Remember, the mouse always wins.
Know your place.
Remember, the mouse always wins.
Know your place.
Not if i put on the eyepatch
>tfw Gally will never kiss you
Daily reminder that LO is shit
maybe we can have fan made VR alita in the future
Wtf Alita a cute? also Battle Angel actually kino or you guys pulling my leg?
>can't even reach 170 million after 2 weeks
what a loss for live action guys
It would be easy
I believe there is a doll skin in honey select, making the face won't be that hard, you are going to need to unlock the sliders to get the eyes
they are already preparing legislation to make that sort of thing extremely illegal
We don’t have Friday numbers yet fellow Alitabro.
(nice meme, but it’s obvious you’re an Alitabro if you knew about that Last Order scene with the boot kissing in the first place).
The Mouse always wins.
Disney will acquire Alita & Avatar.
And you faggots did not watch Lego Movie 2
Of course I didn't watch it.
Why would I ever watch it?
When you see a perfect movie the last thing want to do is also see that movie ruined with a vastly inferior sequel.
>Why would I ever watch it?
Because its made my WB and features DC characters. Which technically makes it "capekino" for the DCpajeets
By NOT watching this movie, you are not supporting Disney's competitor. Ots why I call DCucks hypocritical. They will spam BvS and Aquaman threads, but they ignore a decent movie like Lego Movie 2 for Alita. And the irony is sweeter because Disney is going to buy Fox, along with Alita.
i jerked off to it many times
>stars Chris Pratt
>right around the same time articles about him cheating on his wife pop up
Really made me think
>those DSLs
Those lips tho.
It would be decent if not for forced diversity and shoehorned plotlines. They took everything good about the source material and sanitized it for social justice and plebs, the end result is shit with a pretty coat of paint.
How do you know it's vastly inferior if you didn't watch it?
>forced diversity
in what way?
Ah shit that fucking sucks. Might just read the mangathen
Because the bar was set at perfect. You can't ever do better than that. Worse still, re-contextualizing the first one to be part of a larger narrative diminishes it as well.
This post is dripping with pretentious Soý
>it's forced for there to be brown people on a post-apoc transhumanist dumpster
Are you retarded? They didn't even blackwash any character.