This was actually a really good film

This was actually a really good film

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controversial take

I don´t believe you.

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Don’t understand why, it’s legitmently the best nominated Oscar film. Actually feels like love and care we’re made with this movie

good but not great, too self-indulgent

sure, but the oscars are a joke

I loved the long takes from a single POV. It felt like being an invisible observer to events unfolding organically. It was very naturalistic but not vulgar.

I watch films to be entertained so self indulgent shit doesn’t even get considered. Life is hard enough as is, I don’t like to watch films about people ruining their lives

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Fuck off gypsys are scum

The movie isn't about gypsies. IIRC, Roma is the name of the Mexico City neighborhood where the movie takes place.

It's about the life of an upper middle-class family in 1970s Mexico as seen through the eyes of their servant living with them.

Is it because the movie is about Mexicans?

That's what children do.

Self indulgent? You act like this is an art house film

And even if it were art house, it's relatable art house.

I legit cried at the end. It was so emotional.

the only parts i liked were with fermin or whatever his name is, but thats about it

yes, that was sarcasm

Saw in theatres. Amazing. Boring first half alluded to the action in second. Felt like Fellini but more substantial. Im drunk but will happily elab more

me 2
i only liek movvee with happe end an nice easy to understand storey with a lot of explosoins

Spent a lot of my childhood in Mexico and this was spot on. Probably one of the only big mainstream movies about Mexico and they nailed it. Makes me nostalgic and sad that such a beautiful country with beautiful people is in the shitter because of the corruption and cartels. Feels bad man

oh look it's another episode of brown kids

>movies light skins will never understand

That part where he awkwardly does some martial arts in front of her bed.
It made me cringe.

Please do.

You meant the American FDA, right?

Fantastic film, but it will get overlooked by literally every white person, or anyone with privilege in their lives. They'd rather indulge a feel-good movie than something so down to earth and realistic.

It was good. Only lowbrow brainlets disagree. They should stick to their fast & furious transformers bullshit and leave kino to people equipped to appreciate. Right gang?

Why you so salty non white? Dumb beaner

>proves my point
Lol, you could've at least tried.

My girlfriend and I are white and we love it :^)

Give one fucking reason why this movie had to be in black and white

It's closer to an arthouse film than any other of the best picture nominations
And considering it's about a story very personal to Cuarón, it's fair to say it's self indulgent

Ohh that sounds interesting

They could have done some amazing things with the scenery and costume design if it had been in color

Cuaron was always a onenote hack. It should've been made abundantly clear with Gravity and his indie side projects. I'm convinced Children of Men was a just a lucky fluke and only succeeded because it was based off an acclaimed novel and Emmanuel Lubezki handled the photography aspect.

it was a different time

So brainlets like you would be turned off, and actual smart folks can discuss without you butting in. Problem? =^)

>or anyone with privilege in their lives
Rich white people have been sucking it off all awards season you cunt
If it's anything it's bait for them kinds of people to feel cultured

the quintessential Oscar bait technique
>you're part of the movie now bro

>thinking Rich white people even give a shit
Oh sweetie, you know it's just for the façade, they don't give a shit. You even admitted it. Sorry, hun.

Prisoner of Azkaban is his best film


That...was my point

It’s a theme on skin color and how colorist exists in Mexico. There’s a lot of stuff about indegenous and light skinned people in the background. There’s a quiet internal racism in Mexico like in example everything you see on tv and adverterisments they use light skinned people instead of the darker skinned mezitos. Lots of beautiful symbolism alluding to that. I don’t imagine that got lost on people not familiar with Latin America culture

good ... let the hate flow through you

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Only middle class white people who have never left their country of birth say this movie is good
The second part of that venn diagram is people who say they like art but visit a museum once every three years

epic troll

it's boring man felt like a home movie BlacKKKlansman was much better

t. Either an english literature teacher or a fucking gymnast

I thought Netflix films couldn't be mominated

Sorry pal, that's why people go to the cinema.
Pretending to like some pretentious bore doesn't make you smarter than the average normie going to see the avengers

hurr durr ... muh hollywood production values

Holy shit, this blew my mind. As someone who grew up in the Valley near the border, I definitely understand this much better. Thank you for typing this, user.

I saw an interview of Cuaron on Netflix and he says that he had three concepts in mind when he thought about this movie: his childhood, Cleo's character and the b/w.
He said he wouldn't made the movie in any other way.

