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What do you guys make of the under representation of womens voices in Kino films? Is it another example of sexism in Hollywood?

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"representation" will be the death of film

too much purple

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>only 1 movie with more women speaking than men
>it's the worst one

Women have never said or done anything interesting except in supporting roles in real life, and media reflects this when there isn't a conscious attempt to portray otherwise.

Abortion aside, aren't women boring?

>Schindler's List was based all along

Based Schindler's List btfoing roasties

conveniently leaves out that the hurt locker was directed by a woman

but reddit told me there are more than two genders

I resent the racist under representation of our dear alien overlords in this double plus self righteous des-info graph.

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Women speak more in real life where it actually matters.

well yeah but who the hell likes hearing women talking?

you wanna hear chicks yapping go watch anime

Why is 2012 deliberately omitted?

1990 was won by Driving Miss Daisy, so I'm guessing the chart starts in 1991 to suit the narrative.

>much higher speaking times before the mid 2000s
Maybe writers don't feel confident in depicting complex female characters anymore, after certain political movements?

Evidence if there was any that women are talentless and should know their role and place.

yeah but nothing they say matters

So you're saying the less women speak the greater the film?

The Artist is a silent film

but males were more silent

90% of what women say is filler nonsense.
>"so, like, I told him to, like, mind his own business, but then, like, you'll never guess what happened when my ex, like, totally showed up and caused, like, so much drama
They can go on like this for minutes on end without realizing how little anyone cares.

naw, it'll just mark a certain era - and badly date most of the films from that era.

you need to upgrade the women in your life, bro.
maybe meet the ones who are in libraries and science labs and church, instead of nightclubs and bars.

yeah but they're not attractive, and relatively few of them exist compared to the masses of vapid cunts that roam around spewing none stop bullshit.
Which is why most movies have relatively less women speaking.

Yea Forums BTFO

Chicago is trash but it's not even near the piece of abortion that is crash

>the hurt locker all male
>directed by a woman

saw the thread on tv reddit. Reddit got butthurt as usual. Even Hollykikes cant pretend women are anything but NPCs in their movies. Thats what happens when women would prefer to see themselves as one dimensional mary sues than complex but flawed characters.

Anyone else stop watching movies after 2008?

It's already dead

>maybe meet the ones who are in libraries and science labs and church
first of all, church sluts are literally no different than club sluts. they're literally the same girls, getting fucked by club chads on friday and saturday then going to church on sunday. secondly, book and science girls are a severe minority to begin with, let alone passably attractive book and science girls, let alone passably attractive book and science girls who actually want a family.

>This is on reddit Yea Forums
Go back

WTF I love Schindler's List now

Again proving Return of the King is kino

>implying people wants to go to cinema to ear bitches

Fucking Bbc cucks i hope they die engulfed in devilish flames

>anything being worse than Shakespeare in Love

What's the best movie on that list?

Fuck off to reddit then you retards.

It's sexism to write characters that you know you can write more truthfully?

Get more women in directing and writing.

The two or so lines in the movie that were spoken were by two guys so theoretically men btfo women there, too.

either Unforgiven or NCFOM

they should all start dubbing male actors with female VA that'll stick it to the patriarchy

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2007 actually. 2009 for music too

So you're saying that The Favourite should win the Academy Award for Best Picture®.

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People watch movies to see things they don't see in real life. In real life women fill 99% of conversation space with meaningless blabber so people like the movies where men have something to see.

>men have something to see

Pretty hilarious that even Silence of the Lambs and Million Dollar Baby have more green than purple.

Chicago is not a good movie, but it's barely bottom 5.

Why don't women write good movies with female leads?

The Silence of the Lambs.

>Dances with Wolves
70% of the dialogue in that movie is Costner's narration! That doesn't count!

Unforgiven, but if it went a year further it'd be Moonlight.

>million dollar baby

Are they seriously arguing this film is somehow 'part of the problem', just because the female protagonist is a taciturn women and not a chatterbox? Jesus Christ.

That's how retarded this list it
>The Departed

Oh no, a film with almost exclusively male characters has more male dialogue! How can this be?!

The very last movie I saw in a theater was "I am Legend".


A classic case of misogyny
How is this still allowed?

>proportion of words spoken blah blah
That's a pretty long-winded way of saying what sex the main characters are.

I can tell you've never been in a lab in your life, they pull that shit even in male dominated sciences like Physics.

>the pathetic genetically low-spermed males of the west want to listen to women speak

lol how can i still be surprised after everything

lol faggot

go out into the real world and discover women are the same everywhere, just like guys are the same everywhere

theres not this magical breed of jordan peterson approved girls who actually understand what virtues are and practice them

honestly yes and when i was a teenager i loved movies more than anything, i studied film at uni for a while before changing degrees. almost everything is just really not interesting now. its like being a magician and understanding all the tricks. movies are predictable, formulaic, when theyre not formulaic theyre just being random or pretentious.

i thought gender was dead, i'm not even memeing right now what is the established theory on sex?? how we know every one of these "biological" males in these films actually identify as men??? they might have vastly misgendered hundreds of people doing this analysis??????????? let's unpack this reddit let's go

the leftist psychos dont have an answer to this problem yet. because there is none when you set subjective rules internally and expect other people to telepathically know what your preference is


What does the political Left have to do with this topic?
Also, I don't think you know what that means.

fuck off you demented freak

>someone went through those films to count the words spoken by both male and female character
Who funds this shit?

hilary just proved that even women don't give a shit about what woman have to say

It's natural, men do, women watch enviously and want the prestige that comes from men's achievement.
No informational graphic has been created to point out that women are severely underrepresented in transport, logistics, maintenance, agriculture, engineering etc etc I could list almost every discipline in existence. Because there is no prestige associated with those things
It's genuinely amazing to go out into the world and think about how things got that way. Men laid the bricks. Men created and fired the bricks. Men developed the safest and most efficient way of using the bricks to make the buildings.
Men laid the wires. Men created the wires. Men discovered the principles that allow us to move electricity through wires.
Apply that line of thought to everything in the world and you will inevitably be left in awe at the ingenuity and industriousness of men. And left with a feeling of frustation at how shallow and petty women are for whining and sulking about how they are not in prestigious positions in any given industry

20 movies do not represent 300.000 movies.

bong taxes

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What conclusion should I be drawing?

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Absolutely correct.

We have come to a point where people and especially women think modern civilization is there by default and the only question is how its preexisting riches should be distributed since white men are unfairly hoarding them.
They don't realize that the world isn't made out of social media and government programs and colleges. It's an uncaring beast that swallows you. It's made out of stone and fire and frost and predators with sharp and venomous teeth. They don't realize that the vast majority of all the things that allow our infrastructure and comfortable existence to persist has been invented by men and is being maintained by men DAILY. They are so sheltered that they forgot why there is a shelter in the first place. And who built it.

It's so funny that feminists in effect never argue for an equal playing field, for the fair chance of forging their own path. They always argue for gibs from men, this ironically validating the "chauvinistic" cliche of the damsel in distress, of the helpless woman that needs a man.

listed alphabetically
American Beauty
The English Patient
No Country For Old Men
The Silence Of The Lambs
the last two being the best

Maybe we shouldn't have movies with male characters then?