>Quick Guide To Transitioning
>Latest Jazz Recap
>Offensive Billboard Removed
>Jazz is Sauronpilled
>No Eulogies For Jazz
>Metal Gear Pop!: The Phantom Penis
Jazz General - Cosmic Body Horror Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Ladies and Gentlement, I have an important announcement to make..
>Mrs Blonshinsky, I think we need to discuss the bonus situation.
The story, nay, the epic of Jaron ‘Jazz Jennings’ Bloshinsky will put even the most stoic man in mind of the words Brian Aldiss used to dismiss the works of John Wyndham, a British author active during the Cold War. Coining Wyndham’s works as ‘Cozy Catastrophes’, Aldiss noted that the protagonists in titles like The Day of The Triffids and The Kraken Wakes were typically spared from brutalities at the hands of world-ending killer plants and aquatic aliens whilst the population at large went blind or got dragged into the sea.
I am Jazz, then, is the Cozy Catastrophe turned upside down, where it is the world who can observe, with a pale look on its collective face, the unmitigated disaster of Jaron’s genitals being torn apart and reverse-engineered into a womb-like structure that can bring forth only Chernobyl-esque growths involving random eyes, teeth, and brain cells. From the luxury of armchairs and sofas, mankind witnesses this gargantuan horror whilst remaining thoroughly comfortable; the perfect inversion of the Wyndhamian Cozy Catastrophe.
Of course, our euphoria can only last for but a fleeting moment, for the day that Jaron births a nightmarish cephalopod creature to drag us all asunder approaches unabated.
Oh wait, was she a great big fat person?
do they explain why they end up together, or do they just handwave it and handwave the "no tongue kissing" thing?
Imagine being Amir in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jazz, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your meaty man tits and gross festering frankengina. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is cash his paycheck and go home. Like seriously imagine having to be Amir and not only hide in that house of horrors while Jazz flaunts his frankengina in front of you, the favorable blanket barely concealing his mutilated monster hole going directly into his colon, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he works it. Not only having to tolerate his disgusting fucking frankengina but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAZZ JENNINGS GOT A PUSSY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch him dilate with 6 different colored dildos; never before have you seen a vagina directly connect into someones colon before, no uterus, no cervix, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of natural vaginas and later alleged frankenginas for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out off of the street. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sewage smell that's brapping out from his neovagina too as he shakes his dildo and writhes it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "dilation"(for that is what he calls it), that he waited so long to do with multiple surgeries in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure because you're wanting money. You're not going to lose your $50k paycheck over this. Just bear it. Hide in the bathroom and bear it.
what is dilation?
where can I find bf like Amir
Thank you whoever makes these threads. These always brighten my day.
in a theatre of Detroit
In The LOTR,Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a synergistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.
We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:
>The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.
Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When He is defeated, it is not because Aragon is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realizes his mistake.
I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Golum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.
In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.
In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.
keep the thread alive till the yanks wake up
Dilate every day to keep Dr. Ting away.
>Now look at them homos, that's the way you do it
>You troll the trannies on the TLC
>You ain’t passin’, hang up the wig, screw it
>Use the ladies’ restroom, and stand up to pee
>Now you ain’t passin’, hang up the wig, screw it
>Lemme tell ya them hons ain't bi-scum
>Maybe wear a padded bra and a red fright-wig
>Maybe tuck your junk under your bum
>We got to insert dilation dildos
>Gender confirmation surgeries
>We got torsos like refrigerators
>You got to check your privilege REEEEEEEEEEEE!
>See the hulking lady with the stubble and the big bulge?
>Yeah breeder, they’re quite the hon
>That hulking lady got linebacker shoulders
>That hulking lady, he's a TRANSBIAN!
>We got to insert dilation dildos
>Gender confirmation surgeries
>We got torsos like refrigerators
>You got to check your privilege REEEEEEEEEEEE!
>We got to insert dilation dildos
>Gender confirmation surgeries
>We got torsos like refrigerators
>You got to check your privilege REEEEEEEEEEEE!
