
>Alita is going to break $1b
$25m opening weekend
>It can still do it Jims movies are always super leggy
60% 2nd week drop
>China will save it - $60m opening weekend!
studios only take 22% of the China gross
>Japan will support it
just bombed in its opening weekend

S-Save me DVD sales!

Attached: AlitaBombAngel.jpg (990x753, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how to train your dragon 3 is out???????

Meh. ~70M cume domestic isn't bad. They'll be able to break even, maybe turn a slight profit. Definitely not getting a sequel though.

yes and it just made more in 3 days than Alita did in 13

America is dead to me.
Where do you get Japan numbers?


To this day, I have no idea why Yea Forums shilled the fuck out of this shitty adaptation.

>America is dead to me.

Attached: 2.8.jpg (480x480, 53K)

Imagine being this mad over a flick

so sad for rejected anons

It hasn't made anything at all yet, those are estimates.

do americans only watch marvel or dc movies?

sorry user it's just a bad movie.

>no disney movie in theaters
>other studios can't even manage

Jesus, just give in to the mouse already.


I smell (((tricks)))

what stopped me from going to watch it was all the obvious and annoying shilling on Yea Forums, thats how you know its shit.

Because it's good?

yes not like the subtle shilling Marvel is doing

Even my biggest fans never said it would break $1b, are you this mad about my movie doing better than expected user?

Attached: 1550646997185.jpg (1112x1060, 77K)

>but muh 94% 4.6/10 audience score
Yea Forums ignored that it has A- Cinemascoere and 4/5 PostTrak, which is good but only marginally above average. I told ya the RT score was inflated by fanboys.

they did a terrible job marketing. I see marvel and DC shit constantly on the internet being hyped everywhere when it's about to release, but I never saw anything for Alita. The only thing I saw for Alita was a single superbowl commercial on in the background.

I don't know what they spent their advertising budget on, but whoever wasted that money needs to be executed.

Alita frens, we had a good run but now it's time to pack it in and say goodbye forever. The world wasn't ready.

It same out less than 24 hrs ago, retard.

i dont feel bad for fox its going to be merged into disney anyways.

I feel bad for people like myself who were tired of capeshit. Now that's all we'll get from here on out. Disney will NEVER allow something like Alita to exist.

same man only hope is if post EndGame MCU movies start bombing but even that might not be enough sadly.

it is good but only 7/10 good.

So I actually checked china numbers
Opening weekend looks like 200mil now.
Fucking chinks and their real time updates

>P-please help my corporate masters salvage their investment

The guerilla social media marketing on this board is laughable, it reeks of desperation. Some poor Indian bastards have been commissioned to try and get a low key word of mouth buzz going on this stinking flop so they can maybe claw back a bit on DVD sakes. Sadly, Yea Forums users rarely buy anything, let alone easily pirated media, so a hundred thousand rupees were spent in vain

Attached: alita trailer 2 main (Custom).png (633x353, 247K)

Attached: 15504901564998.jpg (753x957, 131K)

It's not Yea Forums, it's a handful of discord cucks who are psychotically obsessed with Disney. Maybe someone here has that list of their twitter accounts and can post it for you, it's extremely troubling to look at the shit these people believe.

>Alita is going to break $1b
Show me FIVE TIMES someone said that, or you're literally making up quotes just to support your argument.

Attached: 1522369682010.jpg (1080x1327, 127K)


>I feel bad for people like myself who were tired of capeshit
Alita is literally capeshit.

it's over bros. . .
there will be no sequel. . .

>Where do you get Japan numbers?
not to say he's not pulling numbers out of his ass right now, but what makes you think Japs want to see our adaptations of their properties?

>I feel bad for people like myself who were tired of capeshit
yeah, because making americanized weebshit the next big thing would have been oh so much better

We watch capes, horror, and pixar movies.
Everything else is trash just like Alita.

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at this point its because of how much shilling has occurred for the movie. and its a total flop.

glad it bombed
the director is racist

>box office 3 day
>it's only been one day
Based analysts

Alita wasn't made by Disney at all you fucking idiot

>dude there's no way you can predict weekend performance from the first day!
>t. man living in a world where this is the first movie ever released

No shit you dumb fuck. They think that buying Alita tickets is hurting Disney, they're obsessed with Disney, if you criticize Alita then you're automatically called a Marvel shill out of the fucking blue. They're deeply disturbed individuals. Just read this dogshit thread for examples of the shit that's plaguing this board.

Does Alita's sequel seem difficult?

robert rodriguez is racist?

Why do you care so much about money?
Shouldn't we care quality?

This is what killed hollywood.

As for GUNNM, I'll stick to the manga for the time being.

They watch their own shit and it's much worse. We wont get numbers until monday so stop assuming japan isn't interested.

>be shills
>shill endlessly, shamelessly, unironically
>the thing you're shilling flops
>wh-why are you guise l-laughing so hard?!? s-stop laughing!!!

you dug your own grave

Alita hasn't flopped in Japan. Trolls are getting desperate! : )

Alita looks fucking dreadful and who would want to see it over How To Train Your Dragon 3?


Line from the movie
>It's been 300 years [black person], get over it

>alitashills are now trying to get /pol/ into watching it

Anyone with something more than an 11-year-old's reasoning capacity.

Because what makes money dictates trends?


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It’s Cameronfags. If Cameron had nothing to do with the film then Yea Forums wouldn’t give a shit. But Yea Forums has made Cameron their god emperor because Avatar made money and because Reddit and other people have turned against Avatar (and of the general public turns against a movie, then Yea Forums must defend it like a white knight defending a maiden). So now they shill all of Cameron’s movies.

Oh hey Lego Movie might make back its budget after all!


>film is good
>people start spreading word of mouth
>some autistic faggotty cancerfags start reeeeeing about shills
The absolute state of nu/tv/. Bet you weren't even around when Lost was airing. You'd have an aneurysm if you were.