Jesus Christ this show is heinous

The plot makes no sense. The characters' motivations make no sense. Was that whole shitty incest plotline really necessary? Why doesn't anybody have mobile phones in this show, for heaven's sake.
The only good thing to come out of this was Klaus. That's it.

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>Yea Forums hates it
So what you're saying is, it's good. It is, by the way.

Umbrella Academy > Coon Patrol

That's not a very diverse cast :/
It's just the usual pallet of skin colors.

That's why I like it, it's predominantly white.

The ball dropped for me with the time travel agency bullshit.
Otherwise the show might have been decent.

My biggest problem was the overbearing music. Have the creators never heard of an original score?

I liked it

This so much

Did the director forget to tell Ellen Page to act?

It was fucking excellent. You need to fuck off and watch your pedo jap cartoons and stay away from adult western shows

Are you kidding? That guy is one of the most unfunny actors I've ever seen.
I watched like half of the first season of Mistfits and what a remember most was how obnoxiously unfunny he was. Then I was thinking the exact same thing about Klaus in this show and found out its the same actor.
I swear people are total plebs with no taste when it comes to cheesy over-actors.
Two other characters that I hated who people praise were Ramsay Bolton and the penguin from Gotham. So fucking hammy. Complete hacks.

Misfits was best when that unfunny cunt fucked off and it briefly became the Simon show

Found the pleb. I've finished ep 3 today of Reddit academy and I will finish it. But no, Doom patrol is still yet to have a cringe moment. This had one 20 minutes into it

In the comic the team is 100% white. Even Diego is blonde, here we have a mexican, a sheeboon, and they made Ben asian (the dead one)

Honestly didn't mind it until the end. It was offensively shit

It's netflix what did you expect? their core market is women and the basedboys who put up with watching their lame shit

Ed Kemper should be working on speeding up Mindhunter S2

Why did Ellen Page's character dress like a lesbian/non-binary weirdo despite growing up in skirts and liking men?
What has Harold Jenkins' motivation and why did he just completely change demeanour just so the script could kill him?
How does killing your abusive father turn you into someone who just kills whoever he wants?
How did Klaus go from not being able to get Ben to catch a bowling ball to taking out several men without any training?
Why is Luther's strength so inconsistent?
How could Cha-cha match the unit that is Hazel in a fight?
Why didn't Pogo just tell them about the apocalypse as soon as they were together?
Why didn't 5 explain anything to anyone?
Why am I supposed to give a shit about Diego or the black girl(#3)?

Man that is one bad poster

>Using Istanbul by TMBG for a fight scene
>every song they used is at max volume and you can't even hear characters talking in scenes with it playing


My nigga five was great though

Yeah, she looked like a Mexican ese

is klaus gay in the comic? Wikipedia doesn't say but it says he has a baby

I thought it was pretty good. I liked the assassin characters. I thought Ellen Page was by far the worst

>Why did Ellen Page's character dress like a lesbian/non-binary weirdo despite growing up in skirts and liking men?
This happens all the ucking time nowadays, though. I've personally met half a dozen chicks wh one day suddenly start dressing and acting like dykes but aren't.

Jenkins thought he might have powers because he was born on the same day as the Umbrella Academy children. Hardgreavs or whatever his name was embarrassed him in front of a crowd when he tried getting in the mansion.

Other than his dad he really only killed people so his plan for Vanya could move forward. He had just gotten out of jail.

Fuck me, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought Ellen Page was the absolute worst part of this show. It was honestly otherwise super enjoyable.

this. Klaus is the worst part of the show. Five is cringy as well La Creatura is kinda hot tho