>I shoulda learned to type lines of code
>I shoulda learned to stream speed-runs
>Look at that tranny, she’s whorin’ it up for the camera, hon
>Yellin’ “DIE CIS-SCUM!”
>On the shelf…What’s that? Nude anime toys?
>Hangin’ by the Computer Science Degree
>Oh you ain’t passin’, hang up the wig, screw it
>You use the ladies’ restroom, and stand up to pee
>We got to insert dilation dildos
>Gender confirmation surgeries
>We got torsos like refrigerators
>You got to check your privilege REEEEEEEEEEEE!
>Now…you ain’t passin’, hang up the wig, screw it
>You troll the trannies on the TLC
>You ain’t passin’, hang up the wig, screw it
>Use the ladies’ restroom, and stand to pee
>Use the ladies’ restroom…and stand to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom (The ladies’ restroom)
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>And stand up to pee
>The ladies’ restroom (shit post on, shit post on)
>And stand up to pee (shit post on TLC)
>The ladies’ restroom (shit post on, shit post on)
>And stand up to pee (shit post on TLC)
>The ladies’ restroom (shit post on, shit post on)
>And stand up to pee (shit post on TLC)
>The ladies’ restroom (shit post on, shit post on)
>And stand up to pee (shit post on TLC)
>Easy easy the ladies’ restroom (shit post on, shit post on)
>Easy easy stand to pee (shit post on TLC)
>Easy easy the ladies’ restroom (shit post on, shit post on)
>Stand to pee (shit post on TLC)
>He ain’t passin’
>The ladies’ restroom
>Stand to pee
>The ladies’ restroom
>Stand to pee
Imagine being so deluded and full of beast blood that you actually believe they didn't gain an audience. It's evolved into the correct kin using the most advanced blood healing methods available. Your inaccurate view of the ritual and the mindset of the transcended individual in general are so remarkably colored by frenzy that it draws me deeper into the dream.
Well hey, I can't totally throw you out of the nightmare, since I used to be a little bit like you before I gained an audience with Mergo, who was actually an ancient pthumerian stillborn fetus. Being on the journey with them throughout the Cosmos changed my world view about ligning eyes and insight as a whole. You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of beast blood pellets, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a Kin's eldritch knowledge is just as enlightening to attain as a Great One's.
Next time it pops into your Mensis Cage that people like Jazz (or some say Jazzm) are "accursed" just remember that she has to be more insightful and lined with eyeballs than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your beastly idiocy.
I've taken the steps to advance my ideas of the higher plane and my research on yharmanites, gaining more wisdom from it I may add.
Even in the dream I know who I am. And I love who I am and shall never wake up - all I can say to you is: your move, Hunter.
For me? It’s Skykar.
>when your genetics are kicking in
imagine how he will look like in his 30s
this pasta never gets old top fucking kek
For me it's Skylar
absolute unit
wow dead thread
What did Skylar mean by this bone structure?
Jazz kind of looks like a Palestinian Steve Harvey
just blame his degenerate mother, trust me on this
based and repilled
Can someone explain these threads to me? Is it just /pol/yps mocking a random tranny?
Tranny here. We laugh at her too
Made me smile.
Yes sir, she was a bigger girl.
Hey user, you can have this 12 year old pussy if you shoot reagan.
built like a brick shithouse and hung like a shire horse
i am jazz feels like a form of performance art at this point. Theres something deeply wrong and everyone just dances around it, almost celebrating it. Its a gold mine of surrealism. Each part of the family is fucked up in their own way, why would you not discuss it?
Visit /lgbt/
Those threads were better when 90% of them weren't stale pasta.
fu brah
you will never pass
you are bluepilled porn addicted faggot
I'd suck her dick if he still had it, but the rotting wound just sickens me.
Every thread produces top tier OC and bants, generals tend to begin with pastas. Why are you making it obvious how much of a retarded newfag you are?
How big is your cock ?
Ask lgbt
I'd like to thank all the Bloodborne posters in these generals, because they lead me to buy the game some days ago, and I've finally managed to slaughter my first boss today.
It feels pretty great.
