shithole and most of the officers are upper class cunts while the recruits are bottom trash looking for an easy way out.

I could swear these are my neighbours pictured in their usual fit, not the mighty and sophisticated Anglo
t. Slavislav Slavski

So are a lot of working class English guys like this, or is he an exceptional case?

Like he's what I imagine a lot of the rougher footbal hoolians at a pub to be like, but is he that but moreso?

>tfw northerner living in London
>tfw sick of nothern people being idiots on tv and making us look bad
>tfw people at work keep asking if I like Freddie Flintoff

>Isn't it like that everywhere?
no the americans bitch about how rich people don't send their sons into the army


Or like this image demonstrates it's a look:
It's weird how class is SO pronounced in England though. It doesn't surprise me they have such an obsession with Marxism, but also a kind of 'know your place' / 'stay in your place' tendency. Honestly, what the FUCK is wrong with England?

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At least you're not brummie ;_;

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>Honestly, what the FUCK is wrong with England?
well the classes have nothing in common

fuckin belter mate

but aren't most marxists upper class educated elites?

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black country is the good life mate
too many pakis in brum though

Somehow I imagine the early Britons weren't all lumpy and inbred looking like the English look now.

Not sure what happened there desu. It's odd the English would look so lumpy despite actually being the product of several different European strains, you'd think they'd look less inbred.

>but aren't most marxists upper class educated elites?
he hasn't heard of author scargill

Well yeah that's true, although one picks up that those Marxist English - all wealthy or middle class - kind of have an underbelly of wanting people to know and stay in their place, and are really more into it just as a sign of sophistication and as social obligation.

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Can someone post the one of the xenomorph getting rekt by the norf guy


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>all wealthy or middle class
well they are upper middle class who are marxists I mean not actual upper class you don't get people coming out of Eton and Harrow proclaiming marx

well the marxists are not upper class, they are upper middle at best

Actually true to an extent. I've gotten along more with a French or German of the same class than I do with some rough af hardy football-mad northerners with a thick accent. I'm a good looking RP speaking southerner with a vaguely 'exotic' look (hair and eyes are so dark brown they may as well be described as black). Me being me tends to provoke chip-on-shoulder hostility.

It's not even loaded

>He hasn't been to Europe on a Friday night

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Except the English don't look like that collectively. The country is massively polarised. Middle class people don't look like lumpy goblins. Decent working class people don't either. Hell, I have a working class background (coal miners, butchers, and shit) and we're talking pretty refined facial features. Underclass and shit-tier working class is a different kettle of fish.


underbelly was a wonky word to use there, I was reaching for something like undercurrent or something, but you get what I mean. I mean it is their dark underbelly. Class consciousness is just a form of dubious moral righteousness and sweeping one's blatant elitism under the rug. It may be one of the most despicably dishonest stances - wielding the discourse of emancipation really as a kind of social capital and displaying one's status and education, but which pretends to be critiquing one's status and privilege. Yet anyone who doesn't demonstrate familiarity with the ideas is excluded, really because they were revealed to not be of the right class and socialization, but under the guise of their just being bad people against progress unlike us woke, compassionate educated elites.

Real answer:

England hasn't had a revolution or foreign invasion for centuries.

Nearly all the other Western countries had some big event that forced them to rebuild their society from the ground up, whereas England was always just about stable enough to prevent any kind of major overhaul. The result is that we're a weird anachronism.

Oddly enough, it's our success that stopped us from growing like other countries did.

Do you think it's genes, or diet and nature of their work, and the mindset and heavy drinking?

Because I suppose the really rough working people out in the US, the ones working in actual factories or peoples' yards, are pretty rough and lumpy looking as well, and I chalk it up to strenuous work, fatty diets, and heavy drinking.

all irish are british.

Why's dudley and walsall full of smack heads used to be comfy as fuck Stourbridge is still alright though

>Because I suppose the really rough working people out in the US, the ones working in actual factories or peoples' yards, are pretty rough and lumpy looking as well, and I chalk it up to strenuous work, fatty diets, and heavy drinking.
all American tv shows and movies always try to cast the most attractive actors compared to the UK in which they don't

bro tier

is that les dennis?

Diet and the drinking is something I imagine is a big part of it. Hell, someone like Sophie Turner now looks oddly bloated and shit because of the drinking and drugs. It also would not surprise me if industrial revolution, urbanisation, and rationing played a role too. Let's frame it this way: the ogres are so noticeable because they are the antithesis of the romantic stereotype people have of the English being very refined, reserved, etc. Yet that stereotype exists for a reason because people are like that in the UK.

