/ahg/ - Arthouse General

Previous thread: Gateekeping friendly edition

Let's consider collecting some infographics etc into a pastebin for the next thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is the joke that the "mid-level" films are far more obscure than mid-level?

How come the IMDB scores manage to be so accurate for everything non-blockbuster, non-Marvel, non-Nolan, non-Pixar movies? There's barely any films below 7 which are good (a few yank ones but that's about it). I'm continually surprised by how accurate they are.

>Gateekeping friendly edition

arthouse films are a phase, like reactionary politics and 'getting really into reading'. people with the palette for aesthetically pleasing foreign films among the least interesting group of fans on the internet. mindlessly racing through the filmographies of people like chris marker, straub, garrel etc.. thinking they understand even a 10th of it despite knowing little about fuckall. some of them capitulate and convince themselves 'well hey at least it's pretty to look at, and some of the dreary dialogue is relatable' but there's nothing relatable about it to them. they're the embodiment of the 'oh man he's just like me' meme. moreso than gosling 'horny and lonely' posters. arthouse connoisseurs are a plague to society. they are posers of the highest order. enjoy your bressons and your akermans while you can you neet faggots

seeing as imdb scores are just user submitted scores, i guess that those kind of films attract predominantly the people who know about films and appreciate films, so they are bound to rate them fairly 'accurately'

>arthouse films are a phase, like reactionary politics and 'getting really into reading'. people with the palette for aesthetically pleasing foreign films among the least interesting group of fans on the internet. mindlessly racing through the filmographies of people like chris marker, straub, garrel etc.. thinking they understand even a 10th of it despite knowing little about fuckall. some of them capitulate and convince themselves 'well hey at least it's pretty to look at, and some of the dreary dialogue is relatable' but there's nothing relatable about it to them. they're the embodiment of the 'oh man he's just like me' meme. moreso than gosling 'horny and lonely' posters. arthouse connoisseurs are a plague to society. they are posers of the highest order. enjoy your bressons and your akermans while you can you neet faggots

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Did this ever get updated

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this. nothing in general against arthouse/outsider cinema but i feel like a lot of people just watch it for the sake of watching it and feeling better than plebs aka faking having a bourgeois cultural capital. i think that watching some marvel movie while thinking about stuff like narration or analyzing the fictitious world's rules is more "patrician" (to stay inside the dichotomical discourse of Yea Forums) than mindlessly gazing at s-h's landscapes and lowkey hoping it will end soon

>i think that watching some marvel movie while thinking about stuff like narration or analyzing the fictitious world's rules is more "patrician"

laughing out of my ass.

What films do you love?

dvd collection of s-h films says you probably have letterboxd/other rating website account

Is "La Haine" any good? A nigger, a jew and a muslim in France are the characters, probably commiting crime and being portrait as victims. I never saw this movie, but that's what's looks like in my mind. I'm wrong?

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Can you just answer "yes" or "no", so I can decide with I watch this movie or ignore it?

Thats not what the film is about, but based on your post it isnt for you.

Okay, thanks, fren.

>Orson Welles relessee the best film ever until then in 1941
>gets BTFO by TWO (2) Portuguese films the following year

I would have killed myself

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Nice pasta but perfectly illustrates all those pretend to like flicks like these. Just dilettantes

Projection of the highest order. I feel bad for you though. Hope you make it someday bro.

Arthouse isn't a phase, it's an outcome of having seen most known films and wanting to see more, wanting yourself to be challenged. After having seen enough films, you begin to notice patterns, it's nice to see new patterns, that's where arthouse comes in.

Anyone seen Lopushanskiy's stuff (Visitor of a Museum, Dead Man's Letters). Any good?

It’s fine, and certainly watchable, but also somewhat overrated by virtue of previously being obscure-ish. His Tarkovsky connection shows a lot.

Very good. If you're interested in the depiction of disease-ridden humanity with a tinge of hope, I urge you to watch them.

What's /ahg/s opinion of Zabriskie Point? Or Antonioni in general? Only good in Italian?


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You are correct

Everything of his I've seen has been great and I'm looking forward to his new film this year

>There's barely any films below 7 which are good (a few yank ones but that's about it)
Salo has a 6.0.