Post feminine dick now
looks good desu
It’s everyone watching yet another freak show aired on TLC. They low key make side show kino. 600 lb life, Jazz, is hoarders them too?
get your fuckin eyes checked, thats the build of a man
Would you eat her out?
You're the retarded newfag if you think spamming stale shit is good content.
"hurr durr, having fun bad"
I'd suck her dick if he had one
sucking dick? im not gay
and thats a good thing
Poor kid looks like a wrestler in a dress
you'd still fuck the lass
It's just inverted. You can still suck on it.
Skylar is cute and there's nothing you incels can do about it
Fun at the expense of quality is bad.
How can i spot a tranny?
>sticking it in a mentally ill gay transvestite
How desperate do you think I am?
Also, his hairline is fucked up
Programmer socks
Need more Jazzboobs
it's a lot easier than you'd think
>random tranny
Jazz is a pretty unique mess. I mean, besides having his every living moment televised.
>puberty blockers from the age of six
>resulting in a useless baby dick which can't be fashioned into a faux vagina
>psychotic parents doctor shop until they find a butcher willing to give it a try anyway
>predictably disastrous results
It's fucking kino. Especially given the weird contrast of TLC trying really hard to normalize and promote this horror as something positive while literally every possible worst case scenario is playing out.
this is approaching perfection. i dig the iterations.
No you’re the retarded newfag kek
Tryhard retard. These threads are plagued with too much pasta that no one responds to. For shame
How can Jazz even compete?
>spamming a boy who will probably neck himself before his 30ieth birthday
>'He used my body for his own sexual gratification': The Fast and the Furious director's transgender daughter, 32, accuses her father of molesting her when she was just two years old and claims he would tell her stories of raping women
>Valkyrie Weather made the accusations against her father Rob Cohen, 69, in a public Facebook post
>Weather said she was made aware of the 'sexual assault' by her mother Diana Mitzner, Cohen's first wife
>Weather also accused her father of raping another woman
>Cohen has denied all allegations against him calling them 'categorically untrue'
they'll tell you
Oh shit, I’m sorry.
Okay let's be real for a moment.
Let's humor the notion that straight men should want to be with post-op trannies.
And let's say a man has sex with their eye of sauron.
When his dick gets all covered in blood and puss what would the pro-trans camp call that exactly?
Is the man supposed to ignore it?
Is he supposed to pretend it's pussy juice like he pretends the man he's fucking is a lady?
Surely it's not healthy to get actual blood and puss all over your genitals.
>ahh hurr hurr dont you know its Yea Forums etiquette for every thread to be the same (you)less spam, you wouldn't want to go against the grain bro
Fuck off retard. You're trying to pull seniority to defend spam. Not only are you discouraging OC and unique posts, and are wrong about every thread being full of spam, but you're shilling some no-brain sense of Yea Forums duty like its everyone's job to make the exact same posts and respond to them the exact same way. Or fucking what? Fuck you. You sound like an adolescent
I'm curious about watching this show but it seems horrifically disgusting.
There's nothing wrong with having genuine menstrual blood on your pee-pee, user.
But I'm not sure about the infected purulent juices of a tranny's festering front hole. Will look into that
It’s an aids grand strategy
Don't forget that he doesn't have a prostate either so he can't even enjoy getting fucked in the ass.
Literally all me, and also the ones where I called her him
did they use her asstube to make the pus?
>Vague honking from within his wound
what happened to his prostrate? i thought i heard one of the doctors saying that's his secret weapon for orgasm?
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
This show is fucking digusting I can't look away
most of it seems like reality tv bullshit. Completely fake.
Think they ever told jazz that people can feel pleasure through their prostate, or did they just leave that out to make jazz more inclined to do surgery?
I’m only peripherally aware of what’s going on here, but it’s not gonna end well is it?
he didn't actually get his dick cut off?
There is no balm in Gilead for Jazz
Undeveloped due to hormone blockers
>she's aware of the statistics
jesus fucking christ
He couldn't feel pleasure due to it being completely undeveloped/atrophied because he's been on hormone blockers since 4.
lol this bitch is fucked.
