This performance beats Jules Winnfield for me. Saw this movie for the third time yesterday and it finally "clicked" for me. SLJ is the heart of this movie, if you keep your eyes where his go you realize this is practically a detective film and it's a real thrill ride
This performance beats Jules Winnfield for me...
You only need to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards, you must hang.
>film in 70mm
>most of movie takes place in one room cabin
This movie is about racial harmony.
You have chris mannix who believes in the lost cause of the confederacy and hates Warren.
Warren in turn is revealed to have no real sense of morals when it comes to white people and for antagonizing the colonel by claiming to have raped his son he fittingly gets his castrated.
But by the end the two both come together to hang a bitch.
Fair assessment. I liked the Lincoln Letter symbol, to me it represented how the racial tension is essentially founded on a fiction, and how if you spin the fiction well enough any American can believe that racial harmony can exist. I think it was a bit more cynical than you let on.
Quentin teams up with his momma's bull to hang his momma.
I don't know about Jackson being the movie's heart, but I can say without a doubt that Jennifer Jason Leigh was it's soul.
It was admittedly a strange choice. I thought the narration was far more effective than I found it on my first two viewings though, it effectively cut out a lot of fluff which would've made the movie less suspenseful and it made it feel kinda meta-filmy
Yeah she was fantastic. The one-take of her in the wagon after she gets elbowed and keeps eyeing Marquis was really inspired.
its need to you dumbo
aha, yes I am a dumbo
You watched movies until you like them? How retarded is that?
It's not about "disliking" this film, more like not knowing how I feel about it. It's perfectly watchable and so it was fine for me to watch it 3 times. Fuck off.
Sorry user
I think this movie is great up until the flashback chapter. It brings the movie to a halt and it’s not really necessary except to make us not feel bad about what happens to the villains at the end.
I actually only disliked the ending on my second rewatch. The flashback sequence was brilliant to me, I loved seeing just how diabolical the men really were. I'm not so sure it was about making us feel no guilt for their deaths as it was about showing us just how dastardly the gang is and how devoted they are to their cause.
It would have been a great movie if that Channing Tatum chapter was taken out in which they explained how those bandits from the Domergue gang came there to ambush them and if Tarantino didn't ruin one of the best scenes in the movie with his self-indulgent gotta be in my own movie shtick. Personally have no problems with it in RD, PF and shit like that, but here it just didn't work that well. But yeah SLJ and Goggins were fucking great in this movie and their development was the highlight for sure.
It's its soul, not it's (it is).
QT didn't make a cameo appearance, though, it was just narration.
Which is something the audience doesn't need to see as it essentially provides nothing that interesting to the overall picture and we could have gotten it through the context alone.
Which is precisely what I meant.
Bless you, user. I hope you also post every time some dingus decides to write "would of" because we can't get rid of that blight soon enough.
I'm not sure, it seems impossible to me in hindsight to know if it ruined the film. Like I'll agree it and the narration are a little heavyhanded, but imagine the film without those parts. I really like RLM's assessment of H8, Jay talks about how the film could be more "concise" but like with most of QT's work, it's about the love of film-making. Without the indulgences the movie would feel more like a gritty Coen brother adaptation of a McCarthy novel, something minimal and essentially NOT Tarantino. Yafeelme?
Don't really post much on Yea Forums or Yea Forums for that matter no more, shit's kinda dead to me but like I dope fiend I still come for more. Gotta go on my own Bubbles arc and finally be done with it I guess.
What the fuck are you on about with that Coen comparison? Did you even watch the film? If you took out that chapter, I don't see how the movie would have been any different outside of being more tighter pacing wise and having a natural flow to the events, since pretty much all of it is Tarantino self-indulging masturbatory dialogue and it was pretty good, not gonna lie. Hope his Once Upon a Time in Hollywood will be even better.
what are some kinos with a scene where you unexpectedly starts uncontrollably laughing?
