So with the recent wave of anime and manga adaptations when can we expect the hollywood adaptation of this masterpiece?

so with the recent wave of anime and manga adaptations when can we expect the hollywood adaptation of this masterpiece?

Attached: Rally-Vincent-Gunsmith-Cats-Manga-Larry.jpg (500x734, 79K)

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Cast Minnie May

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I want to see a CGI City Hunter. But only if Cameron does it.

do software designers really look like this?

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after rurouni kenshin, gundam wing, and ronin warriors

>Japanese artist can draw incredible landscapes, cars, planes, guns, clothes, robots, titties
>can't draw faces

>Pedophile boyfriend takes her friend from underaged brothel
>Rescues her friend who has an unrequited lesbian attraction to her and kills herself

Probably never desu.

God, I hope never. One of my favorite mangos from my weeaboo days.

Attached: [2018.09.26_00.54.51].jpg (1440x1080, 171K)

>so with the recent wave of anime and manga adaptations
And none of them were actually good.

apparently the french city hunter one is

Since they're only cashing in on the big name nostalgia titles this would probably be a safe bet.

Jackie Chan and frogs already did it

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Do we even have any beautiful dwarf actresses?

You don't want this. It would end up being a cross between Ghostbusters 2016 comedy and Fast and the Furious.

> Nicky Larson

Him coming up from under the water in slow mo and shooting the bad guy was pure kino. I loved this show so much as a kid. Not willing to spoil my childhood memories by watching this retarded shit.

>everything about the charm of anime is the artstyle
>dude why aren't they adapting all these anime into soulless Hollywood cash grabs with injected politics

>mfw I suggested this in an Alita thread back on opening day
>finally catching on
Yes, Yes!

>after rurouni kenshin
Did /ourguy/ ever get out of jail?

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none of them
fuck you guys