Fucking kek
we do mock jazz yes, but if jazz didn't want mocking, jazz shouldn't have starred in their own lovecraftian truman show.
first, how does that affect his cancer chances?
second, with his dick mutilated and his prostrate absent, wouldn't the only intact erogenous zone he has be his ass?
third, didn't they chop his ass, too?
fourth, isn't this kid basically a eunuch at this point? completely unable to be sexually stimulated?
He wasn't given a choice and you now it.
Ahh, ahh, please... help us... Ah...
An unsightly vagina...
A great dilator looms!
Ahh... Jazz the Accursed is coming.
Have mercy... Have mercy upon us...
holy fuck thats perfect
Wew, Ari has a nice ass on her
>tranny here
Based Lynchian poster
Ansolute brilliance
glad to see my pasta catching on lads
God's work be done.
what the FUCK is dialation?
Don’t worry about it unless they have rare trapmode tier genetics you’ll just know. Trust your basic instincts senpai
theyre usually over 6 foot and got really large hands. manlets dont seem to be trannies for whatever reason.
Look at their bone structure, listen for a man voice, check their hands and feet, look to see if you see a prominent Adam's apple etc
It's not really hard in real life
No idea, probably non existant as AFAIK the cure for prostate cancer is basically test blockers.
He has none, he's basically genderless
They used part of his sigmoid colon so it's "self-lubricating" with chyme and gastrointestinal mucus
virgin detected. having sex with a woman on her period, though degenerate, will do nothing to your penis. might increase her risk of a very minor infection but that’s it
You are retarded and I am not no matter what you say. Your IQ is unironically below room temp
Shoulders wider than hips, giant feet full, prominent brow ridge, large hands.
well the traditional medical use of the word would be to assist in the opening of the vagina for the purpose of preparing for childbirth or another gynecological procedure.
In terms of transsexuals the term is used to refer to sticking what is essentially a dildo into the orifice for the purpose of keeping the canal in shape and not heal sealed.
The idea is if the body never has a chance to completely heal that way that over time, literally more than a year usually, it will stop trying to and the canal and orifice will be essentially permanent.
The effectiveness of this exercise is idealized to say the least however. Generally since the body still has an idea of what state it should be in and how to heal, it's not going to just accept a new orifice like it would accept for example an artificial bone or a transplanted organ.
Dilation essentially keeps the dream alive by keeping the orifice an orifice but doesn't guarantee at all that it will ever be a healthy, maintainable faux-vagina.
yes but that's a woman with an actual vagina, not a dude with an inverted dick inside a festering wound.
so he is basically telling them to pop happy pills to keep the delusions of "everything will get better" going like himself
I really don't agree with this logic.
Period blood flowing down from the womb is not the same as having sex with a bleeding wound in terms of infection risk.
The brain is also incredibly good at detecting even a VERY feminine man from a highly masculized female, solely from face alone. You can willingly fool your brain into "compressing" the image of the tranny youre wanking to into an abstacted nebulous idea of a girl with a meaty 9" cock, but the brain is also very sensitively tuned to what may amount to mm of bone and a few shades of pigmentation.
Yes, her hips are indeed wide
she shall be more than fit to bear her deformed brother at least 8 children
what are some stories about results of dilation one year out after surgery? all the redditposts I've seen in jazz threads talk about gross outcomes of dilation within the first couple months of surgery.
are you suggesting that the body can really reject, or continue to attempt to reject, the carved out hole?
Imagine that body with a thick 9x7" cock !
Ribcage wider than hips you mean, even huge hipped women tend to have shoulders slightly wider than hips
Jaron in human form.
Jaron changing.
i was in the new york public library once. the person behind the counter was a tranny. female to male. i could tell within just a few seconds that she was a she simply by looking at *how she moved her hands*. that alone gave me the suspicion that she wasn't a she; i confirmed the suspicion by looking at the size of her features.
there are innumerable ways that people reveal their true genders. trannies only win with drunks at a bar.
I see why he'd prefer having long hair.