Ive watched Dead Man Letters a long time ago, i rememebered it had a very original setting and premise, the way the world was shown, was pretty nice too
Give it a shot if you like tarkovsky's Solaris or On the Silver Globe.

yes, it's good af, a lot of people have already seen it so people will call you an entry level pleb, which you probably are, but that's fine

Just saw An Elephant Sitting Still. Pretty good. The girl was a cute. Too bad she was a SLUT.

so if reading and watching films is for tryhard plebs what do you suggest we do with our time play videogames and listen to techno?
art is just coping, why do you assume nobody here actually enjoys watching the films that they watch and can't for an opinion on them?

dont respond to obvious bait

I bet the whore slept with everyone but the director and that's why he killed himself.

/ahg/ eternally btfo

What are we watching tonight, anons?

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Why doesn't Bullet Ballet get as much play as Testuo?

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>all directors are featured only once
>Simon of the Desert
>Un Chien Andalou

None of them are particularly obscure.

Was thinking of checking out Free Solo, probably will be shit

Bullet Ballet > Tetsuo imo

Too shakey. Its my favourite Tsukamoto though.

What's the other one? Aniki is kino

Considering watching Arctic in a few hours. Is it any good

nah man it's a good watch

Its Tsukamotos best flick. Tetsuo is great too but he shows a great deal of maturity in that film. Also an amazing soundtrack

We'll see about that

Anus Films lol



Is Out 1 by Jacques Rivette worth watching??

Too long

Besides that, is the story good?


you're in the wrong general, bud

I think the Letterboxd scores are more accurate - if only the community surrounding the site wasn't so cancerous,

There should be a 2013 and 2014 edition, but nothing beyond that.
I can't be bothered to look for the two charts but here's a list

Shilling this movie because I like it suck it Scott

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That's pretty much it

When and how did letterboxd become Tumblr? Every other popular review is just trans/bi/gay SJWs whining about their personal experiences or some garbage one liner

He's a director who never really clicked for me. Zabriskie point in particular is one of his dullest, even though it has a really kino orgy scene and a sweet explosion.

Salo is bad though

Alita for the second time

Bullet Ballet has no connection to a cult classic anime

Kinda, but you won't get much out of it



It's just an exploitation movie

What's /ahg/'s opinion on João César Monteiro? Are his films worth watching?
I haven't seen Zabriskie but i loved La Notte and L'eclisse. L'Avventura was good but not as great as the other two in the trilogy. I have also seen Blow-up and The Passenger and they were good but kind of disappointing.

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He's based. Watch all of them.

for me it's A flor do mar

Where should i start?

At the beginning.

How about we make a new one?

I don't know, maybe someone posted the link and tumblr translated it as their own safe space to politicise apolitical film.

On a stranger note, the site is being filled with Brazilians and spam accounts - all giving Brazilian cinema max ratings - e.g. "O Auto da Compadecida" (A Dog's Will), a film mostly unknown to the rest of the world, is ranked higher on the top 250 list than greats like Ran, Lawrence of Arabia, M, Taxi Driver, Citizen Kane etc. (it even overtook City of God, lel), which has caused a shit-flinging contest in the comments between the weaponized autism of both groups.

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can you make it? I can contribute to it

I've seen that film's page before and it always had a high amount of 5 star ratings. I don't remember it have 10k logs though. When did this happen?

It needs 42 titles, and possibly avoid repetition of previous entries.
How do you even agree upon a chart like that?

I enjoyed it though

Outside of Bergman, what are your favourite Swedish films? Might watch Elvira Madigan later.

Roy Andersson's films.

finding films is not the problem, I just don't feel like making it since last time I tried I was the only one contributing and I don't want it to be just my list of films but more Yea Forums's

most of these aren't arthouse


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I don't know how many anons post in these threads, but for a start we may contribute like 7 entries each and then discuss them.
We should take advantage of these threads while they last.

which ones

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Through a Glass Darkly, Meshes of the Afternoon, City of Sadness, and Valerie and Her Week of Wonders I think are accurately mid-level. Nobody's seen that Italian adaptation of a lesser known Ayn Rand novel.

