Why all the hate? It was great. Not a masterpiece, but still good

Why all the hate? It was great. Not a masterpiece, but still good.

Attached: Black_Panther_film_poster.jpg (220x326, 144K)

>Not a masterpiece

Attached: adb.png (423x315, 7K)

its was mediocre. dragged so much for the first hour and killmonger or whatever was so overhyped.
>why all the hate
because negros are so insecure its currently the best reviewed film of all time according to rotten tomatoes

Attached: rotten tomatos.png (717x507, 54K)

It's a very good capeshit. What more do you want?

I can't be the only one that sees the Great Gatsby poster as the thumbnail every time someone posts this shit, right?

Attached: 1539985044265.jpg (437x431, 28K)

Um. It's excellent. It's a black movement and calling it capeshit actually undermines African Americans. So how about you take it back "massa"?

I'd give it a B. Not the worst MCU film, not the best, but enjoyable.

>It was great
>It was good
Pick one, faggot. At best, it was mediocre.


pick only one

Ah based and /Pol/pilled

why the fuck is moonlight anywhere near citizen kane?

no i see it too

>Why all the hate?
What a conundrum.

It’s anti-white leftist propaganda.

Would have been cooler if there was more action in the wakandan city instead of an empty field

A movie of literal spear chuckers who take every opportunity to talk down to the "colonizers" and their "primitive" guns. All while their ass backwards ancient traditions nearly ruins their society and puts their magic, super advanced technology in the hands of a psychopath.
Another "white people is evil, but black people is so cool" movie.

No one hates it. Well, no one who actually enjoys movies and doesn't care about all the political shit.

>It was great, not a masterpiece but still good
make up your mind
is it great or good

Yikes and shillpilled

it was one of the dullest mcu movie. Black Panther was the only good thing in Civil War and he was so dull in his own movie. really don't like anything about this movie

Who is a better villain than Killmonger in the MCU?

loki i guess.

How? Aside from the "build bridges not wall" line that they tacked on at the end, the entire movie was pretty pro-nationalist.