DO YOU SEE?????????
those eyes aren't human
no matter how much you try to force it, you're only really doing superficial changes.
Sewing tissue together isn't going to change what's built into all our cells.
Your best case scenario is that the body just can't deal with the trauma and leaves the wound alone.
This isn't me being mean, this is literally what they want.
In any other scenario when there is a giant hole or pit in the flesh the body closing it up would be considering ideal.
There also seems to be this general misconception that somehow hormone supplements and blockers will somehow allow these surgeries to "take" better.
This just isn't the case, you can make yourself more feminine or masculine but you aren't actually rewriting your cellular makeup so that every new cell will somehow be female and make a new vagina or accept a surgically implemented vagina.
It just doesn't make sense.
she wasn't a he*
Not mocking. We feel bad for this person and are scared for the next generation of confused kids raised by godless demons that encourage this mutilation
I bet they'll come up with some therapy that destroys all y chromosomes in your body within the next 30 years.
Female to male are even easier even when they're pumped full of roids. On a personal level, I'm willing to accept feminine men as a sort of third gender almost "women". Better that they suck my dick and look cute than become whiny redditors.
I haven’t read this one before, is it new? If it is, we have a new term to describe this.... thing
Forgot to finish, but I find it impossible to accept FtM. You're 5'2, weak as fuck, still whine like a bitch, some tatoos and a pubic hair beard aren't gonna make me respect you.
are you saying you hate manlets?
I remember seeing a post a few days ago how FTM trannies basically are giving themselves the ultimate redpill
>limp, non-functioning penis
Can I get a quick rundown in everything that's gone wrong so far?
Did anyone post this one?
What's the difference between the muscles of a man and a woman on testosterone anyway that makes them much weaker? Like, on a molecular level?
I'll do it, I'll be the one to pound Ari into pregnancy for the Moloch/Jazz sacrifice.
I find it funny that FtM trannies want to have massive dicks.
It would be a lot less painful to take less flesh from their body to mold into a phallus but they all seem really keen on being around 9 inches.
I remember in the Louis Theroux documentary on it the black FtM tranny demanded this size so that "women at the beach would turn and stare".
Kind of reinforces that transsexuality is more about fetishes than about identity.
the neo-vagina fell apart so they had to do emergency surgery
at one point, neither the doctors or his parents wanted him to look at the post-surgery result. but he demanded a mirror and when he saw what it had become he started laughing (I wish I was making this shit up)
he will still need 1-2 more skin grafts and that is to fix problems rather than cosmetic reasons. they won't tell him if it ever will look "normal"
absolutely Ellisonian
how the fuck can it be legal to give a six year old puberty blockers??
I love this pasta
/r/ing someone to shoop TDK jokers glasgow smile between jazz' legs
Cross Sectional Area, myofibrilar bundle density, anthropometically more effective scaffold (ie skeleton). So yeah it actually does go down to even the molecular scale. A man with 40kg of muscle mass would be about twice as strong as a woman of the same MUSCLE mass. It might even differ on the neuromuscular recruitment level, that even men can train their body to recruit the same muscle better.
>penis too small to operate on due to puberty blockers
>can't find a butcher amoral enough to give it a shot anyway
>child literally never experienced sexual arousal in 18 years
>jazz got too fat to operate on due to estrogen and stress eating related to his fucked up situation
>finally fit enough to be put on the table, """vagina""" is fashioned out of colon and skin grafts
>damn thing explodes before they even leave the hospital
>some tissue is already dead and ashen colored
>immediately back to the operating table
>more skin grafts lol
>only one side of the "vagina" is healing
i would stick my penis inbetween its udders i dont even care
god please tell me ari has an instagram somewhere with more pics like this
This isn't funny anymore, these people need to die before this disease can spread even further
lmao underrated
15 minutes into dilate and chill and he gives you this look
I got SRS done 6 months ago, it's not so bad.
Why dont they just freeze her?
this I NEED more Ari in my life. Shes too good to be forgotten.