For me it's:
Կոմիտաս (Ասկարյան, 1988)
ボクサ(寺山修司, 1977)
Al primo soffio di vento (Piavoli, 2002)
వాల్మీకి (దుంగన్, 1945)
Игpoк (Бaтaлoв, 1972)
Galini (Markopoulos, 1958)
香雪海 (費, 1934)
O Desafio (Saraceni, 1966)
ምርት ሦስት ሺህ ዓመት (ገሪማ, 1976)
Ko puca otvorice mu se (Babac, 1965)

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>An art film is typically a serious, independent film, aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience.[1] It is "intended to be a serious, artistic work, often experimental and not designed for mass appeal",[2] "made primarily for aesthetic reasons rather than commercial profit",[3] and contains "unconventional or highly symbolic content".[4]

you can count on my 7 films but as I said I don't want to get stuck with having to do all the work after being promised other anons would contribute
there's already 2 of us we just need 4 more anons

Here's my entries:
Cabra marcado para morrer
A idade da terra
Hele sa hiwagang hapis
Az ötödik pecsét
The last movie
Dalla nube alla resistenza

Mostly the Living Trilogy but A Swedish Love Story and some of shorts are also good.

This, if you haven't seen it yet I recommend checking it out.

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So basically almost everything he's done?

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What do you think of Lukas Moodysson? Fucking Åmål, Tillsammans, Lilya 4ever, Vi Är Bäst, etc.


Yea Forums is a Capekino board. Redditors get OUT.

There's no such thing as capekino. You're delusional.

I really enjoy all his films, especially Together and Lilya4Ever. Always found the negative reaction to A Hole in My Heart baffling. It's meant to be a bleak film about a bleak subject, but people seem to get annoyed by just how bleak it is.


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I still need to see Lilya. How dreary on a scale of 1-10?

>implying you didn't cry and cheer whilst watching Infinity War
Good joke Redditor

hello newfriend

Are you just trying to get tryhard (You)s or bumping the thread? Thanks for the bump I guess.


Spider-Man 1/2 are borderline

why'd you use the romanized greek title?

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No one knows / cares about some shitty foreign director and his shitty foreign flicks. Fuck off.

I haven't seen it

(You)'re really desperate for attention.

Insecure capeshitters have found the thread. Like clockwork.

Always happens when it hits about 100 replies.

It's undoubtedly bleak, but it's a great film. You should probably be in the mood to watch it instead of just putting it on one night though.

Lol. Not insecure at all you pretentious virgin. Friendly reminder that Capekino >>>> Boring Reddit Flicks. Sorry champ, that's a fact :)

Fucking Åmål is pretty good. Not a fan of the rest.

I'm starting to believe it's someone from the letterpleb threads with a grudge who's mad those shit threads are finally gone, it's too weird that some capeshitter would be so invested about defending capeshit

Antiporno seemed a bit heavy-handed on the feminist standpoint, but I couldn't help but feel that the protag's explanation at the end before she shoves her face into the cake was wrong. If it's what the film was -meant- to say then they didn't get the point across. From how it seemed to me:
>Her fashion character is her anger toward sex and accepting that she's a whore for wanting it, because it's a filthy act from her perspective.
>She's angry at her parents for continuing filthy acts after her sister's death and lashes out by having a stranger dry-hump her in the woods before signing up to star in porn.
>Her actor character behind the scenes is her shame at all of it.
>She says that the country's women are abhorrent for wanting free speech but not knowing how to master it because she can't express herself.
Did I miss anything?

Yeah I was considering waiting for a rainy day. It's been very foggy here in FL lately though and that might also be good enough.

The fifth seal is such a good movie.
Have you ever seen Secvente (1982)? You might like it.

My parens rented it on release when I was 10, fucked me up for a while.

I used to post on /lbg/ and I have nothing against these threads and I doubt anyone from there would.
>it's too weird that some capeshitter would be so invested about defending capeshit
It's not. Capeshitters always shitpost on threads about actual movies, not just generals.

>Did I miss anything?
No. Sion Sono is shit.

Pretty sure capeshitters also ruined Simpsons threads by sneedposting. If it isn't the same people then I'll eat my shoe.

Thanks, glad to know I grasped it and how much potential they wasted. Still keeping it in my collection for the tits and colors.

I'm not talking about the good posters there but the ones that shitposted those threads to death like that Griffith guy and I'm sure there were others but I never followed them closely
anyway it's just my tinfoil

>tfw post properly and shitpost in this general every other thread

I only shitpost when it you redditors get over your heads

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There were definitely 4-5 posters dedicated to nuking the threads into oblivion. They can't hide from the archive.

