Is he right? He does sure bring out a lot of plotholes and bad writing that I never noticed or went over my head >Attack of the clones guy doesn't drive Nicole Kidman to a hospital and believe she is mentally unstable but instead marries her off without any evidence of Atlantis being real >Movie tells us the Saharan underground dungeons was built way before Sahara desert became a desert but reality tells us it has been a desert for over 7 million years (unless you are a young Earth Creationist).
Also for a youtuber like him to come back and say the N word and call blacks violent thugs in the same video is really ballsy.
>1h55m Someone will unironically watch some furry autist complain about a comicbook movie for the duration longer than the movie itself
Ryder Hughes
>Look mom I'm making a review >I'm really going to show them filmmakers by pointing out irrelevant stuff only autists think about
Luis Brown
This. Faggots who think nitpicking is a sign of intelligence and qualifies as genuine criticism are intolerable.
Ayden Morris
I can't think of a more pathetic type of youtube "content" than talking over a footage of yourself playing vidya.
Kevin Evans
wait so are we supposed to like him because he's friends with the not furry brigade that uses furry avatars? or is he not friends with mauler and this is you guys shitting on him?
Alexander Parker
If you don't know why they do it you should kill yourself famlam.
His previous videos where just lazy trailers playing over him talking. This is an improvement.
Eli Phillips
>never mentions pacing, story structure, editing, cinematography, sound design, soundtrack, and atmosphere >its just 2 hours of pure nitpicking i blame mauler for this
Unless your a semi-functional retard who likes octopuses playing drums underwater or grown men riding fish. The movie was more Disney, than Disney movies. So you all... need to eat the fucking disc!
Christian Baker
stupid op typing out "attack of the clones guy" instead of jango
Joseph Fisher
>riddle quest found in a ruin from before Sahara was a desert points to statues of Roman senators as part of the riddle
Am I supposed to know or care who this pig fucker is? Because I don't.
Hudson Sullivan
Jonathan Perez
fuck off sjw
Juan Myers
>but reality tells us it has been a desert for over 7 million years
it was a Savannah 5000 years ago. Dumb dogfucker can't even nitpick right
Gabriel Torres
noone liked this movie outside of horny moms
Jacob Russell
Isaac Wilson
The real question is who fucking cares
Sebastian Jackson
Haven't seen this film and don't care to, but you shouldn't bother yourself with that guy. His idea if criticsm revolves around picking apart a script for any supposed plot holes or vague inconsistencies. Notice how he never discusses the visual and audio components of a visual and audio medium, he's too busy flaunting the smug persona that he's fabricated to do that.
This guy is acting like as if the people in the beginning of the video thought Aquaman was some sort masterpiece. I'm actually sure without watching those videos from the clip that they all enjoyed Aquaman for it's fun, stupid, absurdness.
i dont know or watch any yt reviewers. but i do know i enjoyed the hell out of aquaman. the torch dive to the bottom of the trench is what cinemas are made for
Ryan Hall
>clips of other reviewers saying positive things with a stock eerie soundtrack at the background It's nice that he warns right at the beginning that he's not giving a serious critique.
Lincoln Martin
>I counted on 1 hand the number of good movies I saw this year Does this guy only seek out awful garbage because he literally cannot make any other content other than whining or does he truly not like anything?
Brandon Nelson
This is just the most recent Wonder Woman/Black Panther, everyone went apeshit over it only to slowly realise how bland and mediocre they were with time.
Robert Rivera
Attack of the clones guy literally saw fish people invade his house and Nicole Kidman killed all of them. I think that’s enough evidence for her claims
Camden Thomas
I liked Aquaman but I have to admit it was almost entirely because I thought Momoa was funny and high test while Amber Heard was hot. It was paced OK, had pretty good action, and a solid, satisfying arc for the hero. Otherwise it was a bit messy.
Chase Moore
this movie is for high-test, low-int males.
Mason Cook
Wasted double dubs
Ayden Hernandez
>everyone went apeshit over it only to slowly realise how bland and mediocre they were with time you're way overthinking this and spend too much time paying attention to shills here. Normal audience just went to enjoy a solid action flick with a manly brown man and a womanly white redhead with a great body kicking ass against a faggy white dude and a vengeful black dude. With Willem Dafoe and de-aged Nicole Kidman
1) “Attack of the Clones Guy” had just been lifted off his feet one-handed by a skinny little waifu. She clearly wasn’t “local.” 2) Why would anyone insist on treating this movie as if it’s set in our reality/world when it clearly isn’t trying to be?