..also this I could juggle both of them lol
>he willingly had his balls cut off
show us your not so bad wound fag
i hear that brother
Kenneth Zucker, a psychologist who used to be the head of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Canada proved that somewhere between 80-98% of children with GID or Gender Dysphoria grow out of it if they're allowed to simply go through puberty.
His research isn't standalone either, it's peer-reviewed and backed by other researchers who were leaders on this type of research. The transgenders weren't happy with him though so they got him fired, to which Zucker responded by suing their asses, and they had to pay $500,000, basically the fee for being able to continue to push their shit unopposed by this guy.
Now we're left with no experts because the trannies have done their best to root them all out. Any psychologist worth his salt knows that GID/Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness that needs to be treated. But these people don't care, and now we see Jazz, who grew up being told that he had to be a girl, and research has proven that in all likelihood if they had allowed him to go through puberty, he would've realized fully that he did not want to do this.
They tortured this childs mind and how they have mutilated and deformed his body. He will either kill himself, or kill his family. Maybe both. This is like the fucking truman show.
The transgender ideology, which is based around transmedicalism and a belief in sexed brains, is inherently incompatible with OG feminists views. Trannys view and define womanhood from a pornographic and traditionalist lens, meaning boobs, smooth legs, dresses, panties, knee socks, submissiveness and baking pies. It is no wonder why feminists and tranny rights activists clash, as they have two different goals. One views current gender roles as restrictive and infantilizing, while the other eroticizes them.
Post pics now
do you bleed?
A daring, yet sound interpretation.
A magnificient comparison, that really shows the Wechselspiel of Art imitating Life and vice versa.
A timeless classic, an on point analysis, a pice of board culture.
Based informaion poster
it's good enough that people who have seen it didn't know it was surgeon made before i told.
don't care what you say about it. post the wound.
do you bleed?
Hah ebig /pol/ open wound meme
>everyone i don't like is /pol/
don't go to /pol/. it's a wound. post it if you're so proud of it.
how are you bleeding if its not an open wound?
it doesn't close up even though pol says so, dilation is done for the elasticity,
I have a womb...
>I have a womb...
tranny delusions taken to the next level
You had your penis and your testicles mutilated and converted into a festering hole in your pelvic area, don't try to bring your delusions here.
i think it's just larping as a discord tranny 2bh
>retard commie
>and a tranny to top it off
the memes write themselves. big yikes!
You can never tell these days, so who knows tßh
It's bait. Don't get hooked fren.
heh i hate trannies
heck i was even born with a small vagina, it was too small for even a pinkie though
>not the boner situation
one fucking job
ive feared this day would come. i never wanted to ask if a girl was a biological female on the first date but it seems i have no choice.
trannies are truly the incel suicide squad
If the girl is 5'4 or shorter there is literally a less than .003% chance she is trans because only 3% of males are 5'4 and only 2% of people are trans
>I have a bird feeder on my head, this is scary and not totally embarrassing
I dilate my vagine. It's a part of me. It's inside of me.
I'm stuck in this dream. It's changing me. I AM BECOMING!
The me that you know she had some second thoughts,
she's covered with scabs and she is broken and sore.
The me that you know doesn't have a cock now,
that part of me isn't here anymore.
All T disappears. The new nature of.. my endocrine.
Grows out my fat tits. There's no escape from this... my new neovaj.
The me that you know used to have a penis,
but the shaft was inverted and it's left to decay.
The me that you know is now stitched up and oozing,
and even when I dilate it, the smell doesn't go away..
I can try my happy pills.. but I need a new batch.
I can try to scratch away.. the fistula in my vaj.
I can see it growing into.. a teratoma.
I don't want to listen.. but the POP is too loud..
Dilating.. backwards inside of me.. I feel so unafraid.
Ari, I need another skin graft.. my vaj might... it might fall away!
Is it worth dating Jazzm for a chance to be Ari's sperm donor for Jazzm's child?
Can't the parent get sued for ruining this kid's life?
I like that even the most up to date studies show that trannies try kill themselves.
still more masculine that my doughy slob self
doesn't tell much when it isn't comparing before and after transition.
