Why Was Frasier So Comfy?

I'm guessing softer and less assaultive color palate.

No clear mentions of worlds beyond Frasier's house and work, Niles' house and work, Martin's chair, etc...

Comfort of sinking into a high society TV show, watching millionaires bounce around...

The non-bashful Bulldog

We want to be as sophisticated and rich as Frasier but still want Martin's sensibility and spirit

For me, Seasons 2-4/5 were prime Frasier

How bout you?

Also thread is protected from the ghost of John Mahoney and all his Eddies

Attached: TheCraneBrothers.jpg (1280x720, 331K)

yeah, it's like the perfect "safety nest" for complete autists like you

>I'm guessing softer and less assaultive color palate.
than what, your therapist's office?

My favourite seasons are 1-3 . IMO there is no comfier time period than the mid 90s.

is that when the tendies were like unto grains of sand and the juice pouches flowed like wine?


I just took a break binging it again, middle of season 3.

>oh my, but it is the best show ever, how astute of you to notice, perceptive stranger!
the rampant samefagging in these threads has me convinced it's all just a meme

2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 11 > 10 > 9

>For me, Seasons 2-4/5 were prime Frasier
This is correct, though I also think the last half of season one is great and the last half of season 11 is top comfy.
I think the consistently strong performances from Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce really helped the show. The characters remained believable in their motivations most of the way through, season 8 excluded. Also John Mahoney had such a warm energy about him. RIP.

this has got to be pasta, right?

I like the show Frasier. It's one of the best sitcoms. Kelsey Grammer is hilarious.

fuck yeah

dont be ridiculous,i cant afford a therapist

are you that one NEET from Florida who's whole life is based around making hourly Frasier threads?

delicious pasta, niles


OK, if you say so, cus you sure sound like him.

I don't think there is a bad season, 7 is my favorite

There is a direct correlation between the quality of a season and the attractiveness of Daphne therein.

>softer and less assaultive color palate
>Martin's chair
That fucking thing was an eyesore from day one. It doesn't matter what the rest of the set looked like, it ruined any claim to a "softer color palete".

Attached: m-martin I don't feel so good.png (1165x864, 948K)