Relax, buddy. If you actually watched the film as I'm sure you did, you might've noticed that it was a SUSPENSE film. I was using No Country for Old Men as a comparison to what the film would be without the ridiculous bloodbags and over the top dialogue and the film-maker indulgences like the narration, intermission, flashbacks, chapter cards, and so on. If you strip away all the frills, it would've been a no-nonsense thriller where a particularly savvy bounty hunter slowly picks off everyone he deems a threat to the few honest men in the Haberdashery just trying to get somewhere safe and warm.
And I ask you once again, how would taking out that chapter that's basically a taint to an otherwise good film all around ruin it? The rest of it has Tarantino all over it, hence me being a bit perplexed by your supposition since it's far too fetched and has no legs to stand on. Btw, I've seen the movie three times and like it more with each viewing, seems like Tarantino's back in style and I seriously hope he'll prove me right with his upcoming one.
Anyone got The Thing vibes from this? I started realizing that this when they begin drawing the lines out between the outhouse and the haberdashery and the stables, and I thought it was a bit parodic that Russell's character is actually the dumbest one and he dies first, even though he thinks he's the smartest person in the room. In this version, Childs is the hero
Same. I realized this when SLJ and that hick sherrif had all the suspects lined up against the wall.
>Hateful 8
>There's actually 9 of them
>And the twist is there's actually 10
hell yeah. this is my number 1 comfy movie, just skip past the dingus scene.
It is comfy... kinda surprising for a suspense film, really. Even when it's just Warren and Mannix facing Daisy down it feels so charming, especially Mannix displaying a reasoning ability he had kept to himself up to that point (like he was playing dumb the entire time) and just the warm sound of SLJ laughing his literal ass off makes me smile every time
Didn't they use unused parts of the The Thing score in the soundtrack?
It would make sense as Morricone did both movies
Shit now that I done blowed his face off Marco ain't worth a Peso.
Just when I thought Samuel L. was becoming a bit of a joke he just DESTROYED it in this role, he's so believable and funny, his casual racism towards "Messicans" and the conflict in the way he sees whites as so evil he kills them a bit indiscriminately, fuck it was all so perfect and felt like what a real black bounty hunter in antebellum America would actually be like
I've unironically loved every Tarantino directed film since reservoir dogs. Sometimes I wonder if I'll like a film of his when I hear the concept or see trailers, but I always end up loving them.
He's fucking based my dudes.
That antique guitar on loan from the smithsonian that got trashed by Kurt is fucking brutal tho, actual IRL horror
Jesus, I'm just finding this out, that is truly awful. And kinda based beyond belief
>Kurt Russel
>Hanged bitch
>Tim Roth
I count only 8.
Yeah it really adds a lot of intensity to that scene man. It's messed up. But kind of metal.
You're forgetting OB though.
It truly was a ten out of ten
The catch is OB is all right and a good fella.
Jodie wasn't part of the room dynamics, he's a plot device. The main idea of the film is to keep you in suspense about how 8 detesful people will sort out the situation they got themselves into.
True. If you think about it, only 8 out of 10 of the people in the haberdashery are "hateful." The question is, which one besides OB *isn't?* My answer may surprise you: Mannix. Although literally a racist, he's the only character who has completely above-board intentions, he wants only to be Sheriff and execute his duties faithfully, and him calling out Warren all the time is rightful because Warren is a racist murderer and a liar.
Just stop.
This might be best Tarantino film
I might still have to give that to Jackie Brown because it actually sources from material that isn't a bit pseudo and overly gratuitous. As much as I love his films, they're inherently guilty pleasures... except Jackie Brown. That's just a mannered, well-shot film with wonderful music and dialogue and ACTUALLY believable characters, not his usual rarefied wackos.
oh cos if there's one thing you want these days it's m e t a f i l m y
the hateful 8 has nothing to do with the number of characters, you plebs, it's becuase it is tartallino's EIGHTH film in his autistic mind.
literally what was the purpose of his random autistic narration? almost took me out of the film. how does one defend that?
But how many of them are hateful?
It's a reference to Cut-Throats Nine.