Why is he such a crybaby bitch?

Why is he such a crybaby bitch?

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Answer me

he's wh*te

he's a nordcuck

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He's a snow nigger

Why do you watch his videos? Why not spend your time doing something you enjoy?

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his daughter burned the coal and he's still mad about that.

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That's the type of shit you dont get over


Wow never saw that

>blocks your path
>says sorry like a bitch

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>has a scorpions patch
>like a bitch ass poser

Watched only one where he complains about LoS film. But I just know he cries all the time

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He is literally a white nigger, he complains about immigrants even though he is one himself and leeches off welfare

Pagans are subhuman.

Euro was fucking with him. 70s scorpions are based.


ITT jews


christcuck detected

>rants about how bad and evil Christianity is, burns down churches, mocks Jesus
>says nothing bad about Islam, doesn't talk of the Muslim invasion of Europe, leaves mosques alone

Was the movie worth a watch?



Nice hat

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Because he fronts as a hard ass when he actually is a loser on welfare.

Fuck no

i thought it was very entertaining
only posers will say no because it exposes their gay little black circle jerk of evil

people who think being religious is intellectual have nigger brains

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Stop haunting the Yea Forums board Eurynomos

Oh no no no no

>watching Norwegian black metal documentary
>change tabs to the chan real quick
>first thread I see

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Discord tranny

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It's 6/10 enjoyable romp

Don't question it, carry on

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right wing psychos are cheeky and fun
lefties are the evil psychos

good morning David

What would you do if you're daughter burned the coal?

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That's not even her. Why you kikes keep reposting this shit.

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P-please Mr.Bog I only have $3 in BTC don't make me do it

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Left-wing is a both a mental illness and a blight for humanity.
The internet brought in the open how deranged you morons are, and it's impossible to hide it anymore.

Why they portray Varg as wimpy unattractive teenager. When he was charismatic and seems the type of guy who just like to fuck around and not take everything seriously

t. literal magapede retard

Do you really think euronymous wasn't basically the hero of the movie? He was basically your normal teen who really likes metal and all the imagery, while varg was portrayed as a chubby jew somewhere between autistic and sociopathic who stabbed him to death because he's a humorless and overcompensating dork.

shut up and post feet, faggot

they portray him as a pussy while in the late 80s
the story in the film spand like 7-8 years
that's why

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americans on /pol/ are mentally ill

Communism is good actually

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>on welfare in france
>has to feed his family acorns
>gets triggered by everything
>triggered so hard he stabs a fat loser that scammed him in business 23+times
>cant handle his catlady neighbour, her cats are all over his house
>living in a bumhole in france hidden away from the world
>says he is a confrontational person that likes to talk about himself
>deletes most comments that criticise him
>lost years of his life so now he is a young kid in an old man body, clearly shows in his videos where he is clueless about most things

Man what is there to like. Only dunkelheit was nice.

no its not xd

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right/left doesn't matter anymore, gramps. Only globalist/anti-globalist matters now

Because he's wimpy and uncharismatic in real life