The last year or two of /lbg/ was entirely made up of shitposting. Megaautist destroyed the general. I don't even know happened to him, I think he only posts on his letterboxd account.
Either way, I don't see why they would be the ones posting about capeshit here.


Like it's some kind of genre.

You're a fucking retard because you can't even realize some people are not american. Things you consider "foreign arthouse" are just classics in other countries.

Your little sociologic potrayal isn't worth shit.

I'm just saying that IF they were actual capeshit posters they would need to have a really good reason to be so invested to want to nuke these threads which take up just one space in the catalog and I don't see why it would have to be this one as opposed to any other, seems to me the person doing it has a grudge for doing it
or it's just a mega troll with no life that scours the catalog for decent threads to ruin them for his own amusement which is completely possible.

best post in thread


shitposters are just people who hate to be left out of a conversation.
instead of trying to derail threads, they should just ask for recommendations

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>Still keeping it in my collection for the tits and colors.


>I don't see why it would have to be this one as opposed to any other
Like I said, this happens with any thread that's about actual movies.

I mean let's be honest here, France is easily the most overrated of the euro countries film wise
FNW arguably killed French cinema for entire generations and the next big thing was the French extreme like 60 years later

Spiritual Voices
Khrustalyov My Car
The River
Three Landscapes
West of the Tracks


There are some actual underage redditor retards that used to have a letterboxd general that all moved to a discord at some point and fucked off, I can see them posting shit like that

Green Labyrinth
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm PT.1
Lucifer Rising

I thought we had already established in a previous thread that 21st Benning is shit.

doesn't matter, it's just for the list

Okay I was waiting for other people to reply and they did, here's my 7
Good luck and Godspeed user

Horizons (1973)
Akran (1969)
Exotica (1994)
The gaze (1991)
Mr. Thank You (1936)
Magino village: a tale (1987)
March comes in like a lion (1991)

>green labyrinth
I blacked out, I meant grass labyrinth

Someone on Yea Forums recommended a relatively obscure Soviet film to me long time back which seemed to be about a bunch of young people trying to make the best of their lives in a bleak industrial town. I told myself I'd watch it another time and I thought I had the name bookmarked or written down somewhere. Wish I could remember its name. The only thing I remember apart from the cast being young people in an industrial Soviet town was that it was from the late 80s/early 90s. Anyone have any idea?

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Odyssey 1989?

One per decade:
Pickpocket (1959)
The Brick and the Mirror (1965)
The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eyes (1971)
À Flor do Mar (1986)
Taste of Cherry (1997)
At Sea (2007)
The Turin Horse (2011)
Also, I think the final chart should be limited to one film per director for the sake of variety.

I replied to you one or two threads ago but I guess you didn't see it. Maybe Three Days by Šarūnas Bartas.

Not Odyssey 1989 or Three Days

Brat (brother)?

The Needle?

Do you know any more details? Black and white or color? Narrative driven or more of a "slow cinema" type of movie?

I agree on the 1 film per director part

would you fellas be interested in a discord?

might make it easier to make a chart as well

>Talking about discord on 4channel
I'm sure this will turn out well

>would you fellas be interested in a discord?
I haven't finished transitioning

Al primo soffio di vento and O Desafio are based.Still got to see Komitas, does anybody have a link for it that isn't nitroflare?


If you mean discord run by a polish faggot then no

rec me erotic kinno

no i mean a fresh one for /ahg/

>Adventures of Antoine Doinel are my favorite movies
Who do you imagine?
Because that's me.

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wanting yourself to be challenged by indulging in austere art is a phase

A Serbian Film - Spasojević
Fat Girl - Breillat

In the realm of the senses

So are you supposed to go back to cracking open a beer after a day at the office, putting Daredevil on and everything something exciting happens you let out a faint "ya" or "woo". Slowly decaying

Or I can watch arthouse

Fuck you
Seen it.

Adolescenza Morbosa

>Adolescenza Morbosa
Where can I find this?

Nothing austere about wanting to get into a director's mind by indulging in the way he uses a camera. You're in that phase where you believe people who watch different stuff don't like commercial oriented movies. You're wrong, we don't have anything against it, it's just that commercial movies aren't made according to a director's vision, but according to what the audiences have come to expect. Regular people who casually turn on a movie expect to see what they've been used to seeing, and that's completely fine. For people who are really into the medium and want to see how a director can challenge us though every commercial film becomes stale by comparison.