This is absolutely true, but it's also the case in other Western countries: for example, the hyper-progressive SJW types in America tend to be rich white people with six-figure salaries (or parents with six-figure salaries).

Political correctness is fundamentally an exclusionary movement masquerading as an inclusionary one. It's designed to allow high-status people to identify themselves as such and show their superiority over lower status ones, while also providing the perfect form of plausible deniability.

>these are the types of dudes who conquered most of the world


I can't understand anything but
>they're all fucking wankers

>tfw no big titty slag to fug
i NEED to ejaculate between a pair of huge slag titties boys

Pakis absolutely SEETHING ITT
>mfw we conquered the planet

Attached: 1531318268459.jpg (798x598, 237K)

God knows how you'd even be able to get it up for some slag. Their behaviour tends to be as rank as their body.

Attached: trpkqwuig4dz.png (909x596, 102K)

Not only is this man a working class Brit, he was convicted on Thursday of the rape and murder of six year old Alesha MacPhail.
Aaron Campbell represents the dregs of British society, yet he effortlessly mogs any mutt or smelly yuro posting ITT
When the lowest members of your society look this good, it's no wonder the luminaries of Britain are celebrated around the world for their beauty, grace and charm

Attached: acam.png (920x615, 1.15M)

working class scum

Anons, instead of asking 'HOW DID THESE PEOPLE CONQUER THE WORLD?!!?', do the common sense thing and type some shit into Google images like 'londoners 1914' or 'english people victorian era' or something and you'll see the football hooligan goblins are absent. Hell, look up Crimean soldiers in their bearskins. These photos give you insight into that period and make it easy to believe these people rose to the top.

Lmao they look like those drunk slavs
What's the difference between slavs and anglos? Both look like goblinas

that guy turned out to be an investment banker in JP Morgan

>yfw the referees a wanker


It's just a prop, this is britain


they aren't looking to flash back then

Attached: ww1.jpg (1762x1049, 117K)

now imagine this lot in gabisons, chainmail, plated helmets and longbows standing outside a french castle.

Rather Orcs.

>At that time, it became apparent that there were serious problems with public health in Britain: up to 40% of recruits in Britain were unfit for military service, suffering from medical problems such as rickets and other poverty-related illnesses. 80% of men presenting for service in the Boer War were found by the Army Medical Corps to be physically unfit to fight

they weren't in the best shape back then

Na mate they have always been around, just fatter now.

Attached: William_Hogarth_-_Gin_Lane.jpg (800x928, 384K)

turns out they had norf FC memes in Victorian England as well huh.

it's almost as if all the most adventurous and resourceful types left britain, colonizing the world and fighting natives in grass skirts while what's left is those inbreed blobs of fat

Even further back, actually. That's from the mid 18th century.

Are you honestly surprised? Don't tell me you fell for the Yea Forums meme?

kek based hungary

Out of date. Needs shooping to show Italy is awake now.


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Yiddish is a german dialect, so anglo

>pretending you don't want to be english on 4channel




Drinking 6 beers a night and smoking is the biggest factor, every country (not just western) has these goblins as a result of either heavy drinking, heavy smoking or a bad diet. Really you need to get out and see the world more.

Fuckin SAVAGE m8

Lmao, I thought this was only in Peaky Blinders, but this shit is real in the UK?

>6 beers
Oh user...

Do they have a loisence for those hats?

Lots of people I know who look like this might have between 4-6 pints a day, and considerably more on the weekends when they go out all night instead of just for a few hours.

reminds me of those boomer /gif/ threads

>that lad just hanging out in the top right
good times


absolutely BTFO

These people have always been there. The real question these people need to ask is: "if the british dominated the world, science, philosophy and politics with these people then how bad are other nations?"

The reality is that even our drunken, ngubu cheering hooligans are better workers and lads than your average middle class turk. I moved to the norf and i never feel in any threat if i rarely find myself in a spoons surrounded by the chavs, but we do have trouble constantly from arabs and blacks.

You mean it isn't wherever you are? Horse racing is in literally every civilised country, pajeet/ahmed/nigger mcnigface

Attached: 1550001058934.gif (500x385, 2.38M)

Fuck sikhs

>muh magical towel-head.

Seriously, piece of shit race of pajeets.

Football is the worst thing that ever happened to this country
Prove me wrong

How was it before we had football Grug?

Attached: 1542926950959.png (542x616, 37K)

shut the fuck up, pretentious twat

Why do bongs always take it too far?

Literally every single country has these people if you travel outside of the capital. I've found the english ones nicer and more welcoming than most.

