we did it fellas
We did it fellas
Other urls found in this thread:
>Interest in property increases
>Paid actor in it is happy
No shit.
Yahuu! Vasectomies and Cap'n Crunch for everyone, this round's on me!
He should be thank Rian.
the prequels are pure kino compared to the garbage tier sequels
>we did it
>ewan mcgregor stilll alive
not yet
Honestly, it WAS really bad. However, when you are shown just how deep the brand can sink, you start to see them in a better light comparatively. I've never liked the prequels, in fact I think they are shit, but they are leagues better than the soulless new attempts.
>I've never liked the prequels, in fact I think they are shit, but they are leagues better than the soulless new attempts.
I think of the prequels as a companion to the original trilogy. Not necessary but a bonus if you want to see more of the galaxy before the rise of Vader's empire.
George Lucas predicted this. He said that when the children who saw the prequels grew up they would love them. Zoomers now love the prequels. Millennials and Boomers just don't get it.
>Millennials just don't get it.
Nah. I get it. There are a lot of millennials who would agree with you.
I'm a 20 year old zoomer and I dislike the first 2 a lot
RoTS is amazing if you look at it without the first two desu
what the fuck are you talking about?
people born in 1998 aren’t zoomers you retard
>the rise of Vader's empire.
>Vader's empire
You mean /r/prequelmemes?
They still suck, you morons.
Yea Forums likes to think that only they love the prequels, and hating them is 'reddit', even though Reddit embraces the PT much harder than 4channel can manage
Kids fucking loved the prequels, I went to see them in the cinema and fucking loved me some space-buddhist colorful sword-ninjas
I think people born in the eighties is the cutoff point
No one had a problem with the actors. It's stupid how they take criticism of the writing and direction so damn personally.
Kids are stupid tho
Yes they are
all 3 movies are pure shit and faggots are just liking it because of nostalgia goggles
watched them in the cinema too, I loved them then and I still enjoy them now, despite knowing how much better they could have been.
Go back
An actor is just a meat puppet, whose strings are pulled by the director under general guidelines from the writers.
>people born in 1998 aren't zoomers
yes they are. granted, they're old zoomers but zoomers nonetheless
The cutoff for Gen Z ("Zoomers") is around 1995-96.
Anyone born before that is a Millennial, anyone during or after a Gen Z'er. Cohorts aren't typically this easily distinguished of course so take with it what you will.
Where, in the Star Wars universe, do they get leather?
>just liking it because of nostalgia goggles
Ha, seems to happen with a lot of franchises lately. Star Wars and Marvel got killed because of nostalgia potential for $$.
>The cutoff for Gen Z ("Zoomers") is around 1995-96.
>I think of the prequels as a companion to the original trilogy.
>Not necessary but a bonus if you want to see more of the galaxy before the rise of Vader's empire.
yeah a shit extension of star wars
I just want a live action TCW movie with all the prequel actors and Debicki cast as Ventress
Star Wars 3 was unironically the best Star Wars movie.
it's close to being good
too much shit in it though
Star Wars prequels in general were pretty good, 1,2,3, Rogue One, Solo all good
>Cassian not burying his face in that ass during his last moments
he literally had nothing left to lose and she wouldn't have the chance to push him away before getting vaporised
it managed to get the scale of a battle in there, as opposed to mouseshit films that have like two ships lobbing cannonballs at each other, that even have drop in space
>Solo all good
Haha. Found the Disney shill.
not the first time Ani and Obi have crossed swords lads
>someday I will fix it all
Yea Forums is the reason that subreddit even exists
arrrrrrrrrg omg reddit beat us again with teh shout outs ahhhhhh. we need to make our memes more mass apeal. that sneed ones really easy to get. maybe we can get matt groaning shout out??? i post on that sub anyway sooooo.. yeah hello
McGregor recently said in an interview:
>"I am totally behind the movement to re-write history and to completely alter peoples perception of the (Star Wars) prequel trilogy being utter shite, to being acceptable and even likable. After Phantom (The Phantoms Menace) I honestly thought my career as a Scottish actor capable of doing really great English accents was over. But thankfully I was wrong. I got to work with some really weird people on those movies. Most days I was fucking surrounded by daft twats dressed arse to elbow in both blue and green lycra suits. Utter cunts the lot. So what that I pissed away literally years on such horrible movies, at least they paid me well. You should see my fucking house, 4 bedrooms, 6 toilets, and a huge fucking telly. As for George Lucas, well, let's just say if I am ever in the same room with that prick again only one of us will come out alive. The only saving grace is that somewhere out there are a load of grown men who literally cannot tell the difference between a steaming hot turd and a bowl of cornflakes. That makes me smile."