We're laughing over this clown world where confused young men are given female hormones and have their dicks chopped off when they turn 18 instead of going fishing with their Dad or playing sports or lifting weights or something.
why not? any dead tranny is a good tranny.
this general is pretty much /pol/ take on srs
Oh well I don't go to /pol/. I just come here because I hate trannies, all of them. Pretty sure most everyone else will agree.
Why exactly?
And that's a good thing, someone's got to keep the tranny delusion faggotry in check
because they're disgusting looking and mentally sick.
>*puffs cigar*
>tfw you will never turkey baste Ari
lel trannies are so delusional
Tranny surgery should be illegal, all doctor's performing it arrested and charged with crimes against nature.
wew, why does that still read like fanfic even when it went bad?
>I didn't tell him that I was trans because it didn't cross my mind
lol when are we going to exterminate these vermin?
Tranny angle is just like fat girl angle.
I'd like to point out that it's actually more commonly done to ciswomen(vaginal cancer, cervical cancer and MRKH syndrome patients)
Fuck trannys for reducing the twink population.
because without the angles and filters they'll look like the average tranny ie. disgusting and transparent for what they are (a guy in makeup and women's clothes)
somebody in another thread described it as an 'eldritch horror', when it's actually just a guy with a cage on his head. baka.
Some you can biologically get pregnant and both a child? Or do you just have an open wound for men to dump cum into
>Dr Bowers
Jazz is just her latest victim.
damn I want to smoke a cigar, never had one
The article you linked states there is a strong correlation between sex reassignment surgery and increased risk of suicide, attempted suicide, and hospitalization for psychiatric reasons.
No, even with an implanted embryo the womb would be too small.
what will doctor franken(((stein))) come up with next
What did they mean by this?
>i don't have any problem with you not being a natural woman, i just don't see this going any further than sex
LMAO which one of you fucked this tranny?
Seriously though how does he pee?
>post ends in 18
Come back when youre 18
um excuse me sweaty but didn't you know there's more than two genders? educate yourself
Dr Bowers is a woman you mong.
I can't follow this nonsenseical fake lingo, do you mean 'women'? They already have vaginas, they don't need new ones unless something goes horribly wrong with the first, in which case it's restorative surgery not an elective mad science experiment to turn your exploded cock into a pretend pussy.
is this bait?
She's a trans woman, still a woman imo.
Its a TRANS “woman”, not a normal human woman you fucking moron
>the gender out of space
can someone explain what the fuck op meant by this?
>still a woman imo.
>using tranny lingo to out yourself
Back to the discord, tranny
Not all of them, cis is just that you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth.
He's a trans(((((woman))))), you mean.
hurt myself
>accuses her father of molesting her when she was just two years old and claims he would tell her stories of raping women
Bullshit, you don't form any solid memorys before you are around 4 years old.
>since I see myself as a woman I won't consider your personal beliefs and force you into it diverting all consent or discussion
do they really not realize how problematic this is?
This is the equivalent of tricking a vegetarian to eat meat or to pull the hijab off a muslim woman.
Just because you think your way is right doesn't mean you have the right to bypass their beliefs with the arrogant assumption you must be objectively correct.
holy shit. in my defense, i don't even watch the show and only saw Bowers once, on a skype call from a YT clip.
after doing an image search though... yeah. that's a man, baby.
Fuck off with your deluded nonsense
don't use their language
Sex is observed at birth you fucking bellend
>cis is just that you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth.
Shut the fuck up there's no way these unwell freaks seriously think this way.
this. don't use their fucking magic words.
Not with me it wasn't
would you put your dick in a neo-vagina?
>not all of them
Yeah, all of them. The rest are just mentally ill fags in drags on suicide watch larping as females
Yknow that cenobite with the teeth?
>can i get a mirror, to take a look?
Jazz: What happened?
Mom: You had your surgery, baby. You're done. I'm gonna lift your head up. You're all done.
Sander: Look, you got a heart.
Nurse: So, they put some numbing medicine here, too, okay? So...
Jazz: Oh, it's a heart.
Mom: Like, "Okay, she's awake, she's acting weird, but jazz is weird." Are you uncomfortable?