Yeah, really. That's exactly what it is. And I even have some pretty left-wing values in some ways, but I can't stomach that culture or the way it uses its politics because it's such a blatant continuation of an elite lifestyle but has the gall this time to pretend it's something quasi-communist or something.

And no, that doesn't make me right wing, I am basically a green and very socialist in a lot of ways, if not Marxist. But I'll always see the way leftist politics are used for what it is socially - in essence exactly the opposite of what it purports to be.


>he actually spends several hours of his day thinking about, watching, and discusssing niggers kicking balls into nets

that's gonna be a yikes from me


What the fuck?

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Are women do like black men

all dune coons are shitty, especially the ones living in other countries because they force change through massive demographic shifts after shitting out 20+ kids to use as ideological weapons.


Amen Rashid, wish these infidels would watch more cricket instead.

Is this what he reads?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1273x837, 323K)

Are anglos ultimate proof that IQ isn't in skin color?

Not sure if that version of the pasta was first or the MLP one

>love actually
>aka the only time brit leaders can stand up to the yanks is in a rom com

Glad you are leaving the EU and our EU leaders will all be people with backbones

there's countries that consist of nothing but those people

lol he's a football cuck who worships mo salah, he reads murdoch's the sun like all footie cuckolds

bloody krauts

this works too, english accents are such a novelty to my burger brethren. when I encounter one in the wild a small part of me gets excited.

>our EU leaders will all be people with backbones
Bitch please.

Attached: merkel putin and dog.jpg (480x377, 61K)

Actually based af and gave me some new insight.

>that smug look on putin
he's such a mobster it's hilarious

>mrw I realise Putin only brought the dog because he knew Merkel was scared shitless of them

Attached: 1548800894069.jpg (682x600, 144K)

>hates dogs
>floods Europe with a race of people that also hates dogs
Bravo Angie!

My dad has this body type. He looks normal size from behind but when he turns around he's got a beach ball gut. This is my future.

So let's say I went to Fayetteville in Arkansas and stepped insight a shop to buy some drinks or asked some guy on the street for directions. Are they liable to have a obvious, verbal reaction to my English accent? Would the reactions differ in a place like NYC?

>tfw had an english "stepdad" when I was young who had norf hooligan tendencies who was a piece of shit to me and my mom/brother and they divorced but I still have some fond memories and painful ones and always feel conflicted and weird when I think about that part of my life. he also hated pakis and would talk about it all the time.
i still find myself using english phrases without realizing it and people must think I'm a fedora/autistic (I'm an american btw)

thanks for reading my blog, like, subscribe and leave a comment below.

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>Paras did the bulk of the hardest fighting
>Broke the Argentine's backs at Goose Green and Wireless Ridge
>Marines followed behind but jumped in front of the media cameras at every opportunity
>Now whenever people think of the Falklands War, they think of m*rines

Attached: 2para.jpg (1025x716, 162K)

I can't speak for Fattyville but I traveled around California and nobody batted an eye.

i no rite m8

Attached: 1548718077247.gif (370x494, 1.92M)

California or NYC not reacting much wouldn't surprise me. I do wonder about much smaller cities or towns in the "flyover states" though.

Scandi, and I've never been to a horse track in my life

Been to some rally racing tracks though, if that's better

The Nazis actually classed the British working class as essentially Slavs and different race to the upper class, they had a massive hardon (or Hitler did at least) for the British Empire as an Aryan nation but anyone who hadn't been to Eton was getting deported to Eastern Europe to join the rest of the untermensch as slave labour if Op. Sealion managed to succeed i.e. if magical Aryan gods appeared and carried five or six panzer divisions across the channel on a bridge of rainbows

If anything it's more proof. They can drink, party and fight all day long and still establish the modern world whilst a million arabs can ban that behaviour all the live long day yet still come just up with MERV and rape after 2 thousand years.

Nice headcanon

First time I've ever heard about this. Knew about the loveboner they had for the Empire but not the working class thing. Got a quote or something for me to read?

>cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/GERMAN PLANS FOR INVASION OF ENGLAND, 1940_0001.pdf
Worth a read.

Does the average Norfener understand that the UK economy is about to walk off a cliff and they won't be able to visit Malaga with the boys without travel visas? The EU is going to crucify the UK with brutal trade deals once its crashed out because the UK will have no leg to stand on. The ruling class are so out of touch they unironically debate whether Ireland would rejoin their new isolated UK.

*gets shot*

>"Hey pal! Gonnae geez a haun?"
For some reason I usd to think this was Glasgow but its Manchester.

Attached: manchester.jpg (620x387, 438K)


Someone find the video of that fat goblin in Glasgow beating up that guy in the takeaway shop. Every time the poor fuck tries to stand up she pushes him back down.