I don't think Art House means what you think it means.


seedy underground shops

>commercial movies aren't made according to a director's vision, but according to what the audiences have come to expect
Alita is an exception to this. Go watch it!

A Mulher que inventou o amor (1979, Garrett)

it will be more evident when you're older and well versed in arthouse unless you're a literal manchild in which case you're a lost cause. humor me and tell me what is it about your favorite director that challenges you?


If anyone's interested

Don't worry about it, user. Your options are this thread or twitter screenshot threads

Seen it. Garrett is based.

When I first came to Yea Forums as a preteen I treated OP image like a sacred text but now that I'm grown it really doesn't make much sense at all. Seven Samurai and Wild At Heart are somehow entry level arthouse?

are you implying that they aren't art house or they aren't entry level

This. This is why everyone eventually abandons sites like RYM and letterboxd

They're not arthouse. I would also say that some of the films under entry-level, like Last Year at Marienbad, should be under mid-level, and vice versa, like Valerie and Her Week of Wonders.

>They're not arthouse

that's debatable

Well, at the very least it's extremely misleading to put them in the same category as Woman in the Dunes or 8 1/2

I enjoy Bresson

So are you saying there needs to be an additional section for Art-lite movies.

I personally think they still warrant discussion here

Is there an album I should listen to with Dog Man Star or is it intended to be watched completely silent? I've watched silent films before but this case is much more difficult with zero audio stimulus.

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how do you not see that four nights of a dreamer is literally blade runner 2049 for "im not like other moviebuffs"fags? the only difference is that the guy in four nights gets cucked in the end

I saw Dead Man’s Letters on 35mm at my local kinoplex last year and it was a great experience. Would definitely recommend if you want something else to scratch that Tarkovsky itch.

I'm saying they're well-known and accessible enough not to be in that list. They're below entry-level, they're like "You should already have seen this"-level. Seventh Seal and Stalker too, recommending them to people looking for entry-level arthouse is like telling a guy looking for music recs to check out the Beatles.

I don't have to prove anything to you user, this isn't a competition, it's about finding stuff that captivates you and makes you explore the potential of cinema as an art form

>some of the films under entry-level, like Last Year at Marienbad, should be under mid-level
Yeah, no. That's one of the more well-known FNW works and one of the two famous Resnais movies, every guide mentions that one. Same stands for everything in "entry level" part of that chart. Rule of thumb - if it's featured in a film school curriculum, it's entry level.

Discord's good for archival purposes but removes pure anonymitity and destroys the possibility of a growing interest via people scrolling the front page. It would also kill discussion in these threads when the same thing has been or could be discussed in the Discord channel. It's a bad move.

Nobody believes you're choosing not to answer my question to defy any sort of authority. Everyone knows it's because you can't do it, even yourself. "I don't have to prove anything to you" is a textbook response to unanswerable questions.
You must come from a different planet if you think what goes on in that discord channel constitutes as 'discussion'

nothing happens, but I liked it.
I enjoyed some bits of ZP, not even close of his italian films though. In general I think Antonioni’s films are a mess but some like La Notte or Blow Up are also masterpieces.
lovely ending
Four Nights is 1 hour and a half and looks good

You'e supposed to watch it completely silent but I'm sure Stan won't mind if you watch it with some music.

It'd be neat to make an original score.

Is this the best Svankmajer?

I think Alice is a close contender

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Shouldn't Yea Forums's guide be standalone? If this was the first guide to arthouse someone had ever picked up, LYAM is significantly more inaccessible and opaque story-wise than the rest of the entry-level list.

>reactionary politics

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>You must come from a different planet if you think what goes on in that discord channel constitutes as 'discussion'
I'm not in any arthouse discords. I use one to archive media of all sorts and one to talk to friends, and a few I made for emojis.

I haven't seen any Svankmajer, where should i start?

>After having seen enough films, you begin to notice patterns, it's nice to see new patterns, that's where arthouse comes in.
This is why I got into unironically watching Z-list BOTW/MST3K-tier trash.

rec me some

Absolutely based! Have you watched Day For Night as well? My favorite Truffaut!

what are some artsy movies with eye candy?

Ala-Arriba. It's about the insane fishermen that live in Póvoa de Varzim, a very nice place originally habitated by descendants of vikings that followed an insane caste system, and now provide some good football players

Eye candy as in what? Visually aesthetic? Qt girls?