Jazz: I have a boner. I'm sorry.
Sander: Did you hear what she said? I sometimes forget that she has that down there.
Jazz: Is that bad?
Mom: Yeah, you're filming, baby. You're being filmed.
Jazz: Oh.
Mom: I did not see this coming, but she's awake, and she's laughing, and it's good. I love you so much. I was worried about you. I was really worried.
Jazz: Why?
Mom: 'Cause I felt like it was taking longer, and I didn't get to see you, and then when you're laying here with the mask on, I don't like that.
Jazz: I'm doing great. You shouldn't be worried, mom.
Mom: I was very worried. But I'm okay now. Love you.
Jazz: I love you, too. She is my mom, so it's kind of like she's overreacting, but it's okay, 'cause I do understand it. She's nervous about me, and that's a good thing, but hopefully, she'll realize that everything went well and that there was no reason to get upset.
Nurse: Up you go.
(Brother points to Jazz’s hospital wristband)
Mom: I know, I know.
Sander: Why?
Mom: She knows.
Sander: I do not understand that at all.
Mom: It's okay. When I see that Jazz is listed as a male on her wristband, it has my blood boiling.
Yes it was. You just developed a mental illness from watching too many animes.
is this some sissification fetish shit
Oh my god I hate your kind yet I secretly masturbate thinking in cum dripping from a barely femenine (and tittied) body while feeling like your current anus' sphincter afterwards.
should I keep sharing related articles?
>would you do anal if it had a hatchet gash?
It's not nearly as simple as the thing that was explained in middle-school
Imagine, if it had you that convinced... would you have let it suck your dick if it asked?
We all need to fine tune our tranny detectors, user. I know of a couple in my town. Dont fall for the trap.
is this some leftie buzzword? wtf are you calling them polyps for
yeah and the vast majority of intersex people hate being lumped in with autogynephiles and body dismorphics.
literally saw one today that just looked like an old nonce tbf
>tfw you'll never be a beautiful woman appreciated by normal men
>tfw you'll have to shove a dildo into your festering pelvic hole to prevent it from closing(healing) for the rest of your life
>tfw nobody will EVER want you
>tfw you'll always be looked down upon with disgust
>tfw no matter how hard you insist it's normal, regular people won't buy into your delusions
If only Cronenberg could have directed the surgery episodes
No they don't they usually work together with trans groups, and there is a big overlap between intersex and trans people.
How come when ever Jazz smiles it looks like the pictures of this?
Didn't he sort of already with that stomach pussy in Videodrome?
It's because CLEARLY, in that deranged user's broken mind, only /pol/ users disprove of transexuals. Therefore, we must ALL be /pol/ users, and that deserves a quick dismissive label to slap on any posts that don't fit their worldview.
Or they are just acting nice?
I'm certain there is a beta male out there so desperate that he would accept marrying into a tranny and dicking a dry gash for the rest of his life, not knowing the difference between that and a real vagina because he has never seen one.
The most shocking part of this is how the guy was okay with tranny sex. If this is real she lucked out by getting a guy who had some sort of fetish. Any other man would have been fucking livid and disgusted. Maybe not to the point of violence but definitely would tell the tranny to get the fuck out.
That's called a urethra user.
you can pay the school in donations for valedictorian, atleast at my private school you could. its just whoever has the best gpa
it's just whoever has the gpa sometimes*
Imagine spreading her pussy lips and touching her cervix with your dick..... hngggggggg
of course you hate people exactly like you, it's the closest you can get to acknowledging your self-hatred without getting suicidal.
>tricking a straight man to have sex with a biological man is okay in our society
This is why we can't have nice things
>My 5'4 Male Life
It would be kino
>Mom: It's okay. When I see that Jazz is listed as a male on her wristband, it has my blood boiling.
still better than the doctors cutting in the wrong place expecting the wrong organs desu
>I don't have a problem with you not being a natural woman but i don't see this going any further than just sex
>licking a wound
>dicking a wound
which one would you do if you were forced to choose one?
That haircut is a crime.