James Youniverse explains why he's not overhyped anymore


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End of an era

>Amazon didn't ship the sòy shipment this week

TLTR he finaly got the dildo out of his ass

No, it was the dios mio and sòy boy memes.

lmao when even basedface isn't looking forward to your movie you know you fucked up

I honestly feel bad for this guy after watching this video.

>this was streamed

Memed to death.

Rest in piece

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>not the BLACKED version

trash it

He served his purpose.
Also reminder that he was a true Yea Forums meme.

good job Yea Forums you fucking broke him

>being a reactor on Youtube... its been hectic
Sounds tough.

Because he's an absolute abortion of a human being.
All reaction YouTubers should be slaughtered.
The only reason he was memes outside the others because of his huge negroid nostrils and the camera placement that focused on his giant snot holes.


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You might say, this reactor had a melt-down

Fuck bros, where will we get our quality react content now?

9/11 version > blacked version

>talks about SJWs and how they are shoving that stuff down our throats
have the memes gotten to him?

lol he discusses soiboi memes from 2:40

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>calls out sjws at 7:00

NOOOOO he was supposed to be our onions boy

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from onions boy to an actual basedboy. good for him tbhfam

>"the soi boy memes"

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>stealing a man's joy
Hope you're happy, Yea Forums

>hated The Last Jedi
>btfos SJWs
>blames reddit for the sóyboy memes

When did you realize that Based James is actually /ourguy/?

Hey wasn't he the guy who tanked Blizzard's Diablomobile presentation?

Yea Forums has left a long trail of broken souls

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great redemption arc

Look what you losers have done to him. Shame on all of you.


>Soiboy became based in the end
Movies like this?

This is proof that bullying works.

James is becoming a man

this was from a recent video. so nah he's good

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Venom is kino so it's okay

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Wow, another alt-right incel.

more like stop acting like a child when you're in your 30s

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“I’m a reactor”
Neck yourself, cunt.

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You know Disney fucked up real bad when someone who was so hyped for the Infinity War trailer that he became meme-fodder doesn't give a shit about Captain Marvel and Episode IX.

what is up with the all loved comments. he's trying to bury down actual comments

This frog gonna get raped in prison

>the silhouette of an anthropomorphic mouse, scurries away into the woods.

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I think this dude is pretty sincere. It’s gotta be brutal turning into a meme like that. I think it was just enough to break him from his hypnotized state of s.oi. Disney has really waded right into the biggest clusterfuck of any company in recent memory. Maybe the biggest considering how badly they’re fumbling the programming and indoctrination of society.

I thought the other user was joking, I laughed out loud when he said it.

The soi boi memes REALLY hit home for some people

>Waaah don't post videos on a public site because I don't like it
yes your much better

S(((oy)))) vey!

Based af

post whatever you want, just don't whine when you become a meme

He then went on to say "I had a little sugar which is why I was on a hulk like rage"

I can't believe people like this exist


>I had a little sugar which is why I was on a hulk like rage
Literally a Sam Hyde bit.

This is disgusting to look at, why is it posted all the time?

he made one video and your still crying that he even did it in the first place did he give you soi shock syndrome?

>gets rid of his lame haircut, crops it down, eventually just gets it buzzed
>works out
>gets purple belt in BJJ
>gets silver in worlds, chokes cunts out coldbloodedly
>literally grows a jaw and chin
>got off his ass, has a kino coming out in June
>fucked Imogen Poots
literally foolproof. More people should be bullied, American schools clamping down on this just produces losers.

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you're the one who seems to be on the verge of tears here, did this guy's exaggerated reactions to comic book movie trailers really mean that much to you?

>the dude in the green shirt is a bug eyed jew
Lmao. Bugman, get it?

racist onions boy memes? racist again the onions?

>literally says he's sick of disney's leftist agenda and won't help promote it
Based James /ourguy/ confirmed

>not getting annoyed by a random video I've never watched and replying to you twice means I'm on the verge of tears

It must have cut him deeply to be called soi, when he himself dislikes the PC nonsense going on. Yea Forums nearly pushed him to suicide.

I feel bad for James because he is a good guy but I think it's necessary like it was for Riley
Hopefully he will become motivated and will actually start speaking out about it when the movies let him down instead of doing the "ehh...... I GUESS it was good"

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>Dragging it out for 10 minutes so he gets money

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This never gets old

Goodnight sweet prince.

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reddit the human

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Can you guys bully me so I can make something of myself?

james, you are good now

You're not wrong

You're already perfect xx

Wow, what movie is that, it looks great.

>You know Disney fucked up real bad when someone who was so hyped for the Infinity War trailer that he became meme-fodder doesn't give a shit about Captain Marvel and Episode IX.

Lol seriously. If they can't even keep this guy they're completely JUST.