Has any film that released after 1929 topped this?

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With Alice imo (it's Alice in Wonderland). If you like it, go Faust and then Little Otik.

Day of the Animals, Zone Troopers, Spider Baby, and Howling 3: The Marsupials were all a fun watch, for true bottom of the barrel there's also Dead of Knight and The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here!

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It's not an answerable question whatever that means
I have certain interest in movies, and you have yours. Me telling you what I appreciate about the movies I watch will have absolutely no meaning to you in this discussion, it's pointless besides keeping the thread bumped

Is that from Manoel as well?

No. Manoel stopped making movies for a while after Aniki because of the Salazar regime


Yes it does because my biggest beef with faggot cunts like yourself is participating in these threads with arbitrary replies thinking you're helping the cause when in reality you're a fucking NOBODY COCKSUCKER WHO DOESNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT ARTHOUSE AND TRIES TO HIDE THIS FACT BY USING GENERALITIES LIKE "ZOMG IT CHALLENING MAKE ME FEEELs DIFFERENTLY !!!"

look at the last 50 replies to this thread. faggots just randomly posting ""arthouse"" films with the caption "thoughts?", "what does /ahg/ think of this?", "what are some other films with x, y, z?", "any movies like x"

you faggots never discuss these movies so much as tapdance around them. how about instead of talking about whether or not stan brakhage would care if you listened to music while watching dog star man you fucking discuss what happens in the film and expound on your interpretations and what you believe the film means to you.

i hate everything about threads like these because it's the same shit over and over again. trivialities about directors nobody cares for. banal musings on cinematography that isn't even all that great to begin with. you're all worse than capeshit fans

while this is true my growth was getting just as much out of m night shamalan or adrift than antonioni. meaning the art house stuff is good but the popular stuff is more or less just as good.

ITT: zoomers discover art house and Yea Forums are insecure they don't understand it.

I can't recall Yea Forums ever being so cringy.


you have to be a preteen to be susceptible to the lure of artsy deep films. it's a phase you grow out of eventually. the only people who don't outgrow arthouse films are manchildren, no different than the 30+ yo ssoibois that react to marvel trailers on youtube


This isn't even good

I mean it's mediocre at best. Compare it to Koyaanisqatsi?

I will put it in my backlog. The thing is that I don't watch movies based on the director but on if Jean Pierre Leaud or Jean Seberg are in the movie. Thanks for the recommendation.

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because these movies are bad and no one wants to actually watch them

>you faggots never discuss these movies so much as tapdance around them. how about instead of talking about whether or not stan brakhage would care if you listened to music while watching dog star man you fucking discuss what happens in the film and expound on your interpretations and what you believe the film means to you.
Because the user who asked that hasn't watched the film yet, you fucking mongoloid.

This is an 18+ website senpai


there has never been a worse 7 sentences uttered in the history of humanity than these

nobody has the mental capacity or acuity to discuss these films in interesting ways. all you're good at is downloading and downloading and downloading and downloading

french new wave is the root of all evil

Are you saying any indulgence in a passion on a deeper level is just a phase? Fixing motorbikes is a phase? Going to theaters is a phase? Either you're baiting or you yourself cannot hold interest in a hobby for more than a few months. Let me be clear too, I'm not excluding any other films, I watch films of all types, it's just that after having seen so many, my focus tends to go to the ones I haven't seen.

yes im also saying you're a gay faggot. anymore questions?

Lmao based ahg exposed for the dilettantes they are

bergman is overrated as hell and tarkovsky does everything he does, but better.

Its impossible for me to watch anything made today without my internal radar and subliminal message translator going off. I consciously notice signs of subversion everywhere. At best, it triggers internal monologues where I start decrypting implications until the next scene switches my focus back to good goy mode, and at worst I start raging and go shitpost about the subtext on Yea Forums. Which defeats the whole point of entertainment, to relax. But I appreciate the autistic post-movie rant phase a lot. I try to mostly watch older stuff. Considerably less pozzed by today's standards. But it's gotten to the point where I now overwhelmingly see the early poz signs as well. John Ford sided with the Jewish commies during the blacklist, 80s action movies were already forcing the multiracial agenda, war movies are always from the pov of the victors, historical epics are always full of guilt ridden revisionism, arthouse is full of feminine, urban and liberal navel gazing bullshit, sci-fi is filled with pozzed metaphors, etc.