Black and white means you don't have to be so picky about exposure. They did a lot of shots into sunlight, like the military scene and the final long shot in the beach during sunset. It's also an artistic choice but I guess you don't care

I agree. The airplane theater scene and the two Mariachi band bits were really much. All of Cuaron's films aren't subtle, it works best in Children of Men but in his other films it's pretty lame.

>black and white film
>shot on digital

unironically I think people who do this need to hang. disgusting.

Color doesn't actually exist though

The opening shot is of multicolored bricks on the floor. Shit was not that subtle

>its good because its cheap
ok man

Doesn't justify being in black and white at all

Fuck your filmmaking preferences then

Are those on the cover supposed to be the Roma (aka gypsies)? I'm from Eastern Europe and the gyppos here don't look like that at all.

This is about Mexico

Imagine thinking this

>movie about Mexico
>Funky Town starts playing

good but dishonest

Should I give this movie a second chance ? I gave up after 5 minutes becase of the embarrassing cinematography

>a-all people who don't like the children's movie I like m-must just be pretending

Filipino here but I liked the movie for the same reason as you. Had pretty much the same childhood except for the part where the father left them. That wasn't so common back then here.

>reminder that there are people here who watched this movie on their laptop/computer


>There’s a quiet internal racism in Mexico like in example everything you see on tv and adverterisments they use light skinned people instead of the darker skinned mezitos
Lets be real here, the more indio looking the person is, the uglier they are.

>beautiful people

What is the plot of this movie? what is it even about?

I probably shouldn't bother, I hate Minorities. I liked City of God though

Everything is Oscar bait for you faggots.

This movie is not good, its mediocre. I love arthouse movies but Roma offers nothing except decent images. There is no story, not that important for me because i dont care about story if the film is a bit experimental and fresh, but Roma is generic in every aspect. U dont care about any character in this movie, there is no heart and emotion in this. Family and Cleo dramas are weak as fuck.Direction is uninteresting and bland. Its similar in construction to A Ghost Story, but Roma is so weaker to A Ghost Story in every aspect except maybe visuals.

Gringos will never get this movie and will keep whining "but muh plot, where's da plot".
It depicts something gringos haven't experienced unless they've lived in a Latin American country for a while.
Even the liberal type gringo critic hates the movie and would rather vote for Black Panther.

Cuaron, or his cinematographer, knows how to do long takes. That one car scene in Children of Men is incredible.

>Roma offers nothing except decent images
I hate how it looks. The lightning is too soft and everything has that plastic texture digital films tend to have when they prioritize sharpness over everything else. Not to mention the long takes are absurdly over choreographed. Cuaron is so obsessed trying to replicate naturalism the final product lacks nature.

It takes place in a neighborhood of Mexico City called Roma.

Watch a Bela Tarr film and see if you still think Cuaron knows how to do long takes. They are spectacular. Sure. But that's it. Cuaron makes products of entertainment. Roma is not the exception.

It's good, but Cuaron needed to get out of his own way here. Way too formally ostentatious for the kind of well-observed drama he was going for here, with a few exceptions.

Cold War has better black and white cinematography. But Roma will win.

They're not competing with each other.

>The granny’s acting
Maybe you didn’t notice because of a language barrier, but that old hag’s acting was the worst acting I have ever seen in a movie. Children in school plays are more convincing than that bag of bones.

excellent bait keep it up

Cold War is all around better but won't win anything.

Yes, simpletons have a right to enjoy movies as well

Roma is made for simpletons who want to feel they are watching an art movie.

>camera pointing up towards an airplane throughout the movie
what did this mean?

I don't disagree, but the scene with the shot in that poster just screams DISHONEST. It is as bad as Sandra Bullock's foetal position in Gravity.

Reencarnation metaphor
Cuaron is a posh hippie

Brainlet cope. Sorry, but watching boring movies in a black and white filter doesn't make you smarter.

>down to earth
Neither of those is necessarily good.

Decent bait to be honest.

whyte "pe*ople" aint no gonna understand dis film to damn smart for dem!!!! YAKUBGANG

dont watch it then, problem solved. Go and watch craptain marvel instead.

You are all faggots. I'm out.

This is the kind of film that only a very particular kind of midwit white people care about and yet whenever they comment it they will make sure to mention how white people won't get it.

Ironic, considering the target demographic of this flick is queer middle-high class white people.

god, you’re an idiot

This is a high art film. Of course most people will whine and call it boring.