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>stealing a man's joy
>Hope you're happy, Yea Forums


>Inb4 the soi glasses are gone on his next video and he has normal ones, and he shaved his beard


Holy shit, what a ride. The guy actually got redpilled. Shows that there's hope after all.

memes literally fixed him

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he is a bit of a weasel. he tried to unload some responsibilities for his overhypedness to sugar he ate at one point. he played teh RACIST card and i never ever heard any shitpost about his race... he is so fake, he can modulate his excitement as if it's an art form... the spectacle even integrated the excitement for its product and turn it into a product. he tries to pretend he is not a basedboi by bashing on the "PC" "SJW" content like captain marvel? seriously what has this movie got to do with this except it stars a female and the lead said one or 2 dumb comments on her own about her perceived need to have more female journalists cover her movie (dumb but not a big deal): he tries to shake off the onions by "manning up" with some female bashing, lol ya aint fooled me, openmothed manchild!

surprise surprise he didnt mention the hate also comes from that time where he tied to unleash a raid on RLM to get em banned and such for laughing at him.


The death of a legend.


James is based now. Go back

He's... evolving

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we broke him

>feeling bad for capeshitters of any kind
kys reddit negro

Look at what you all did to him. You evil fucking sons of bitches removed his joy.

>You evil fucking sons of bitches removed his soi.

fuck you Yea Forums

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Come on post the blacked onions one please

we did it Yea Forums


> one of the best chracter arcs that i have ever seen

>calling him a onions boy is racist


niuga i was here you was probably six years old

>ywn have a chink gf that paints smug pepes on her mouth and gives you bjs

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wtf i love James now??!

Any other former soiboys who have seen the light?

>upset about the soiboy memes

Fuck you guys. I'm sick of this shit.

>>fucked Imogen Poots
Based Riley. Poots is leagues above MEW.

>he was the poster boy for onions boys
>actually hates the last jedi
>hates disney and sees through their PC bullshit
>has become jaded
damn, sorry James. Keep doing what you're doing
Someone rich donate some money to him

who get bugged out round eyes like that watching garbage cartoons... come on. thats wack. mouth open. literally in awe of what he is seeing... fucking hell. i know these are decadent times but this is so lame... would have prefer intense aesthetic sensibility burning with refinement as our society is changing into something else, instead we get this open mouthed fag-for-culture industry

you guys probably made him cry

Someone has to do a "tuxedo holding whisky glass" photoshop of him. He could single handedly bring down Disney

he plays it up for views dipshit

>James went from being a $0i boy to a based boy
The prophecy has been fulfilled.

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>already hates captain marvel and star wars VIII

Based normal adult

>attacked by people on reddit
Fucking reddit always ruins everything

>Implying a lot of it wasn't Yea Forums

>reddit and other sites
when someone says that, everyone knows what they actually mean

>implying Basedboy James would ever shit on Yea Forums

Yeah what's racist here?
Is he a secret nigger or something?

he is a smollett type of manipulator, ready to throw his race down the bus for his own personal gain, in this case it was to play the victim to distract that he got no class, no taste and is ridiculed accordingly. his latest video show he still do the same shit he was doing really... a slut for views and sympathies... very nice, very decadent

Why doesnt anyone name the Yea Forums jew?

Because you don't feed the beast.

because Yea Forums became reddit, he named us

>surprise surprise he didnt mention the hate also comes from that time where he tied to unleash a raid on RLM to get em banned and such for laughing at him.
redpill me on this

>this video is unavailable
someone save it?

hapas have really thin skin because they know what they are. getting called out hurts them real bad

>fucked Imogen Poots
anyone got the webm of him with his hands round her?

is this the original?

Am I being ruse cruised?

I haven't seen the original one in so long. I'm happy he knows he is a meme, soiboy as he called himself, and its because of this webm right here

Well you turned him into a jaded adult. good job Yea Forums

>Well you turned him into a adult

He deleted it

fuck i really wanted to hear what this soiboi had to say. Literally deletes it after uploading what a cuck.

>paints smug pepes on her mouth and gives you bjs
ask me how I know you are a closeted faggot

I couldn't watch the video because it was deleted. I'm probably getting baited, but I don't blame him (if it's real).
Movies nowadays are soulless. I was excited to watch Infinity War because it was a last episode, sort of, and the movies after that are just fillers. I doubt I'll watch anything after Endgame because I've not watched the others (Antman, Thors, etc). I definitely won't watch Captain Marvel.

No on wants to publicly admit they come here

>Expecting a millennial to stand by an admission that they were wrong

Who is this fucking faggot on the right who shills himself all over Yea Forums?

>clapping at a trailer
do americans really do this?

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I feel bullied. He's basically a chad now.

although it's not like you could expect much from someone with action figures lining the walls behind him,

god i hate white people

We hate you too.
(but we also hate those particular white people as well)

>asian and Jew

This video is unavailable.

did he fucking delete it

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