cast it
Cast it
fentanyl is china's payback for the opium wars.
wtf I love big pharma now
I left the west about 9 years ago. Used to do drugs quite a bit, but fentanyl wasn't a thing back then. Anyone care to redpill me on it?
Now people will actually give a shit about it.
Nobody cares about rural retards
why is it only targeting America then?
>only white trash and niggers are affected
Based opiods killing off subhumans
why nothing about California, oregeon or Washington? northern cali I mean
it's basically super heroin
because apparently there are people dumb enough to inject something that is 100 times more potent than fucking heroin, despite all available common knowledge of how bad heroin already is.
>fentanyl is china's payback for the opium wars.
>jewish Sackler family making billions while destroying american society is actually chinas payback for opium wars
Huh, i never knew, thats some serious 7D chess
People that use hard drugs are idiots.
all junkies derseve to OD
Fent is very highly regulated in pharmaceuticals, but is also a synthetic opioid, meaning there is technically no limit on it's clandestine production. It seems most of it is being produced in China and coming in huge quantities (literally people driving around with kilos of it). Over the past several years it's gone from rare to present in the majority of heroin, and even shows up in other street drugs now.
And yeah, probably it's a form of cold warfare against the US.
He's kinda right though, it's a two-pronged sword. (((Sacklers))) are the scum reponsible for pushing fentanyl, but China is happy to keep manufacturing it and profiting off Western deaths.
Fentanyl is a pretty big issue in Australia too, just like meth and cocaine and other 'party drugs'
Now Democrats will pretend to care after years of mockery and taunting.
>Left wing liberal west-coasters use hard drugs
Hardly breaking news, user
>probably it's a form of cold warfare against the US.
it's not a "cold war" so much as the people profiting in china give literally zero fucks about fatmerican pigs who might be injured by the product.
Oh no that is bad for the country!
>killing off
If only. Instead it is a huge drain on tax payers and healthcare.
your face when you learn the opium wars were also started by a jew called David Sasom
"wait a second, we could make even more money if we sell it to back people too"
thats capitlism.jpg
China performing eugenics on our worst citizens isn't warfare it's a favor
If you get addicted to opioids in the first place, then you don’t deserve to live anyway. Why should I feel bad when junkies die
is this as bad as crack epidemic in the 80s? europoor here.
Based Chinamans revenge killing all the degenerate libtard zoomers
>British Empire (modern day UK) floods China with Opium
>China floods the US midwest with fentanyl 200 years later
We did it reddit
is there any reasonable argument against this?
So it is revenge of the brits against their former colonies?
it makes sense because US owes China money so there going to make us loose it all because?
Is it moral to let someone slowly kill themselves when you have the capacity to possibly prevent that death?
there were a great deal of american businessmen who made money in the chinese opium market. The Delano family, ancestors of one fella named Mr. Franklin Roosevelt, made a fortune this way.
China' didnt invade Afghanistan
there's almost 8 billion people on earth. why do we care if the druggies kill themselves? it's really not that big a deal. i'm not even being edgy. I'm very concerned about the future. this is a good thing
People get prescribed this shit by doctors when they don't need anything that strong.
After using for some time under doctor prescription you are hooked physically and psychologically.
If this was just junkies that got started on this looking for a higher high yeah fuck them but for most people it's not like that
TL;DR: your question wasn't sincere but I answered anyway. Fuck you
Blacks just serious self control problems, you get millionaire rappers getting high of tramadol and doing severe damage to themselves despite the fact that they could fund a fucking production lab for good drugs
Because this is where the jews are duh
This is why the government should confiscate all my property
donald trump as the clueless president of the united states
>there's almost 8 billion people on earth
>I'm very concerned about the future
So am I because 90% of those almost 8 billion are non-white, they aren't slowing down, and they're being shipped into a neighborhood near you.
To be fair, if someone is naive enough to beleive their doctor then it's still their fault, and this is coming from a regular drug user (not some autistic kike worshipper or fat housewife).
The war on drug is insanely wasteful and counterproductive. It also caused south and central america to become complete shitshows, leading to the immigration crisis we have today.
I know it's not heroin and I know it's not fentanyl but I took oxycodone for months and months along with cocodamol, morphine, baclofen, naproxen, gabapentin which I all took for two years - I came off everything within a week. Addiction is a fucking meme, stop being weak.
Blacks have no foresight. It's why they'll kill someone for a pair of shoes and why, even when they have made it, they'll do something fucking moronic like live in the most affluent place possible, but then go out on some kind of driveby shooting with their "dawgs". Or they'll say "Yeah, I have $2m, I'll take that $25m mansion, and just buy me some grillz and a fleet of solid gold cars, they're always a steady investment", impregnate numerous thots, end up bankrupt, and then start crying about how whitey be holding them back.
If you want to solve the problem then remove them. If you want to solve the problem and let them stay then remover their (((owners))). One thing you can't do is leave things the way they are, pretend you don't know why they're happening, and then come to some stupid conclusion like "let's just give them mo money fo dem programz and move them into the suburbs."
What do americans need all these painkillers for?
lmao imagine taking oxy for 2 years
to keep alive the american dream
Been here for 600 years try and stop me wypepo
for the whites, it's mostly the obese boomers who got cancer or heart attacks who get hooked on pain killers after surgery. the blacks start taking heroin from the age of 5 but no one cares about them
>yfw the spics are behind this
You're a degenerate retard. Most normal people believe their doctor, they shouldn't but they do. I just explained how these people get addicted to something while looking for treatment for something else. You somehow still tries to blame poor uneducated people for being conned by doctor getting paid by pharmaceutical companies to push drugs
Its Jewish pharma companies that are pushing the shit now, and it was Jewish merchants selling it back then.
we didnt invent and fund weather control
spics are coke and meth, herion and fentaynl are chinks
they offer them so for half nothing really just because they can
>you're a degenerate retard for not being a brainlet and blindly trusting any information given to you
Ok Rabbi.
Yank doctors hand out perscriptions for opioids like they're asperin while other countries' medical professionals give mild pain killers or none at all. Every opioid is highly addictive, good chance patients get hooked. And even they kick the need, chances are they can sling half a box of left over happy pills on the black market for quite a bit, offering a financial incentive for "patients" to keep coming back for more. Which works out fine for the doctors since they get paid to sling those pills too by their directors who are in league with pharmaceutical companies.
Nice try Pharma shill
Well at least it will kill people quickly.