It's about family. There's hardly any plot

Being put through instagram's black and white filter does not make it even close to an high art film. It's not even an art film at all.

this scene makes sense in context.
I don't think you should judge a movie based solely on which shot marketing people decided to put on the poster. Unless you prefer Fermins dick on it

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What the hell it's actually gay porn? I'm not watcing this.

a lot of little moments that oscillate between a caring and uncaring attitude towards the servants. that moment where they happen to all watch a tv show and near the end the grandma tell the maid to fetch some tea: it's her job after all so she is not mad, it's all small gestures of... is it brutishness.

the taxidermy dog heads on the wall was great, all the dogs that served in that house. then a live dog have a lil lick on the maid's hand...

and then they turn around and are by the side of their maid in her time of need. things not being all black and white.

on another note the ex glue sniffer that was saved by martial arts was cringe kino: that little aggressive kata he did to intimidate the women he got pregnant into leaving him alone forever... yeh wew .

I watched it on my smartphone

This. You will love it if you like art films but if you are a MCU fan you're better not watching it. For me it's the best movie of the decade so far.

>on another note the ex glue sniffer that was saved by martial arts was cringe kino:
Those guys existed in real life, they were a paramilitary organization funded by the Mexican govt to infiltrate student unions. Some of them even received training in the US and Japan before perpetrating the massacre shown on the film after which they were disbanded.

watched it with family christmas eve

instantly regretted it.

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It's good but not great. The cinematography gets a lot of praise but it wasn't that great. There are directors who utilize long takes better than Cuaron. The first 30 minutes was literally pan slowly from right side to the left side or vice versa. Cold War had better cinematography. The film is also very cold, emotionless and unsubtle especially that scene where Cleo drinks to health of her child. Then the cup breaks and camera lingers on it for a few secods. Really subtle Alfonso, you fucking hack. I also don't understand his explanation for shooting this on digital instead of film. Also what was up with the man singing in front of the fire?

But that beach shot is not only in the poster. It's in the film too

yes, and what I meant is that shot makes perfect sense in the film, while on poster out of context it might seem "dishonest"

Every shot in this is a masterpiece.



haven't seen green book or vice, but it's my favorite at the moment
it's the one "film" of all nominees


you memed me into watching it so I can safely say that it was shit

expain. Every shot is empty in this... Decent visuals dont make good shot. Even the composition is lazy and the production design is pretty bad so there is nothing good to look at. This is front-runner to Oscars, this answer all the question... Basic taste Academy is voting for this, and they snubbed hundreds or thousands of better art houses.

>it's the one "film" of all nominees
It wasn't shot on film.

Fuck chilangos and fuck niggers

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I don't like pretentious movies either but this one is amazing. A true work of art.

#relationshipgoals amirite XD

>arthouse flick
>senseless nudity

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What an artistic scene, i'm crying rn

It's great. It's one of the few arthouse movies I've liked. It's that good.

>hey, dont go deeper into the ocean, you may drown
>they do
>they are saved and hug in the sand
>"I didn't want my baby"
Oscar winner for best original screenplay
it was in cinemas the minimum required to be nominated

This. If all arthouse films were this good people would stop watching capeshit.

Wrong continent


Prisoner of Azkaban is the best harry potter film.

Roma is trash and so is Children of Men

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>unless they've lived in a Latin American country

unless they live in mexico*

there you have, mexinarco de mierda

Why do white people hate this movie so much?

It's going to take the award away from Black Panther.

Fuckkkk that video

I wasn't aware they did

Every amazon studios movie incl Roma and Cold War are premtious over engineered Oscar bait shit I walked out of.

F8me, but proton= you know I’m right.

Wh8-te pipple love this movie actually my local art house indie theatre was 100% wh8-te (((pipple))).

I'm Hispanic but I have no interest in seeing this because it's by the director who made y tu mama tambien. That movie was utter filth.

Cold War

>Cold War
Great trailer
Bad movie
Basically same thing as Roma.

damn these people screaming BOORING while the movie would be better if more subtle.
it would be better if less dramatic.
also a more complicated relatioship between the 2 women. or mb it was and i didnt get it.

this is some dogshit cinematography. did he forget the film grain filter?

Cuaron said it was on purpose. He wanted to make a black and white film that looked contemporary. I think it looks like shit. like if it had been filmed on color and then put on a black and white filter, but people seem to think it looks great so what do I know.