Millenials were kids when the phantom menace came out you fucking spaz. Zoomers were barely out of the womb
I think it's interesting -- though predictable -- that the release of the Disney stuff has made the sanctity of the original trilogy somewhat irrelevant, and that's naturally going to be something that favors a reevaluation of the prequels.
I still don't think the prequels are good movies, though.
>Debicki as Ventress
why has this never occurred to me
Why are redditors so cringy?
Original prequel love was tongue in cheek. Acknowledging they weren't as good as IV or V, but they weren't THAT bad and all the legitimate criticisms had already been pointed out. Please George's corny but memorable dialogue.
Then reddit found out about it and it turned into a pro-prequel circlejerk, when half the reason it existed in the first place was people were over the anti-prequel circlejerk
why does he have onions consoles?
Based. I'm glad that Ewan still cares. Most are fags that move on from roles, some even forget them. Based that he cares about the role so much.
There's clearly titties in the Star Wars universe and leather comes from mammals
kek'd & check'd
>Zoomers now love the prequels. Millennials and Boomers just don't get it.
Is this bait on purpose. Millennials are the biggest fans of the PT. It came out during our children. The PT is literally made for Millenials. The ones hating on the PT are Gen X shits. Boomers are too old to care for Star Wars, even the OT is too new for them they were adults and had served in Vietnam 10 years prior to Star Wars even coming out. OT is Gen X central, PT is Millennial central. ST is for the Zoomers.
What did he mean by this
I've always liked the phantom menace, the other 2 were shit irredeemably shit though
>I've always liked the phantom menace
It's a weird, uneven movie. I think it does the best at capturing a sense of adventure, though. And even if its distance from the other two prequels cripples the overall story of them a little bit I think it makes TPM the most individually satisfying movie of the three. It leaves Anakin's problems hinted at and merely implied, and it's more tasteful that way.
Agreed, I found it difficult to parse the "Jar Jar steps in poopy" scene before I read The Symposium.
is that really happening though?
he gets a percentage on home video?
Because you dont participate in Debicki threads
Fuck it I bet a clone wars movie with both Ewan and Hayden reprising their roles, would make a fucking killing in the box office with this resurgent wave of nostalgiafags.
Movies don't simply drop out of existence once the generation who grew up with them become adults.I assure you most Gen Z kids watched the prequels and the OT before TFA was even released. Turning appreciation of movies into some kind of generation game is seriously stupid. Stop defining yourselves by whatever arbitrary year you were born in.
You're right I don't
Plus a bunch of people want to see their favourite TCW characters (Ahsoka, Ventress etc) on the big screen
Shame we cant cant have Dooku in it though, unless its over hologram with Corey Burton voicing so we dont get a Rogue One Tarkin 2.0
If Disney wanted to crank the dough, then they could still do their Obi-Wan movie idea with Ewan but also manage a clone wars movie with him.
based and red pilled
reddit thinks the prequel trilogy is brilliant
link to the interview please
Millennials = Generation X
Get your definitions straight. A zoomer/Gen Z person is someone born after the mid 90s, i.e. someone who would’ve been a baby when Phantom Menace came out.
I always say the obi-wan movie should be set inbetween 2-3 instead of 3-4
What can he do on Tattooine?
He cant do any jedi stuff as he'll get found by the empire
Theres nothing to do in the desert
Hayden and Ewan are pretty much ready to film Episode 3.5
Why would Hayden be in episode 3.5?
2 billion box office
To be a conflicted Vader
Thus undermining his redemption in ROTJ.
They aren't particularly good movies, especially when you consider the potential (3 movies to tell the story of someone who is good going to the dark side, could be ultimate kino, instead it was very poorly handled)
But they had heart and soul and creativity, and that counts for something.
the prequels are superior to the OT
the only ones who like the OT are manchildren who let nostalgia cloud their judgement.
that is FACT
I dinnae give a toss what that Scottish cocksucker thinks
>the only ones who like the OT and PT are manchildren who let nostalgia cloud their judgement.
>millenials=generation x
Millennials would not like to admit it but they are the ones who grew up with the prequels. If you were born in 1984 you would have been 14 or 15 when TPM came out. Zoomers are too young to remember any of the PT releases.
>1 month old freshly burned Vader
>20 year old Vader who has literally lost all hope in the world finding out that his son is alive and slowly remembering Anakin
No it wouldn't
>universe with trade federation and planetary travel
>surprised that leather can be shipped from one world to another
Based and prequelpilled
Riley please
i can explain
I don't think I've ever met anybody who didn't like Ewan McGregor's performance as Obi-Wan. Even people who hate the prequels usually admit he was one of the good things about them.
Stoklosa doesn't like him
For some reason
Millenials = Gen-Y, though
Under 25 = zoomer
This. Zoomers are the ones who like the Disney trilogy.
They are.