Bergman made 100+ films

Tarkshitty did like 5

get outside with your parents kiddo, you will appreciate spending time with them when you grow old

Well Bergman should have stopped shitting out films and focused on making them good.

each thought the other was better

Angelopoulos > Tarkovsky

I'm about to watch The Dreamers by Bertolucci, what do you guys think of it?

Why did it rain in the Room at the end of Stalker? Was that supposed to be important?

I know that feel, user. The worst is when that stuff is shoe/horned into an adaptation of earlier books. I watched Mowgli the Andy Serkis Jungle Book movie and the ending is a mess because of forced, out of place anti-white man bullshit. I watched Ang Lee's 1995 Sense & Sensibility though and it was great. I had to wonder if it was bc it's from the 90s or if it took and outsider to treat western literature with respect.

Anyone here seen this film? Went completely blind and what I took out of it, I'm not sure really. The sexual awakening of a young person, bolstered by the prominent use of water throughout as a symbol for natural way things ought to "go". Water flows, humans copulate.
The temporal moment the men and women clashed in, was parallel to the flames of youth coming together and burning out. The men who were away, but returning were analogous to the monogamous relationship that is the eventuality of all females. There's more what I took off it, but can't remember or form it concisely at the moment.
He was talking about bringing his family into the zone, as there were no other humans there and they could be in peace. Tarkovsky himself didn't consciously use symbolism in his films, so the rain might just be that, rain. If you personally want to start digging at it, it could be the cleansing effect one has on their soul when they've decided to leave a bad place and try their hand at something better.

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It's kino imo

i think that eva green had some great tits back in the day

the whole place was quite dilapidated so i guess the roof was leaky

watch it edgy fag

My candidates:

Paradies: Liebe (Ulrich Siedl, 2012)
Spun (Jonas Akerlund, 2002)
The Reunion (Anna Odell, 2013)
Like it was never before (Susanne Bier, 1995)
Beau Travail (Claire Denis, 1999)
Force Majeure (Ruben Ostlund, 2014)
Maai hung paak yan (Raymond lee, 2001)
Premutos - Der gefallene Engel (Olaf Ittenbach, 1997)
A Swedish Love Story (Roy Andersson, 1970)

Attached: Ultra Fucking Mega Boner Instant Orgasm.jpg (250x248, 12K)

>force majeure

also watch more old films

It's pleb trash. Watch if you want, but don't expect much.

why is force majeure trash?
It has an IMDB-rate of 7+ which according to makes it at good

i thought capeshit is just a phase but turns out i was wrong

who gives a fuck about scores
it's just a silly flick with no reedeming qualities
no aesthetics, no depth, no innovation, nothing

come to discord and submit your picks hun

Just got Death in Venice from criterion.

Going to watch it tonight

Any things I should know before going in?

Great ending sequence, love how Orson Welles parodied it in The Other Side of The Wind.


It's good.

godtier """""""movie discussion""""""" hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Well I'm planning on writing my thoughts after I watch it.

I have yet to see you participate in any discussion yet though. I'm interested in what some of your favorite movies are? How do they relate to you?

don't engage bait posters

I've just seen Last Tango in Paris and the most impressive thing about it is one scene where Marlon Brando gets up from the floor doing a perfect backflip.

Holy fuck, the guy was fit.

Pic related was pretty impressive, too. You don't see this kind of conviction in acting nowadays, it's a lost art.

Attached: Last.Tango.in.Paris.jpg (1280x694, 122K)

>Susanne Bier
Good pick, also did you know she made "Bird Box"? So bizarre.

Everybody mentions that one but later there is also another scene where she fingers Brando's asshole

Sounds very intriguing. I've been reading a lot of Hesse lately and heavy use of water symbolism is a common thread in his novels too.

Brando asked her to do that, and I doubt she had her fingers anywhere near his asshole. But he and Bertolucci conspired against her to film that scene. These were real tears, I had no idea the first time around and thought "wow, that's some poor acting", and only on rewatch was I silently disgusted at what I was witnessing.

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-Belladonna of Sadness
-9 Songs
-Lovers of the Arctic Circle

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I think that's a very silly scene to be outraged about. But to each on its own.


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If you ask a thousand randoms on the street if they've watched Stalker the vast majority will say not. It's in no way comparable to the Beatles. You've just spent too much time on the internet.

Bladerunner 2049